#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include /* getcwd */ #endif #include #include #include #define HTTP_STREAM 0 #define RTSP_STREAM 1 #include #include #include #include #include // forcibly disable x overlay window.. broken badly. #undef HAVE_ECORE_X #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X # include # ifdef HAVE_XOVERLAY_H # include # endif #endif #include "emotion_modules.h" #include "emotion_gstreamer.h" Eina_Bool window_manager_video = EINA_FALSE; int _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = -1; Eina_Bool debug_fps = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool _ecore_x_available = EINA_FALSE; static Ecore_Idler *restart_idler; static int _emotion_init_count = 0; /* Callbacks to get the eos */ static void _for_each_tag (GstTagList const* list, gchar const* tag, void *data); static void _free_metadata (Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata *m); static GstBusSyncReply _eos_sync_fct(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer data); static Eina_Bool _em_restart_stream(void *data); /* Module interface */ static int priority_overide = 0; static Emotion_Video_Stream * emotion_video_stream_new(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; if (!ev) return NULL; vstream = (Emotion_Video_Stream *)calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Video_Stream)); if (!vstream) return NULL; ev->video_streams = eina_list_append(ev->video_streams, vstream); return vstream; } static const char * emotion_visualization_element_name_get(Emotion_Vis visualisation) { switch (visualisation) { case EMOTION_VIS_NONE: return NULL; case EMOTION_VIS_GOOM: return "goom"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_BUMPSCOPE: return "libvisual_bumpscope"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_CORONA: return "libvisual_corona"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_DANCING_PARTICLES: return "libvisual_dancingparticles"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_GDKPIXBUF: return "libvisual_gdkpixbuf"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_G_FORCE: return "libvisual_G-Force"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_GOOM: return "libvisual_goom"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_INFINITE: return "libvisual_infinite"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_JAKDAW: return "libvisual_jakdaw"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_JESS: return "libvisual_jess"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_ANALYSER: return "libvisual_lv_analyzer"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_FLOWER: return "libvisual_lv_flower"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_GLTEST: return "libvisual_lv_gltest"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_LV_SCOPE: return "libvisual_lv_scope"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_MADSPIN: return "libvisual_madspin"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_NEBULUS: return "libvisual_nebulus"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_OINKSIE: return "libvisual_oinksie"; case EMOTION_VIS_LIBVISUAL_PLASMA: return "libvisual_plazma"; default: return "goom"; } } static void em_cleanup(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev) { Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; if (ev->send) { emotion_gstreamer_buffer_free(ev->send); ev->send = NULL; } if (ev->eos_bus) { gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(ev->eos_bus)); ev->eos_bus = NULL; } if (ev->metadata) { _free_metadata(ev->metadata); ev->metadata = NULL; } if (ev->last_buffer) { gst_buffer_unref(ev->last_buffer); ev->last_buffer = NULL; } if (!ev->stream) { evas_object_image_video_surface_set(emotion_object_image_get(ev->obj), NULL); ev->stream = EINA_TRUE; } if (ev->pipeline) { gstreamer_video_sink_new(ev, ev->obj, NULL); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->esink), "ev", NULL, NULL); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->esink), "evas-object", NULL, NULL); gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(ev->pipeline); ev->pipeline = NULL; ev->sink = NULL; if (ev->eteepad) gst_object_unref(ev->eteepad); ev->eteepad = NULL; if (ev->xvteepad) gst_object_unref(ev->xvteepad); ev->xvteepad = NULL; if (ev->xvpad) gst_object_unref(ev->xvpad); ev->xvpad = NULL; ev->src_width = 0; ev->src_height = 0; #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X INF("destroying window: %i", ev->win); if (ev->win) ecore_x_window_free(ev->win); ev->win = 0; #endif } if (restart_idler) { ecore_idler_del(restart_idler); restart_idler = NULL; } EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->audio_streams, astream) free(astream); EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->video_streams, vstream) free(vstream); } static void em_del(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = video; if (ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); ev->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; return; } if (ev->in != ev->out) { ev->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; return; } em_cleanup(ev); free(ev); } static Eina_Bool em_file_open(void *video, const char *file) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = video; Eina_Strbuf *sbuf = NULL; const char *uri; if (!file) return EINA_FALSE; if (strstr(file, "://") == NULL) { sbuf = eina_strbuf_new(); eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "file://"); if (strncmp(file, "./", 2) == 0) file += 2; if (strstr(file, ":/") != NULL) { /* We absolutely need file:///C:/ under Windows, so adding it here */ eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "/"); } else if (*file != '/') { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (getcwd(tmp, PATH_MAX)) { eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, tmp); eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, "/"); } } eina_strbuf_append(sbuf, file); } ev->play_started = 0; ev->pipeline_parsed = 0; uri = sbuf ? eina_strbuf_string_get(sbuf) : file; DBG("setting file to '%s'", uri); ev->pipeline = gstreamer_video_sink_new(ev, ev->obj, uri); if (sbuf) eina_strbuf_free(sbuf); if (!ev->pipeline) return EINA_FALSE; ev->eos_bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(ev->pipeline)); if (!ev->eos_bus) { ERR("could not get the bus"); return EINA_FALSE; } gst_bus_set_sync_handler(ev->eos_bus, _eos_sync_fct, ev); ev->position = 0.0; return 1; } static void em_file_close(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev) return; if (ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); } em_cleanup(ev); ev->pipeline_parsed = EINA_FALSE; ev->play_started = 0; } static void em_play(void *video, double pos EINA_UNUSED) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return; if (ev->pipeline_parsed) gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); ev->play = 1; ev->play_started = 1; } static void em_stop(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return; if (ev->pipeline_parsed) gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED); ev->play = 0; } static void em_size_get(void *video, int *width, int *height) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) goto on_error; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { if (width) *width = vstream->width; if (height) *height = vstream->height; return; } on_error: if (width) *width = 0; if (height) *height = 0; } static void em_pos_set(void *video, double pos) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return; if (ev->play) gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED); gst_element_seek(ev->pipeline, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_SEEK_FLAG_ACCURATE | GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH, GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, (gint64)(pos * (double)GST_SECOND), GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, -1); if (ev->play) gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); } /** * Returns stream duration in seconds */ static double em_len_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; Eina_List *l; GstFormat fmt; gint64 val; gboolean ret; ev = video; fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; if (!ev->pipeline) return 0.0; ret = gst_element_query_duration(ev->pipeline, &fmt, &val); if (!ret) goto fallback; if (fmt != GST_FORMAT_TIME) { DBG("requested duration in time, but got %s instead.", gst_format_get_name(fmt)); goto fallback; } if (val <= 0.0) goto fallback; return GST_TIME_AS_SECONDS(val); fallback: if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0.0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ev->audio_streams, l, astream) if (astream->length_time >= 0) return astream->length_time; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ev->video_streams, l, vstream) if (vstream->length_time >= 0) return vstream->length_time; return 0.0; } static double em_buffer_size_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GstQuery *query; gboolean busy; gint percent; ev = video; if (!ev->pipeline) return 0.0; query = gst_query_new_buffering(GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT); if (gst_element_query(ev->pipeline, query)) gst_query_parse_buffering_percent(query, &busy, &percent); else percent = 100; gst_query_unref(query); return ((float)(percent)) / 100.0; } static int em_fps_num_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return vstream->fps_num; return 0; } static int em_fps_den_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 1; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return vstream->fps_den; return 1; } static double em_fps_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return 0.0; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) return (double)vstream->fps_num / (double)vstream->fps_den; return 0.0; } /** * Returns stream position in seconds */ static double em_pos_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GstFormat fmt; gint64 val; gboolean ret; ev = video; fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; if (!ev->pipeline) return 0.0; ret = gst_element_query_position(ev->pipeline, &fmt, &val); if (!ret) return ev->position; if (fmt != GST_FORMAT_TIME) { ERR("requested position in time, but got %s instead.", gst_format_get_name(fmt)); return ev->position; } ev->position = GST_TIME_AS_SECONDS(val); return