/* * Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef EOLIAN_MONO_CLASS_DEFINITION_HPP #define EOLIAN_MONO_CLASS_DEFINITION_HPP #include "grammar/integral.hpp" #include "grammar/generator.hpp" #include "grammar/klass_def.hpp" #include "grammar/attribute_conditional.hpp" #include "blacklist.hh" #include "grammar/indentation.hpp" #include "grammar/list.hpp" #include "grammar/alternative.hpp" #include "type.hh" #include "name_helpers.hh" #include "async_function_definition.hh" #include "function_definition.hh" #include "function_registration.hh" #include "function_declaration.hh" #include "documentation.hh" #include "part_definition.hh" #include "events.hh" #include "grammar/string.hpp" #include "grammar/attribute_replace.hpp" #include "grammar/integral.hpp" #include "grammar/case.hpp" #include "using_decl.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include #include namespace eolian_mono { template static bool is_inherit_context(Context const& context) { return context_find_tag(context).current_wrapper_kind == class_context::inherit; } enum partial_class { class_partial = 1 }; struct klass { template bool generate(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const { EINA_CXX_DOM_LOG_DBG(eolian_mono::domain) << "klass_generator: " << cls.eolian_name << std::endl; auto const& indent = current_indentation(context); if (blacklist::is_class_blacklisted(cls, context)) { EINA_CXX_DOM_LOG_DBG(eolian_mono::domain) << "class " << cls.eolian_name << " is blacklisted. Skipping." << std::endl; return true; } std::string suffix, class_type; switch(cls.type) { case attributes::class_type::regular: class_type = "class"; suffix = "CLASS"; break; case attributes::class_type::abstract_: class_type = "abstract class"; suffix = "CLASS"; break; case attributes::class_type::mixin: class_type = "interface"; suffix = "MIXIN"; break; case attributes::class_type::interface_: class_type = "interface"; suffix = "INTERFACE"; break; } if (!name_helpers::open_namespaces(sink, cls.namespaces, context)) return false; auto methods = cls.get_all_methods(); // Interface class if(class_type == "interface") { auto iface_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::interface, name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name(cls)}, context); // Property wrappers if (!as_generator("\n\n" << *(interface_property_indexer_definition(cls))).generate(sink, cls.properties, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator(documentation).generate(sink, cls, iface_cxt)) return false; // Mark the interface with the proper native Efl_Class* getter if(!as_generator(lit("[") << name_helpers::klass_full_native_inherit_name(cls) << "]\n") .generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator("[Efl.Eo.BindingEntity]\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false; using efl::eolian::grammar::lit; if(!as_generator ( lit("public ") << (is_partial ? "partial ":"") /*<< class_type*/ << "interface" /*<<*/ " " << string << " : " ) .generate(sink, name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls), iface_cxt)) return false; for(auto first = std::begin(cls.immediate_inherits) , last = std::end(cls.immediate_inherits); first != last; ++first) { if (!context_find_tag(iface_cxt).want_beta && first->is_beta) continue; if(first->type != attributes::class_type::regular && first->type != attributes::class_type::abstract_) if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << string << ",").generate(sink, name_helpers::klass_full_interface_name(*first), iface_cxt)) return false; } if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << "Efl.Eo.IWrapper, IDisposable").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator("\n{\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator("\n\n" << *(property_declaration(cls, cls))).generate(sink, cls.properties, iface_cxt)) return false; std::vector methods; std::copy_if (cls.functions.begin(), cls.functions.end() , std::back_inserter(methods) , [] (attributes::function_def const& f) -> bool { return !(f.type == attributes::function_type::property || f.type == attributes::function_type::prop_set || f.type == attributes::function_type::prop_get); }); if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << "//* Methods\n\n" << *(function_declaration)).generate(sink, methods, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator(*(async_function_declaration)).generate(sink, cls.functions, iface_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator(*(event_declaration)).generate(sink, cls.events, iface_cxt)) return false; for (auto &&p : cls.parts) if (!as_generator( documentation(1) << name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name(p.klass) << " " << utils::capitalize(p.name) << "{ get;}\n" ).generate(sink, p, iface_cxt)) return false; if (!as_generator(*(property_wrapper_definition(cls, cls))).generate(sink, cls.properties, iface_cxt)) return