class Efl.Ui.Model_Homogeneous extends Efl.Ui.Model_Size { [[Class to be used to store object item size for List/Grid View. This model provides the properties "$item.width" and "$item.height" which have the same value for all siblings of this object. The first sibling that defines "$self.width" and "$self.height" set them for all other siblings and also set "$item.width" and "$item.height" for the parent (See @Efl.Ui.Model_Size). Subsequent attempts to set "$self.width" or "$self.height" will fail with a Read Only error code. The properties "$total.width" and "$total.height" are computed from the number of node, the "$self.width" and "$self.height" assuming that the View is a vertical list.]] implements { Efl.Object.constructor; { set; get; } } }