#include #include #include #include #include #include "eldbus_suite.h" static Eina_Bool is_success = EINA_FALSE; static Ecore_Timer *timeout = NULL; static const char *empty_string = ""; static const char *bus = "org.freedesktop.DBus"; static const char *interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus"; static const char *path = "/org/freedesktop/DBus"; static const char *method_name = "GetId"; static int cb_data = 5; #define DATA_KEY "proxy_data" static int proxy_data_stored = 5; /** * @addtogroup eldbus * @{ * @defgroup eldbus_proxy * * @preconditio * @step 1 Initialize ecore with ecore_init() * @step 2 Initialize eldbus with eldbus_init() */ static void _setup(void) { ecore_init(); int ret = eldbus_init(); ck_assert_int_ge(ret, 1); } static void _teardown(void) { eldbus_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_loop_close(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { ecore_main_loop_quit(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _proxy_message_cb(void *data, const Eldbus_Message *msg, Eldbus_Pending *pending EINA_UNUSED) { if (timeout != NULL) { ecore_timer_del(timeout); timeout = NULL; } const char *errname, *errmsg; int *user_data = data; if ((user_data) && (*user_data == cb_data)) { if (!eldbus_message_error_get(msg, &errname, &errmsg)) { char *txt = NULL; if (eldbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "s", &txt)) { if ((txt) && strcmp(txt, empty_string)) is_success = EINA_TRUE; } } } ecore_main_loop_quit(); } /** * @addtogroup eldbus_proxy * @{ * @defgroup eldbus_proxy_info_get_call * @li eldbus_proxy_get() * @li eldbus_proxy_interface_get() * @li eldbus_proxy_object_get() * @li eldbus_proxy_call() * @li eldbus_proxy_ref() * @li eldbus_proxy_unref() * @{ * @objective Positive test case checks if function get a proxy of the * following interface name in a Eldbus_Object, get the interface name associated with a proxy object. * Get the DBus object associated with a proxy object. Call the method and get valid response in callback function. * Without segmentation fault. * * @n Input Data: * @li the conn object connection with bus * @li the obj Eldbus_Object object of the given bus and path. * * @procedure * @step 1 Call eldbus_connection_get function to get connection object. * @step 2 Check returned connection object on NULL. * @step 3 Call eldbus_object_get function to get an object of the given bus and path. * @step 4 Check returned object on NULL. * @step 5 Call eldbus_proxy_get function to get a proxy of the following interface name. * @step 6 Check returned proxy object on NULL. * @step 7 Call eldbus_proxy_object_get function to get the dbus object associated with a proxy object. * @step 8 Check if returned object is equal to obj Eldbus_Object. * @step 9 Call eldbus_proxy_interface_get function to get valid string and check on expected string. * @step 10 Call eldbus_proxy_ref function to increase proxy reference. * @step 11 Check two objects on the same adress. * @step 12 Call eldbus_object_unref function to decrease proxy reference. * @step 13 Call eldbus_proxy_interface_get function to check the proxy object is still correct. * @step 14 Call eldbus_proxy_call function to call a method in proxy. * @step 15 Check returned pending object on NULL. * @step 16 Set timer for preschedule termination of main loop if tested callback wasn't executed. * @step 17 Start of main loop and wait for tested response in callback executing. * @step 18 Check static variable named is_success. * If is equal EINA_TRUE, that callback was executed and method send valid message response. * @step 19 Call eldbus_proxy_unref function to delete proxy object * @step 20 Call eldbus_object_unref function to delete connection dbus object * @step 21 Call eldbus_connection_unref function to delete connection object * * @passcondition Function should get valid expected proxy information about connection dbus object. * Variables named is_success must equals EINA_TRUE. Without segmentation fault. * @} * @} */ START_TEST(utc_eldbus_proxy_info_get_call_p) { is_success = EINA_FALSE; Eldbus_Connection *conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, conn); Eldbus_Object *obj = eldbus_object_get(conn, bus, path); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, obj); Eldbus_Proxy *proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(obj, interface); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy); Eldbus_Object *proxy_obj = eldbus_proxy_object_get(proxy); ck_assert_ptr_eq(proxy_obj, obj); ck_assert_str_eq(interface, eldbus_proxy_interface_get(proxy)); Eldbus_Proxy *proxy_ref = eldbus_proxy_ref(proxy); ck_assert_ptr_eq(proxy_ref, proxy); eldbus_proxy_unref(proxy_ref); ck_assert(eldbus_proxy_interface_get(proxy) != NULL); Eldbus_Pending *pending = eldbus_proxy_call(proxy, method_name, _proxy_message_cb, &cb_data, -1, empty_string); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, pending); timeout = ecore_timer_add(1.5, _ecore_loop_close, NULL); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, timeout); ecore_main_loop_begin(); ck_assert_msg(is_success, "Method GetId is not call"); eldbus_proxy_unref(proxy); eldbus_object_unref(obj); eldbus_connection_unref(conn); } END_TEST /** * @addtogroup eldbus_proxy * @{ * @defgroup eldbus_proxy_send_call * @li eldbus_proxy_send() * @li eldbus_proxy_method_call_new() * @{ * @objective Positive test case checks if function call the method * on the proxy object and get valid response in callback function. Without segmentation fault. * * @n Input Data: * @li the conn object connection with bus * @li the obj Eldbus_Object object of the given bus and path. * @li the proxy object associated with dbus object. * * @procedure * @step 1 Call eldbus_connection_get function to get connection object. * @step 2 Check returned connection object on NULL. * @step 3 Call eldbus_object_get function to get an object of the given bus and path. * @step 4 Check returned object on NULL. * @step 5 Call eldbus_proxy_get function to get a proxy of the following interface name. * @step 6 Check returned proxy object on NULL. * @step 7 Call eldbus_proxy_method_call_new function to constructs a new message * to invoke a method on a remote interface. * @step 8 Check returned message object on NULL. * @step 9 Call eldbus_proxy_send function to send a message. * @step 10 Check returned pending object on NULL. * @step 11 Set timer for preschedule termination of main loop if tested callback wasn't executed. * @step 12 Start of main loop and wait for tested response in callback executing. * @step 13 Check static variable named is_success. * If is equal EINA_TRUE, that callback was executed and method send valid message response. * @step 14 Call eldbus_message_unref function to delete message object * @step 15 Call eldbus_proxy_unref function to delete proxy object * @step 16 Call eldbus_object_unref function to delete connection dbus object * @step 17 Call eldbus_connection_unref function to delete connection object * * @passcondition Variables named is_success must equals EINA_TRUE. Without segmentation fault. * @} * @} */ START_TEST(utc_eldbus_proxy_send_call_p) { is_success = EINA_FALSE; Eldbus_Connection *conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, conn); Eldbus_Object *obj = eldbus_object_get(conn, bus, path); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, obj); Eldbus_Proxy *proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(obj, interface); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy); Eldbus_Message *msg = eldbus_proxy_method_call_new(proxy, method_name); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, msg); Eldbus_Pending *pending = eldbus_proxy_send(proxy, msg, _proxy_message_cb, &cb_data, -1); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, pending); timeout = ecore_timer_add(1.5, _ecore_loop_close, NULL); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, timeout); ecore_main_loop_begin(); ck_assert_msg(is_success, "Method GetId is not call"); eldbus_proxy_unref(proxy); eldbus_object_unref(obj); eldbus_connection_unref(conn); } END_TEST /** * @addtogroup eldbus_proxy * @{ * @defgroup eldbus_proxy_send_and_block eldbus_proxy_send_and_block() * @{ * @objective Positive test case checks if function send a message and block while waiting for the reply * and get valid response in return message object. Without segmentation fault. * * @n Input Data: * @li the conn object connection with bus * @li the obj Eldbus_Object object of the given bus and path. * @li the proxy object associated with dbus object. * * @procedure * @step 1 Call eldbus_connection_get function to get connection object. * @step 2 Check returned connection object on NULL. * @step 3 Call eldbus_object_get function to get an object of the given bus and path. * @step 4 Check returned object on NULL. * @step 5 Call eldbus_proxy_get function to get a proxy of the following interface name. * @step 6 Check returned proxy object on NULL. * @step 7 Call eldbus_proxy_method_call_new function to constructs a new message * to invoke a method on a remote interface. * @step 8 Check returned message object on NULL. * @step 9 Call eldbus_proxy_send_and_block function to send a message * and block while waiting for the reply. * @step 10 Check returned reply message object on expected value. * @step 11 Call eldbus_message_unref function to delete reply message object * @step 12 Call eldbus_message_unref function to delete message object * @step 13 Call eldbus_proxy_unref