false; // End of interface declaration if(!as_generator("}\n\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, iface_cxt)) return false; } // Events arguments go in the top namespace to avoid the Concrete suffix clutter in interface events. // Regular/abstract class events go here too for consistency. if(!as_generator(*(event_argument_wrapper)).generate(sink, cls.events, context)) return false; bool root = !helpers::has_regular_ancestor(cls); std::set inherit_interfaces = helpers::non_implemented_interfaces(cls, context); std::vector inherit_classes; std::copy_if(cls.immediate_inherits.begin(), cls.immediate_inherits.end() , std::back_inserter(inherit_classes) , [] (attributes::klass_name const& klass) { switch (klass.type) { case attributes::class_type::regular: case attributes::class_type::abstract_: return true; default: return false; }; }); // Concrete class for interfaces, mixins, etc. if(class_type != "class" && class_type != "abstract class") { auto concrete_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::concrete, name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name(cls)}, context); auto concrete_name = name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls); auto interface_name = name_helpers::klass_interface_name(cls); // We can't make these internal yet as they have methods that are used by // other classes that implement the interface. if(!as_generator ( documentation << "public sealed " << (is_partial ? "partial ":"") << "class " << concrete_name << " :\n" << scope_tab << (root ? "Efl.Eo.EoWrapper" : "") << (klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name % "") << ",\n" << scope_tab << interface_name << *(",\n" << scope_tab << name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name) << "\n" << "{\n" ).generate(sink, std::make_tuple(cls, inherit_classes, inherit_interfaces), concrete_cxt)) return false; if (!generate_fields(sink, cls, concrete_cxt)) return false; if (!as_generator ( scope_tab << "/// Subclasses should override this constructor if they are expected to be instantiated from native code.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Do not call this constructor directly.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Tag struct storing the native handle of the object being constructed.\n" << scope_tab << "private " << concrete_name << "(ConstructingHandle ch) : base(ch)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ) .generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; if (!as_generator ( scope_tab << "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(" << context_find_tag(concrete_cxt).actual_library_name(cls.filename) << ")] internal static extern System.IntPtr\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "();\n\n" << scope_tab << "/// Initializes a new instance of the class.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Internal usage: This is used when interacting with C code and should not be used directly.\n" << scope_tab << "/// The native pointer to be wrapped.\n" << scope_tab << "private " << concrete_name << "(Efl.Eo.WrappingHandle wh) : base(wh)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ) .generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; if (!generate_events(sink, cls, concrete_cxt)) return false; if (!as_generator(lit("#pragma warning disable CS0628\n")).generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; // Parts if(!as_generator(*(part_definition)) .generate(sink, cls.parts, concrete_cxt)) return false; // Property concrete function definitions auto implemented_properties = helpers::get_all_implementable_properties(cls, concrete_cxt); if(!as_generator("\n\n" << *( property_function_definition(cls, cls, false) )) .generate(sink, implemented_properties, concrete_cxt)) return false; auto implemented_methods = helpers::get_all_implementable_methods(cls, concrete_cxt); if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << "\n\n" << *(function_definition)) .generate(sink, implemented_methods, concrete_cxt)) return false; // Async wrappers if(!as_generator(*(async_function_definition)).generate(sink, helpers::get_all_implementable_methods(cls, concrete_cxt, true), concrete_cxt)) return false; // Property wrappers if (!as_generator(*(property_wrapper_definition(cls, cls))) .generate(sink, cls.properties, concrete_cxt)) return false; for (auto&& klass : helpers::non_implemented_interfaces_and_beta(cls, concrete_cxt)) { attributes::klass_def c(get_klass(klass.first, cls.unit), cls.unit); bool force_protected = (!context_find_tag(concrete_cxt).want_beta && klass.second); if (!as_generator(*(property_wrapper_definition(cls, c, force_protected))).generate(sink, c.properties, concrete_cxt)) return false; } if (!as_generator(lit("#pragma warning restore