import eina_types; mixin Efl.Access.Component (Efl.Gfx, Efl.Gfx.Stack) { [[AT-SPI component mixin]] data: null; methods { @property z_order @protected @beta { [[Gets the depth at which the component is shown in relation to other components in the same container.]] get { } values { z_order: int; [[Z order of component]] } } @property extents @protected @beta { [[Geometry of accessible widget.]] get { } set { return: bool; [[$true if geometry was set, $false otherwise]] } keys { screen_coords: bool; [[If $true x and y values will be relative to screen origin, otherwise relative to canvas]] } values { rect: Eina.Rect; [[The geometry.]] } } @property screen_position @protected @beta { [[Position of accessible widget.]] set { return: bool; [[$true if position was set, $false otherwise]] } get { } values { x: int; [[X coordinate]] y: int; [[Y coordinate]] } } contains @protected @beta { [[Contains accessible widget]] params { screen_coords: bool; [[If $true x and y values will be relative to screen origin, otherwise relative to canvas]] @in x: int; [[X coordinate]] @in y: int; [[Y coordinate]] } return: bool; [[$true if params have been set, $false otherwise]] } focus_grab @protected @beta { [[Focuses accessible widget.]] return: bool; [[$true if focus grab focus succeed, $false otherwise.]] } accessible_at_point_get @protected @beta { [[Gets top component object occupying space at given coordinates.]] params { screen_coords: bool; [[If $true x and y values will be relative to screen origin, otherwise relative to canvas]] @in x: int; [[X coordinate]] @in y: int; [[Y coordinate]] } return: Efl.Object; [[Top component object at given coordinate]] } } }