/* * build: gcc -o eet_data_file_descriptor eet-data-file_descriptor.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eet eina` */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // complex real-world structures based on elmdentica database typedef struct { const char *screen_name; const char *name; const char *message; unsigned int id; unsigned int status_id; unsigned int date; unsigned int timeline; } My_Message; typedef struct { const char *dm_to; const char *message; } My_Post; typedef struct { unsigned int id; const char *name; Eina_List *messages; My_Post *posts; int posts_count; } My_Account; typedef struct { unsigned int version; // it is recommended to use versioned configuration! Eina_Hash *accounts; } My_Cache; // string that represents the entry in eet file, you might like to have // different profiles or so in the same file, this is possible with // different strings static const char MY_CACHE_FILE_ENTRY[] = "cache"; // keep the descriptor static global, so it can be // shared by different functions (load/save) of this and only this // file. static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_my_cache_descriptor; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_my_account_descriptor; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_my_message_descriptor; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_my_post_descriptor; // keep file handle alive, so mmap()ed strings are all alive as well static Eet_File *_my_cache_file = NULL; static Eet_Dictionary *_my_cache_dict = NULL; static void _my_cache_descriptor_init(void) { Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc; // The FILE variant is good for caches and things that are just // appended, but needs to take care when changing strings and files must // be kept open so mmap()ed strings will be kept alive. EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, My_Cache); _my_cache_descriptor = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, My_Account); _my_account_descriptor = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, My_Message); _my_message_descriptor = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); EET_EINA_FILE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, My_Post); _my_post_descriptor = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc); // Describe the members to be saved: // Use a temporary macro so we don't type a lot, also avoid errors: #define ADD_BASIC(member, eet_type)\ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC\ (_my_message_descriptor, My_Message, # member, member, eet_type) ADD_BASIC(screen_name, EET_T_STRING); ADD_BASIC(name, EET_T_STRING); ADD_BASIC(message, EET_T_STRING); ADD_BASIC(id, EET_T_UINT); ADD_BASIC(status_id, EET_T_UINT); ADD_BASIC(date, EET_T_UINT); ADD_BASIC(timeline, EET_T_UINT); #undef ADD_BASIC #define ADD_BASIC(member, eet_type)\ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC\ (_my_post_descriptor, My_Post, # member, member, eet_type) ADD_BASIC(dm_to, EET_T_STRING); ADD_BASIC(message, EET_T_STRING); #undef ADD_BASIC #define ADD_BASIC(member, eet_type)\ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC\ (_my_account_descriptor, My_Account, # member, member, eet_type) ADD_BASIC(name, EET_T_STRING); ADD_BASIC(id, EET_T_UINT); #undef ADD_BASIC EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST (_my_account_descriptor, My_Account, "messages", messages, _my_message_descriptor); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_VAR_ARRAY (_my_account_descriptor, My_Account, "posts", posts, _my_post_descriptor); #define ADD_BASIC(member, eet_type)\ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC\ (_my_cache_descriptor, My_Cache, # member, member, eet_type) ADD_BASIC(version, EET_T_UINT); #undef ADD_BASIC EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_HASH (_my_cache_descriptor, My_Cache, "accounts", accounts, _my_account_descriptor); } /* _my_cache_descriptor_init */ static void _my_cache_descriptor_shutdown(void) { eet_data_descriptor_free(_my_cache_descriptor); eet_data_descriptor_free(_my_account_descriptor); eet_data_descriptor_free(_my_message_descriptor); eet_data_descriptor_free(_my_post_descriptor); } /* _my_cache_descriptor_shutdown */ // need to check if the pointer came from mmaped area in eet_dictionary // or it was allocated with eina_stringshare_add() static void _eet_string_free(const char * str) { if (!str) return; if ((_my_cache_dict) && (eet_dictionary_string_check(_my_cache_dict, str))) return; eina_stringshare_del(str); } /* _eet_string_free */ static My_Message * _my_message_new(const char * message) { My_Message * msg = calloc(1, sizeof(My_Message)); if (!msg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not calloc My_Message\n"); return NULL; } msg->message = eina_stringshare_add(message); return msg; } /* _my_message_new */ static void _my_message_free(My_Message * msg) { _eet_string_free(msg->screen_name); _eet_string_free(msg->name); _eet_string_free(msg->message); free(msg); } /* _my_message_free */ static Eina_Bool _my_post_add(My_Account *acc, const char * message) { int new_count = acc->posts_count + 1; My_Post *post = realloc(acc->posts, new_count * sizeof(My_Post)); if (!post) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could add My_Post\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } post[acc->posts_count].message = eina_stringshare_add(message); post[acc->posts_count].dm_to = NULL; acc->posts_count = new_count; acc->posts = post; return EINA_TRUE;; } /* _my_post_new */ static void _my_post_free(My_Post * post) { _eet_string_free(post->dm_to); _eet_string_free(post->message); } /* _my_post_free */ static My_Account * _my_account_new(const char * name) { My_Account * acc = calloc(1, sizeof(My_Account)); if (!acc) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not calloc My_Account\n"); return NULL; } acc->name = eina_stringshare_add(name); return acc; } /* _my_account_new */ static void _my_account_free(My_Account * acc) { My_Message * m; int i; _eet_string_free(acc->name); EINA_LIST_FREE(acc->messages, m) _my_message_free(m); for (i = 0; i < acc->posts_count; i++) _my_post_free(&acc->posts[i]); free(acc->posts); free(acc); } /* _my_account_free */ static My_Cache * _my_cache_new(void) { My_Cache * my_cache = calloc(1, sizeof(My_Cache)); if (!my_cache) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not calloc My_Cache\n"); return NULL; } my_cache->accounts = eina_hash_string_small_new(NULL); my_cache->version = 1; return my_cache; } /* _my_cache_new */ static Eina_Bool _my_cache_account_free_cb(const Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key, void *data, void *fdata) { _my_account_free(data); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _my_cache_free(My_Cache * my_cache) { My_Account * acc; eina_hash_foreach(my_cache->accounts, _my_cache_account_free_cb, NULL); eina_hash_free(my_cache->accounts); free(my_cache); } /* _my_cache_free */ static My_Account * _my_cache_account_find(My_Cache * my_cache, const char * name) { return eina_hash_find(my_cache->accounts, name); } /* _my_cache_account_find */ static My_Cache * _my_cache_load(const char * filename) { My_Cache * my_cache; Eet_File * ef = eet_open(filename, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (!ef) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not open '%s' for read\n", filename); return NULL; } my_cache = eet_data_read(ef, _my_cache_descriptor, MY_CACHE_FILE_ENTRY); if (!my_cache) { eet_close(ef); return NULL; } if (my_cache->version < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: version %#x was too old, upgrading it to %#x\n", my_cache->version, 1); my_cache->version = 1; } if (_my_cache_file) eet_close(_my_cache_file); _my_cache_file = ef; _my_cache_dict = eet_dictionary_get(ef); return my_cache; } /* _my_cache_load */ static Eina_Bool _my_cache_save(const My_Cache * my_cache, const char * filename) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; Eet_File * ef; Eina_Bool ret; unsigned int i, len; struct stat st; len = eina_strlcpy(tmp, filename, sizeof(tmp)); if (len + 12 >= (int)sizeof(tmp)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file name is too big: %s\n", filename); return EINA_FALSE; } i = 0; do { snprintf(tmp + len, 12, ".%u", i); i++; } while (stat(tmp, &st) == 0); ef = eet_open(tmp, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (!ef) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not open '%s' for write\n", tmp); return EINA_FALSE; } ret = eet_data_write (ef, _my_cache_descriptor, MY_CACHE_FILE_ENTRY, my_cache, EINA_TRUE); // VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: // after eet_close(), all strings mmaped from file will be GONE, invalid! // you'll need to free the old cache and open the new one. // For cache this is okay, as you should be saving not so often or just // at end. // // This is a trade off, you save memory by using mmap()ed strings, but // you have to care about this. eet_close(ef); if (ret) { unlink(filename); rename(tmp, filename); } return ret; } /* _my_cache_save */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { My_Cache * my_cache; const Eina_List * l_acc; Eina_Iterator *it; My_Account * acc; int ret = 0; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t%s [action] [action-params]\n\n" "Where actions and their parameters:\n" "\tacc \n" "\tpost \n" "\tmessage \n" "\n", argv[0]); return -1; } eina_init(); eet_init(); _my_cache_descriptor_init(); my_cache = _my_cache_load(argv[1]); if (!my_cache) { printf("creating new cache.\n"); my_cache = _my_cache_new(); if (!my_cache) { ret = -2; goto end; } } if (argc > 3) { if (strcmp(argv[3], "acc") == 0) { if (argc == 5) { My_Account * acc = _my_cache_account_find(my_cache, argv[4]); if (!acc) { acc = _my_account_new(argv[4]); eina_hash_direct_add(my_cache->accounts, acc->name, acc); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: account '%s' already exists.\n", argv[4]); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong number of parameters (%d).\n", argc); } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "post") == 0) { if (argc == 6) { My_Account * acc = _my_cache_account_find(my_cache, argv[4]); if (acc) { _my_post_add(acc, argv[5]); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown account: '%s'\n", argv[4]); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong number of parameters (%d).\n", argc); } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "message") == 0) { if (argc == 6) { My_Account * acc = _my_cache_account_find(my_cache, argv[4]); if (acc) { My_Message * msg = _my_message_new(argv[5]); acc->messages = eina_list_append(acc->messages, msg); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown account: '%s'\n", argv[4]); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong number of parameters (%d).\n", argc); } else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown action '%s'\n", argv[2]); } printf("My_Cache:\n" "\tversion.: %#x\n" "\taccounts: %u\n", my_cache->version, eina_hash_population(my_cache->accounts)); it = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(my_cache->accounts); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, acc) { const My_Post * post; printf("\t > %-#8x '%.20s' stats: m=%u, p=%u\n", acc->id, acc->name ? acc->name : "", eina_list_count(acc->messages), acc->posts_count); if (eina_list_count(acc->messages)) { const Eina_List * l; const My_Message * msg; printf("\t |messages:\n"); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(acc->messages, l, msg) { printf("\t | %-8x '%s' [%s]: '%.20s'\n", msg->id, msg->name ? msg->name : "", msg->screen_name ? msg->screen_name : "", msg->message ? msg->message : ""); } } if (acc->posts_count) { const My_Post * post; int i; printf("\t |posts:\n"); for (i = 0; i < acc->posts_count; i++) { post = &acc->posts[i]; if (post->dm_to) printf("\t | @%s: '%.20s'\n", post->dm_to, post->message); else printf("\t | '%.20s'\n", post->message); } } printf("\n"); } eina_iterator_free(it); if (!_my_cache_save(my_cache, argv[2])) ret = -3; _my_cache_free(my_cache); end: if (_my_cache_file) eet_close(_my_cache_file); _my_cache_descriptor_shutdown(); eet_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return ret; } /* main */