#include "evas_common_private.h" /* Also includes international specific stuff */ #include "evas_private.h" #include "evas_blend_private.h" #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 #include "evas_cs2_private.h" #endif #include "region.h" #include #include "ector_cairo_software_surface.eo.h" #ifdef HAVE_DLSYM # include /* dlopen,dlclose,etc */ # define EVAS_GL 1 # define EVAS_GL_NO_GL_H_CHECK 1 # include "Evas_GL.h" #else # warning software_generic will not be able to have Evas_GL API. #endif #include "Evas_Engine_Software_Generic.h" #ifdef EVAS_GL //----------------------------------// // OSMesa... #define OSMESA_MAJOR_VERSION 6 #define OSMESA_MINOR_VERSION 5 #define OSMESA_PATCH_VERSION 0 /* * Values for the format parameter of OSMesaCreateContext() * New in version 2.0. */ #define OSMESA_COLOR_INDEX GL_COLOR_INDEX #define OSMESA_RGBA GL_RGBA #define OSMESA_BGRA 0x1 #define OSMESA_ARGB 0x2 #define OSMESA_RGB GL_RGB #define OSMESA_BGR 0x4 #define OSMESA_RGB_565 0x5 /* * OSMesaPixelStore() parameters: * New in version 2.0. */ #define OSMESA_ROW_LENGTH 0x10 #define OSMESA_Y_UP 0x11 /* * Accepted by OSMesaGetIntegerv: */ #define OSMESA_WIDTH 0x20 #define OSMESA_HEIGHT 0x21 #define OSMESA_FORMAT 0x22 #define OSMESA_TYPE 0x23 #define OSMESA_MAX_WIDTH 0x24 /* new in 4.0 */ #define OSMESA_MAX_HEIGHT 0x25 /* new in 4.0 */ /* Required for orient */ #define TILE 32 typedef void (*OSMESAproc)(); typedef struct osmesa_context *OSMesaContext; #endif typedef struct _Render_Engine_GL_Surface Render_Engine_GL_Surface; typedef struct _Render_Engine_GL_Context Render_Engine_GL_Context; struct _Render_Engine_GL_Surface { int initialized; int w, h; #ifdef EVAS_GL GLenum internal_fmt; #endif int internal_cpp; // Component per pixel. ie. RGB = 3 int depth_bits; int stencil_bits; // Data void *buffer; Render_Engine_GL_Context *current_ctx; }; #ifdef EVAS_GL struct _Render_Engine_GL_Context { int initialized; OSMesaContext context; Render_Engine_GL_Context *share_ctx; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *current_sfc; }; //------------------------------------------------------// typedef void (*_eng_fn) (void ); typedef _eng_fn (*glsym_func_eng_fn) (); typedef void (*glsym_func_void) (); typedef unsigned int (*glsym_func_uint) (); typedef int (*glsym_func_int) (); typedef unsigned char (*glsym_func_uchar) (); typedef unsigned char *(*glsym_func_uchar_ptr) (); typedef const unsigned char *(*glsym_func_const_uchar_ptr) (); typedef char const *(*glsym_func_char_const_ptr) (); typedef GLboolean (*glsym_func_bool) (); typedef OSMesaContext (*glsym_func_osm_ctx) (); //------------------------------------------------------// /* Function table for GL APIs */ static Evas_GL_API gl_funcs; static void *gl_lib_handle; static int gl_lib_is_gles = 0; static Eina_Bool _tls_init = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_TLS gl_current_ctx_key = 0; static Eina_TLS gl_current_sfc_key = 0; //------------------------------------------------------// // OSMesa APIS... static OSMesaContext (*_sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt) (GLenum format, GLint depthBits, GLint stencilBits, GLint accumBits, OSMesaContext sharelist) = NULL; static void (*_sym_OSMesaDestroyContext) (OSMesaContext ctx) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_OSMesaMakeCurrent) (OSMesaContext ctx, void *buffer, GLenum type, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = NULL; static void (*_sym_OSMesaPixelStore) (GLint pname, GLint value) = NULL; static OSMESAproc (*_sym_OSMesaGetProcAddress) (const char *funcName); //------------------------------------------------------// // GLES 2.0 APIs... static void (*_sym_glActiveTexture) (GLenum texture) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glAttachShader) (GLuint program, GLuint shader) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBindAttribLocation) (GLuint program, GLuint index, const char* name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBindBuffer) (GLenum target, GLuint buffer) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBindFramebuffer) (GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBindRenderbuffer) (GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBindTexture) (GLenum target, GLuint texture) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBlendColor) (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBlendEquation) (GLenum mode) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBlendEquationSeparate) (GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBlendFunc) (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBlendFuncSeparate) (GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBufferData) (GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glBufferSubData) (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data) = NULL; static GLenum (*_sym_glCheckFramebufferStatus) (GLenum target) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glClear) (GLbitfield mask) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glClearColor) (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glClearDepthf) (GLclampf depth) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glClearStencil) (GLint s) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glColorMask) (GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCompileShader) (GLuint shader) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCompressedTexImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void* data) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCompressedTexSubImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void* data) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCopyTexImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCopyTexSubImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = NULL; static GLuint (*_sym_glCreateProgram) (void) = NULL; static GLuint (*_sym_glCreateShader) (GLenum type) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glCullFace) (GLenum mode) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteBuffers) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteFramebuffers) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteProgram) (GLuint program) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteRenderbuffers) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteShader) (GLuint shader) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDeleteTextures) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDepthFunc) (GLenum func) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDepthMask) (GLboolean flag) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDepthRangef) (GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDetachShader) (GLuint program, GLuint shader) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDisable) (GLenum cap) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDisableVertexAttribArray) (GLuint index) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDrawArrays) (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glDrawElements) (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void* indices) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glEnable) (GLenum cap) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glEnableVertexAttribArray) (GLuint index) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glFinish) (void) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glFlush) (void) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glFramebufferRenderbuffer) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glFramebufferTexture2D) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glFrontFace) (GLenum mode) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGenBuffers) (GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGenerateMipmap) (GLenum target) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGenFramebuffers) (GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGenRenderbuffers) (GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGenTextures) (GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetActiveAttrib) (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetActiveUniform) (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetAttachedShaders) (GLuint program, GLsizei maxcount, GLsizei* count, GLuint* shaders) = NULL; static int (*_sym_glGetAttribLocation) (GLuint program, const char* name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetBooleanv) (GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetBufferParameteriv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static GLenum (*_sym_glGetError) (void) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetFloatv) (GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetIntegerv) (GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetProgramiv) (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetProgramInfoLog) (GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetShaderiv) (GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetShaderInfoLog) (GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat) (GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetShaderSource) (GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* source) = NULL; static const GLubyte *(*_sym_glGetString) (GLenum name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetTexParameterfv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetTexParameteriv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetUniformfv) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetUniformiv) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint* params) = NULL; static int (*_sym_glGetUniformLocation) (GLuint program, const char* name) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetVertexAttribfv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetVertexAttribiv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glGetVertexAttribPointerv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, void** pointer) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glHint) (GLenum target, GLenum mode) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsBuffer) (GLuint buffer) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsEnabled) (GLenum cap) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsFramebuffer) (GLuint framebuffer) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsProgram) (GLuint program) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsRenderbuffer) (GLuint renderbuffer) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsShader) (GLuint shader) = NULL; static GLboolean (*_sym_glIsTexture) (GLuint texture) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glLineWidth) (GLfloat width) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glLinkProgram) (GLuint program) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glPixelStorei) (GLenum pname, GLint param) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glPolygonOffset) (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glReadPixels) (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* pixels) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glReleaseShaderCompiler) (void) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glRenderbufferStorage) (GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glSampleCoverage) (GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glScissor) (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glShaderBinary) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const void* binary, GLsizei length) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glShaderSource) (GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const char* const* string, const GLint* length) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilFunc) (GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilFuncSeparate) (GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilMask) (GLuint mask) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilMaskSeparate) (GLenum face, GLuint mask) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilOp) (GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glStencilOpSeparate) (GLenum face, GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexParameterf) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexParameterfv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexParameteri) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexParameteriv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glTexSubImage2D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform1f) (GLint location, GLfloat x) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform1fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform1i) (GLint location, GLint x) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform1iv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform2f) (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform2fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform2i) (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform2iv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform3f) (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform3fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform3i) (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform3iv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform4f) (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform4fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform4i) (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniform4iv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniformMatrix2fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniformMatrix3fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUniformMatrix4fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glUseProgram) (GLuint program) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glValidateProgram) (GLuint program) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib1f) (GLuint indx, GLfloat x) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib1fv) (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib2f) (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib2fv) (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib3f) (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib3fv) (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib4f) (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttrib4fv) (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glVertexAttribPointer) (GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const void* ptr) = NULL; static void (*_sym_glViewport) (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = NULL; // GLES Extensions... /* static void (*_sym_glGetProgramBinary) (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei* c, GLenum* d, void* e) = NULL; */ /* static void (*_sym_glProgramBinary) (GLuint a, GLenum b, const void* c, GLint d) = NULL; */ /* static void (*_sym_glProgramParameteri) (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLint d) = NULL; */ #endif // Threaded Render typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Rect Evas_Thread_Command_Rect; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Line Evas_Thread_Command_Line; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Image Evas_Thread_Command_Image; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Font Evas_Thread_Command_Font; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Map Evas_Thread_Command_Map; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Ector Evas_Thread_Command_Ector; typedef struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Rect { void *surface; DATA32 color; int render_op; int x, y, w, h; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Line { void *surface; Eina_Rectangle clip; DATA32 color; int render_op; Eina_Bool anti_alias; int x1, y1; int x2, y2; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon { Eina_Rectangle ext; DATA32 col; int render_op; void *surface; RGBA_Polygon_Point *points; int x, y; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Image { void *surface; void *image; Eina_Rectangle src, dst, clip; DATA32 mul_col; int render_op; int smooth; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Font { RGBA_Image *dst; int x; int y; Evas_Glyph_Array *glyphs; RGBA_Gfx_Func func; void *gl_new; void *gl_free; void *gl_draw; void *font_ext_data; DATA32 col; DATA32 mul_col; Eina_Rectangle clip_rect, ext; int im_w, im_h; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; Eina_Bool clip_use : 1; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Map { void *image; RGBA_Draw_Context *image_ctx; void *surface; Eina_Rectangle clip; DATA32 mul_col; int render_op; RGBA_Map *map; int smooth, level, offset; Eina_Bool anti_alias; void *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font { RGBA_Draw_Context *context; void *surface; int x, y; Evas_Font_Array *texts; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Ector { Ector_Renderer *r; Eina_Array *clips; DATA32 mul_col; Ector_Rop render_op; Eina_Bool free_it; }; struct _Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface { Ector_Surface *ector; void *surface; int x, y; }; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_rect = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_line = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_polygon = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_image = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_font = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_map = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_multi_font = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_ector = NULL; Eina_Mempool *_mp_command_ector_surface = NULL; /* ***** ** ** ENGINE ROUTINES ** ***** */ static int cpunum = 0; static int _evas_soft_gen_log_dom = -1; static void eng_output_dump(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { evas_common_image_image_all_unload(); evas_common_font_font_all_unload(); } static void * eng_context_new(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { return evas_common_draw_context_new(); } static void * eng_context_dup(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { RGBA_Draw_Context *ctx; ctx = evas_common_draw_context_dup(context); if (ctx->clip.mask) { Image_Entry *im = ctx->clip.mask; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_ref(im); else #endif evas_cache_image_ref(im); } return ctx; } static void eng_context_clip_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { evas_common_draw_context_set_clip(context, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_context_clip_image_unset(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { RGBA_Draw_Context *ctx = context; if (ctx->clip.mask) { Image_Entry *ie = ctx->clip.mask; if (ctx->clip.async) evas_unref_queue_image_put(ctx->clip.evas, ie); else { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_close(ie); else #endif evas_cache_image_drop(ie); } ctx->clip.mask = NULL; } } static void eng_context_clip_image_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, Evas_Public_Data *evas, Eina_Bool do_async) { RGBA_Draw_Context *ctx = context; Eina_Bool noinc = EINA_FALSE; if (ctx->clip.mask) { if (ctx->clip.mask != surface) eng_context_clip_image_unset(data, context); else noinc = EINA_TRUE; } ctx->clip.mask = surface; ctx->clip.mask_x = x; ctx->clip.mask_y = y; ctx->clip.evas = evas; ctx->clip.async = do_async; if (surface) { Image_Entry *ie = surface; if (!noinc) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_ref(ie); else #endif evas_cache_image_ref(ie); } RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(ctx->clip.x, ctx->clip.y, ctx->clip.w, ctx->clip.h, x, y, ie->w, ie->h); } } static void eng_context_clip_image_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void **ie, int *x, int *y) { RGBA_Draw_Context *ctx = context; if (ie) { Image_Entry *im = ctx->clip.mask; *ie = im; if (im) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_ref(im); else #endif evas_cache_image_ref(im); } } if (x) *x = ctx->clip.mask_x; if (y) *y = ctx->clip.mask_y; } static void eng_context_free(void *data, void *context) { RGBA_Draw_Context *ctx = context; if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->clip.mask) eng_context_clip_image_unset(data, context); evas_common_draw_context_free(context); } static void eng_context_clip_clip(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { evas_common_draw_context_clip_clip(context, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_context_clip_unset(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { evas_common_draw_context_unset_clip(context); } static int eng_context_clip_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { if (x) *x = ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->clip.x; if (y) *y = ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->clip.y; if (w) *w = ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->clip.w; if (h) *h = ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->clip.h; return ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->clip.use; } static void eng_context_color_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a) { evas_common_draw_context_set_color(context, r, g, b, a); } static int eng_context_color_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a) { *r = (int)(R_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->col.col)); *g = (int)(G_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->col.col)); *b = (int)(B_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->col.col)); *a = (int)(A_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->col.col)); return 1; } static void eng_context_multiplier_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int r, int g, int b, int a) { evas_common_draw_context_set_multiplier(context, r, g, b, a); } static void eng_context_multiplier_unset(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { evas_common_draw_context_unset_multiplier(context); } static int eng_context_multiplier_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a) { *r = (int)(R_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->mul.col)); *g = (int)(G_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->mul.col)); *b = (int)(B_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->mul.col)); *a = (int)(A_VAL(&((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->mul.col)); return ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->mul.use; } static void eng_context_cutout_add(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { evas_common_draw_context_add_cutout(context, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_context_cutout_clear(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { evas_common_draw_context_clear_cutouts(context); } static void eng_context_anti_alias_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, unsigned char aa) { evas_common_draw_context_set_anti_alias(context, aa); } static unsigned char eng_context_anti_alias_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { return ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->anti_alias; } static void eng_context_color_interpolation_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int color_space) { evas_common_draw_context_set_color_interpolation(context, color_space); } static int eng_context_color_interpolation_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { return ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->interpolation.color_space; } static void eng_context_render_op_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, int op) { evas_common_draw_context_set_render_op(context, op); } static int eng_context_render_op_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { return ((RGBA_Draw_Context *)context)->render_op; } static void _draw_thread_rectangle_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Rect *rect = data; evas_common_rectangle_rgba_draw(rect->surface, rect->color, rect->render_op, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, rect->mask, rect->mask_x, rect->mask_y); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_rect, rect); } static void _draw_rectangle_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Evas_Thread_Command_Rect *cr; RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(x, y, w, h, dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h); if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) return; cr = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_rect, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Rect)); if (!cr) return; cr->surface = dst; cr->color = dc->col.col; cr->render_op = dc->render_op; cr->x = x; cr->y = y; cr->w = w; cr->h = h; cr->mask = dc->clip.mask; cr->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cr->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_rectangle_draw, cr); } static void eng_rectangle_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) evas_common_rectangle_draw_cb(surface, context, x, y, w, h, _draw_rectangle_thread_cmd); #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER else if ((cpunum > 1)) evas_common_pipe_rectangle_draw(surface, context, x, y, w, h); #endif else { evas_common_rectangle_draw(surface, context, x, y, w, h); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } } static void _draw_thread_line_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Line *line = data; int clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h; clip_x = line->clip.x; clip_y = line->clip.y; clip_w = line->clip.w; clip_h = line->clip.h; if ((line->x1 == line->x2) && (line->y1 == line->y2)) { evas_common_line_point_draw(line->surface, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, line->color, line->render_op, line->x1, line->y1, line->mask, line->mask_x, line->mask_y); return; } if (line->anti_alias) evas_common_line_draw_line_aa (line->surface, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, line->color, line->render_op, line->x1, line->y1, line->x2, line->y2, line->mask, line->mask_x, line->mask_y); else evas_common_line_draw_line (line->surface, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, line->color, line->render_op, line->x1, line->y1, line->x2, line->y2, line->mask, line->mask_x, line->mask_y); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_line, line); } static void _line_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Evas_Thread_Command_Line *cl; int clx, cly, clw, clh; int cx, cy, cw, ch; int x, y, w, h; cl = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_line, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Line)); if (!cl) return; cl->surface = dst; if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2)) { EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cl->clip, dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h); goto done; } clx = cly = 0; clw = dst->cache_entry.w; clh = dst->cache_entry.h; cx = dc->clip.x; cy = dc->clip.y; cw = dc->clip.w; ch = dc->clip.h; if (dc->clip.use) { RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(clx, cly, clw, clh, cx, cy, cw, ch); if ((clw < 1) || (clh < 1)) { eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_line, cl); return; } } x = MIN(x1, x2); y = MIN(y1, y2); w = MAX(x1, x2) - x + 1; h = MAX(y1, y2) - y + 1; RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(clx, cly, clw, clh, x, y, w, h); if ((clw < 1) || (clh < 1)) { eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_line, cl); return; } EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cl->clip, clx, cly, clw, clh); done: cl->color = dc->col.col; cl->render_op = dc->render_op; cl->anti_alias = dc->anti_alias; cl->x1 = x1; cl->y1 = y1; cl->x2 = x2; cl->y2 = y2; cl->mask = dc->clip.mask; cl->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cl->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_line_draw, cl); } static void eng_line_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) _line_draw_thread_cmd(surface, context, x1, y1, x2, y2); #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER else if ((cpunum > 1)) evas_common_pipe_line_draw(surface, context, x1, y1, x2, y2); #endif else { evas_common_line_draw(surface, context, x1, y1, x2, y2); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } } static void * eng_polygon_point_add(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context EINA_UNUSED, void *polygon, int x, int y) { return evas_common_polygon_point_add(polygon, x, y); } static void * eng_polygon_points_clear(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context EINA_UNUSED, void *polygon) { return evas_common_polygon_points_clear(polygon); } static void _draw_thread_polygon_cleanup(Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon *poly) { RGBA_Polygon_Point *points = poly->points; while (points) { RGBA_Polygon_Point *p; p = points; points = (RGBA_Polygon_Point *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(points), EINA_INLIST_GET(points)); free(p); } poly->points = NULL; } static void _draw_thread_polygon_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon *poly = data; evas_common_polygon_rgba_draw (poly->surface, poly->ext.x, poly->ext.y, poly->ext.w, poly->ext.h, poly->col, poly->render_op, poly->points, poly->x, poly->y, poly->mask, poly->mask_x, poly->mask_y); _draw_thread_polygon_cleanup(poly); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_polygon, poly); } static void _polygon_draw_thread_points_populate(Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon *cp, RGBA_Polygon_Point *points) { RGBA_Polygon_Point *cur, *npoints = NULL; if (!points) return; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(points), cur) { RGBA_Polygon_Point *point; point = malloc(sizeof *point); point->x = cur->x; point->y = cur->y; npoints = (RGBA_Polygon_Point *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(npoints), EINA_INLIST_GET(point)); } cp->points = npoints; } static void _polygon_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, RGBA_Polygon_Point *points, int x, int y) { int ext_x, ext_y, ext_w, ext_h; Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon *cp; ext_x = 0; ext_y = 0; ext_w = dst->cache_entry.w; ext_h = dst->cache_entry.h; if (dc->clip.use) { if (dc->clip.x > ext_x) { ext_w += ext_x - dc->clip.x; ext_x = dc->clip.x; } if ((ext_x + ext_w) > (dc->clip.x + dc->clip.w)) ext_w = (dc->clip.x + dc->clip.w) - ext_x; if (dc->clip.y > ext_y) { ext_h += ext_y - dc->clip.y; ext_y = dc->clip.y; } if ((ext_y + ext_h) > (dc->clip.y + dc->clip.h)) ext_h = (dc->clip.y + dc->clip.h) - ext_y; } cp = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_polygon, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon)); if (!cp) return; EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cp->ext, ext_x, ext_y, ext_w, ext_h); cp->col = dc->col.col; cp->render_op = dc->render_op; cp->surface = dst; _polygon_draw_thread_points_populate(cp, points); cp->x = x; cp->y = y; cp->mask = dc->clip.mask; cp->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cp->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_polygon_draw, cp); } static void eng_polygon_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, void *polygon, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) _polygon_draw_thread_cmd(surface, context, polygon, x, y); #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER else if ((cpunum > 1)) evas_common_pipe_poly_draw(surface, context, polygon, x, y); #endif else { evas_common_polygon_draw(surface, context, polygon, x, y); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } } static int eng_image_alpha_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return 1; im = image; switch (im->space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (im->flags.alpha) return 1; default: break; } return 0; } static Evas_Colorspace eng_image_colorspace_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888; im = image; return im->space; } static Eina_Bool eng_image_can_region_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EINA_FALSE; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) return EINA_FALSE; #endif im = image; return ((Evas_Image_Load_Func*) im->info.loader)->do_region; } static void * eng_image_alpha_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int has_alpha) { RGBA_Image *im; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; if (im->cache_entry.space != EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) { im->cache_entry.flags.alpha = 0; return im; } if (!im->image.data) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); im = (RGBA_Image *) evas_cache_image_alone(&im->cache_entry); im->cache_entry.flags.alpha = has_alpha ? 1 : 0; evas_common_image_colorspace_dirty(im); return im; } static void * eng_image_border_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int l EINA_UNUSED, int r EINA_UNUSED, int t EINA_UNUSED, int b EINA_UNUSED) { RGBA_Image *im; im = image; return im; } static void eng_image_border_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image EINA_UNUSED, int *l EINA_UNUSED, int *r EINA_UNUSED, int *t EINA_UNUSED, int *b EINA_UNUSED) { } static char * eng_image_comment_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, char *key EINA_UNUSED) { RGBA_Image *im; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; return im->info.comment; } static char * eng_image_format_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void eng_image_colorspace_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, Evas_Colorspace cspace) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return; im = image; evas_cache_image_colorspace(im, cspace); } static void * eng_image_native_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, void *native) { //return image; Evas_Native_Surface *ns = native; Image_Entry *im = image, *im2 = NULL; if (!im || !ns) return im; if ((ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_EVASGL) && (ns->version == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_VERSION)) { im2 = evas_cache_image_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), im->w, im->h, ns->data.evasgl.surface, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); } else im2 = evas_cache_image_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), im->w, im->h, NULL, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (im->references > 1) ERR("Setting native with more than one references for im=%p", im); #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(im)) evas_cache2_image_close(im); else #endif evas_cache_image_drop(im); return im2; } static void * eng_image_native_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void * eng_image_load(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *file, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) { Image_Entry *ie; ie = evas_cache2_image_open(evas_common_image_cache2_get(), file, key, lo, error); if (ie) { *error = evas_cache2_image_open_wait(ie); if ((*error != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) && ie->animated.animated) { evas_cache2_image_close(ie); goto use_local_cache; } } return ie; } use_local_cache: #endif return evas_common_load_image_from_file(file, key, lo, error); } static void * eng_image_mmap(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eina_File *f, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 // FIXME: Need to pass fd to make that useful, so just get the filename for now. if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && !eina_file_virtual(f)) { Image_Entry *ie; ie = evas_cache2_image_open(evas_common_image_cache2_get(), eina_file_filename_get(f), key, lo, error); if (ie) { *error = evas_cache2_image_open_wait(ie); if ((*error != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) && ie->animated.animated) { evas_cache2_image_close(ie); goto use_local_cache; } } return ie; } use_local_cache: #endif return evas_common_load_image_from_mmap(f, key, lo, error); } static void * eng_image_new_from_data(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) { Evas_Cache2 *cache = evas_common_image_cache2_get(); return evas_cache2_image_data(cache, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } #endif return evas_cache_image_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } static void * eng_image_new_from_copied_data(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) { Evas_Cache2 *cache = evas_common_image_cache2_get(); return evas_cache2_image_copied_data(cache, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } #endif return evas_cache_image_copied_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } static void eng_image_free(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(image)) { evas_cache2_image_close(image); return; } #endif evas_cache_image_drop(image); } static void * eng_image_ref(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { if (!image) return NULL; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(image)) { evas_cache2_image_ref(image); return image; } #endif evas_cache_image_ref(image); return image; } static void eng_image_size_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int *w, int *h) { Image_Entry *im; im = image; if (w) *w = im->w; if (h) *h = im->h; } static void * eng_image_size_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int w, int h) { Image_Entry *im = image; if (!im) return NULL; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(im)) return evas_cache2_image_size_set(im, w, h); #endif return evas_cache_image_size_set(im, w, h); } static void * eng_image_dirty_region(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Image_Entry *im = image; if (!im) return NULL; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(im)) return evas_cache2_image_dirty(im, x, y, w, h); #endif return evas_cache_image_dirty(im, x, y, w, h); } static void * eng_image_data_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int to_write, DATA32 **image_data, int *err, Eina_Bool *tofree) { RGBA_Image *im = image; int error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; *image_data = NULL; if (err) *err = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; if (tofree) *tofree = EINA_FALSE; if (!im) { if (err) *err = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; return NULL; } #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(&im->cache_entry)) { error = evas_cache2_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); if (err) *err = error; if (to_write) { im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache2_image_writable(&im->cache_entry); if (!im) { if (err) *err = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return NULL; } } } else #endif error = evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); switch (im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (to_write) im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_alone(&im->cache_entry); *image_data = im->image.data; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420NV12601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420TM12601_PL: *image_data = im->cs.data; break; default: abort(); break; } if (err) *err = error; return im; } static void * eng_image_data_put(void *data, void *image, DATA32 *image_data) { RGBA_Image *im, *im2; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; switch (im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (image_data != im->image.data) { int w, h; w = im->cache_entry.w; h = im->cache_entry.h; im2 = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, image_data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) { evas_cache2_image_close(&im->cache_entry); im = im2; break; } #endif evas_cache_image_drop(&im->cache_entry); im = im2; } break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420NV12601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420TM12601_PL: if (image_data != im->cs.data) { if (im->cs.data) { if (!im->cs.no_free) free(im->cs.data); } im->cs.data = image_data; } evas_common_image_colorspace_dirty(im); break; default: abort(); break; } return im; } static void _image_flip_horizontal(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { const unsigned int *pi1, *pi2; unsigned int *po1, *po2; int x, y; for (y = 0; y < ih; y++) { pi1 = pixels_in + (y * iw); pi2 = pixels_in + ((y + 1) * iw) - 1; po1 = pixels_out + (y * iw); po2 = pixels_out + ((y + 1) * iw) - 1; for (x = 0; x < (iw >> 1); x++) { *po2 = *pi1; *po1 = *pi2; pi1++; po1++; pi2--; po2--; } } } static void _image_flip_vertical(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { const unsigned int *pi1, *pi2; unsigned int *po1, *po2; int x, y; for (y = 0; y < (ih >> 1); y++) { pi1 = pixels_in + (y * iw); pi2 = pixels_in + ((ih - 1 - y) * iw); po1 = pixels_out + (y * iw); po2 = pixels_out + ((ih - 1 - y) * iw); for (x = 0; x < iw; x++) { *po2 = *pi1; *po1 = *pi2; pi1++; po1++; pi2++; po2++; } } } static void _image_rotate_180(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { const unsigned int *pi1, *pi2; unsigned int *po1, *po2; int hw; hw = iw * ih; pi1 = pixels_in; pi2 = pixels_in + hw - 1; po1 = pixels_out; po2 = pixels_out + hw - 1; for (; pi1 < pi2; ) { *po2 = *pi1; *po1 = *pi2; pi1++; po1++; pi2--; po2--; } } static void _image_rotate_90(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { int x, y, xx, yy, xx2, yy2; for (y = 0; y < ih; y += TILE) { yy2 = y + TILE; if (yy2 > ih) yy2 = ih; for (x = 0; x < iw; x += TILE) { xx2 = x + TILE; if (xx2 > iw) xx2 = iw; for (yy = y; yy < yy2; yy++) { const unsigned int *src; unsigned int *dst; src = pixels_in + (yy * iw) + x; dst = pixels_out + (x * ih) + (ih - yy - 1); for (xx = x; xx < xx2; xx++) { *dst = *src; src++; dst += ih; } } } } } static void _image_rotate_270(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { int x, y, xx, yy, xx2, yy2; for (y = 0; y < ih; y += TILE) { yy2 = y + TILE; if (yy2 > ih) yy2 = ih; for (x = 0; x < iw; x += TILE) { xx2 = x + TILE; if (xx2 > iw) xx2 = iw; for (yy = y; yy < yy2; yy++) { const unsigned int *src; unsigned int *dst; src = pixels_in + (yy * iw) + x; dst = pixels_out + ((iw - x - 1) * ih) + yy; for (xx = x; xx < xx2; xx++) { *dst = *src; src++; dst -= ih; } } } } } static void _image_flip_transpose(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { int x, y; const unsigned int *src; src = pixels_in; for (y = 0; y < ih; y++) { unsigned int *dst; dst = pixels_out + y; for (x = 0; x < iw; x++) { unsigned int tmp = *src; *dst = tmp; src++; dst += ih; } } } static void _image_flip_transverse(DATA32 *pixels_out, const DATA32 *pixels_in, int iw, int ih) { int x, y; const unsigned int *src; src = pixels_in + (iw * ih) - 1; for (y = 0; y < ih; y++) { unsigned int *dst; dst = pixels_out + y; for (x = 0; x < iw; x++) { *dst = *src; src--; dst += ih; } } } static void * eng_image_orient_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, Evas_Image_Orient orient) { Image_Entry *im; Image_Entry *im_new; void *pixels_in; void *pixels_out; int tw, th; int w, h; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; if (im->orient == orient) return im; if (im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_90 || im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270 || im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSPOSE || im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSVERSE) { tw = im->h; th = im->w; } else { th = im->h; tw = im->w; } if (orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_90 || orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270 || orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSPOSE || orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSVERSE) { w = th; h = tw; } else { h = th; w = tw; } im_new = evas_cache_image_copied_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, NULL, im->flags.alpha, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (!im_new) return im; #if EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(im)) evas_cache2_image_load_data(im); else #endif evas_cache_image_load_data(im); pixels_in = evas_cache_image_pixels(im); pixels_out = evas_cache_image_pixels(im_new); if (!pixels_out || !pixels_in) goto on_error; if ((im->orient <= EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270) && (orient <= EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270)) { // we are rotating from one anglee to another, so figure out delta // and apply that delta Evas_Image_Orient rot_delta = (4 + orient - im->orient) % 4; switch (rot_delta) { case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_0: ERR("You shouldn't get this message, wrong orient value"); goto on_error; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_90: _image_rotate_90(pixels_out, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_180: _image_rotate_180(pixels_out, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270: _image_rotate_270(pixels_out, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; default: ERR("Wrong orient value"); goto on_error; } } else if (((im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE) && (orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_HORIZONTAL)) || ((im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_HORIZONTAL) && (orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE))) { // flip horizontally to get the new orientation _image_flip_horizontal(pixels_out, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); } else if (((im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE) && (orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL)) || ((im->orient == EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL) && (orient == EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE))) { // flip vertically to get the new orientation _image_flip_vertical(pixels_out, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); } else { // generic solution - undo the previous orientation and then apply the // new one after that void *pixels_tmp; pixels_tmp = malloc(sizeof (unsigned int) * w * h); if (!pixels_tmp) goto on_error; // Undoing previous rotation switch (im->orient) { case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_0: // FIXME: could be easily optimized away memcpy(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, sizeof (unsigned int) * w * h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_90: _image_rotate_270(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_180: _image_rotate_180(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270: _image_rotate_90(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_HORIZONTAL: _image_flip_horizontal(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL: _image_flip_vertical(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSPOSE: _image_flip_transpose(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSVERSE: _image_flip_transverse(pixels_tmp, pixels_in, im->w, im->h); break; default: ERR("Wrong orient value"); goto on_error; } // Doing the new requested one switch (orient) { case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_0: // FIXME: could be easily optimized away memcpy(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, sizeof (unsigned int) * w * h); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_90: _image_rotate_90(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_180: _image_rotate_180(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_270: _image_rotate_270(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_HORIZONTAL: _image_flip_horizontal(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL: _image_flip_vertical(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSPOSE: _image_flip_transpose(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; case EVAS_IMAGE_FLIP_TRANSVERSE: _image_flip_transverse(pixels_out, pixels_tmp, tw, th); break; } free(pixels_tmp); } im_new->orient = orient; evas_cache_image_drop(im); return im_new; on_error: evas_cache_image_drop(im_new); return im; } static Evas_Image_Orient eng_image_orient_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EVAS_IMAGE_ORIENT_NONE; im = image; return im->orient; } static void eng_image_data_preload_request(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, const Eo *target) { RGBA_Image *im = image; if (!im) return; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(&im->cache_entry)) { evas_cache2_image_preload_data(&im->cache_entry, target); return; } #endif evas_cache_image_preload_data(&im->cache_entry, target, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static void eng_image_data_preload_cancel(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, const Eo *target) { RGBA_Image *im = image; if (!im) return; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(&im->cache_entry)) { evas_cache2_image_preload_cancel(&im->cache_entry, target); return; } #endif evas_cache_image_preload_cancel(&im->cache_entry, target); } static void _draw_thread_image_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Image *image = data; if (image->smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_smooth_draw (image->image, image->surface, image->clip.x, image->clip.y, image->clip.w, image->clip.h, image->mul_col, image->render_op, image->src.x, image->src.y, image->src.w, image->src.h, image->dst.x, image->dst.y, image->dst.w, image->dst.h, image->mask, image->mask_x, image->mask_y); else evas_common_scale_rgba_sample_draw (image->image, image->surface, image->clip.x, image->clip.y, image->clip.w, image->clip.h, image->mul_col, image->render_op, image->src.x, image->src.y, image->src.w, image->src.h, image->dst.x, image->dst.y, image->dst.w, image->dst.h, image->mask, image->mask_x, image->mask_y); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_image, image); } static Eina_Bool _image_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth) { Evas_Thread_Command_Image *cr; int clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h; if ((dst_w <= 0) || (dst_h <= 0)) return EINA_FALSE; if (!(RECTS_INTERSECT(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 0, 0, dst->cache_entry.w, dst->cache_entry.h))) return EINA_FALSE; cr = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_image, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Image)); if (!cr) return EINA_FALSE; cr->image = src; cr->surface = dst; EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cr->src, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h); EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cr->dst, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); if (dc->clip.use) { clip_x = dc->clip.x; clip_y = dc->clip.y; clip_w = dc->clip.w; clip_h = dc->clip.h; } else { clip_x = 0; clip_y = 0; clip_w = dst->cache_entry.w; clip_h = dst->cache_entry.h; } /* Set image mask, if any */ cr->mask = dc->clip.mask; cr->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cr->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; if (cr->mask) { Image_Entry *im = cr->mask; RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, cr->mask_x, cr->mask_y, im->w, im->h); } EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cr->clip, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h); cr->mul_col = dc->mul.use ? dc->mul.col : 0xffffffff; cr->render_op = dc->render_op; cr->smooth = smooth; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_image_draw, cr); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _image_draw_thread_cmd_smooth(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { return _image_draw_thread_cmd(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 1); } static Eina_Bool _image_draw_thread_cmd_sample(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { return _image_draw_thread_cmd(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 0); } static Eina_Bool _image_thr_cb_smooth(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { return evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_cb(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, _image_draw_thread_cmd_smooth); } static Eina_Bool _image_thr_cb_sample(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { return evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_cb(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, _image_draw_thread_cmd_sample); } static Eina_Bool eng_image_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, void *image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth, Eina_Bool do_async) { RGBA_Image *im; if (!image) return EINA_FALSE; im = image; if (im->native.func.bind) im->native.func.bind(data, image, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h); if (do_async) { if (!evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_prepare(image, surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h)) { if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) { #if EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get() && evas_cache2_image_cached(&im->cache_entry)) evas_cache2_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); else #endif evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); if (!im->cache_entry.flags.loaded) return EINA_FALSE; } } return evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_do_cbs(image, surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, _image_thr_cb_sample, _image_thr_cb_smooth); } #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER else if ((cpunum > 1)) { #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); #endif evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_prepare((Image_Entry *)(im), surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); evas_common_pipe_image_draw(im, surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); } #endif else { evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_prepare (&im->cache_entry, surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_do (&im->cache_entry, surface, context, smooth, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } if (im->native.func.unbind) im->native.func.unbind(data, image); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _map_image_draw(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth) { int clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h; DATA32 mul_col; if ((dst_w <= 0) || (dst_h <= 0)) return; if (!