ev->position; } static void em_vis_set(void *video, Emotion_Vis vis) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; ev->vis = vis; } static Emotion_Vis em_vis_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->vis; } static Eina_Bool em_vis_supported(void *ef EINA_UNUSED, Emotion_Vis vis) { const char *name; GstElementFactory *factory; if (vis == EMOTION_VIS_NONE) return EINA_TRUE; name = emotion_visualization_element_name_get(vis); if (!name) return EINA_FALSE; factory = gst_element_factory_find(name); if (!factory) return EINA_FALSE; gst_object_unref(factory); return EINA_TRUE; } static double em_ratio_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->ratio; } static int em_video_handled(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); if (!eina_list_count(ev->video_streams)) return 0; return 1; } static int em_audio_handled(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); if (!eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams)) return 0; return 1; } static int em_seekable(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; } static void em_frame_done(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { } static Emotion_Format em_format_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { switch (vstream->fourcc) { case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_I420; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('Y', 'V', '1', '2'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_YV12; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_YUY2; case GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'): return EMOTION_FORMAT_BGRA; default: return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; } } return EMOTION_FORMAT_NONE; } static void em_video_data_size_get(void *video, int *w, int *h) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (ev->pipeline && (!ev->video_stream_nbr || !ev->video_streams)) if (!_emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE)) goto on_error; vstream = eina_list_nth(ev->video_streams, ev->video_stream_nbr - 1); if (vstream) { *w = vstream->width; *h = vstream->height; return; } on_error: *w = 0; *h = 0; } static int em_yuv_rows_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int w EINA_UNUSED, int h EINA_UNUSED, unsigned char **yrows EINA_UNUSED, unsigned char **urows EINA_UNUSED, unsigned char **vrows EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static int em_bgra_data_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, unsigned char **bgra_data EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static void em_event_feed(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int event EINA_UNUSED) { } static void em_event_mouse_button_feed(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int button EINA_UNUSED, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED) { } static void em_event_mouse_move_feed(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED) { } /* Video channels */ static int em_video_channel_count(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return eina_list_count(ev->video_streams); } static void em_video_channel_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { #if 0 Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (channel < 0) channel = 0; #endif /* FIXME: a faire... */ } static int em_video_channel_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return ev->video_stream_nbr; } static void em_video_subtitle_file_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, const char *filepath EINA_UNUSED) { DBG("video_subtitle_file_set not implemented for gstreamer yet."); } static const char * em_video_subtitle_file_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { DBG("video_subtitle_file_get not implemented for gstreamer yet."); return NULL; } static const char * em_video_channel_name_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void em_video_channel_mute_set(void *video, int mute) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; ev->video_mute = mute; } static int em_video_channel_mute_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->video_mute; } /* Audio channels */ static int em_audio_channel_count(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams); } static void em_audio_channel_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { #if 0 Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (channel < -1) channel = -1; #endif /* FIXME: a faire... */ } static int em_audio_channel_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(ev, EINA_FALSE); return ev->audio_stream_nbr; } static const char * em_audio_channel_name_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } #define GST_PLAY_FLAG_AUDIO (1 << 1) static void em_audio_channel_mute_set(void *video, int mute) { /* NOTE: at first I wanted to completly shutdown the audio path on mute, but that's not possible as the audio sink could be the clock source for the pipeline (at least that's the case on some of the hardware I have been tested emotion on. */ Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return; ev->audio_mute = mute; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "mute", !!mute, NULL); } static