import efl_ui_selection_types; mixin @beta Efl.Ui.Selection { [[Efl Ui Selection class]] data: null; methods { selection_set { [[Set the selection data to the object]] params { @in type: Efl.Ui.Selection_Type; [[Selection Type]] @in format: Efl.Ui.Selection_Format; [[Selection Format]] @in data: Eina.Slice; @in seat: uint;[[Specified seat for multiple seats case.]] } return: future; [[Future for tracking when the selection is lost]] } selection_get { [[Get the data from the object that has selection]] params { @in type: Efl.Ui.Selection_Type; [[Selection Type]] @in format: Efl.Ui.Selection_Format; [[Selection Format]] @in data_func: Efl.Ui.Selection_Data_Ready; [[Data ready function pointer]] @in seat: uint;[[Specified seat for multiple seats case.]] } } selection_clear { [[Clear the selection data from the object]] params { @in type: Efl.Ui.Selection_Type; [[Selection Type]] @in seat: uint; [[Specified seat for multiple seats case.]] } } has_owner { [[Determine whether the selection data has owner]] params { @in type: Efl.Ui.Selection_Type; [[Selection type]] @in seat: uint; [[Specified seat for multiple seats case.]] } return: bool; [[EINA_TRUE if there is object owns selection, otherwise EINA_FALSE]] } } events { selection,changed: Efl.Ui.Selection_Changed; [[Called when display server's selection has changed]] } }