(RECTS_INTERSECT(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 0, 0, dst->cache_entry.w, dst->cache_entry.h))) return; if (dc->clip.use) { clip_x = dc->clip.x; clip_y = dc->clip.y; clip_w = dc->clip.w; clip_h = dc->clip.h; } else { clip_x = clip_y = 0; clip_w = dst->cache_entry.w; clip_h = dst->cache_entry.h; } mul_col = dc->mul.use ? dc->mul.col : 0xffffffff; if (smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_smooth_draw(src, dst, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, mul_col, dc->render_op, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, dc->clip.mask, dc->clip.mask_x, dc->clip.mask_y); else evas_common_scale_rgba_sample_draw(src, dst, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h, mul_col, dc->render_op, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, dc->clip.mask, dc->clip.mask_x, dc->clip.mask_y); } static Eina_Bool _map_image_sample_draw(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { _map_image_draw(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 0); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _map_image_smooth_draw(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h) { _map_image_draw(src, dst, dc, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 1); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _draw_thread_map_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Map *map = data; int offset = map->offset; RGBA_Map *m = map->map; RGBA_Image *im = map->image; int dx, dy, dw, dh; do { if (m->count - offset < 3) goto free_out; //Fully Transparency. Skip this. if (!(m->pts[0 + offset].col & 0xff000000) && !(m->pts[1 + offset].col & 0xff000000) && !(m->pts[2 + offset].col & 0xff000000) && !(m->pts[3 + offset].col & 0xff000000)) { offset += 2; continue; } if ((m->pts[0 + offset].x == m->pts[3 + offset].x) && (m->pts[1 + offset].x == m->pts[2 + offset].x) && (m->pts[0 + offset].y == m->pts[1 + offset].y) && (m->pts[3 + offset].y == m->pts[2 + offset].y) && (m->pts[0 + offset].x <= m->pts[1 + offset].x) && (m->pts[0 + offset].y <= m->pts[2 + offset].y) && (m->pts[0 + offset].u == 0) && (m->pts[0 + offset].v == 0) && (m->pts[1 + offset].u == (int)(im->cache_entry.w << FP)) && (m->pts[1 + offset].v == 0) && (m->pts[2 + offset].u == (int)(im->cache_entry.w << FP)) && (m->pts[2 + offset].v == (int)(im->cache_entry.h << FP)) && (m->pts[3 + offset].u == 0) && (m->pts[3 + offset].v == (int)(im->cache_entry.h << FP)) && (m->pts[0].col == m->pts[1].col) && (m->pts[1].col == m->pts[2].col) && (m->pts[2].col == m->pts[3].col)) { DATA32 col; Eina_Bool use; dx = m->pts[0 + offset].x >> FP; dy = m->pts[0 + offset].y >> FP; dw = (m->pts[2 + offset].x >> FP) - dx; dh = (m->pts[2 + offset].y >> FP) - dy; col = map->image_ctx->mul.col; use = map->image_ctx->mul.use; if (use) map->image_ctx->mul.col = MUL4_SYM(col, m->pts[0].col); else map->image_ctx->mul.col = m->pts[0].col; map->image_ctx->mul.use = 1; if (map->smooth) evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_cb (im, map->surface, map->image_ctx, 0, 0, im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h, dx, dy, dw, dh, _map_image_smooth_draw); else evas_common_scale_rgba_in_to_out_clip_cb (im, map->surface, map->image_ctx, 0, 0, im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h, dx, dy, dw, dh, _map_image_sample_draw); map->image_ctx->mul.col = col; map->image_ctx->mul.use = use; } else { evas_common_map_rgba_draw (im, map->surface, map->clip.x, map->clip.y, map->clip.w, map->clip.h, map->mul_col, map->render_op, m->count - offset, &m->pts[offset], map->smooth, map->anti_alias, map->level, map->mask, map->mask_x, map->mask_y); } evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); offset += 2; } while ((m->count > 4) && (m->count - offset >= 3)); free_out: free(m); evas_common_draw_context_free(map->image_ctx); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_map, map); } static Eina_Bool _map_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, RGBA_Map *map, int smooth, int level, int offset) { Evas_Thread_Command_Map *cm; int clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h; cm = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_map, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Map)); if (!cm) return EINA_FALSE; cm->image = src; cm->image_ctx = evas_common_draw_context_dup(dc); cm->surface = dst; if (dc->clip.use) { clip_x = dc->clip.x; clip_y = dc->clip.y; clip_w = dc->clip.w; clip_h = dc->clip.h; } else { clip_x = clip_y = 0; clip_w = dst->cache_entry.w; clip_h = dst->cache_entry.h; } EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cm->clip, clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h); cm->mul_col = dc->mul.use ? dc->mul.col : 0xffffffff; cm->render_op = dc->render_op; cm->anti_alias = dc->anti_alias; cm->map = calloc(1, sizeof(RGBA_Map) + sizeof(RGBA_Map_Point) * map->count); cm->map->engine_data = map->engine_data; cm->map->image.w = map->image.w; cm->map->image.h = map->image.h; cm->map->uv.w = map->uv.w; cm->map->uv.h = map->uv.h; cm->map->x = map->x; cm->map->y = map->y; cm->map->count = map->count; memcpy(&cm->map->pts[0], &map->pts[0], sizeof(RGBA_Map_Point) * map->count); cm->smooth = smooth; cm->level = level; cm->offset = offset; cm->mask = dc->clip.mask; cm->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cm->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_map_draw, cm); return EINA_TRUE; } static void evas_software_image_map_draw(void *data, void *context, RGBA_Image *surface, RGBA_Image *im, RGBA_Map *m, int smooth, int level, int offset) { if (m->count - offset < 3) return; if ((m->pts[0 + offset].x == m->pts[3 + offset].x) && (m->pts[1 + offset].x == m->pts[2 + offset].x) && (m->pts[0 + offset].y == m->pts[1 + offset].y) && (m->pts[3 + offset].y == m->pts[2 + offset].y) && (m->pts[0 + offset].x <= m->pts[1 + offset].x) && (m->pts[0 + offset].y <= m->pts[2 + offset].y) && (m->pts[0 + offset].u == 0) && (m->pts[0 + offset].v == 0) && (m->pts[1 + offset].u == (int)(im->cache_entry.w << FP)) && (m->pts[1 + offset].v == 0) && (m->pts[2 + offset].u == (int)(im->cache_entry.w << FP)) && (m->pts[2 + offset].v == (int)(im->cache_entry.h << FP)) && (m->pts[3 + offset].u == 0) && (m->pts[3 + offset].v == (int)(im->cache_entry.h << FP)) && (m->pts[0 + offset].col == m->pts[1 + offset].col) && (m->pts[1 + offset].col == m->pts[2 + offset].col) && (m->pts[2 + offset].col == m->pts[3 + offset].col)) { DATA32 col; int a, r, g, b; int dx, dy, dw, dh; int mul; mul = eng_context_multiplier_get(data, context, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (mul) col = MUL4_256(a, r, g, b, m->pts[0 + offset].col); else col = m->pts[0 + offset].col; eng_context_multiplier_set(data, context, R_VAL(&col), G_VAL(&col), B_VAL(&col), A_VAL(&col)); dx = m->pts[0 + offset].x >> FP; dy = m->pts[0 + offset].y >> FP; dw = (m->pts[2 + offset].x >> FP) - dx; dh = (m->pts[2 + offset].y >> FP) - dy; eng_image_draw (data, context, surface, im, 0, 0, im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h, dx, dy, dw, dh, smooth, EINA_FALSE); if (mul) eng_context_multiplier_set(data, context, r, g, b, a); else eng_context_multiplier_unset(data, context); } else { #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER if ((cpunum > 1)) { evas_common_pipe_map_draw(im, surface, context, m, smooth, level); return; } else #endif { evas_common_map_rgba(im, surface, context, m->count - offset, &m->pts[offset], smooth, level); } } evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); if (m->count > 4) { evas_software_image_map_draw(data, context, surface, im, m, smooth, level, offset + 2); } } static Eina_Bool eng_image_map_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, RGBA_Map *m, int smooth, int level, Eina_Bool do_async) { RGBA_Image *im = image; if (!im) return EINA_FALSE; if (m->count < 3) return EINA_FALSE; if (do_async) { /* Since the thread that'll draw the map won't call eng_image_draw() * (which sends the load request of source image to Cserve2) - we need * to send the load request here before enqueueing thread command. */ if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) { #if EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); else #endif evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); if (!im->cache_entry.flags.loaded) return EINA_FALSE; } return evas_common_map_thread_rgba_cb(im, surface, context, m, smooth, level, 0, _map_draw_thread_cmd); } else evas_software_image_map_draw(data, context, surface, im, m, smooth, level, 0); return EINA_FALSE; } static void eng_image_map_clean(void *data EINA_UNUSED, RGBA_Map *m) { evas_common_map_rgba_clean(m); } static void * eng_image_map_surface_new(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int w, int h, int alpha) { void *surface; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) { surface = evas_cache2_image_copied_data(evas_common_image_cache2_get(), w, h, NULL, alpha, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); evas_cache2_image_pixels(surface); return surface; } #endif surface = evas_cache_image_copied_data(evas_common_image_cache_get(), w, h, NULL, alpha, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); evas_cache_image_pixels(surface); return surface; } static void eng_image_scale_hint_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int hint) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return; im = image; im->scale_hint = hint; } static int eng_image_scale_hint_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_NONE; im = image; return im->scale_hint; } static Eina_Bool eng_image_animated_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EINA_FALSE; im = image; return im->animated.animated; } static int eng_image_animated_frame_count_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return -1; im = image; if (!im->animated.animated) return -1; return im->animated.frame_count; } static Evas_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint eng_image_animated_loop_type_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EVAS_IMAGE_ANIMATED_HINT_NONE; im = image; if (!im->animated.animated) return EVAS_IMAGE_ANIMATED_HINT_NONE; return im->animated.loop_hint; } static int eng_image_animated_loop_count_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return -1; im = image; if (!im->animated.animated) return -1; return im->animated.loop_count; } static double eng_image_animated_frame_duration_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int start_frame, int frame_num) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return -1; im = image; if (!im->animated.animated) return -1; return evas_common_load_rgba_image_frame_duration_from_file(im, start_frame, frame_num); } static Eina_Bool eng_image_animated_frame_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image, int frame_index) { Image_Entry *im; if (!image) return EINA_FALSE; im = image; if (!im->animated.animated) return EINA_FALSE; if (im->animated.cur_frame == frame_index) return EINA_FALSE; im->animated.cur_frame = frame_index; return EINA_TRUE; } static void _draw_thread_multi_font_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font *mf = data; Evas_Font_Array_Data *itr; EINA_INARRAY_FOREACH(mf->texts->array, itr) { unsigned int r, g, b, a; int x = mf->x + itr->x, y = mf->y; r = itr->color.r; g = itr->color.g; b = itr->color.b; a = itr->color.a; eng_context_color_set(NULL, mf->context, r, g, b, a); evas_common_font_draw(mf->surface, mf->context, x, y, itr->glyphs); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } evas_common_draw_context_free(mf->context); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_multi_font, mf); } static Eina_Bool _multi_font_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, Evas_Font_Array *texts) { Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font *mf; mf = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_multi_font, sizeof(Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font)); if (!mf) { ERR("Failed to allocate memory on mempool for multiple text_props " "commands."); return EINA_FALSE; } mf->context = evas_common_draw_context_dup(dc); mf->surface = dst; mf->x = x; mf->y = y; mf->texts = texts; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_multi_font_draw, mf); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool eng_multi_font_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, Evas_Font_Set *font EINA_UNUSED, int x, int y, int w EINA_UNUSED, int h EINA_UNUSED, int ow EINA_UNUSED, int oh EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Array *texts, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (!texts) return EINA_FALSE; if (do_async) return _multi_font_draw_thread_cmd(surface, context, x, y, texts); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool eng_pixel_alpha_get(void *image, int x, int y, DATA8 *alpha, int src_region_x, int src_region_y, int src_region_w, int src_region_h, int dst_region_x, int dst_region_y, int dst_region_w, int dst_region_h) { RGBA_Image *im = image; int px, py, dx, dy, sx, sy, src_w, src_h; double scale_w, scale_h; if (!im) return EINA_FALSE; if ((dst_region_x > x) || (x >= (dst_region_x + dst_region_w)) || (dst_region_y > y) || (y >= (dst_region_y + dst_region_h))) { *alpha = 0; return EINA_FALSE; } src_w = im->cache_entry.w; src_h = im->cache_entry.h; if ((src_w == 0) || (src_h == 0)) { *alpha = 0; return EINA_TRUE; } EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(src_region_x < 0, error_oob); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(src_region_y < 0, error_oob); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(src_region_x + src_region_w > src_w, error_oob); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(src_region_y + src_region_h > src_h, error_oob); scale_w = (double)dst_region_w / (double)src_region_w; scale_h = (double)dst_region_h / (double)src_region_h; /* point at destination */ dx = x - dst_region_x; dy = y - dst_region_y; /* point at source */ sx = dx / scale_w; sy = dy / scale_h; /* pixel point (translated) */ px = src_region_x + sx; py = src_region_y + sy; EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(px >= src_w, error_oob); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_GOTO(py >= src_h, error_oob); switch (im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: { DATA32 *pixel; #ifdef EVAS_CSERVE2 if (evas_cserve2_use_get()) evas_cache2_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); else #endif evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->cache_entry); if (!im->cache_entry.flags.loaded) { ERR("im %p has no pixels loaded yet", im); return EINA_FALSE; } pixel = im->image.data; pixel += ((py * src_w) + px); *alpha = ((*pixel) >> 24) & 0xff; } break; default: ERR("Colorspace %d not supported.", im->cache_entry.space); *alpha = 0; } return EINA_TRUE; error_oob: ERR("Invalid region src=(%d, %d, %d, %d), dst=(%d, %d, %d, %d), image=%dx%d", src_region_x, src_region_y, src_region_w, src_region_h, dst_region_x, dst_region_y, dst_region_w, dst_region_h, src_w, src_h); *alpha = 0; return EINA_TRUE; } static void eng_image_cache_flush(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { int tmp_size; tmp_size = evas_common_image_get_cache(); evas_common_image_set_cache(0); evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_flush(); evas_common_image_set_cache(tmp_size); } static void eng_image_cache_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int bytes) { evas_common_image_set_cache(bytes); evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_size_set(bytes); } static int eng_image_cache_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { return evas_common_image_get_cache(); } static Evas_Font_Set * eng_font_load(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *name, int size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend) { return (Evas_Font_Set *) evas_common_font_load(name, size, wanted_rend); } static Evas_Font_Set * eng_font_memory_load(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *source, const char *name, int size, const void *fdata, int fdata_size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend) { return (Evas_Font_Set *) evas_common_font_memory_load(source, name, size, fdata, fdata_size, wanted_rend); } static Evas_Font_Set * eng_font_add(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const char *name, int size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend) { return (Evas_Font_Set *) evas_common_font_add((RGBA_Font *) font, name, size, wanted_rend); } static Evas_Font_Set * eng_font_memory_add(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const char *source, const char *name, int size, const void *fdata, int fdata_size, Font_Rend_Flags wanted_rend) { return (Evas_Font_Set *) evas_common_font_memory_add((RGBA_Font *) font, source, name, size, fdata, fdata_size, wanted_rend); } static void eng_font_free(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font) { evas_common_font_free((RGBA_Font *) font); } static int eng_font_ascent_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font) { return evas_common_font_ascent_get((RGBA_Font *) font); } static int eng_font_descent_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font) { return evas_common_font_descent_get((RGBA_Font *) font); } static int eng_font_max_ascent_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font) { return evas_common_font_max_ascent_get((RGBA_Font *) font); } static int eng_font_max_descent_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font) { return evas_common_font_max_descent_get((RGBA_Font *) font); } static void eng_font_string_size_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props, int *w, int *h) { evas_common_font_query_size((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, w, h); } static int eng_font_inset_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props) { return evas_common_font_query_inset((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props); } static int eng_font_right_inset_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props) { return evas_common_font_query_right_inset((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props); } static int eng_font_h_advance_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props) { int h, v; evas_common_font_query_advance((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, &h, &v); return h; } static int eng_font_v_advance_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props) { int h, v; evas_common_font_query_advance((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, &h, &v); return v; } static int eng_font_pen_coords_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props, int pos, int *cpen_x, int *cy, int *cadv, int *ch) { return evas_common_font_query_pen_coords((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, pos, cpen_x, cy, cadv, ch); } static Eina_Bool eng_font_text_props_info_create(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Instance *fi, const Eina_Unicode *text, Evas_Text_Props *text_props, const Evas_BiDi_Paragraph_Props *par_props, size_t par_pos, size_t len, Evas_Text_Props_Mode mode) { return evas_common_text_props_content_create((RGBA_Font_Int *) fi, text, text_props, par_props, par_pos, len, mode); } static int eng_font_char_coords_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props, int pos, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { return evas_common_font_query_char_coords((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, pos, cx, cy, cw, ch); } static int eng_font_char_at_coords_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props, int x, int y, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { return evas_common_font_query_char_at_coords((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, x, y, cx, cy, cw, ch); } static int eng_font_last_up_to_pos(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, const Evas_Text_Props *text_props, int x, int y) { return evas_common_font_query_last_up_to_pos((RGBA_Font *) font, text_props, x, y); } static int eng_font_run_font_end_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, Evas_Font_Instance **script_fi, Evas_Font_Instance **cur_fi, Evas_Script_Type script, const Eina_Unicode *text, int run_len) { return evas_common_font_query_run_font_end_get((RGBA_Font *) font, (RGBA_Font_Int **) script_fi, (RGBA_Font_Int **) cur_fi, script, text, run_len); } static void _draw_thread_font_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Font *font = data; RGBA_Draw_Context dc; memset(&dc, 0, sizeof(dc)); dc.font_ext.data = font->font_ext_data; dc.font_ext.func.gl_new = font->gl_new; dc.font_ext.func.gl_free = font->gl_free; dc.font_ext.func.gl_draw = font->gl_draw; dc.col.col = font->col; dc.mul.col = font->mul_col; dc.mul.use = (font->mul_col == 0xffffffff) ? 