function to delete proxy object * @step 14 Call eldbus_object_unref function to delete connection dbus object * @step 15 Call eldbus_connection_unref function to delete connection object * * @passcondition Function should send a message and block while waiting * for returned expected reply message object. Without segmentation fault. * @} * @} */ START_TEST(utc_eldbus_proxy_send_and_block_p) { const int timeout = 1000; is_success = EINA_FALSE; const char *errname, *errmsg; char *text_reply = NULL; Eldbus_Connection *conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, conn); Eldbus_Object *obj = eldbus_object_get(conn, bus, path); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, obj); Eldbus_Proxy *proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(obj, interface); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy); Eldbus_Message *msg = eldbus_proxy_method_call_new(proxy, method_name); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, msg); Eldbus_Message *message_reply = eldbus_proxy_send_and_block(proxy, msg, timeout); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, message_reply); //eldbus_message_error_get(message_reply, &errname, &errmsg) ck_assert(eldbus_message_error_get(message_reply, &errname, &errmsg) == EINA_FALSE); ck_assert(eldbus_message_arguments_get(message_reply, "s", &text_reply) == EINA_TRUE); if (text_reply) printf("is reply message is not null\n"); else printf("is reply message is null\n"); printf("message %s\n", text_reply); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, text_reply); ck_assert_str_ne(text_reply, empty_string); eldbus_message_unref(message_reply); eldbus_proxy_unref(proxy); eldbus_object_unref(obj); eldbus_connection_unref(conn); } END_TEST /** * @addtogroup eldbus_proxy * @{ * @defgroup eldbus_proxy_data * @li eldbus_proxy_data_set() * @li eldbus_proxy_data_get() * @li eldbus_proxy_data_del() * @{ * @objective Positive test case checks if function correctly set, get and delete the data stored * in proxy object and without segmentation fault. * * @n Input Data: * @li the conn object connection with bus * @li the obj Eldbus_Object object of the given bus and path. * @li the proxy object associated with dbus object. * * @procedure * @step 1 Call eldbus_connection_get function to get connection object. * @step 2 Check returned connection object on NULL. * @step 3 Call eldbus_object_get function to get an object of the given bus and path. * @step 4 Check returned object on NULL. * @step 5 Call eldbus_proxy_get function to get a proxy of the following interface name. * @step 6 Check returned proxy object on NULL. * @step 7 Call eldbus_proxy_data_set function to set data in proxy object. * @step 8 Call eldbus_proxy_data_get function to get data stored. * @step 9 Check returned data on NULL and correct value. * @step 10 Call eldbus_proxy_data_del function to delete data stored. * @step 11 Check returned data on NULL and correct value. * @step 12 Call eldbus_proxy_data_get function to get data stored. * @step 13 Check returned data on not equal NULL. * @step 14 Call eldbus_proxy_unref function to delete proxy object * @step 15 Call eldbus_object_unref function to delete connection dbus object * @step 16 Call eldbus_connection_unref function to delete connection object * * @passcondition Function should set data without segmentation fault, * get and delete valid stored data. * @} * @} */ START_TEST(utc_eldbus_proxy_data_p) { is_success = EINA_FALSE; Eldbus_Connection *conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, conn); Eldbus_Object *obj = eldbus_object_get(conn, bus, path); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, obj); Eldbus_Proxy *proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(obj, interface); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy); eldbus_proxy_data_set(proxy, DATA_KEY, &proxy_data_stored); int *proxy_data_get = eldbus_proxy_data_get(proxy, DATA_KEY); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy_data_get); ck_assert_int_eq((*proxy_data_get), proxy_data_stored); int *proxy_data_del = eldbus_proxy_data_del(proxy, DATA_KEY); ck_assert_ptr_ne(NULL, proxy_data_del); ck_assert_int_eq((*proxy_data_del), proxy_data_stored); int *proxy_data_null = eldbus_proxy_data_get(proxy, DATA_KEY); ck_assert_ptr_eq(NULL, proxy_data_null); eldbus_proxy_unref(proxy); eldbus_object_unref(obj); eldbus_connection_unref(conn); } END_TEST /** *@} */ void eldbus_test_eldbus_proxy(TCase *tc) { tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, _setup, _teardown); tcase_add_test(tc, utc_eldbus_proxy_info_get_call_p); tcase_add_test(tc, utc_eldbus_proxy_send_call_p); tcase_add_test(tc, utc_eldbus_proxy_send_and_block_p); tcase_add_test(tc, utc_eldbus_proxy_data_p); }