#!/usr/bin/env node // Preamble function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { print("Assertion failed ", message); throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed"); } } if(typeof process !== 'undefined') { console.log('running from nodejs'); console.log('path', process.env.NODE_PATH); console.log("teste1"); efl = require('efl'); assert(efl != null, "could not load efl node module"); // Setup output aliases print = console.log; print_error = function() { if (process.argv.indexOf("--supress-errors") == -1) console.error.apply(null, arguments); }; print_info = function() { if (process.argv.indexOf("--verbose") != -1) console.info.apply(null, arguments); }; exit = efl.ecore_mainloop_quit; } else { assert = function(test, message) { if (test !== true) throw message; }; print('running from libv8') //FIXME Add levels to v8 tests print_error = print print_info = print exit = function() {} } // Global flag for suite success // suite_success = true; // Global test summary suite_ok = 0; suite_fail = []; // Will store the name of the failures // Basic test function // function start_test(test_name, test_func) { print("[ RUN ] eina_js_suite: " + test_name); var test_result = true; try { test_func(); } catch (e) { suite_success = false; test_result = false; print_error("Error: ", e, e.stack); } print("[ " + (test_result ? "PASS" : "FAIL") + " ] eina_js_suite: " + test_name); if (test_result) suite_ok += 1; else suite_fail.push(test_name); } // end Preamble start_test("container_test default list should have size zero", function(){ var container = new efl.List; assert (container.length == 0); }); start_test("container test default Array should have size zero", function(){ var container = new efl.Array; assert (container.length == 0); }); start_test("container_test empty list access should return undefined", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.List; assert (typeof empty_l[0] === "undefined"); assert (typeof empty_l[1] === "undefined"); }); start_test("container_test empty Array access should return undefined", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.Array; assert (typeof empty_l[0] === "undefined"); assert (typeof empty_l[1] === "undefined"); }); start_test("container_test empty list indexOf should return -1", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.List; assert(empty_l.indexOf(0) == -1); assert(empty_l.indexOf(42) == -1); }); start_test("container_test empty Array indexOf should return -1", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.Array; assert(empty_l.indexOf(0) == -1); assert(empty_l.indexOf(42) == -1); }); start_test("container_test List indexOf should not break with wrong type", function(){ container_indexof_wrong_type(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test Array indexOf should not break with wrong type", function(){ container_indexof_wrong_type(efl.Array); }); function container_indexof_wrong_type(T) { var x = new T("int"); var raised = false; try { x.indexOf("float") } catch (err) { raised = true; } assert(!raised, "container index of should not break with wrong types"); } start_test("container_test list[0] = x on empty list", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.List; assert(empty_l.length == 0); empty_l[0] = 42; assert(empty_l.length == 1); assert(empty_l[0] == 42); }); start_test("container_test array[0] = x on empty Array", function(){ var empty_l = new efl.Array; assert(empty_l.length == 0); empty_l[0] = 42; assert(empty_l.length == 1); assert(empty_l[0] == 42); }); start_test("container_test out of bounds x[i] setter should resize list", function(){ container_out_of_bound_setter(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test out of bounds x[i] setter should resize Array", function(){ container_out_of_bound_setter(efl.Array); }); function container_out_of_bound_setter(T1) { var empty_l = new T1; assert(empty_l.length == 0); empty_l[9] = 1; assert(empty_l.length == 10); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { assert(empty_l[i] == 0); }; assert(empty_l[9] == 1); } start_test("container_test push items should increase list length", function(){ container_push_length(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test push items should increase Array length", function(){ container_push_length(efl.Array); }); function container_push_length(T1) { var l1 = new T1; print_info("l1 ", l1.toString()); l1.push(1); assert (l1.length == 1); l1.push(2); assert (l1.length == 2); l1.push(3); assert (l1.length == 3); } start_test("container_test list simple push and access valid items", function(){ container_push_access_valid(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test Array simple push and access valid items", function(){ container_push_access_valid(efl.Array); }); function container_push_access_valid(T1) { var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); assert (l1[0] == 1); assert (l1[1] == 2); } start_test("container_test