/* * Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "eldbus_cxx_suite.h" const char g_bus[] = "org.Enlightenment.TestCxx"; const char g_path[] = "/org/enlightenment"; const char g_interface[] = "org.enlightenment.FakeServer"; static void on_name_request(std::error_code const& ec, efl::eldbus::const_message , efl::eldbus::pending, unsigned int reply) { if(!ec) { if(reply != ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER) { printf("error name already in use\n"); return; } } } EFL_START_TEST(eldbus_cxx_client) { namespace edb = efl::eldbus; efl::ecore::ecore_init ecore_init; edb::eldbus_init init; edb::connection c_(edb::session); namespace es = edb::service; bool expected_bool = true; char expected_byte = 0xAA; uint32_t expected_uint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; int32_t expected_int32 = -1; int16_t expected_int16 = -1; double expected_double = 3.1415926; std::string expected_string = "expected string"; edb::service_interface iface = edb::service_interface_register (c_, g_path, g_interface , es::method("SendBool" , [expected_bool] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, bool b) { ck_assert(b == expected_bool); return b; } , es::ins("bool") , es::outs("bool") ) , es::method("SendByte" , [expected_byte] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, char c) { ck_assert(c == expected_byte); return c; } , es::ins("byte") , es::outs("byte") ) , es::method("SendUint32" , [expected_uint32] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, uint32_t n) { ck_assert(n == expected_uint32); return n; } , es::ins("uint32") , es::outs("uint32") ) , es::method("SendInt32" , [expected_int32] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, int32_t n) { ck_assert(n == expected_int32); return n; } , es::ins("int32") , es::outs("int32") ) , es::method("SendInt16" , [expected_int16] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, int16_t n) { ck_assert(n == expected_int16); return n; } , es::ins("int16") , es::outs("int16") ) , es::method("SendDouble" , [expected_double] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, double n) { ck_assert(n == expected_double); return n; } , es::ins("double") , es::outs("double") ) , es::method("SendString" , [expected_string] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, std::string const& n) { std::cout << "SendString " << n.size() << " " << n << std::endl; ck_assert(n == expected_string); return n; } , es::ins("string") , es::outs("string") ) , es::method("GetVoid" , [expected_bool] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface, bool b) { ck_assert(b == expected_bool); } , es::ins("string") ) , es::method("SendStringWithBool" , [expected_string, expected_bool] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface , std::string const& n, bool b) { ck_assert(n == expected_string); ck_assert(b == expected_bool); return n; } , es::ins("string", "bool") , es::outs("string") ) , es::method("SendStringAndBool" , [expected_string, expected_bool] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface , std::string const& n, bool b , bool* out) { std::cout << "Running SendStringAndBool" << std::endl; ck_assert(n == expected_string); ck_assert(b == expected_bool); *out = b; return n; } , es::ins("string", "bool") , es::outs("string", "bool") ) , es::method("SendStringAndBoolWithoutReturn" , [expected_string, expected_bool] (edb::const_message, edb::service_interface , std::string const& s, bool b , std::string* out_s, bool* out_b) { std::cout << "Running SendStringAndBool" << std::endl; ck_assert(s == expected_string); ck_assert(b == expected_bool); *out_s = s; *out_b = b; } , es::ins("string", "bool") , es::outs("string", "bool") ) ); static_cast(iface); using namespace std::placeholders; edb::name_request(c_, g_bus, ELDBUS_NAME_REQUEST_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE , & ::on_name_request); std::cout << "registered" << std::endl; edb::object o = c_.get_object(g_bus, g_path); edb::proxy p = o.get_proxy(g_interface); using namespace std::placeholders; p.call ("SendBool" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_bool] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& /*msg*/, bool b) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "bool received " << b << std::endl; ck_assert(b == expected_bool); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname = "", *errmsg = ""; // eldbus_message_error_get(msg, &errname, &errmsg); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_bool ); p.call ("SendByte" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_byte] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, char c) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "char received " << c << std::endl; ck_assert(c == expected_byte); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_byte ); p.call ("SendUint32" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_uint32] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, uint32_t i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "uint32_t received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_uint32); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_uint32 ); p.call ("SendInt32" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_int32] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, int32_t i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "int32_t received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_int32); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_int32 ); p.call ("SendInt16" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_int16] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, int16_t i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "int16_t received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_int16); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_int16 ); p.call ("SendDouble" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_double] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, double i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "double received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_double); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_double ); p.call ("SendString" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_string] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, std::string i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "string received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_string); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_string ); p.call ("GetVoid" , -1 , std::bind ([] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "GetVoid returned succesfully" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2) , expected_bool ); p.call ("SendStringWithBool" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_string] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, std::string i) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "string received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_string); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4) , expected_string , expected_bool ); p.call > ("SendStringAndBool" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_string, expected_bool] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, std::string i, bool b) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "string received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_string); ck_assert(b == expected_bool); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4, _5) , expected_string , expected_bool ); p.call > ("SendStringAndBoolWithoutReturn" , -1 , std::bind ([expected_string, expected_bool] (std::error_code const& ec, edb::const_message const& msg, std::string i, bool b) { if(!ec) { std::cout << "string received " << i << std::endl; ck_assert(i == expected_string); ck_assert(b == expected_bool); ::ecore_main_loop_quit(); } else { std::cout << "error " << ec.message() << std::endl; const char *errname, *errmsg; std::tie(errname, errmsg) = msg.error_get(); std::cout << "error " << errname << " " << errmsg << std::endl; std::abort(); } } , _1, _2, _4, _5) , expected_string , expected_bool ); // eldbus_name_owner_changed_callback_add(c.native_handle(), bus, on_name_owner_changed, // c.native_handle(), EINA_TRUE); ecore_main_loop_begin(); std::cout << "out of loop" << std::endl; } EFL_END_TEST void eldbus_test_client(TCase* tc) { tcase_add_test(tc, eldbus_cxx_client); }