/* EIO - EFL data type library * Copyright (C) 2015 Enlightenment Developers: * Pierre Lamot * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; * if not, see . */ #include "eio_private.h" #include "Eio.h" #import static CFTimeInterval _latency = 0.1; /*============================================================================* * Local * *============================================================================*/ /** * @cond LOCAL */ struct _Eio_Monitor_Backend { Eio_Monitor *parent; ///the monitored path char *mon_path; ///the actual file path char *real_path; }; typedef struct _FSEvent_Info FSEvent_Info; struct _FSEvent_Info { char *path; FSEventStreamEventFlags flags; }; typedef struct _Eio_FSEvent_Table Eio_FSEvent_Table; struct _Eio_FSEvent_Table { int mask; int *ev_file_code; int *ev_dir_code; }; #define EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(FSe, Ef, Ed) \ { kFSEventStreamEventFlag##FSe, &EIO_MONITOR_##Ef, &EIO_MONITOR_##Ed } static const Eio_FSEvent_Table match[] = { EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemChangeOwner, FILE_MODIFIED, DIRECTORY_MODIFIED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemInodeMetaMod, FILE_MODIFIED, DIRECTORY_MODIFIED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemXattrMod, FILE_MODIFIED, DIRECTORY_MODIFIED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemModified, FILE_MODIFIED, DIRECTORY_MODIFIED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemRemoved, FILE_DELETED, DIRECTORY_DELETED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(ItemCreated, FILE_CREATED, DIRECTORY_CREATED), EIO_FSEVENT_LINE(RootChanged, SELF_DELETED, SELF_DELETED) }; static FSEventStreamRef _stream = NULL; static Eina_Hash *_fsevent_monitors = NULL; static CFMutableArrayRef _paths_to_watch = NULL; static dispatch_queue_t _dispatch_queue; static Eina_Bool _handle_fsevent_with_monitor(const Eina_Hash *hash EINA_UNUSED, const void *key EINA_UNUSED, void *data, void *fdata) { FSEvent_Info *event_info = (FSEvent_Info*)fdata; Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = (Eio_Monitor_Backend*)data; FSEventStreamEventFlags flags = event_info->flags; unsigned int i; Eina_Bool is_dir; unsigned int length, tmp_length; char *tmp = NULL; if (backend->parent->delete_me) return 1; if (!eina_str_has_prefix(event_info->path, backend->real_path)) { return 1; } length = strlen(event_info->path) - strlen(backend->real_path); if (length == 0) { tmp = strdup(backend->parent->path); } else { tmp_length = eina_stringshare_strlen(backend->parent->path) + length + 2; tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * tmp_length); snprintf(tmp, tmp_length, "%s/%s", backend->parent->path, &(event_info->path[strlen(backend->real_path) + 1])); } is_dir = !!(flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsDir); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (match) / sizeof (Eio_FSEvent_Table); ++i) if (match[i].mask & flags) { DBG("send event from %s with event %X\n", event_info->path, flags); _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, tmp, is_dir ? *match[i].ev_dir_code : *match[i].ev_file_code); } free(tmp); //we have found the right event, no need to continue return 0; } static void _main_loop_send_event(void *data) { FSEvent_Info *info = (FSEvent_Info*)data; if (!_stream) { //this can happen, when eio_shutdown is called goto cleanup; } if ((info->flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped) != 0) { _eio_monitor_send(NULL, "", EIO_MONITOR_ERROR); goto cleanup; } eina_hash_foreach(_fsevent_monitors, _handle_fsevent_with_monitor, info); cleanup: free(info->path); free(info); } static void _eio_fsevent_cb(ConstFSEventStreamRef stream_ref EINA_UNUSED, void *ctx EINA_UNUSED, size_t count, void *event_paths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags event_flags[], const FSEventStreamEventId event_ids[] EINA_UNUSED ) { size_t i; FSEvent_Info *event_info; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { event_info = malloc(sizeof(FSEvent_Info)); event_info->path = strdup(((char**)event_paths)[i]); event_info->flags = event_flags[i]; ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async(_main_loop_send_event, event_info); } } static void _eio_fsevent_del(void *data) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = (Eio_Monitor_Backend *)data; free(backend); } static void _eio_get_monitor_path(const char *path, char **monpath, char **fullpath) { char realPath[PATH_MAX]; char *realPathOk; char *dname = NULL; char *fname = NULL; struct stat sb; realPathOk = realpath(path, realPath); if (realPathOk == NULL) { dname = dirname((char*)path); if (strcmp(dname, ".") == 0) { realPathOk = realpath("./", realPath); } else { realPathOk = realpath(dname, realPath); } if (realPathOk == NULL) return; } if (stat(realPath, &sb) < 0) { return; } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { if (fullpath) *fullpath = strdup(realPath); if (monpath) *monpath = strdup(realPath); } else { //not a directory, monitor parent if (fullpath) *fullpath = strdup(realPath); dname = dirname(realPath); if (monpath) *monpath = strdup(dname); } } /** * @endcond */ /*============================================================================* * Global * *============================================================================*/ /** * @cond LOCAL */ /** * @endcond */ void eio_monitor_backend_init(void) { _dispatch_queue = dispatch_queue_create("org.elf.fseventqueue", NULL); _fsevent_monitors = eina_hash_string_small_new(_eio_fsevent_del); _paths_to_watch = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); } void eio_monitor_backend_shutdown(void) { if (_stream) { FSEventStreamStop(_stream); FSEventStreamInvalidate(_stream); FSEventStreamRelease(_stream); _stream = NULL; } dispatch_release(_dispatch_queue); eina_hash_free(_fsevent_monitors); CFRelease(_paths_to_watch); } void eio_monitor_backend_add(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend; FSEventStreamEventId eventid; CFStringRef path = NULL; //the path we should monitor char *monitor_path = NULL; //the real file path char *real_path = NULL; _eio_get_monitor_path(monitor->path, &monitor_path, &real_path); backend = calloc(1, sizeof (Eio_Monitor_Backend)); if (!backend) { free(monitor_path); eio_monitor_fallback_add(monitor); return; } path = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, monitor_path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFArrayAppendValue(_paths_to_watch, path); if (_stream) { eventid = FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId(_stream); FSEventStreamRelease(_stream); _stream = NULL; } else { eventid = kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow; } _stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, _eio_fsevent_cb, NULL, _paths_to_watch, eventid, _latency, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer ); if (!_stream) { eio_monitor_fallback_add(monitor); return; } backend->parent = monitor; backend->mon_path = monitor_path; backend->real_path = real_path; monitor->backend = backend; eina_hash_direct_add(_fsevent_monitors, monitor->path, backend); FSEventStreamSetDispatchQueue(_stream, _dispatch_queue); FSEventStreamStart(_stream); } void eio_monitor_backend_del(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend; CFStringRef path = NULL; FSEventStreamEventId eventid; char *monitor_path; if (!_stream) { eio_monitor_fallback_del(monitor); return; } _eio_get_monitor_path(monitor->path, &monitor_path, NULL); eventid = FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId(_stream); FSEventStreamRelease(_stream); _stream = NULL; path = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, monitor_path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFIndex idx = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(_paths_to_watch, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(_paths_to_watch) ), path); if (idx != -1) { CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(_paths_to_watch, idx); } _stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, _eio_fsevent_cb, NULL, _paths_to_watch, eventid, _latency, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer ); backend = monitor->backend; monitor->backend = NULL; if (!backend) return; eina_hash_del(_fsevent_monitors, monitor->path, backend); } /*============================================================================* * API * *============================================================================*/