list simple push and access items out of bounds", function(){ container_push_out_of_bounds(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test Array simple push and access items out of bounds", function(){ container_push_out_of_bounds(efl.Array); }); function container_push_out_of_bounds(T1) { var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); assert (typeof l1[3] === "undefined"); assert (typeof l1[42] === "undefined"); } start_test("container_test list push and pop", function() { container_push_pop(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test Array push and pop", function() { container_push_pop(efl.Array); }); function container_push_pop(T1) { var l1 = new T1; assert(typeof l1.pop() === "undefined", "pop on empty container should return undefined"); l1.push(1); l1.push(2); assert(l1.length == 2); assert(l1.pop() == 2, "Pop should return last element"); assert(l1.length == 1, "Pop should decrease list length"); assert(l1.pop() == 1, "Pop should return last element even if it's the only element"); assert(l1.length == 0, "Pop on single element list should leave it empty"); } start_test("container_test list simple push and indexOf valid elements", function(){ container_push_indexof_valid(efl.List) }); start_test("container_test Array simple push and indexOf valid elements", function(){ container_push_indexof_valid(efl.Array) }); function container_push_indexof_valid(T1) { var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); assert(l1.indexOf(1) == 0); assert(l1.indexOf(2) == 1); } start_test("container_test list simple push and indexOf elements out of bounds", function(){ container_push_indexof_out_of_bounds(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test list simple push and indexOf elements out of bounds", function(){ container_push_indexof_out_of_bounds(efl.Array); }); function container_push_indexof_out_of_bounds(T1) { var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); assert(l1.indexOf(3) == -1); assert(l1.indexOf(44) == -1); } start_test("container_test list concat filled + empty shouldn't change length", function(){ container_filled_concat_empty_length(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test array concat filled + empty shouldn't change length", function(){ container_filled_concat_empty_length(efl.Array); }); function container_filled_concat_empty_length(T1) { var empty_l = new T1; var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); var cle = l1.concat(empty_l); assert (cle.length == 3); } start_test("container_test list concat empty + filled shouldn't change length", function(){ container_empty_concat_filled_length(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test array concat empty + filled shouldn't change length", function(){ container_empty_concat_filled_length(efl.Array); }); function container_empty_concat_filled_length(T1) { var empty_l = new T1; var l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); var cel = empty_l.concat(l1); assert (cel.length == 3); } start_test("container_test concat two valid lists", function(){ container_concat_two_valid_containers(efl.List, efl.List); }); start_test("container_test concat two valid arrays", function(){ container_concat_two_valid_containers(efl.Array, efl.Array); }); function container_concat_two_valid_containers(T1, T2) { l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); l2 = new T2; l2.push(1); l2.push(2); l2.push(3); var c = l1.concat(l2); assert (c.length == (l1.length + l2.length)); assert (c[0] == l1[0]); assert (c[1] == l1[1]); assert (c[2] == l1[2]); assert (c[3] == l2[0]); assert (c[4] == l2[1]); assert (c[5] == l2[2]); assert (c.indexOf(c[0]) == 0); assert (c.indexOf(c[1]) == 1); assert (c.indexOf(c[2]) == 2); assert (c.indexOf(c[3]) == 0); assert (c.indexOf(c[4]) == 1); assert (c.indexOf(c[5]) == 2); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[0]) == 3); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[1]) == 4); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[2]) == 5); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[3]) == 3); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[4]) == 4); assert (c.lastIndexOf(c[5]) == 5); } start_test("container_test concat different types", function() { container_concat_diff_types(efl.Array, efl.List); container_concat_diff_types(efl.List, efl.Array); }); function container_concat_diff_types(T1, T2) { var l1 = new T1; var l2 = new T2; var raised = false; try { l1.concat(l2); assert(false, "Should raise exception after concatenating two different types.") } catch (err) { raised = true; assert(err.name == "TypeError", "Exception should be TypeError."); } assert(raised, "Exception was not raised after concatenating different types."); } start_test("container_test toString list", function(){ container_to_string(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test toString array", function(){ container_to_string(efl.Array); }); function