0 : 1; dc.clip.use = font->clip_use; dc.clip.x = font->clip_rect.x; dc.clip.y = font->clip_rect.y; dc.clip.w = font->clip_rect.w; dc.clip.h = font->clip_rect.h; dc.clip.mask = font->mask; dc.clip.mask_x = font->mask_x; dc.clip.mask_y = font->mask_y; evas_common_font_rgba_draw (font->dst, &dc, font->x, font->y, font->glyphs, font->func, font->ext.x, font->ext.y, font->ext.w, font->ext.h, font->im_w, font->im_h); eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_font, font); } static Eina_Bool _font_draw_thread_cmd(RGBA_Image *dst, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, Evas_Glyph_Array *glyphs, RGBA_Gfx_Func func, int ext_x, int ext_y, int ext_w, int ext_h, int im_w, int im_h) { Evas_Thread_Command_Font *cf; cf = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_font, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Font)); if (!cf) return EINA_FALSE; cf->dst = dst; cf->x = x; cf->y = y; cf->gl_new = dc->font_ext.func.gl_new; cf->gl_free = dc->font_ext.func.gl_free; cf->gl_draw = dc->font_ext.func.gl_draw; cf->font_ext_data = dc->font_ext.data; cf->col = dc->col.col; cf->mul_col = dc->mul.use ? dc->mul.col : 0xffffffff; cf->clip_use = dc->clip.use; EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cf->clip_rect, dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h); cf->glyphs = glyphs; cf->func = func; EINA_RECTANGLE_SET(&cf->ext, ext_x, ext_y, ext_w, ext_h); cf->im_w = im_w; cf->im_h = im_h; cf->mask = dc->clip.mask; cf->mask_x = dc->clip.mask_x; cf->mask_y = dc->clip.mask_y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_font_draw, cf); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool eng_font_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, Evas_Font_Set *font EINA_UNUSED, int x, int y, int w EINA_UNUSED, int h EINA_UNUSED, int ow EINA_UNUSED, int oh EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Text_Props *text_props, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) { evas_common_font_draw_prepare(text_props); if (!text_props->glyphs) return EINA_FALSE; return evas_common_font_draw_cb(surface, context, x, y, text_props->glyphs, _font_draw_thread_cmd); } #ifdef BUILD_PIPE_RENDER else if ((cpunum > 1)) evas_common_pipe_text_draw(surface, context, x, y, text_props); #endif else { evas_common_font_draw_prepare(text_props); evas_common_font_draw(surface, context, x, y, text_props->glyphs); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } return EINA_FALSE; } static void eng_font_cache_flush(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { int tmp_size; tmp_size = evas_common_font_cache_get(); evas_common_font_cache_set(0); evas_common_font_flush(); evas_common_font_cache_set(tmp_size); } static void eng_font_cache_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int bytes) { evas_common_font_cache_set(bytes); } static int eng_font_cache_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { return evas_common_font_cache_get(); } static void eng_font_hinting_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Font_Set *font, int hinting) { evas_common_font_hinting_set((RGBA_Font *) font, hinting); } static int eng_font_hinting_can_hint(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int hinting) { return evas_common_hinting_available(hinting); } static Eina_Bool eng_canvas_alpha_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *info EINA_UNUSED) { return EINA_TRUE; } static int eng_image_load_error_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *image) { RGBA_Image *im; if (!image) return EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; im = image; return im->cache_entry.load_error; } //------------ Evas GL engine code ---------------// #ifdef EVAS_GL static inline int _tls_check(void) { // note: this is not thread safe... if (!_tls_init) { if (!eina_tls_new(&gl_current_ctx_key)) return 0; if (!eina_tls_new(&gl_current_sfc_key)) return 0; eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, NULL); eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, NULL); } _tls_init = EINA_TRUE; return 1; } #endif static void * eng_gl_surface_create(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *config, int w, int h) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Evas_GL_Config *cfg; sfc = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine_GL_Surface)); if (!sfc) return NULL; cfg = (Evas_GL_Config *)config; sfc->initialized = 0; sfc->w = w; sfc->h = h; // Color Format switch (cfg->color_format) { case EVAS_GL_RGB_888: sfc->internal_fmt = OSMESA_BGRA; sfc->internal_cpp = 4; // FIXME: don't allow rgb buffers as evas doesn't understand them so pad out // to 32bit bgra buffers anyway, so for now just pad out - one day do this // nicely // sfc->internal_fmt = OSMESA_RGB; // sfc->internal_cpp = 3; break; case EVAS_GL_RGBA_8888: sfc->internal_fmt = OSMESA_BGRA; sfc->internal_cpp = 4; break; default: sfc->internal_fmt = OSMESA_RGBA; sfc->internal_cpp = 4; break; } // Depth Bits switch (cfg->depth_bits) { case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_8: sfc->depth_bits = 8; break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_16: sfc->depth_bits = 16; break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_24: sfc->depth_bits = 24; break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_32: sfc->depth_bits = 32; break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_NONE: default: sfc->depth_bits = 0; break; } // Stencil Bits switch (cfg->stencil_bits) { case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_1: sfc->stencil_bits = 1; break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_2: sfc->stencil_bits = 2; break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_4: sfc->stencil_bits = 4; break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_8: sfc->stencil_bits = 8; break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_16: sfc->stencil_bits = 16; break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_NONE: default: sfc->stencil_bits = 0; break; } sfc->buffer = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*sfc->internal_cpp*w*h); if (!sfc->buffer) { free(sfc); return NULL; } return sfc; #else (void) config; (void) w; (void) h; return NULL; #endif } static int eng_gl_surface_destroy(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *surface) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; if (!sfc) return 0; _tls_check(); if (sfc == eina_tls_get(gl_current_sfc_key)) eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, NULL); if (sfc->buffer) free(sfc->buffer); free(sfc); surface = NULL; return 1; #else (void) surface; return 1; #endif } static void * eng_gl_context_create(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *share_context, int version, void *(*native_context_get)(void *) EINA_UNUSED, void *(*engine_data_get)(void *) EINA_UNUSED) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; Render_Engine_GL_Context *share_ctx; if (version != EVAS_GL_GLES_2_X) { ERR("This engine only supports OpenGL-ES 2.0 contexts for now!"); return NULL; } ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine_GL_Context)); if (!ctx) return NULL; share_ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context *)share_context; ctx->share_ctx = share_ctx; #if 0 if (share_ctx) ctx->context = _sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt( OSMESA_RGBA, 8, 0, 0, share_ctx->context ); else ctx->context = _sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt( OSMESA_RGBA, 8, 0, 0, NULL ); if (!ctx->context) { ERR("Error creating OSMesa Context."); free(ctx); return NULL; } #endif ctx->initialized = 0; return ctx; #else (void) share_context; return NULL; #endif } static int eng_gl_context_destroy(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context*)context; if (!ctx) return 0; _tls_check(); if (ctx == eina_tls_get(gl_current_ctx_key)) eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, NULL); _sym_OSMesaDestroyContext(ctx->context); free(ctx); context = NULL; return 1; #else (void) context; return 0; #endif } static int eng_gl_make_current(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *surface, void *context) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; OSMesaContext share_ctx; GLboolean ret; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context*)context; _tls_check(); if ((!sfc) ^ (!ctx)) { ERR("Evas GL on SW engine does not support surfaceless contexts."); return 0; } // Unset surface/context if ((!sfc) || (!ctx)) { if (ctx) ctx->current_sfc = NULL; if (sfc) sfc->current_ctx = NULL; eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, NULL); eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, NULL); return 1; } // Initialize Context if it hasn't been. if (!ctx->initialized) { if (ctx->share_ctx) share_ctx = ctx->share_ctx->context; else share_ctx = NULL; ctx->context = _sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt(sfc->internal_fmt, sfc->depth_bits, sfc->stencil_bits, 0, share_ctx); if (!ctx->context) { ERR("Error initializing context."); eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, NULL); eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, NULL); return 0; } ctx->initialized = 1; } // Call MakeCurrent ret = _sym_OSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx->context, sfc->buffer, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sfc->w, sfc->h); if (ret == GL_FALSE) { ERR("Error doing MakeCurrent."); eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, NULL); eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, NULL); return 0; } _sym_OSMesaPixelStore(OSMESA_Y_UP, 0); // Set the current surface/context ctx->current_sfc = sfc; sfc->current_ctx = ctx; eina_tls_set(gl_current_ctx_key, ctx); eina_tls_set(gl_current_sfc_key, sfc); return 1; #else (void) surface; (void) context; return 1; #endif } // FIXME!!! Implement later static const char * eng_gl_string_query(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int name EINA_UNUSED) { return NULL; } static void * eng_gl_proc_address_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *name) { #ifdef EVAS_GL if (_sym_OSMesaGetProcAddress) return _sym_OSMesaGetProcAddress(name); return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name); #else (void) name; return NULL; #endif } static int eng_gl_native_surface_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *surface, void *native_surface) { #ifdef EVAS_GL Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Evas_Native_Surface *ns; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; ns = (Evas_Native_Surface*)native_surface; if (!sfc) return 0; ns->type = EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_EVASGL; ns->version = EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_VERSION; ns->data.evasgl.surface = sfc->buffer; return 1; #else (void) surface; (void) native_surface; return 1; #endif } static void * eng_gl_api_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int version) { if (version != EVAS_GL_GLES_2_X) return NULL; #ifdef EVAS_GL return &gl_funcs; #else return NULL; #endif } static int eng_gl_error_get(void *data) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re = data; // TODO: Track EGL-like errors in the software engines if (!re->ob) return EVAS_GL_BAD_DISPLAY; return EVAS_GL_SUCCESS; } static void * eng_gl_current_context_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { _tls_check(); return eina_tls_get(gl_current_ctx_key); } static void * eng_gl_current_surface_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { _tls_check(); return eina_tls_get(gl_current_sfc_key); } static int eng_gl_rotation_angle_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { return 0; } //------------------------------------------------// /* The following function require that any engine inheriting from software generic to have at the top of their render engine structure a Render_Engine_Software_Generic structure that is initialized by evas_render_engine_software_generic_init(). */ static void eng_output_resize(void *data, int w, int h) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; re->outbuf_reconfigure(re->ob, w, h, re->outbuf_get_rot(re->ob), OUTBUF_DEPTH_INHERIT); evas_common_tilebuf_free(re->tb); re->tb = evas_common_tilebuf_new(w, h); if (re->tb) { evas_common_tilebuf_set_tile_size(re->tb, TILESIZE, TILESIZE); evas_common_tilebuf_tile_strict_set(re->tb, re->tile_strict); } re->w = w; re->h = h; } static void eng_output_tile_size_set(void *data, int w, int h) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; evas_common_tilebuf_set_tile_size(re->tb, w, h); } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_add(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(re->tb, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_del(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; evas_common_tilebuf_del_redraw(re->tb, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_output_redraws_clear(void *data) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; evas_common_tilebuf_clear(re->tb); } static Tilebuf_Rect * _smart_merge(Tilebuf *tb, Tilebuf_Rect *rects) { Tilebuf_Rect *merged, *mergelist = NULL, *r; Box *box; Region *region; int i, j, k, n, n2; Eina_Bool did_merge; n = eina_inlist_count(EINA_INLIST_GET(rects)); box = malloc(n * sizeof(Box)); i = 0; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(rects), r) { box[i].x1 = r->x; box[i].y1 = r->y; box[i].x2 = r->x + r->w; box[i].y2 = r->y + r->h; i++; } evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(rects); n2 = n; for (;;) { Box *box2, bbox; int mergenum, area, minarea, area1, area2, perc; did_merge = EINA_FALSE; box2 = calloc(1, n2 * sizeof(Box)); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) { if (box[i].x1 == box[i].x2) continue; mergenum = -1; minarea = 0x7fffffff; box2[j] = box[i]; area1 = (box[i].x2 - box[i].x1) * (box[i].y2 - box[i].y1); box[i].x1 = 0; box[i].x2 = 0; for (k = i + 1; k < n; k++) { if (box[k].x1 == box[k].x2) continue; bbox = box2[j]; if (box[k].x1 < bbox.x1) bbox.x1 = box[k].x1; if (box[k].y1 < bbox.y1) bbox.y1 = box[k].y1; if (box[k].x2 > bbox.x2) bbox.x2 = box[k].x2; if (box[k].y2 > bbox.y2) bbox.y2 = box[k].y2; area = (bbox.x2 - bbox.x1) * (bbox.y2 - bbox.y1); if (area < minarea) { mergenum = k; minarea = area; } } if (mergenum >= 0) { k = mergenum; area2 = (box[k].x2 - box[k].x1) * (box[k].y2 - box[k].y1); perc = (minarea * 100) / (area1 + area2); // if combined size of bounding box of rects is <= X% of // the sum of the 2 src areas - then merge if (perc <= 150) { bbox = box2[j]; if (box[k].x1 < bbox.x1) bbox.x1 = box[k].x1; if (box[k].y1 < bbox.y1) bbox.y1 = box[k].y1; if (box[k].x2 > bbox.x2) bbox.x2 = box[k].x2; if (box[k].y2 > bbox.y2) bbox.y2 = box[k].y2; box2[j] = bbox; box[k].x1 = 0; box[k].x2 = 0; did_merge = EINA_TRUE; } } j++; } n2 = n; free(box); box = box2; if (!did_merge) break; } region = region_new(tb->outbuf_w, tb->outbuf_h); for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) { if (box[i].x1 == box[i].x2) continue; region_rect_add(region, box[i].x1, box[i].y1, box[i].x2 - box[i].x1, box[i].y2 - box[i].y1); } free(box); box = region_rects(region); n = region_rects_num(region); merged = calloc(1, n * sizeof(Tilebuf_Rect)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { merged[i].x = box[i].x1; merged[i].y = box[i].y1; merged[i].w = box[i].x2 - box[i].x1; merged[i].h = box[i].y2 - box[i].y1; mergelist = (Tilebuf_Rect *)eina_inlist_append (EINA_INLIST_GET(mergelist), EINA_INLIST_GET(&(merged[i]))); } region_free(region); rects = mergelist; return rects; } static Tilebuf_Rect * _merge_rects(Render_Engine_Merge_Mode merge_mode, Tilebuf *tb, Tilebuf_Rect *r1, Tilebuf_Rect *r2, Tilebuf_Rect *r3, Tilebuf_Rect *r4) { Tilebuf_Rect *r, *rects; if (r1) { EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(r1), r) { evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(tb, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); } } if (r2) { EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(r2), r) { evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(tb, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); } } if (r3) { EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(r3), r) { evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(tb, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); } } if (r4) { EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(r4), r) { evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(tb, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); } } rects = evas_common_tilebuf_get_render_rects(tb); // bounding box -> make a bounding box single region update of all regions. // yes we could try and be smart and figure out size of regions, how far // apart etc. etc. to try and figure out an optimal "set". this is a tradeoff // between multiple update regions to render and total pixels to render. if (rects) { if (merge_mode == MERGE_BOUNDING // disable smart updates for debugging // || (merge_mode == MERGE_SMART) ) { int px1, py1, px2, py2; px1 = rects->x; py1 = rects->y; px2 = rects->x + rects->w; py2 = rects->y + rects->h; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(EINA_INLIST_GET(rects), r) { if (r->x < px1) px1 = r->x; if (r->y < py1) py1 = r->y; if ((r->x + r->w) > px2) px2 = r->x + r->w; if ((r->y + r->h) > py2) py2 = r->y + r->h; } evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(rects); rects = calloc(1, sizeof(Tilebuf_Rect)); if (rects) { rects->x = px1; rects->y = py1; rects->w = px2 - px1; rects->h = py2 - py1; } } else if (merge_mode == MERGE_SMART) { rects = _smart_merge(tb, rects); } } evas_common_tilebuf_clear(tb); return rects; } static void * eng_output_redraws_next_update_get(void *data, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; void *surface; Tilebuf_Rect *rect; #define CLEAR_PREV_RECTS(x) \ do { \ if (re->rects_prev[x]) \ evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(re->rects_prev[x]); \ re->rects_prev[x] = NULL; \ } while (0) re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; if (re->end) { re->end = 0; return NULL; } if (!re->rects) { int mode = MODE_COPY; re->rects = evas_common_tilebuf_get_render_rects(re->tb); if (re->rects) { // do anything needed for the first rect and update lost backbuffer if needed if (re->outbuf_region_first_rect) re->lost_back |= re->outbuf_region_first_rect(re->ob); if (re->outbuf_swap_mode_get) mode = re->outbuf_swap_mode_get(re->ob); re->swap_mode = mode; if ((re->lost_back) || (re->swap_mode == MODE_FULL) || (re->swap_mode == MODE_AUTO)) { /* if we lost our backbuffer since the last frame redraw all */ re->lost_back = 0; evas_common_tilebuf_add_redraw(re->tb, 0, 0, re->w, re->h); evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(re->rects); re->rects = evas_common_tilebuf_get_render_rects(re->tb); } /* ensure we get rid of previous rect lists we dont need if mode * changed/is appropriate */ evas_common_tilebuf_clear(re->tb); CLEAR_PREV_RECTS(3); re->rects_prev[3] = re->rects_prev[2]; re->rects_prev[2] = re->rects_prev[1]; re->rects_prev[1] = re->rects_prev[0]; re->rects_prev[0] = re->rects; re->rects = NULL; switch (re->swap_mode) { case MODE_AUTO: case MODE_FULL: case MODE_COPY: // no prev rects needed re->rects = _merge_rects(re->merge_mode, re->tb, re->rects_prev[0], NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case MODE_DOUBLE: // double mode - only 1 level of prev rect re->rects = _merge_rects(re->merge_mode, re->tb, re->rects_prev[0], re->rects_prev[1], NULL, NULL); break; case MODE_TRIPLE: // triple mode - 2 levels of prev rect re->rects = _merge_rects(re->merge_mode, re->tb, re->rects_prev[0], re->rects_prev[1], re->rects_prev[2], NULL); break; case MODE_QUADRUPLE: // keep all re->rects = _merge_rects(re->merge_mode, re->tb, re->rects_prev[0], re->rects_prev[1], re->rects_prev[2], re->rects_prev[3]); break; default: break; } } evas_common_tilebuf_clear(re->tb); re->cur_rect = EINA_INLIST_GET(re->rects); } if (!re->cur_rect) return NULL; rect = (Tilebuf_Rect *)re->cur_rect; if (re->rects) { switch (re->swap_mode) { case MODE_COPY: case MODE_DOUBLE: case MODE_TRIPLE: case MODE_QUADRUPLE: rect = (Tilebuf_Rect *)re->cur_rect; *x = rect->x; *y = rect->y; *w = rect->w; *h = rect->h; *cx = rect->x; *cy = rect->y; *cw = rect->w; *ch = rect->h; re->cur_rect = re->cur_rect->next; break; case MODE_AUTO: case MODE_FULL: re->cur_rect = NULL; *x = 0; *y = 0; *w = re->w; *h = re->h; if (cx) *cx = 0; if (cy) *cy = 0; if (cw) *cw = re->w; if (ch) *ch = re->h; break; default: break; } surface = re->outbuf_new_region_for_update(re->ob, *x, *y, *w, *h, cx, cy, cw, ch); if ((re->swap_mode == MODE_AUTO) || (re->swap_mode == MODE_FULL) || (!surface)) { evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(re->rects); re->rects = NULL; re->end = 1; } return surface; } return NULL; } static void eng_output_redraws_next_update_push(void *data, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Evas_Render_Mode render_mode) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; if (render_mode == EVAS_RENDER_MODE_ASYNC_INIT) return; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; #if defined(BUILD_PIPE_RENDER) evas_common_pipe_map_begin(surface); #endif /* BUILD_PIPE_RENDER */ re->outbuf_push_updated_region(re->ob, surface, x, y, w, h); re->outbuf_free_region_for_update(re->ob, surface); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } static void eng_output_flush(void *data, Evas_Render_Mode render_mode) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; if (render_mode == EVAS_RENDER_MODE_ASYNC_INIT) return; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; if (re->outbuf_flush) re->outbuf_flush(re->ob, re->rects, render_mode); if (re->rects && render_mode != EVAS_RENDER_MODE_ASYNC_INIT) { evas_common_tilebuf_free_render_rects(re->rects); re->rects = NULL; } } static void eng_output_idle_flush(void *data) { Render_Engine_Software_Generic *re; re = (Render_Engine_Software_Generic *)data; if (re->outbuf_idle_flush) re->outbuf_idle_flush(re->ob); } static Eina_Bool use_cairo; static Ector_Surface * eng_ector_create(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { Ector_Surface *ector; const char *ector_backend; ector_backend = getenv("ECTOR_BACKEND"); if (ector_backend && !strcasecmp(ector_backend, "default")) { ector = eo_add(ECTOR_SOFTWARE_SURFACE_CLASS, NULL); use_cairo = EINA_FALSE; } else { ector = eo_add(ECTOR_CAIRO_SOFTWARE_SURFACE_CLASS, NULL); use_cairo = EINA_TRUE; } return ector; } static void eng_ector_destroy(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Ector_Surface *ector) { if (ector) eo_del(ector); } static Ector_Rop _evas_render_op_to_ector_rop(Evas_Render_Op op) { switch (op) { case EVAS_RENDER_BLEND: return ECTOR_ROP_BLEND; case EVAS_RENDER_COPY: return ECTOR_ROP_COPY; default: return ECTOR_ROP_BLEND; } } static void _draw_thread_ector_cleanup(Evas_Thread_Command_Ector *ector) { Eina_Rectangle *r; while ((r = eina_array_pop(ector->clips))) eina_rectangle_free(r); eina_array_free(ector->clips); if (ector->free_it) eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_ector, ector); } static void _draw_thread_ector_draw(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Ector *ector = data; eo_do(ector->r, ector_renderer_draw(ector->render_op, ector->clips, ector->mul_col)); _draw_thread_ector_cleanup(ector); } static void eng_ector_renderer_draw(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context, void *surface, Ector_Renderer *renderer, Eina_Array *clips, Eina_Bool do_async) { RGBA_Image *dst = surface; RGBA_Draw_Context *dc = context; Evas_Thread_Command_Ector ector; Eina_Array *c; Eina_Rectangle *r; Eina_Rectangle clip; Eina_Array_Iterator it; unsigned int i; if (dc->clip.use) { clip.x = dc->clip.x; clip.y = dc->clip.y; clip.w = dc->clip.w; clip.h = dc->clip.h; // clip the clip rect to surface boundary. RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h, 0, 0, dst->cache_entry.w, dst->cache_entry.h); if ((clip.w < 1) || (clip.h < 1)) return; } else { clip.x = 0; clip.y = 0; clip.w = dst->cache_entry.w; clip.h = dst->cache_entry.h; } c = eina_array_new(8); if (clips) { EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(clips, i, r, it) { Eina_Rectangle *rc; rc = eina_rectangle_new(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); if (!rc) continue; if (eina_rectangle_intersection(rc, &clip)) eina_array_push(c, rc); else eina_rectangle_free(rc); } if (eina_array_count(c) == 0 && eina_array_count(clips) > 0) { eina_array_free(c); return; } } if (eina_array_count(c) == 0) eina_array_push(c, eina_rectangle_new(clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h)); ector.r = renderer; // This has already been refcounted by Evas_Object_VG ector.clips = c; ector.render_op = _evas_render_op_to_ector_rop(dc->render_op); ector.mul_col = ector_color_multiply(dc->mul.use ? dc->mul.col : 0xffffffff, dc->col.col);; ector.free_it = EINA_FALSE; if (do_async) { Evas_Thread_Command_Ector *ne; ne = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_ector, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Ector)); if (!ne) { _draw_thread_ector_cleanup(&ector); return; } memcpy(ne, &ector, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Ector)); ne->free_it = EINA_TRUE; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_ector_draw, ne); } else { _draw_thread_ector_draw(&ector); } } static void _draw_thread_ector_surface_set(void *data) { Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface *ector_surface = data; RGBA_Image *surface = ector_surface->surface; void *pixels = NULL; unsigned int w = 0; unsigned int h = 0; unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int y = 0; // flush the cpu pipeline before ector drawing. evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); if (surface) { pixels = evas_cache_image_pixels(&surface->cache_entry); w = surface->cache_entry.w; h = surface->cache_entry.h; x = ector_surface->x; y = ector_surface->y; } if (use_cairo) { eo_do(ector_surface->ector, ector_cairo_software_surface_set(pixels, w, h), ector_surface_reference_point_set(x, y)); } else { eo_do(ector_surface->ector, ector_software_surface_set(pixels, w, h), ector_surface_reference_point_set(x, y)); } eina_mempool_free(_mp_command_ector_surface, ector_surface); } static void eng_ector_begin(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context EINA_UNUSED, Ector_Surface *ector, void *surface, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) { Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface *nes; nes = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_ector_surface, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface)); if (!nes) return ; nes->ector = ector; nes->surface = surface; nes->x = x; nes->y = y; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_ector_surface_set, nes); } else { RGBA_Image *sf = surface; void *pixels = NULL; unsigned int w = 0; unsigned int h = 0; pixels = evas_cache_image_pixels(&sf->cache_entry); w = sf->cache_entry.w; h = sf->cache_entry.h; if (use_cairo) { eo_do(ector, ector_cairo_software_surface_set(pixels, w, h), ector_surface_reference_point_set(x, y)); } else { eo_do(ector, ector_software_surface_set(pixels, w, h), ector_surface_reference_point_set(x, y)); } } } static void eng_ector_end(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *context EINA_UNUSED, Ector_Surface *ector, void *surface EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Bool do_async) { if (do_async) { Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface *nes; nes = eina_mempool_malloc(_mp_command_ector_surface, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface)); if (!nes) return ; nes->ector = ector; nes->surface = NULL; evas_thread_cmd_enqueue(_draw_thread_ector_surface_set, nes); } else { if (use_cairo) { eo_do(ector, ector_cairo_software_surface_set(NULL, 0, 0)); } else { eo_do(ector, ector_software_surface_set(NULL, 0, 0)); } evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } } //------------------------------------------------// /* ***** ** ** ENGINE API ** ***** */ static Evas_Func func = { NULL, // eng_info NULL, // eng_info_free NULL, // eng_setup NULL, // eng_output_free eng_output_resize, eng_output_tile_size_set, eng_output_redraws_rect_add, eng_output_redraws_rect_del, eng_output_redraws_clear, eng_output_redraws_next_update_get, eng_output_redraws_next_update_push, eng_output_flush, eng_output_idle_flush, eng_output_dump, /* draw context virtual methods */ eng_context_new, eng_context_dup, eng_canvas_alpha_get, eng_context_free, eng_context_clip_set, eng_context_clip_image_set, eng_context_clip_image_unset, eng_context_clip_image_get, eng_context_clip_clip, eng_context_clip_unset, eng_context_clip_get, eng_context_color_set, eng_context_color_get, eng_context_multiplier_set, eng_context_multiplier_unset, eng_context_multiplier_get, eng_context_cutout_add, eng_context_cutout_clear, eng_context_anti_alias_set, eng_context_anti_alias_get, eng_context_color_interpolation_set, eng_context_color_interpolation_get, eng_context_render_op_set, eng_context_render_op_get, /* rect draw funcs */ eng_rectangle_draw, /* line draw funcs */ eng_line_draw, /* polygon draw funcs */ eng_polygon_point_add, eng_polygon_points_clear, eng_polygon_draw, /* image draw funcs */ eng_image_load, eng_image_mmap, eng_image_new_from_data, eng_image_new_from_copied_data, eng_image_free, eng_image_ref, eng_image_size_get, eng_image_size_set, NULL, // eng_image_stride_get eng_image_dirty_region, eng_image_data_get, eng_image_data_put, eng_image_data_preload_request, eng_image_data_preload_cancel, eng_image_alpha_set, eng_image_alpha_get, eng_image_orient_set, eng_image_orient_get, eng_image_border_set, eng_image_border_get, eng_image_draw, eng_image_comment_get, eng_image_format_get, eng_image_colorspace_set, eng_image_colorspace_get, eng_image_can_region_get, eng_image_native_set, eng_image_native_get, /* image cache funcs */ eng_image_cache_flush, eng_image_cache_set, eng_image_cache_get, /* font draw functions */ eng_font_load, eng_font_memory_load, eng_font_add, eng_font_memory_add, eng_font_free, eng_font_ascent_get, eng_font_descent_get, eng_font_max_ascent_get, eng_font_max_descent_get, eng_font_string_size_get, eng_font_inset_get, eng_font_h_advance_get, eng_font_v_advance_get, eng_font_char_coords_get, eng_font_char_at_coords_get, eng_font_draw, /* font cache functions */ eng_font_cache_flush, eng_font_cache_set, eng_font_cache_get, /* font hinting functions */ eng_font_hinting_set, eng_font_hinting_can_hint, eng_image_scale_hint_set, eng_image_scale_hint_get, /* more font draw functions */ eng_font_last_up_to_pos, eng_image_map_draw, eng_image_map_surface_new, eng_image_map_clean, NULL, // eng_image_scaled_get - used for live scaling in GL only (fastpath) NULL, // eng_image_content_hint_set - software doesn't use it NULL, // eng_image_content_hint_get - software doesn't use it eng_font_pen_coords_get, eng_font_text_props_info_create, eng_font_right_inset_get, NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_create NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_pbuffer_surface_create NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_destroy NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_context_create NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_context_destroy NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_make_current NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_string_query NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_proc_address_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_native_surface_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_api_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_direct_override NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_get_pixels_set NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_lock NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_read_pixels NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_unlock NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_error_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_current_context_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_current_surface_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_rotation_angle_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_query NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_surface_direct_renderable_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_image_direct_set NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_image_direct_get NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_get_pixels_pre NULL, // need software mesa for gl rendering <- gl_get_pixels_post eng_image_load_error_get, eng_font_run_font_end_get, eng_image_animated_get, eng_image_animated_frame_count_get, eng_image_animated_loop_type_get, eng_image_animated_loop_count_get, eng_image_animated_frame_duration_get, eng_image_animated_frame_set, NULL, // image_max_size_get eng_multi_font_draw, eng_pixel_alpha_get, NULL, // eng_context_flush - software doesn't use it NULL, // eng_drawable_new NULL, // eng_drawable_free NULL, // eng_drawable_size_get NULL, // eng_image_drawable_set NULL, // eng_drawable_scene_render NULL, // eng_drawable_scene_render_to_texture NULL, // eng_drawable_texture_color_pick_id_get NULL, // eng_drawable_texture_pixel_color_get NULL, // eng_texture_new NULL, // eng_texture_free NULL, // eng_texture_size_get NULL, // eng_texture_wrap_set NULL, // eng_texture_wrap_get NULL, // eng_texture_filter_set NULL, // eng_texture_filter_get NULL, // eng_texture_image_set NULL, // eng_texture_image_get eng_ector_create, eng_ector_destroy, eng_ector_begin, eng_ector_renderer_draw, eng_ector_end /* FUTURE software generic calls go here */ }; //----------------------------------------------------------------// // // // Load Symbols // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------// #ifdef EVAS_GL static void sym_missing(void) { ERR("GL symbols missing!"); } static int glue_sym_init(void) { //------------------------------------------------// // Use eglGetProcAddress #define FINDSYM(dst, sym, typ) \ if (!dst) dst = (typeof(dst))dlsym(gl_lib_handle, sym); \ if (!dst) \ { \ ERR("Symbol not found: %s", sym); \ return 0; \ } #define FALLBAK(dst, typ) if (!dst) dst = (typeof(dst))sym_missing; //------------------------------------------------------// // OSMesa