#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "elementary_config.h" #endif #include #include #include "elm_widget.h" #include "elm_priv.h" #include "efl_ui_position_manager_common.h" #define MY_CLASS EFL_UI_POSITION_MANAGER_LIST_CLASS #define MY_DATA_GET(obj, pd) \ Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd = efl_data_scope_get(obj, MY_CLASS); typedef struct { Api_Callbacks callbacks; Eina_Future *rebuild_absolut_size; int *size_cache; Efl_Gfx_Entity *last_group; Efl_Ui_Win *window; Evas *canvas; Vis_Segment prev_run; Eina_Rect viewport; Eina_Size2D abs_size; Eina_Vector2 scroll_position; Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation dir; unsigned int size; int average_item_size; int maximum_min_size; } Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data; /* * The here used cache is a sum map * Every element in the cache contains the sum of the previous element, and the size of the current item * This is usefull as a lookup of all previous items is O(1). * The tradeoff that makes the cache performant here is, that we only need to walk the whole list of items once in the beginning. * Every other walk of the items is at max the maximum number of items you get into the maximum distance between the average item size and a actaul item size. */ static void cache_invalidate(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { if (pd->size_cache) free(pd->size_cache); pd->size_cache = NULL; } static void cache_require(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { unsigned int i; const int len = 100; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Entity size_buffer[len]; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Result size_result; if (pd->size_cache) return; if (pd->size == 0) { pd->size_cache = NULL; pd->average_item_size = 0; return; } pd->size_cache = calloc(pd->size + 1, sizeof(int)); if (!pd->size_cache) return; pd->size_cache[0] = 0; pd->maximum_min_size = 0; for (i = 0; i < pd->size; ++i) { Eina_Size2D size; int step; int min; int buffer_id = i % len; if (buffer_id == 0) { BATCH_ACCESS_SIZE(pd->callbacks, i, pd->size, MIN(len, pd->size - i), EINA_TRUE, size_buffer); } size = size_buffer[buffer_id].size; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { step = size.h; min = size.w; } else { step = size.w; min = size.h; } pd->size_cache[i + 1] = pd->size_cache[i] + step; pd->maximum_min_size = MAX(pd->maximum_min_size, min); /* no point iterating further if size calc can't be done yet */ //if ((!i) && (!pd->maximum_min_size)) break; } pd->average_item_size = pd->size_cache[pd->size]/pd->size; if ((!pd->average_item_size) && (!pd->maximum_min_size)) cache_invalidate(obj, pd); } static int cache_access(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, unsigned int idx) { EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN_VAL(idx <= pd->size, 0); return pd->size_cache[idx]; } static void recalc_absolut_size(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { Eina_Size2D min_size = EINA_SIZE2D(-1, -1); Eina_Size2D pabs_size = pd->abs_size; int pmin_size = pd->maximum_min_size; cache_require(obj, pd); /* deferred */ if (!pd->size_cache) return; pd->abs_size = pd->viewport.size; if (pd->size) { if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) pd->abs_size.h = MAX(cache_access(obj, pd, pd->size), pd->abs_size.h); else pd->abs_size.w = MAX(cache_access(obj, pd, pd->size), pd->abs_size.w); } if ((pabs_size.w != pd->abs_size.w) || (pabs_size.h != pd->abs_size.h)) efl_event_callback_call(obj, EFL_UI_POSITION_MANAGER_ENTITY_EVENT_CONTENT_SIZE_CHANGED, &pd->abs_size); if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { min_size.w = pd->maximum_min_size; } else { min_size.h = pd->maximum_min_size; } if ((pd->maximum_min_size > 0) && (pd->maximum_min_size != pmin_size)) efl_event_callback_call(obj, EFL_UI_POSITION_MANAGER_ENTITY_EVENT_CONTENT_MIN_SIZE_CHANGED, &min_size); } static inline Vis_Segment _search_visual_segment(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, int relevant_space_size, int relevant_viewport) { Vis_Segment cur; //based on the average item size, we jump somewhere into the sum cache. //After beeing in there, we are walking back, until we have less space then viewport size cur.start_id = MIN((unsigned int)(relevant_space_size / pd->average_item_size), pd->size); for (; cache_access(obj, pd, cur.start_id) >= relevant_space_size && cur.start_id > 0; cur.start_id --) { } //starting on the start id, we are walking down until the sum of elements is bigger than the lower part of the viewport. cur.end_id = cur.start_id; for (; cur.end_id <= pd->size && cache_access(obj, pd, cur.end_id) <= relevant_space_size + relevant_viewport ; cur.end_id ++) { } cur.end_id = MAX(cur.end_id, cur.start_id + 1); cur.end_id = MIN(cur.end_id, pd->size); #ifdef DEBUG printf("space_size %d : starting point : %d : cached_space_starting_point %d end point : %d cache_space_end_point %d\n", space_size.h, cur.start_id, pd->size_cache[cur.start_id], cur.end_id, pd->size_cache[cur.end_id]); #endif if (relevant_space_size > 0) EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_GOTO(cache_access(obj, pd, cur.start_id) <= relevant_space_size, err); if (cur.end_id != pd->size) EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_GOTO(cache_access(obj, pd, cur.end_id) >= relevant_space_size + relevant_viewport, err); EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_GOTO(cur.start_id <= cur.end_id, err); return cur; err: cur.start_id = cur.end_id = 0; return cur; } static inline void _position_items(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, Vis_Segment new, int relevant_space_size) { Efl_Gfx_Entity *first_group = NULL, *first_fully_visual_group = NULL; Eina_Size2D first_group_size; Eina_Rect geom; const int len = 100; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Entity size_buffer[len]; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Result size_result; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Object_Batch_Entity obj_buffer[len]; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Object_Batch_Result object_result; unsigned int i; //placement of the plain items geom = pd->viewport; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) geom.y -= (relevant_space_size - cache_access(obj, pd, new.start_id)); else geom.x -= (relevant_space_size - cache_access(obj, pd, new.start_id)); evas_event_freeze(pd->canvas); for (i = new.start_id; i < new.end_id; ++i) { Eina_Size2D size; Efl_Gfx_Entity *ent = NULL; int buffer_id = (i-new.start_id) % len; if (buffer_id == 0) { BATCH_ACCESS_SIZE(pd->callbacks, i, new.end_id, len, EINA_FALSE, size_buffer); BATCH_ACCESS_OBJECT(pd->callbacks, i, new.end_id, len, obj_buffer); if (i == new.start_id) { first_group = object_result.group; first_group_size = size_result.parent_size; if (obj_buffer[0].depth_leader) { first_group = obj_buffer[0].entity; first_group_size = size_buffer[0].size; } } } size = size_buffer[buffer_id].size; ent = obj_buffer[buffer_id].entity; int diff = cache_access(obj, pd, i + 1) - cache_access(obj, pd, i); int real_diff = 0; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) real_diff = size.h; else real_diff = size.w; if (real_diff != diff) ERR("Reported sizes changed during caching and placement %d %d %d", i, real_diff, diff); if (ent == pd->last_group) { pd->last_group = NULL; } if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) geom.h = size.h; else geom.w = size.w; if (!first_fully_visual_group && obj_buffer[buffer_id].depth_leader && eina_spans_intersect(geom.x, geom.w, pd->viewport.x, pd->viewport.w) && eina_spans_intersect(geom.y, geom.h, pd->viewport.y, pd->viewport.h)) { first_fully_visual_group = obj_buffer[buffer_id].entity; } if (ent) { const char *signal; efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(ent, EINA_TRUE); efl_gfx_entity_geometry_set(ent, geom); if (i % 2 == 0) signal = "efl,state,even"; else signal = "efl,state,odd"; efl_layout_signal_emit(ent, signal, "efl"); } if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) geom.y += size.h; else geom.x += size.w; } //Now place group items if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) first_group_size.w = pd->viewport.w; else first_group_size.h = pd->viewport.h; //if there is a new group item, display the new one, and hide the old one if (first_group != pd->last_group) { efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(pd->last_group, EINA_FALSE); efl_gfx_stack_raise_to_top(first_group); pd->last_group = first_group; } //we have to set the visibility again here, as changing the visual segments might overwrite our visibility state efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(first_group, EINA_TRUE); //in case there is another group item coming in, the new group item (which is placed as normal item) moves the group item to the top Eina_Position2D first_group_pos = EINA_POSITION2D(pd->viewport.x, pd->viewport.y); if (first_fully_visual_group && first_fully_visual_group != first_group) { Eina_Position2D first_visual_group; first_visual_group = efl_gfx_entity_position_get(first_fully_visual_group); if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) first_group_pos.y = MIN(first_group_pos.y, first_visual_group.y - first_group_size.h); else first_group_pos.x = MIN(first_group_pos.x, first_visual_group.x - first_group_size.w); } efl_gfx_entity_position_set(first_group, first_group_pos); efl_gfx_entity_size_set(first_group, first_group_size); evas_event_thaw(pd->canvas); evas_event_thaw_eval(pd->canvas); } static