import eina_types; struct Eio.Sentry.Event { [[Wraps the data about a monitor event on a file.]] trigger: const(char)*; [[The cause of the event.]] source: const(char)*; [[The original monitored path.]] } class Eio.Sentry (Eo.Base) { [[Monitors files and directories for changes.]] methods { add { [[Adds a new path to the list of monitored paths.]] params { @in path: const(char)*; } return : bool; } del { [[Removes the given path from the monitored list.]] params { @in path: const(char)*; } } } events { file,created: Eio.Sentry.Event; file,deleted: Eio.Sentry.Event; file,modified: Eio.Sentry.Event; file,closed: Eio.Sentry.Event; directory,created: Eio.Sentry.Event; directory,deleted: Eio.Sentry.Event; directory,modified: Eio.Sentry.Event; directory,closed: Eio.Sentry.Event; self,rename: Eio.Sentry.Event; self,deleted: Eio.Sentry.Event; error: Eio.Sentry.Event; } implements { Eo.Base.constructor; Eo.Base.destructor; } }