APIs... FINDSYM(_sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt, "OSMesaCreateContextExt", glsym_func_osm_ctx); FALLBAK(_sym_OSMesaCreateContextExt, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_OSMesaDestroyContext, "OSMesaDestroyContext", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_OSMesaDestroyContext, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_OSMesaMakeCurrent, "OSMesaMakeCurrent", glsym_func_bool); FALLBAK(_sym_OSMesaMakeCurrent, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_OSMesaPixelStore, "OSMesaPixelStore", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_OSMesaPixelStore, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_OSMesaGetProcAddress, "OSMesaGetProcAddress", glsym_func_eng_fn); FALLBAK(_sym_OSMesaGetProcAddress, glsym_func_void); #undef FINDSYM #undef FALLBAK return 1; } static int gl_sym_init(void) { //------------------------------------------------// #define FINDSYM(dst, sym, typ) \ if (!dst) dst = (typeof(dst))dlsym(gl_lib_handle, sym); \ if (!dst) DBG("Symbol not found: %s", sym); #define FALLBAK(dst, typ) if (!dst) dst = (typeof(dst))sym_missing; //------------------------------------------------------// // GLES 2.0 APIs... FINDSYM(_sym_glActiveTexture, "glActiveTexture", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glActiveTexture, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glAttachShader, "glAttachShader", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glAttachShader, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBindAttribLocation, "glBindAttribLocation", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBindAttribLocation, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBindBuffer, "glBindBuffer", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBindBuffer, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBindFramebuffer, "glBindFramebuffer", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBindFramebuffer, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBindRenderbuffer, "glBindRenderbuffer", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBindRenderbuffer, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBindTexture, "glBindTexture", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBindTexture, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBlendColor, "glBlendColor", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBlendColor, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBlendEquation, "glBlendEquation", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBlendEquation, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBlendEquationSeparate, "glBlendEquationSeparate", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBlendEquationSeparate, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBlendFunc, "glBlendFunc", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBlendFunc, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBlendFuncSeparate, "glBlendFuncSeparate", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBlendFuncSeparate, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBufferData, "glBufferData", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBufferData, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glBufferSubData, "glBufferSubData", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glBufferSubData, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCheckFramebufferStatus, "glCheckFramebufferStatus", glsym_func_uint); FALLBAK(_sym_glCheckFramebufferStatus, glsym_func_uint); FINDSYM(_sym_glClear, "glClear", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glClear, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glClearColor, "glClearColor", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glClearColor, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glClearDepthf, "glClearDepthf", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glClearDepthf, "glClearDepth", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glClearDepthf, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glClearStencil, "glClearStencil", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glClearStencil, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glColorMask, "glColorMask", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glColorMask, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCompileShader, "glCompileShader", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCompileShader, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCompressedTexImage2D, "glCompressedTexImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCompressedTexImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCompressedTexSubImage2D, "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCompressedTexSubImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCopyTexImage2D, "glCopyTexImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCopyTexImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCopyTexSubImage2D, "glCopyTexSubImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCopyTexSubImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glCreateProgram, "glCreateProgram", glsym_func_uint); FALLBAK(_sym_glCreateProgram, glsym_func_uint); FINDSYM(_sym_glCreateShader, "glCreateShader", glsym_func_uint); FALLBAK(_sym_glCreateShader, glsym_func_uint); FINDSYM(_sym_glCullFace, "glCullFace", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glCullFace, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteBuffers, "glDeleteBuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteBuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteFramebuffers, "glDeleteFramebuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteFramebuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteProgram, "glDeleteProgram", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteProgram, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteRenderbuffers, "glDeleteRenderbuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteRenderbuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteShader, "glDeleteShader", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteShader, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDeleteTextures, "glDeleteTextures", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDeleteTextures, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDepthFunc, "glDepthFunc", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDepthFunc, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDepthMask, "glDepthMask", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDepthMask, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDepthRangef, "glDepthRangef", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDepthRangef, "glDepthRange", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDepthRangef, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDetachShader, "glDetachShader", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDetachShader, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDisable, "glDisable", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDisable, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDisableVertexAttribArray, "glDisableVertexAttribArray", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDisableVertexAttribArray, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDrawArrays, "glDrawArrays", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDrawArrays, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glDrawElements, "glDrawElements", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glDrawElements, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glEnable, "glEnable", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glEnable, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glEnableVertexAttribArray, "glEnableVertexAttribArray", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glEnableVertexAttribArray, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glFinish, "glFinish", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glFinish, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glFlush, "glFlush", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glFlush, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glFramebufferRenderbuffer, "glFramebufferRenderbuffer", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glFramebufferRenderbuffer, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glFramebufferTexture2D, "glFramebufferTexture2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glFramebufferTexture2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glFrontFace, "glFrontFace", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glFrontFace, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGenBuffers, "glGenBuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGenBuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGenerateMipmap, "glGenerateMipmap", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGenerateMipmap, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGenFramebuffers, "glGenFramebuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGenFramebuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGenRenderbuffers, "glGenRenderbuffers", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGenRenderbuffers, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGenTextures, "glGenTextures", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGenTextures, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetActiveAttrib, "glGetActiveAttrib", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetActiveAttrib, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetActiveUniform, "glGetActiveUniform", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetActiveUniform, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetAttachedShaders, "glGetAttachedShaders", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetAttachedShaders, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetAttribLocation, "glGetAttribLocation", glsym_func_int); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetAttribLocation, glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetBooleanv, "glGetBooleanv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetBooleanv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetBufferParameteriv, "glGetBufferParameteriv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetBufferParameteriv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetError, "glGetError", glsym_func_uint); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetError, glsym_func_uint); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetFloatv, "glGetFloatv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetFloatv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetIntegerv, "glGetIntegerv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetIntegerv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetProgramiv, "glGetProgramiv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetProgramiv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetProgramInfoLog, "glGetProgramInfoLog", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetProgramInfoLog, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetShaderiv, "glGetShaderiv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetShaderiv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetShaderInfoLog, "glGetShaderInfoLog", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetShaderInfoLog, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat, "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetShaderSource, "glGetShaderSource", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetShaderSource, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetString, "glGetString", glsym_func_uchar_ptr); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetString, glsym_func_const_uchar_ptr); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetTexParameterfv, "glGetTexParameterfv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetTexParameterfv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetTexParameteriv, "glGetTexParameteriv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetTexParameteriv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetUniformfv, "glGetUniformfv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetUniformfv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetUniformiv, "glGetUniformiv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetUniformiv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetUniformLocation, "glGetUniformLocation", glsym_func_int); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetUniformLocation, glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetVertexAttribfv, "glGetVertexAttribfv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetVertexAttribfv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetVertexAttribiv, "glGetVertexAttribiv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetVertexAttribiv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glGetVertexAttribPointerv, "glGetVertexAttribPointerv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glGetVertexAttribPointerv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glHint, "glHint", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glHint, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsBuffer, "glIsBuffer", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsBuffer, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsEnabled, "glIsEnabled", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsEnabled, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsFramebuffer, "glIsFramebuffer", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsFramebuffer, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsProgram, "glIsProgram", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsProgram, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsRenderbuffer, "glIsRenderbuffer", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsRenderbuffer, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsShader, "glIsShader", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsShader, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glIsTexture, "glIsTexture", glsym_func_uchar); FALLBAK(_sym_glIsTexture, glsym_func_uchar); FINDSYM(_sym_glLineWidth, "glLineWidth", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glLineWidth, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glLinkProgram, "glLinkProgram", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glLinkProgram, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glPixelStorei, "glPixelStorei", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glPixelStorei, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glPolygonOffset, "glPolygonOffset", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glPolygonOffset, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glReadPixels, "glReadPixels", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glReadPixels, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glReleaseShaderCompiler, "glReleaseShaderCompiler", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glReleaseShaderCompiler, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glRenderbufferStorage, "glRenderbufferStorage", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glRenderbufferStorage, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glSampleCoverage, "glSampleCoverage", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glSampleCoverage, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glScissor, "glScissor", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glScissor, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glShaderBinary, "glShaderBinary", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glShaderBinary, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glShaderSource, "glShaderSource", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glShaderSource, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilFunc, "glStencilFunc", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilFunc, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilFuncSeparate, "glStencilFuncSeparate", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilFuncSeparate, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilMask, "glStencilMask", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilMask, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilMaskSeparate, "glStencilMaskSeparate", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilMaskSeparate, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilOp, "glStencilOp", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilOp, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glStencilOpSeparate, "glStencilOpSeparate", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glStencilOpSeparate, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexImage2D, "glTexImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexParameterf, "glTexParameterf", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexParameterf, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexParameterfv, "glTexParameterfv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexParameterfv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexParameteri, "glTexParameteri", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexParameteri, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexParameteriv, "glTexParameteriv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexParameteriv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glTexSubImage2D, "glTexSubImage2D", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glTexSubImage2D, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform1f, "glUniform1f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform1f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform1fv, "glUniform1fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform1fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform1i, "glUniform1i", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform1i, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform1iv, "glUniform1iv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform1iv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform2f, "glUniform2f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform2f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform2fv, "glUniform2fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform2fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform2i, "glUniform2i", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform2i, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform2iv, "glUniform2iv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform2iv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform3f, "glUniform3f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform3f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform3fv, "glUniform3fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform3fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform3i, "glUniform3i", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform3i, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform3iv, "glUniform3iv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform3iv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform4f, "glUniform4f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform4f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform4fv, "glUniform4fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform4fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform4i, "glUniform4i", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform4i, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniform4iv, "glUniform4iv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniform4iv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniformMatrix2fv, "glUniformMatrix2fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniformMatrix2fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniformMatrix3fv, "glUniformMatrix3fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniformMatrix3fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUniformMatrix4fv, "glUniformMatrix4fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUniformMatrix4fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glUseProgram, "glUseProgram", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glUseProgram, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glValidateProgram, "glValidateProgram", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glValidateProgram, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib1f, "glVertexAttrib1f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib1f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib1fv, "glVertexAttrib1fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib1fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib2f, "glVertexAttrib2f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib2f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib2fv, "glVertexAttrib2fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib2fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib3f, "glVertexAttrib3f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib3f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib3fv, "glVertexAttrib3fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib3fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib4f, "glVertexAttrib4f", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib4f, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttrib4fv, "glVertexAttrib4fv", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttrib4fv, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glVertexAttribPointer, "glVertexAttribPointer", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glVertexAttribPointer, glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(_sym_glViewport, "glViewport", glsym_func_void); FALLBAK(_sym_glViewport, glsym_func_void); #undef FINDSYM #undef FALLBAK /* * For desktop OpenGL we wrap these: * - glGetShaderPrecisionFormat * - glReleaseShaderCompiler * - glShaderBinary */ if (_sym_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat != (typeof(_sym_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat))sym_missing ) { DBG("The GL library is OpenGL ES or OpenGL 4.1+"); gl_lib_is_gles = 1; } return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------// // Wrapped GL APIs to handle desktop compatibility // Stripping precision code from GLES shader for desktop compatibility // Code adopted from Meego GL code. Temporary Fix. static const char * opengl_strtok(const char *s, int *n, char **saveptr, char *prevbuf) { char *start; char *ret; char *p; int retlen; static const char *delim = " \t\n\r/"; if (prevbuf) free(prevbuf); if (s) *saveptr = (char *)s; else { if (!(*saveptr) || !(*n)) return NULL; s = *saveptr; } for (; *n && strchr(delim, *s); s++, (*n)--) { if (*s == '/' && *n > 1) { if (s[1] == '/') { do { s++, (*n)--; } while (*n > 1 && s[1] != '\n' && s[1] != '\r'); } else if (s[1] == '*') { do { s++, (*n)--; } while (*n > 2 && (s[1] != '*' || s[2] != '/')); s++, (*n)--; } } } start = (char *)s; for (; *n && *s && !strchr(delim, *s); s++, (*n)--); if (*n > 0) s++, (*n)--; *saveptr = (char *)s; retlen = s - start; ret = malloc(retlen + 1); p = ret; while (retlen > 0) { if (*start == '/' && retlen > 1) { if (start[1] == '/') { do { start++, retlen--; } while (retlen > 1 && start[1] != '\n' && start[1] != '\r'); start++, retlen--; continue; } else if (start[1] == '*') { do { start++, retlen--; } while (retlen > 2 && (start[1] != '*' || start[2] != '/')); start += 3, retlen -= 3; continue; } } *(p++) = *(start++), retlen--; } *p = 0; return ret; } static char * patch_gles_shader(const char *source, int length, int *patched_len) { char *saveptr = NULL; char *sp; char *p = NULL; if (!length) length = strlen(source); *patched_len = 0; int patched_size = length; char *patched = malloc(patched_size + 1); if (!patched) return NULL; p = (char *)opengl_strtok(source, &length, &saveptr, NULL); for (; p; p = (char *)opengl_strtok(0, &length, &saveptr, p)) { if (!strncmp(p, "lowp", 4) || !strncmp(p, "mediump", 7) || !strncmp(p, "highp", 5)) { continue; } else if (!strncmp(p, "precision", 9)) { while ((p = (char *)opengl_strtok(0, &length, &saveptr, p)) && !strchr(p, ';')); } else { if (!strncmp(p, "gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors", 26)) { free(p); p = strdup("(gl_MaxVertexUniformComponents / 4)"); } else if (!strncmp(p, "gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors", 28)) { free(p); p = strdup("(gl_MaxFragmentUniformComponents / 4)"); } else if (!strncmp(p, "gl_MaxVaryingVectors", 20)) { free(p); p = strdup("(gl_MaxVaryingFloats / 4)"); } int new_len = strlen(p); if (*patched_len + new_len > patched_size) { char *tmp; patched_size *= 2; tmp = realloc(patched, patched_size + 1); if (!tmp) { free(patched); free(p); return NULL; } patched = tmp; } memcpy(patched + *patched_len, p, new_len); *patched_len += new_len; } } patched[*patched_len] = 0; /* check that we don't leave dummy preprocessor lines */ for (sp = patched; *sp;) { for (; *sp == ' ' || *sp == '\t'; sp++); if (!strncmp(sp, "#define", 7)) { for (p = sp + 7; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; p++); if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '/') { memset(sp, 0x20, 7); } } for (; *sp && *sp != '\n' && *sp != '\r'; sp++); for (; *sp == '\n' || *sp == '\r'; sp++); } return patched; } static void evgl_glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const char* const* string, const GLint* length) { int i = 0, len = 0; char **s = malloc(count * sizeof(char*)); GLint *l = malloc(count * sizeof(GLint)); memset(s, 0, count * sizeof(char*)); memset(l, 0, count * sizeof(GLint)); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (length) { len = length[i]; if (len < 0) len = string[i] ? strlen(string[i]) : 0; } else len = string[i] ? strlen(string[i]) : 0; if (string[i]) { s[i] = patch_gles_shader(string[i], len, &l[i]); if (!s[i]) { while(i) free(s[--i]); free(l); free(s); DBG("Patching Shader Failed."); return; } } else { s[i] = NULL; l[i] = 0; } } _sym_glShaderSource(shader, count, (const char * const *)s, l); while(i) free(s[--i]); free(l); free(s); } static void evgl_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum shadertype EINA_UNUSED, GLenum precisiontype EINA_UNUSED, GLint* range, GLint* precision) { if (range) { range[0] = -126; // floor(log2(FLT_MIN)) range[1] = 127; // floor(log2(FLT_MAX)) } if (precision) { precision[0] = 24; // floor(-log2((1.0/16777218.0))); } return; } static void evgl_glReleaseShaderCompiler(void) { DBG("Not supported in Desktop GL"); return; } static void evgl_glShaderBinary(GLsizei n EINA_UNUSED, const GLuint* shaders EINA_UNUSED, GLenum binaryformat EINA_UNUSED, const void* binary EINA_UNUSED, GLsizei length EINA_UNUSED) { // FIXME: need to dlsym/getprocaddress for this DBG("Not supported in Desktop GL"); return; //n = binaryformat = length = 0; //shaders = binary = 0; } static const GLubyte * evgl_glGetString(GLenum name) { static char _version[128] = {0}; static char _glsl[128] = {0}; const char *ret; /* NOTE: Please modify gl_common/evas_gl_api.c as well if you change * this function! */ switch (name) { case GL_VENDOR: case GL_RENDERER: // Keep these as-is. break; case GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: ret = (const char *) _sym_glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); if (!ret) return NULL; snprintf(_glsl, sizeof(_glsl), "OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00 Evas GL (%s)", (char *) ret); _version[sizeof(_glsl) - 1] = '\0'; return (const GLubyte *) _glsl; case GL_VERSION: ret = (const char *) _sym_glGetString(GL_VERSION); if (!ret) return NULL; snprintf(_version, sizeof(_version), "OpenGL ES 2.0 Evas GL (%s)", (char *) ret); _version[sizeof(_version) - 1] = '\0'; return (const GLubyte *) _version; case GL_EXTENSIONS: // assume OSMesa's extensions are safe (no messing with GL context here) break; default: // GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if name is not an accepted value. WRN("Unknown string requested: %x", (unsigned int) name); break; } return _sym_glGetString(name); } static void override_gl_apis(Evas_GL_API *api) { memset(&gl_funcs, 0, sizeof(gl_funcs)); api->version = EVAS_GL_API_VERSION; #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, api, _sym_) // GLES 2.0 ORD(glActiveTexture); ORD(glAttachShader); ORD(glBindAttribLocation); ORD(glBindBuffer); ORD(glBindFramebuffer); ORD(glBindRenderbuffer); ORD(glBindTexture); ORD(glBlendColor); ORD(glBlendEquation); ORD(glBlendEquationSeparate); ORD(glBlendFunc); ORD(glBlendFuncSeparate); ORD(glBufferData); ORD(glBufferSubData); ORD(glCheckFramebufferStatus); ORD(glClear); ORD(glClearColor); ORD(glClearDepthf); ORD(glClearStencil); ORD(glColorMask); ORD(glCompileShader); ORD(glCompressedTexImage2D); ORD(glCompressedTexSubImage2D); ORD(glCopyTexImage2D); ORD(glCopyTexSubImage2D); ORD(glCreateProgram); ORD(glCreateShader); ORD(glCullFace); ORD(glDeleteBuffers); ORD(glDeleteFramebuffers); ORD(glDeleteProgram); ORD(glDeleteRenderbuffers); ORD(glDeleteShader); ORD(glDeleteTextures); ORD(glDepthFunc); ORD(glDepthMask); ORD(glDepthRangef); ORD(glDetachShader); ORD(glDisable); ORD(glDisableVertexAttribArray); ORD(glDrawArrays); ORD(glDrawElements); ORD(glEnable); ORD(glEnableVertexAttribArray); ORD(glFinish); ORD(glFlush); ORD(glFramebufferRenderbuffer); ORD(glFramebufferTexture2D); ORD(glFrontFace); ORD(glGenBuffers); ORD(glGenerateMipmap); ORD(glGenFramebuffers); ORD(glGenRenderbuffers); ORD(glGenTextures); ORD(glGetActiveAttrib); ORD(glGetActiveUniform); ORD(glGetAttachedShaders); ORD(glGetAttribLocation); ORD(glGetBooleanv); ORD(glGetBufferParameteriv); ORD(glGetError); // FIXME ORD(glGetFloatv); ORD(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv); ORD(glGetIntegerv); ORD(glGetProgramiv); ORD(glGetProgramInfoLog); ORD(glGetRenderbufferParameteriv); ORD(glGetShaderiv); ORD(glGetShaderInfoLog); ORD(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat); ORD(glGetShaderSource); ORD(glGetTexParameterfv); ORD(glGetTexParameteriv); ORD(glGetUniformfv); ORD(glGetUniformiv); ORD(glGetUniformLocation); ORD(glGetVertexAttribfv); ORD(glGetVertexAttribiv); ORD(glGetVertexAttribPointerv); ORD(glHint); ORD(glIsBuffer); ORD(glIsEnabled); ORD(glIsFramebuffer); ORD(glIsProgram); ORD(glIsRenderbuffer); ORD(glIsShader); ORD(glIsTexture); ORD(glLineWidth); ORD(glLinkProgram); ORD(glPixelStorei); ORD(glPolygonOffset); ORD(glReadPixels); ORD(glReleaseShaderCompiler); ORD(glRenderbufferStorage); ORD(glSampleCoverage); ORD(glScissor); ORD(glShaderBinary); ORD(glShaderSource); ORD(glStencilFunc); ORD(glStencilFuncSeparate); ORD(glStencilMask); ORD(glStencilMaskSeparate); ORD(glStencilOp); ORD(glStencilOpSeparate); ORD(glTexImage2D); ORD(glTexParameterf); ORD(glTexParameterfv); ORD(glTexParameteri); ORD(glTexParameteriv); ORD(glTexSubImage2D); ORD(glUniform1f); ORD(glUniform1fv); ORD(glUniform1i); ORD(glUniform1iv); ORD(glUniform2f); ORD(glUniform2fv); ORD(glUniform2i); ORD(glUniform2iv); ORD(glUniform3f); ORD(glUniform3fv); ORD(glUniform3i); ORD(glUniform3iv); ORD(glUniform4f); ORD(glUniform4fv); ORD(glUniform4i); ORD(glUniform4iv); ORD(glUniformMatrix2fv); ORD(glUniformMatrix3fv); ORD(glUniformMatrix4fv); ORD(glUseProgram); ORD(glValidateProgram); ORD(glVertexAttrib1f); ORD(glVertexAttrib1fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib2f); ORD(glVertexAttrib2fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib3f); ORD(glVertexAttrib3fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib4f); ORD(glVertexAttrib4fv); ORD(glVertexAttribPointer); ORD(glViewport); #undef ORD #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &gl_funcs, evgl_) ORD(glGetString); if (!gl_lib_is_gles) { // Override functions wrapped by Evas_GL // GLES2.0 API compat on top of desktop gl // Note that Open GL 4.1+ provides these 3 functions as well ORD(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat); ORD(glReleaseShaderCompiler); ORD(glShaderBinary); } ORD(glShaderSource); // Do precision stripping in both cases #undef ORD } #endif //-------------------------------------------// static int gl_lib_init(void) { #ifdef EVAS_GL // Current ctx & sfc stuff if (!_tls_check()) return 0; // dlopen OSMesa gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.9", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.8", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.7", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.6", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.5", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.4", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.3", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.2", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so.1", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) gl_lib_handle = dlopen("libOSMesa.so", RTLD_NOW); if (!gl_lib_handle) { DBG("Unable to open libOSMesa: %s", dlerror()); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------// if (!glue_sym_init()) return 0; if (!gl_sym_init()) return 0; override_gl_apis(&gl_funcs); return 1; #else return 0; #endif } static void init_gl(void) { DBG("Initializing Software OpenGL APIs..."); if (!gl_lib_init()) DBG("Unable to support EvasGL in this engine module. Install OSMesa to get it running"); else { #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &func, eng_) ORD(gl_surface_create); ORD(gl_surface_destroy); ORD(gl_context_create); ORD(gl_context_destroy); ORD(gl_make_current); ORD(gl_string_query); // FIXME: Need to implement ORD(gl_proc_address_get); // FIXME: Need to implement ORD(gl_native_surface_get); ORD(gl_api_get); ORD(gl_error_get); ORD(gl_current_context_get); ORD(gl_current_surface_get); ORD(gl_rotation_angle_get); #undef ORD } } /* ***** ** ** MODULE ACCESSIBLE API API ** ***** */ static int module_open(Evas_Module *em) { if (!em) return 0; _evas_soft_gen_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register ("evas-software_generic", EVAS_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR); if(_evas_soft_gen_log_dom<0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("Can not create a module log domain."); return 0; } _mp_command_rect = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Rect", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Rect), 128); _mp_command_line = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Line", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Line), 32); _mp_command_polygon = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Polygon), 32); _mp_command_image = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Image", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Image), 128); _mp_command_font = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Font", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Font), 128); _mp_command_map = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Map", NULL, sizeof (Evas_Thread_Command_Map), 64); _mp_command_multi_font = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font", NULL, sizeof(Evas_Thread_Command_Multi_Font), 128); _mp_command_ector = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Ector", NULL, sizeof(Evas_Thread_Command_Ector), 128); _mp_command_ector_surface = eina_mempool_add("chained_mempool", "Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface", NULL, sizeof(Evas_Thread_Command_Ector_Surface), 128); init_gl(); evas_common_pipe_init(); em->functions = (void *)(&func); cpunum = eina_cpu_count(); return 1; } static void module_close(Evas_Module *em EINA_UNUSED) { eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_rect); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_line); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_polygon); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_image); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_font); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_map); eina_mempool_del(_mp_command_ector); eina_log_domain_unregister(_evas_soft_gen_log_dom); } static Evas_Module_Api evas_modapi = { EVAS_MODULE_API_VERSION, "software_generic", "none", { module_open, module_close } }; Eina_Bool evas_engine_software_generic_init(void) { return evas_module_register(&evas_modapi, EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE); } // Time to destroy the ector context void evas_engine_software_generic_shutdown(void) { evas_module_unregister(&evas_modapi, EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE); } #ifndef EVAS_STATIC_BUILD_SOFTWARE_GENERIC EVAS_EINA_MODULE_DEFINE(engine, software_generic); #endif