mixin @beta Efl.Ui.Focus.Composition requires Efl.Ui.Widget { [[This defines the inheriting widget as Composition widget. A composition widget is a widget that's the logical parent of another set of widgets which can be used for interaction. ]] methods { @property composition_elements @protected { [[Set the order of elements that will be used for composition Elements of the list can be either an @Efl.Ui.Widget, an @Efl.Ui.Focus.Object or an @Efl.Gfx.Entity. If the element is an @Efl.Ui.Widget nothing is done and the widget is simply part of the order. If the element is an @Efl.Ui.Focus.Object, then the mixin will take care of registering the element. If the element is an @Efl.Gfx.Entity, then the geometry is used as focus geometry, the focus property is redirected to the evas focus property. The mixin will take care of registration. ]] values { logical_order : list @move; [[The order to use]] } } dirty @protected { [[Mark this widget as dirty, the children can be considered to be changed after that call ]] } prepare @protected { [[A call to prepare the children of this element, called if marked as dirty You can use this function to call composition_elements. ]] } @property logical_mode @protected { [[Set to true if all children should be registered as logicals]] values { logical_mode : bool; [[$true or $false]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Ui.Widget.focus_state_apply; Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.setup_order_non_recursive; @empty .prepare; } }