void position_content(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { Eina_Size2D space_size; Vis_Segment cur; int relevant_space_size, relevant_viewport; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Range_Update ev; if (!pd->size) return; if (pd->average_item_size <= 0) return; cache_require(obj, pd); //space size contains the amount of space that is outside the viewport (either to the top or to the left) space_size.w = (MAX(pd->abs_size.w - pd->viewport.w, 0))*pd->scroll_position.x; space_size.h = (MAX(pd->abs_size.h - pd->viewport.h, 0))*pd->scroll_position.y; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { relevant_space_size = space_size.h; relevant_viewport = pd->viewport.h; } else { relevant_space_size = space_size.w; relevant_viewport = pd->viewport.w; } cur = _search_visual_segment(obj, pd, relevant_space_size, relevant_viewport); //to performance optimize the whole widget, we are setting the objects that are outside the viewport to visibility false //The code below ensures that things outside the viewport are always hidden, and things inside the viewport are visible vis_segment_swap(pd->callbacks, cur, pd->prev_run); _position_items(obj, pd, cur, relevant_space_size); if (pd->prev_run.start_id != cur.start_id || pd->prev_run.end_id != cur.end_id) { ev.start_id = pd->prev_run.start_id = cur.start_id; ev.end_id = pd->prev_run.end_id = cur.end_id; efl_event_callback_call(obj, EFL_UI_POSITION_MANAGER_ENTITY_EVENT_VISIBLE_RANGE_CHANGED, &ev); } } static Eina_Value _rebuild_job_cb(Eo *obj, void *data, const Eina_Value v) { Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd = data; cache_require(obj, pd); recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); position_content(obj, pd); return v; } static void _rebuild_job_free(Eo *o EINA_UNUSED, void *data, const Eina_Future *dead_future EINA_UNUSED) { Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd = data; pd->rebuild_absolut_size = NULL; } static void schedule_recalc_absolut_size(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { if (pd->rebuild_absolut_size) return; pd->rebuild_absolut_size = efl_future_then(obj, efl_loop_job(efl_app_main_get()), .success = _rebuild_job_cb, .data = pd, .free = _rebuild_job_free); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_viewport_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, Eina_Rect size) { if (pd->viewport.x == size.x && pd->viewport.y == size.y && pd->viewport.w == size.w && pd->viewport.h == size.h) return; pd->viewport = size; recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); position_content(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_scroll_position_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, double x, double y) { pd->scroll_position.x = x; pd->scroll_position.y = y; position_content(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_item_added(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, int added_index EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Gfx_Entity *subobj) { if (pd->size == 0) { pd->prev_run.start_id = 0; pd->prev_run.end_id = 0; } pd->size ++; if (subobj) { efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(subobj, EINA_FALSE); } cache_invalidate(obj, pd); schedule_recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_item_removed(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, int removed_index EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Gfx_Entity *subobj) { pd->size --; if (subobj) { efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(subobj, EINA_TRUE); } cache_invalidate(obj, pd); schedule_recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static Eina_Rect _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_position_single_item(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, int idx) { Eina_Rect geom; Eina_Size2D space_size; int relevant_space_size; Eina_Size2D size; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Entity size_buffer[1]; Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Result size_result; if (!pd->size) return EINA_RECT(0,0,0,0); cache_require(obj, pd); //space size contains the amount of space that is outside the viewport (either to the top or to the left) space_size.w = (MAX(pd->abs_size.w - pd->viewport.w, 0))*pd->scroll_position.x; space_size.h = (MAX(pd->abs_size.h - pd->viewport.h, 0))*pd->scroll_position.y; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN_VAL(space_size.w >= 0 && space_size.h >= 0, EINA_RECT(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { relevant_space_size = space_size.h; } else { relevant_space_size = space_size.w; } geom = pd->viewport; BATCH_ACCESS_SIZE_VAL(pd->callbacks, idx, idx + 1, 