enum Efl.Task_Priority { [[How much processor time will this task get compared to other tasks running on the same processor. @since 1.22 ]] normal, [[Neither above nor below average priority. This is the default.]] background, [[Far below average priority.]] low, [[Below average priority.]] high, [[Above average priority.]] ultra [[Far above average priority.]] } enum Efl.Task_Flags { [[Flags to further customize task's behavior. @since 1.22 ]] none = 0, [[No special flags.]] use_stdin = 1, [[Task will require console input.]] use_stdout = 2, [[Task will require console output.]] no_exit_code_error = 4, [[Task will not produce an exit code upon termination.]] exit_with_parent = 8, [[Exit when parent exits.]] } abstract Efl.Task extends Efl.Loop_Consumer { [[EFL's abstraction for a task (process). @since 1.22 ]] // TODO: This needs more detail. methods { @property priority { [[The priority of this task.]] get { } set { } values { priority: Efl.Task_Priority; [[Desired priority.]] } } @property exit_code { [[The final exit code of this task. This is the code that will be produced upon task completion.]] get { } values { code: int; [[The exit code.]] } } @property flags { [[Flags to further customize task's behavior. The default value: exit_with_parent ]] set { } get { } values { flags: Efl.Task_Flags; [[Desired task flags.]] } } run @pure_virtual { [[Actually run the task.]] return: future @move; [[A future triggered when task exits and is passed int exit code.]] } end @pure_virtual { [[Request the task end (may send a signal or interrupt signal resulting in a terminate event being tiggered in the target task loop).]] } } events { } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Object.parent { set; } } }