int em_audio_channel_mute_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->audio_mute; } static void em_audio_channel_volume_set(void *video, double vol) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev->pipeline) return; if (vol < 0.0) vol = 0.0; if (vol > 1.0) vol = 1.0; ev->volume = vol; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "volume", vol, NULL); } static double em_audio_channel_volume_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; return ev->volume; } /* spu stuff */ static int em_spu_channel_count(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static void em_spu_channel_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { } static int em_spu_channel_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; } static const char * em_spu_channel_name_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int channel EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void em_spu_channel_mute_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int mute EINA_UNUSED) { } static int em_spu_channel_mute_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static int em_chapter_count(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static void em_chapter_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int chapter EINA_UNUSED) { } static int em_chapter_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } static const char * em_chapter_name_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED, int chapter EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void em_speed_set(void *video EINA_UNUSED, double speed EINA_UNUSED) { } static double em_speed_get(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 1.0; } static int em_eject(void *video EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; } static const char * em_meta_get(void *video, int meta) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; const char *str = NULL; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *)video; if (!ev || !ev->metadata) return NULL; switch (meta) { case META_TRACK_TITLE: str = ev->metadata->title; break; case META_TRACK_ARTIST: str = ev->metadata->artist; break; case META_TRACK_ALBUM: str = ev->metadata->album; break; case META_TRACK_YEAR: str = ev->metadata->year; break; case META_TRACK_GENRE: str = ev->metadata->genre; break; case META_TRACK_COMMENT: str = ev->metadata->comment; break; case META_TRACK_DISCID: str = ev->metadata->disc_id; break; default: break; } return str; } static void em_priority_set(void *video, Eina_Bool pri) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = video; if (priority_overide > 3) return; /* If we failed to much to create that pipeline, let's don't wast our time anymore */ if (ev->priority != pri && ev->pipeline) { if (ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); } em_cleanup(ev); restart_idler = ecore_idler_add(_em_restart_stream, ev); } ev->priority = pri; } static Eina_Bool em_priority_get(void *video) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = video; return !ev->stream; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X static Eina_Bool _ecore_event_x_destroy(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_X_Event_Window_Destroy *ev = event; INF("killed window: %x (%x).", ev->win, ev->event_win); return EINA_TRUE; } static void gstreamer_ecore_x_check(void) { Ecore_X_Window *roots; int num; ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_DESTROY, _ecore_event_x_destroy, NULL); /* Check if the window manager is able to handle our special Xv window. */ roots = ecore_x_window_root_list(&num); if (roots && num > 0) { Ecore_X_Window win, twin; int nwins; nwins = ecore_x_window_prop_window_get(roots[0], ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, &win, 1); if (nwins > 0) { nwins = ecore_x_window_prop_window_get(win, ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, &twin, 1); if (nwins > 0 && twin == win) { Ecore_X_Atom *supported; int supported_num; int i; if (ecore_x_netwm_supported_get(roots[0], &supported, &supported_num)) { Eina_Bool parent = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool video_position = EINA_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < supported_num; ++i) { if (supported[i] == ECORE_X_ATOM_E_VIDEO_PARENT) parent = EINA_TRUE; else if (supported[i] == ECORE_X_ATOM_E_VIDEO_POSITION) video_position = EINA_TRUE; if (parent && video_position) break; } if (parent && video_position) { window_manager_video = EINA_TRUE; } } free(supported); } } } free(roots); } #endif static void * em_add(const Emotion_Engine *api, Evas_Object *obj, const Emotion_Module_Options *opt EINA_UNUSED) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(ev, NULL); ev->api = api; ev->obj = obj; /* Default values */ ev->ratio = 1.0; ev->vis = EMOTION_VIS_NONE; ev->volume = 0.8; ev->play_started = 0; ev->delete_me = EINA_FALSE; ev->threads = NULL; return ev; } static const Emotion_Engine em_engine = { EMOTION_ENGINE_API_VERSION, EMOTION_ENGINE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "gstreamer", em_add, /* add */ em_del, /* del */ em_file_open, /* file_open */ em_file_close, /* file_close */ em_play, /* play */ em_stop, /* stop */ em_size_get, /* size_get */ em_pos_set, /* pos_set */ em_len_get, /* len_get */ em_buffer_size_get, /* buffer_size_get */ em_fps_num_get, /* fps_num_get */ em_fps_den_get, /* fps_den_get */ em_fps_get, /* fps_get */ em_pos_get, /* pos_get */ em_vis_set, /* vis_set */ em_vis_get, /* vis_get */ em_vis_supported, /* vis_supported */ em_ratio_get, /* ratio_get */ em_video_handled, /* video_handled */ em_audio_handled, /* audio_handled */ em_seekable, /* seekable */ em_frame_done, /* frame_done */ em_format_get, /* format_get */ em_video_data_size_get, /* video_data_size_get */ em_yuv_rows_get, /* yuv_rows_get */ em_bgra_data_get, /* bgra_data_get */ em_event_feed, /* event_feed */ em_event_mouse_button_feed, /* event_mouse_button_feed */ em_event_mouse_move_feed, /* event_mouse_move_feed */ em_video_channel_count, /* video_channel_count */ em_video_channel_set, /* video_channel_set */ em_video_channel_get, /* video_channel_get */ em_video_subtitle_file_set, /* video_subtitle_file_set */ em_video_subtitle_file_get, /* video_subtitle_file_get */ em_video_channel_name_get, /* video_channel_name_get */ em_video_channel_mute_set, /* video_channel_mute_set */ em_video_channel_mute_get, /* video_channel_mute_get */ em_audio_channel_count, /* audio_channel_count */ em_audio_channel_set, /* audio_channel_set */ em_audio_channel_get, /* audio_channel_get */ em_audio_channel_name_get, /* audio_channel_name_get */ em_audio_channel_mute_set, /* audio_channel_mute_set */ em_audio_channel_mute_get, /* audio_channel_mute_get */ em_audio_channel_volume_set, /* audio_channel_volume_set */ em_audio_channel_volume_get, /* audio_channel_volume_get */ em_spu_channel_count, /* spu_channel_count */ em_spu_channel_set, /* spu_channel_set */ em_spu_channel_get, /* spu_channel_get */ em_spu_channel_name_get, /* spu_channel_name_get */ em_spu_channel_mute_set, /* spu_channel_mute_set */ em_spu_channel_mute_get, /* spu_channel_mute_get */ em_chapter_count, /* chapter_count */ em_chapter_set, /* chapter_set */ em_chapter_get, /* chapter_get */ em_chapter_name_get, /* chapter_name_get */ em_speed_set, /* speed_set */ em_speed_get, /* speed_get */ em_eject, /* eject */ em_meta_get, /* meta_get */ em_priority_set, /* priority_set */ em_priority_get, /* priority_get */ NULL /* em_meta_artwork_get */ }; Eina_Bool gstreamer_module_init(void) { GError *error; if (_emotion_init_count > 0) { _emotion_pending_ecore_begin(); return EINA_TRUE; } if (getenv("EMOTION_FPS_DEBUG")) debug_fps = EINA_TRUE; eina_threads_init(); eina_log_threads_enable(); _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = eina_log_domain_register ("emotion-gstreamer", EINA_COLOR_LIGHTCYAN); if (_emotion_gstreamer_log_domain < 0) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not register log domain 'emotion-gstreamer'"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (!gst_init_check(0, NULL, &error)) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not init GStreamer"); goto error_gst_init; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (ecore_x_init(NULL) > 0) { _ecore_x_available = EINA_TRUE; gstreamer_ecore_x_check(); } #endif if (gst_plugin_register_static(GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, "emotion-sink", "video sink plugin for Emotion", gstreamer_plugin_init, VERSION, "LGPL", "Enlightenment", PACKAGE, "http://www.enlightenment.org/") == FALSE) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Could not load static gstreamer video sink for Emotion."); goto error_gst_plugin; } if (!_emotion_module_register(&em_engine)) { ERR("Could not register module %p", &em_engine); goto error_register; } _emotion_init_count = 1; return EINA_TRUE; error_register: error_gst_plugin: #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (_ecore_x_available) { ecore_x_shutdown(); _ecore_x_available = EINA_FALSE; window_manager_video = EINA_FALSE; } #endif gst_deinit(); error_gst_init: eina_log_domain_unregister(_emotion_gstreamer_log_domain); _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = -1; return EINA_FALSE; } void gstreamer_module_shutdown(void) { if (_emotion_init_count > 1) { _emotion_init_count--; return; } else if (_emotion_init_count == 0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("too many gstreamer_module_shutdown()"); return; } _emotion_init_count = 0; _emotion_module_unregister(&em_engine); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (_ecore_x_available) { ecore_x_shutdown(); _ecore_x_available = EINA_FALSE; window_manager_video = EINA_FALSE; } #endif eina_log_domain_unregister(_emotion_gstreamer_log_domain); _emotion_gstreamer_log_domain = -1; gst_deinit(); } #ifndef EMOTION_STATIC_BUILD_GSTREAMER EINA_MODULE_INIT(gstreamer_module_init); EINA_MODULE_SHUTDOWN(gstreamer_module_shutdown); #endif static void _for_each_tag(GstTagList const* list, gchar const* tag, void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; int i; int count; ev = (Emotion_Gstreamer_Video*)data; if (!ev || !ev->metadata) return; count = gst_tag_list_get_tag_size(list, tag); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_TITLE)) { char *str; g_free(ev->metadata->title); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_TITLE, &str)) ev->metadata->title = str; else ev->metadata->title = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_ALBUM)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->album); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_ALBUM, &str)) ev->metadata->album = str; else ev->metadata->album = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_ARTIST)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->artist); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_ARTIST, &str)) ev->metadata->artist = str; else ev->metadata->artist = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_GENRE)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->genre); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_GENRE, &str)) ev->metadata->genre = str; else ev->metadata->genre = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_COMMENT)) { gchar *str; g_free(ev->metadata->comment); if (gst_tag_list_get_string(list, GST_TAG_COMMENT, &str)) ev->metadata->comment = str; else ev->metadata->comment = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_DATE)) { gchar *str; const GValue *date; g_free(ev->metadata->year); date = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_DATE, 0); if (date) str = g_strdup_value_contents(date); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->year = str; break; } if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER)) { gchar *str; const GValue *track; g_free(ev->metadata->count); track = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER, 0); if (track) str = g_strdup_value_contents(track); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->count = str; break; } #ifdef GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID if (!strcmp(tag, GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID)) { gchar *str; const GValue *discid; g_free(ev->metadata->disc_id); discid = gst_tag_list_get_value_index(list, GST_TAG_CDDA_CDDB_DISCID, 0); if (discid) str = g_strdup_value_contents(discid); else str = NULL; ev->metadata->disc_id = str; break; } #endif } } static void _free_metadata(Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata *m) { if (!m) return; g_free(m->title); g_free(m->album); g_free(m->artist); g_free(m->genre); g_free(m->comment); g_free(m->year); g_free(m->count); g_free(m->disc_id); free(m); } static Eina_Bool _em_restart_stream(void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; ev = data; ev->pipeline = gstreamer_video_sink_new(ev, ev->obj, ev->uri); if (ev->pipeline) { ev->eos_bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(ev->pipeline)); if (!ev->eos_bus) { ERR("could not get the bus"); return EINA_FALSE; } gst_bus_set_sync_handler(ev->eos_bus, _eos_sync_fct, ev); } restart_idler = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool _video_size_get(GstElement *elem, int *width, int *height) { GstIterator *itr = NULL; GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *str; gpointer pad; Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; itr = gst_element_iterate_src_pads(elem); while(gst_iterator_next(itr, &pad) && !ret) { caps = gst_pad_get_caps(GST_PAD(pad)); str = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); if (g_strrstr(gst_structure_get_name(str), "video")) { if (gst_structure_get_int(str, "width", width) && gst_structure_get_int(str, "height", height)) ret = EINA_TRUE; } gst_caps_unref(caps); gst_object_unref(pad); } gst_iterator_free(itr); return ret; } static void _main_frame_resize(void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = data; double ratio; ratio = (double)ev->src_width / (double)ev->src_height; _emotion_frame_resize(ev->obj, ev->src_width, ev->src_height, ratio); _emotion_pending_ecore_end(); } static void _no_more_pads(GstElement *decodebin, gpointer data) { GstIterator *itr = NULL; gpointer elem; Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = data; itr = gst_bin_iterate_elements(GST_BIN(decodebin)); while(gst_iterator_next(itr, &elem)) { if(_video_size_get(GST_ELEMENT(elem), &ev->src_width, &ev->src_height)) { _emotion_pending_ecore_begin(); ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_main_frame_resize, ev); gst_object_unref(elem); break; } gst_object_unref(elem); } gst_iterator_free(itr); } static void _eos_main_fct(void *data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Message *send; Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev; GstMessage *msg; send = data; ev = send->ev; msg = send->msg; if (ev->play_started && !ev->delete_me) { _emotion_playback_started(ev->obj); ev->play_started = 0; } switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: if (!ev->delete_me) { ev->play = 0; _emotion_decode_stop(ev->obj); _emotion_playback_finished(ev->obj); } break; case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: if (!ev->delete_me) { GstTagList *new_tags; gst_message_parse_tag(msg, &new_tags); if (new_tags) { gst_tag_list_foreach(new_tags, (GstTagForeachFunc)_for_each_tag, ev); gst_tag_list_free(new_tags); } } break; case GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE: if (!ev->delete_me) _emotion_seek_done(ev->obj); break; case GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_STATUS: break; case GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: if (!ev->delete_me) { if (!g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(msg->src, _no_more_pads, ev)) g_signal_connect(msg->src, "no-more-pads", G_CALLBACK(_no_more_pads), ev); } break; case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: em_cleanup(ev); if (ev->priority) { ERR("Switching back to canvas rendering."); ev->priority = EINA_FALSE; priority_overide++; restart_idler = ecore_idler_add(_em_restart_stream, ev); } break; default: ERR("bus say: %s [%i - %s]", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME(msg)); break; } emotion_gstreamer_message_free(send); _emotion_pending_ecore_end(); } static GstBusSyncReply _eos_sync_fct(GstBus *bus EINA_UNUSED, GstMessage *msg, gpointer data) { Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev = data; Emotion_Gstreamer_Message *send; switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: case GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE: case GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_STATUS: INF("bus say: %s [%i - %s]", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME(msg)); send = emotion_gstreamer_message_alloc(ev, msg); if (send) { _emotion_pending_ecore_begin(); ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_eos_main_fct, send); } break; case GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: { GstState old_state, new_state; gst_message_parse_state_changed(msg, &old_state, &new_state, NULL); INF("Element %s changed state from %s to %s.", GST_OBJECT_NAME(msg->src), gst_element_state_get_name(old_state), gst_element_state_get_name(new_state)); if (!strncmp(GST_OBJECT_NAME(msg->src), "decodebin", 9) && !strcmp(gst_element_state_get_name(new_state), "READY")) { send = emotion_gstreamer_message_alloc(ev, msg); if (send) { _emotion_pending_ecore_begin(); ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_eos_main_fct, send); } } break; } case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: { GError *error; gchar *debug; gst_message_parse_error(msg, &error, &debug); ERR("ERROR from element %s: %s", GST_OBJECT_NAME(msg->src), error->message); ERR("Debugging info: %s", (debug) ? debug : "none"); g_error_free(error); g_free(debug); if (strncmp(GST_OBJECT_NAME(msg->src), "xvimagesink", 11) == 0) { send = emotion_gstreamer_message_alloc(ev, msg); if (send) { _emotion_pending_ecore_begin(); ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_eos_main_fct, send); } } break; } case GST_MESSAGE_WARNING: { GError *error; gchar *debug; gst_message_parse_warning(msg, &error, &debug); WRN("WARNING from element %s: %s", GST_OBJECT_NAME(msg->src), error->message); WRN("Debugging info: %s", (debug) ? debug : "none"); g_error_free(error); g_free(debug); break; } default: WRN("bus say: %s [%i - %s]", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg), GST_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME(msg)); break; } gst_message_unref(msg); return GST_BUS_DROP; } Eina_Bool _emotion_gstreamer_video_pipeline_parse(Emotion_Gstreamer_Video *ev, Eina_Bool force) { gboolean mute = 0; gdouble vol = 0.0; gboolean res; int i; if (ev->pipeline_parsed) return EINA_TRUE; if (force && ev->threads) { Ecore_Thread *t; EINA_LIST_FREE(ev->threads, t) ecore_thread_cancel(t); } if (ev->threads) return EINA_FALSE; res = gst_element_get_state(ev->pipeline, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); if (res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL) { gst_element_set_state(ev->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); res = gst_element_get_state(ev->pipeline, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); } /** NOTE: you need to set: GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=/tmp EMOTION_ENGINE=gstreamer to save the $EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT file in '/tmp' */ /** then call dot -Tpng -oemotion_pipeline.png /tmp/$TIMESTAMP-$EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT.dot */ #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) if (getuid() == geteuid()) #endif { if (getenv("EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT")) GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE_WITH_TS(GST_BIN(ev->pipeline), GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, getenv("EMOTION_GSTREAMER_DOT")); } if (!(res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS || res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL)) { ERR("Unable to get GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE."); return EINA_FALSE; } g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "n-audio", &ev->audio_stream_nbr, "n-video", &ev->video_stream_nbr, NULL); if ((ev->video_stream_nbr == 0) && (ev->audio_stream_nbr == 0)) { ERR("No audio nor video stream found"); return EINA_FALSE; } /* video stream */ for (i = 0; i < ev->video_stream_nbr; i++) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; GstPad *pad = NULL; GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; GstQuery *query; const GValue *val; gchar *str = NULL; gdouble length_time = 0.0; gint width; gint height; gint fps_num; gint fps_den; guint32 fourcc = 