1, EINA_FALSE, size_buffer, EINA_RECT_EMPTY()); size = size_buffer[0].size; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { geom.y -= (relevant_space_size - cache_access(obj, pd, idx)); geom.h = size.h; } else { geom.x -= (relevant_space_size - cache_access(obj, pd, idx)); geom.w = size.w; } return geom; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_item_size_changed(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, int start_id EINA_UNUSED, int end_id EINA_UNUSED) { cache_invalidate(obj, pd); schedule_recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_layout_orientable_orientation_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation dir) { pd->dir = dir; //in order to reset the state of the visible items, just hide everything and set the old segment accordingly vis_change_segment(pd->callbacks, pd->prev_run.start_id, pd->prev_run.end_id, EINA_FALSE); pd->prev_run.start_id = 0; pd->prev_run.end_id = 0; cache_invalidate(obj, pd); cache_require(obj,pd); if (!efl_finalized_get(obj)) return; recalc_absolut_size(obj, pd); position_content(obj, pd); } EOLIAN static Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_layout_orientable_orientation_get(const Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { return pd->dir; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_object_invalidate(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd) { if (pd->rebuild_absolut_size) eina_future_cancel(pd->rebuild_absolut_size); efl_ui_position_manager_data_access_v1_data_access_set(obj, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); efl_invalidate(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); } EOLIAN static Eina_Bool _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_relative_item(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, unsigned int current_id, Efl_Ui_Focus_Direction direction, unsigned int *index) { switch(direction) { case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_RIGHT: case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_NEXT: case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_DOWN: if (current_id + 1 >= pd->size) return EINA_FALSE; current_id += 1; break; case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_LEFT: case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_PREVIOUS: case EFL_UI_FOCUS_DIRECTION_UP: if (current_id == 0) return EINA_FALSE; current_id -= 1; break; default: ERR("Uncaught case!"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (index) *index = current_id; return EINA_TRUE; } EOLIAN static int _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_version(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, int max EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_data_access_v1_data_access_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, Efl_Ui_Win *canvas, void *obj_access_data, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Object_Batch_Callback obj_access, Eina_Free_Cb obj_access_free_cb, void *size_access_data, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_Size_Batch_Callback size_access, Eina_Free_Cb size_access_free_cb, int size) { // Cleanup cache first cache_invalidate(obj, pd); // Clean callback if they were set if (pd->callbacks.object.free_cb) pd->callbacks.object.free_cb(pd->callbacks.object.data); if (pd->callbacks.size.free_cb) pd->callbacks.size.free_cb(pd->callbacks.size.data); // Set them efl_replace(&pd->window, canvas); efl_replace(&pd->canvas, canvas ? evas_object_evas_get(canvas) : NULL); pd->callbacks.object.data = obj_access_data; pd->callbacks.object.access = obj_access; pd->callbacks.object.free_cb = obj_access_free_cb; pd->callbacks.size.data = size_access_data; pd->callbacks.size.access = size_access; pd->callbacks.size.free_cb = size_access_free_cb; pd->size = size; } EOLIAN static void _efl_ui_position_manager_list_efl_ui_position_manager_entity_entities_ready(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Position_Manager_List_Data *pd, unsigned int start_id, unsigned int end_id) { Eina_Size2D space_size; int relevant_space_size; if (end_id < pd->prev_run.start_id || start_id > pd->prev_run.end_id) return; if (!pd->size) return; if (pd->average_item_size <= 0) return; cache_require(obj, pd); //space size contains the amount of space that is outside the viewport (either to the top or to the left) space_size.w = (MAX(pd->abs_size.w - pd->viewport.w, 0))*pd->scroll_position.x; space_size.h = (MAX(pd->abs_size.h - pd->viewport.h, 0))*pd->scroll_position.y; if (pd->dir == EFL_UI_LAYOUT_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { relevant_space_size = space_size.h; } else { relevant_space_size = space_size.w; } _position_items(obj, pd, pd->prev_run, relevant_space_size); } #include "efl_ui_position_manager_list.eo.c"