#define EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT #define EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int width = 800; static void _resize_cb(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Evas_Object *vnc; int w = 0, h = 0; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); fprintf(stderr, "resizing [%i, %i]\n", w, h); vnc = ecore_evas_data_get(ee, "vnc"); evas_object_resize(vnc, w, h); } static Eina_Bool _anim(void *data) { static enum { RIGHT, LEFT } direction = LEFT; static const int speed = 20; int x, y; Evas_Object *rect = data; evas_object_geometry_get(rect, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); if (direction == LEFT) { x -= speed; if (x <= 0) { x = 0; direction = RIGHT; } } else { x += speed; if (x >= width) { direction = LEFT; x = width; } } evas_object_move(rect, x, y); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _accept_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED, const char *client_host) { printf("Client %s trying to connect\n", client_host); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _disc_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED, const char *client_host) { printf("Client %s disconnected\n", client_host); } static Eina_Bool _keyboard_event(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Key *e = event; Efl_Input_Device *seat = NULL; if (e->dev) seat = efl_input_device_seat_get(e->dev); printf("The keyboard on seat '%s' %s the key '%s'\n", seat ? efl_name_get(seat) : "default", type == ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN ? "pressed" : "released", e->keyname); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _mouse_move(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Move *e = event; Efl_Input_Device *seat = NULL; if (e->dev) seat = efl_input_device_seat_get(e->dev); printf("The mouse on seat '%s' is at X: %d Y:%d\n", seat ? efl_name_get(seat) : "default", e->x, e->y); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _mouse_button(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Button *e = event; Efl_Input_Device *seat = NULL; if (e->dev) seat = efl_input_device_seat_get(e->dev); printf("The mouse on seat '%s' %s the following button '%d'\n", seat ? efl_name_get(seat) : "default", type == ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN ? "pressed" : "released", e->buttons); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _mouse_wheel(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Mouse_Wheel *e = event; Efl_Input_Device *seat = NULL; if (e->dev) seat = efl_input_device_seat_get(e->dev); printf("The mouse on seat '%s' moved the wheel '%s'\n", seat ? efl_name_get(seat) : "default", e->z < 0 ? "up" : "down"); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static const char * _device_type_to_string(Efl_Input_Device_Type klass) { switch (klass) { case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_NONE: return "None"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_SEAT: return "Seat"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD: return "Keyboard"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE: return "Mouse"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH: return "Touch"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_PEN: return "Pen"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_WAND: return "Wand"; case EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD: return "Gamepad"; default: return "Unknown"; } } static void _seat_children_print(Efl_Input_Device *seat) { Efl_Input_Device *child; Eina_Iterator *it; printf("Children of seat: %s (%s, seat id: %d)\n", efl_name_get(seat), _device_type_to_string(efl_input_device_type_get(seat)), efl_input_device_seat_id_get(seat)); it = efl_input_device_children_iterate(seat); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, child) { printf(" - Sub device: %s (%s, seat id: %d)\n", efl_name_get(child), _device_type_to_string(efl_input_device_type_get(child)), efl_input_device_seat_id_get(seat)); } eina_iterator_free(it); } static void _dev_added_or_removed(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *event) { Efl_Input_Device *dev = event->info; printf("The device '%s' - class: '%s' - description: '%s' was '%s'\n", efl_name_get(dev), _device_type_to_string(efl_input_device_type_get(dev)), efl_comment_get(dev), event->desc == EFL_CANVAS_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED ? "added" : "removed"); if (efl_input_device_type_get(dev) == EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_SEAT) _seat_children_print(dev); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Evas *evas; Evas_Object *bg, *rect; Ecore_Animator *animator; Evas_Object *vnc; Ecore_Event_Handler *keydown_handler, *keyup_handler, *mouse_move, *mouse_down, *mouse_up, *mouse_wheel; char *engine = "software_x11"; int args, height = 600; Eina_Bool quit_option = EINA_FALSE; static const Ecore_Getopt options = { "ecore_evas_vnc_example", NULL, "0.1", "(C) 2016 Enlightenment Project", "BSD 2-Clause", "Ecore_Evas VNC example.\n", EINA_TRUE, { ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_DEF_STR('e', "engine", "The engine backend", "software_x11"), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_DEF_INT('w', "width", "The window width", 800), ECORE_GETOPT_STORE_DEF_INT('h', "height", "The window height", 600), ECORE_GETOPT_VERSION('v', "version"), ECORE_GETOPT_COPYRIGHT('c', "copyright"), ECORE_GETOPT_LICENSE('k', "license"), ECORE_GETOPT_HELP('H', "help"), ECORE_GETOPT_SENTINEL } }; Ecore_Getopt_Value values[] = { ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_STR(engine), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(width), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_INT(height), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_BOOL(quit_option), ECORE_GETOPT_VALUE_NONE }; ecore_evas_init(); args = ecore_getopt_parse(&options, values, argc, argv); if (args < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse command line options.\n"); return -1; } if (quit_option) return 0; printf("Using engine '%s'. Width: %d - Height: %d\n", engine, width, height); ee = ecore_evas_new(engine, 0, 0, width, height, NULL); if (!ee) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create the ecore evas\n"); return -1; } evas = ecore_evas_get(ee); bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas); evas_object_color_set(bg, 255, 255, 255, 255); evas_object_move(bg, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(bg, width, height); evas_object_show(bg); rect = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas); evas_object_color_set(rect, 0, 255, 0, 255); evas_object_resize(rect, 50, 50); evas_object_move(rect, (width - 50) /2, (height - 50)/2); evas_object_show(rect); animator = ecore_animator_add(_anim, rect); ecore_evas_show(ee); vnc = ecore_evas_vnc_start(ee, "localhost", -1, _accept_cb, _disc_cb, NULL); ecore_evas_data_set(ee, "vnc", vnc); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(ee, _resize_cb); evas_object_resize(vnc, width, height); evas_object_show(vnc); if (!vnc) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enable the VNC support!\n"); goto exit; } keydown_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _keyboard_event, NULL); keyup_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_UP, _keyboard_event, NULL); mouse_move = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, _mouse_move, NULL); mouse_up = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP, _mouse_button, NULL); mouse_down = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN, _mouse_button, NULL); mouse_wheel = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL, _mouse_wheel, NULL); _seat_children_print(evas_default_device_get(evas, EFL_INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE_SEAT)); efl_event_callback_add(evas, EFL_CANVAS_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, _dev_added_or_removed, NULL); efl_event_callback_add(evas, EFL_CANVAS_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED, _dev_added_or_removed, NULL); ecore_main_loop_begin(); ecore_event_handler_del(mouse_wheel); ecore_event_handler_del(keydown_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(keyup_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(mouse_move); ecore_event_handler_del(mouse_up); ecore_event_handler_del(mouse_down); exit: ecore_evas_free(ee); ecore_animator_del(animator); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return 0; }