0; g_signal_emit_by_name(ev->pipeline, "get-video-pad", i, &pad); if (!pad) continue; caps = gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps(pad); if (!caps) goto unref_pad_v; structure = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); str = gst_caps_to_string(caps); if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "width", &width)) goto unref_caps_v; if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "height", &height)) goto unref_caps_v; if (!gst_structure_get_fraction(structure, "framerate", &fps_num, &fps_den)) goto unref_caps_v; if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "video/x-raw-yuv")) { val = gst_structure_get_value(structure, "format"); fourcc = gst_value_get_fourcc(val); } else if (g_str_has_prefix(str, "video/x-raw-rgb")) fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'); else goto unref_caps_v; query = gst_query_new_duration(GST_FORMAT_TIME); if (gst_pad_peer_query(pad, query)) { gint64 t; gst_query_parse_duration(query, NULL, &t); length_time = (double)t / (double)GST_SECOND; } else goto unref_query_v; vstream = emotion_video_stream_new(ev); if (!vstream) goto unref_query_v; vstream->length_time = length_time; vstream->width = width; vstream->height = height; vstream->fps_num = fps_num; vstream->fps_den = fps_den; vstream->fourcc = fourcc; vstream->index = i; unref_query_v: gst_query_unref(query); unref_caps_v: gst_caps_unref(caps); g_free(str); unref_pad_v: gst_object_unref(pad); } /* Audio streams */ for (i = 0; i < ev->audio_stream_nbr; i++) { Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; GstPad *pad; GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; GstQuery *query; gdouble length_time = 0.0; gint channels; gint samplerate; g_signal_emit_by_name(ev->pipeline, "get-audio-pad", i, &pad); if (!pad) continue; caps = gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps(pad); if (!caps) goto unref_pad_a; structure = gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0); if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "channels", &channels)) goto unref_caps_a; if (!gst_structure_get_int(structure, "rate", &samplerate)) goto unref_caps_a; query = gst_query_new_duration(GST_FORMAT_TIME); if (gst_pad_peer_query(pad, query)) { gint64 t; gst_query_parse_duration(query, NULL, &t); length_time = (double)t / (double)GST_SECOND; } else goto unref_query_a; astream = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Audio_Stream)); if (!astream) continue; ev->audio_streams = eina_list_append(ev->audio_streams, astream); astream->length_time = length_time; astream->channels = channels; astream->samplerate = samplerate; unref_query_a: gst_query_unref(query); unref_caps_a: gst_caps_unref(caps); unref_pad_a: gst_object_unref(pad); } /* Visualization sink */ if (ev->video_stream_nbr == 0) { GstElement *vis = NULL; Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; gint flags; const char *vis_name; if (!(vis_name = emotion_visualization_element_name_get(ev->vis))) { WRN("pb vis name %d", ev->vis); goto finalize; } astream = eina_list_data_get(ev->audio_streams); vis = gst_element_factory_make(vis_name, "vissink"); vstream = emotion_video_stream_new(ev); if (!vstream) goto finalize; else DBG("could not create visualization stream"); vstream->length_time = astream->length_time; vstream->width = 320; vstream->height = 200; vstream->fps_num = 25; vstream->fps_den = 1; vstream->fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC('A', 'R', 'G', 'B'); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "vis-plugin", vis, NULL); g_object_get(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", &flags, NULL); flags |= 0x00000008; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(ev->pipeline), "flags", flags, NULL); } finalize: ev->video_stream_nbr = eina_list_count(ev->video_streams); ev->audio_stream_nbr = eina_list_count(ev->audio_streams); if (ev->video_stream_nbr == 1) { Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; vstream = eina_list_data_get(ev->video_streams); ev->ratio = (double)vstream->width / (double)vstream->height; _emotion_frame_resize(ev->obj, vstream->width, vstream->height, ev->ratio); } { /* on recapitule : */ Emotion_Video_Stream *vstream; Emotion_Audio_Stream *astream; vstream = eina_list_data_get(ev->video_streams); if (vstream) { DBG("video size=%dx%d, fps=%d/%d, " "fourcc=%"GST_FOURCC_FORMAT", length=%"GST_TIME_FORMAT, vstream->width, vstream->height, vstream->fps_num, vstream->fps_den, GST_FOURCC_ARGS(vstream->fourcc), GST_TIME_ARGS((guint64)(vstream->length_time * GST_SECOND))); } astream = eina_list_data_get(ev->audio_streams); if (astream) { DBG("audio channels=%d, rate=%d, length=%"GST_TIME_FORMAT, astream->channels, astream->samplerate, GST_TIME_ARGS((guint64)(astream->length_time * GST_SECOND))); } } if (ev->metadata) _free_metadata(ev->metadata); ev->metadata = calloc(1, sizeof(Emotion_Gstreamer_Metadata)); ev->pipeline_parsed = EINA_TRUE; g_object_get(ev->pipeline, "volume", &vol, NULL); g_object_get(ev->pipeline, "mute", &mute, NULL); ev->volume = vol; ev->audio_mute = mute; if (ev->play_started) { _emotion_playback_started(ev->obj); ev->play_started = 0; } _emotion_open_done(ev->obj); return EINA_TRUE; }