set(DESCRIPTION "Library for speedy data storage, retrieval, and compression") set(PKG_CONFIG_REQUIRES_PRIVATE zlib>=1.2.3 #libjpeg is hard to find. there is a cmake module that does find it. and thats checked in common.cmake ) set(PUBLIC_LIBRARIES eina emile ) set(LIBRARIES m support-rg_etc ) set(PUBLIC_HEADERS Eet.h ) set(SOURCES eet_alloc.c eet_cipher.c eet_connection.c eet_data.c eet_dictionary.c eet_image.c eet_lib.c eet_node.c Eet_private.h eet_utils.c ) if(WITH_CRYPTO STREQUAL "gnutls") list(APPEND PKG_CONFIG_REQUIRES_PRIVATE gnutls) elseif(WITH_CRYPTO STREQUAL "openssl") list(APPEND PKG_CONFIG_REQUIRES_PRIVATE openssl) endif()