container_to_string(T) { var x = new T("int"); assert("" == x.toString(), "toString empty container"); x.push(1); assert("1" == x.toString(), "toString single element"); x.push(2); assert("1,2" == x.toString(), "toString two elements"); x.push(100); assert("1,2,100" == x.toString(), "toString three elements"); } start_test("container_test join list", function(){ container_join(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test join Array", function(){ container_join(efl.Array); }); function container_join(T) { var x = new T("int"); var ref = new Array; assert(ref.join() == x.join(), "default join on empty containers"); assert(ref.join(':') == x.join(':'), "arg join on empty containers"); x.push(42); ref.push(42); assert(ref.join() == x.join(), "default join on single-element containers"); assert(ref.join(':') == x.join(':'), "arg join on single-element containers"); x.push(314); ref.push(314); assert(ref.join() == x.join(), "default join on multiple-element containers"); assert(ref.join(':') == x.join(':'), "arg join on multiple-element containers"); } start_test("container_test join wrong arguments", function(){ }); function container_join_wrong_type(T1, T2) { var l1 = new T1("int"); var raised = false; try { l1.join({}); assert(false, "Should raise exception after trying to join with wrong argument type."); } catch (err) { raised = true; assert(err.name == "TypeError", "Exception should be TypeError."); } assert(raised, "Exception was not raised after join with wrong argument type."); } start_test("container_test slice list simple", function () { container_slice_simple(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test slice Array simple", function () { container_slice_simple(efl.Array); }); function container_slice_simple(T1) { l1 = new T1; l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); var s1 = l1.slice(1, 3); assert (s1.length == 2); assert (s1[0] == l1[1]); assert (s1[1] == l1[2]); } start_test("container_test slice list single argument", function() { container_slice_single_arg(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test slice Array single argument", function() { container_slice_single_arg(efl.Array); }); function container_slice_single_arg(T1) { l1 = new T1; l1.push(0); l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); l1.push(4); var s1 = l1.slice(1); assert(s1.length == (l1.length - 1)); assert(s1[0] == l1[1]); assert(s1[1] == l1[2]); assert(s1[2] == l1[3]); assert(s1[3] == l1[4]); } start_test("container_test slice list no arguments", function() { container_slice_no_args(efl.List); }); start_test("container_test slice Array no arguments", function() { container_slice_no_args(efl.Array); }); function container_slice_no_args(T1) { l1 = new T1; l1.push(0); l1.push(1); l1.push(2); l1.push(3); l1.push(4); var s1 = l1.slice(); assert(s1.length == l1.length); assert(s1[0] == l1[0]); assert(s1[1] == l1[1]); assert(s1[2] == l1[2]); assert(s1[3] == l1[3]); assert(s1[4] == l1[4]); } start_test("container test list of strings", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.List("string"), ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"]); }); start_test("container test array of strings", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.Array("string"), ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"]); }); start_test("container test list of floats", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.List("float"), [3.42, 3.14, 1.22, 0.0]); }); start_test("container test Array of floats", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.Array("float"), [3.42, 3.14, 1.22, 0.0]); }); start_test("container test list of bools", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.List("bool"), [true, false, false, false]); }); start_test("container test array of bools", function(){ container_test_generic(new efl.Array("bool"), [true, false, false, false]); }); function container_test_generic(list, js_ref_list) { assert(list.length == 0); list.push(js_ref_list[0]); list.push(js_ref_list[1]); list.push(js_ref_list[2]); list.push(js_ref_list[3]); assert(list.indexOf(js_ref_list[0]) == 0, "First pushed element has index 0"); assert(list.indexOf(js_ref_list[1]) == 1, "Second pushed element has index 1"); assert(list.lastIndexOf(js_ref_list[0]) == 0, "First element is unique, so its lastIndexOf should be 0"); assert(list.toString() == js_ref_list.toString(), "toString must be equal to JS.") assert(list.pop() == js_ref_list[3], "Pop should return the last list element"); } // footer if (!suite_success) { print ("[ Total tests run: %s ]", suite_ok + suite_fail.length); print ("[ Total successful: %s ]", suite_ok); print ("[ Total failures: %s ]", suite_fail.length); print ("[ Tests failed: ]"); for (var i = 0; i < suite_fail.length; i++) { print ("[ %s]", suite_fail[i]); }; assert(false, "[ Test suite fail ]"); } else { print ("[ Test execution with success ]"); print ("[ Total tests run: %s ]", suite_ok); } exit();