CS0628\n")).generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; // Copied from nativeinherit class, used when setting up providers. if(!as_generator( scope_tab << "private static IntPtr GetEflClassStatic()\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return " << name_helpers::klass_get_full_name(cls) << "();\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; if(!generate_native_inherit_class(sink, cls, change_indentation(indent.inc(), concrete_cxt))) return true; if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, concrete_cxt)) return false; } // // Inheritable class // if(class_type == "class" || class_type == "abstract class") else { auto inherit_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::inherit, name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name(cls)}, context); // Class header if(!as_generator ( documentation << "[" << name_helpers::klass_full_native_inherit_name(cls) << "]\n" << "[Efl.Eo.BindingEntity]\n" << "[SuppressMessage(\"Microsoft.Naming\", \"CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces\")]\n" << "public " << (is_partial ? class_type == "class" ? "partial class" : "abstract partial class" : class_type ) << " " << name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls) << " : " << (klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name % ",") // classes << (root ? "Efl.Eo.EoWrapper" : "") // ... or root << (inherit_interfaces.empty() ? "" : ", ") << (klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name % ", ") // interfaces << "\n{\n" ) .generate(sink, std::make_tuple(cls, inherit_classes, inherit_interfaces), inherit_cxt)) return false; // Class body if(!generate_fields(sink, cls, inherit_cxt)) return false; if (!generate_constructors(sink, cls, inherit_cxt)) return false; if (!generate_events(sink, cls, inherit_cxt)) return false; // Parts if(!as_generator(*(part_definition)) .generate(sink, cls.parts, inherit_cxt)) return false; // Property concrete function definitions auto implemented_properties = helpers::get_all_implementable_properties(cls, inherit_cxt); if(!as_generator(*(property_function_definition(cls, cls, true, true))) .generate(sink, implemented_properties, inherit_cxt)) return false; // Inherit function definitions auto implemented_methods = helpers::get_all_implementable_methods(cls, inherit_cxt); if(!as_generator("\n" << scope_tab << "//* Methods\n\n" << *(function_definition(true))) .generate(sink, implemented_methods, inherit_cxt)) return false; // Async wrappers if(!as_generator(*(async_function_definition(true))).generate(sink, helpers::get_all_implementable_methods(cls, inherit_cxt, true), inherit_cxt)) return false; // Property wrappers if (!as_generator("\n\n" << *property_wrapper_definition(cls, cls) ).generate(sink, cls.properties, inherit_cxt)) return false; for (auto&& klass : helpers::non_implemented_interfaces_and_beta(cls, inherit_cxt)) { attributes::klass_def c(get_klass(klass.first, cls.unit), cls.unit); assert (c != cls); bool force_protected = (!context_find_tag(inherit_cxt).want_beta && klass.second); if (!as_generator(*(property_wrapper_definition(cls, c, force_protected))).generate(sink, c.properties, inherit_cxt)) return false; } // Copied from nativeinherit class, used when setting up providers. if(!as_generator( scope_tab << "private static IntPtr GetEflClassStatic()\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return " << name_helpers::klass_get_full_name(cls) << "();\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inherit_cxt)) return false; if(!generate_native_inherit_class(sink, cls, change_indentation(indent.inc(), inherit_cxt))) return true; if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, inherit_cxt)) return false; } if(!name_helpers::close_namespaces(sink, cls.namespaces, context)) return false; std::vector implementable_properties; std::copy(cls.properties.begin(), cls.properties.end(), std::back_inserter(implementable_properties)); for (auto&& klass : helpers::non_implemented_interfaces(cls, context)) { attributes::klass_def c(get_klass(klass, cls.unit), cls.unit); std::copy(c.properties.begin(), c.properties.end(), std::back_inserter(implementable_properties)); } std::stringstream extension_method_stream; std::ostream_iterator extension_method_iterator(extension_method_stream); if (!as_generator (*property_extension_method_definition(cls) << *part_extension_method_definition(cls)) .generate(extension_method_iterator, std::make_tuple(implementable_properties, cls.parts), context)) return false; if (extension_method_stream.tellp() <= 0) return true; if(!as_generator (lit("#if EFL_BETA\n") << "#pragma warning disable CS1591\n" // Disabling warnings as DocFx will hide these classes <<"public static class " << (string % "_") << name_helpers::klass_inherit_name(cls) << "_ExtensionMethods {\n" << extension_method_stream.str() << "}\n" << "#pragma warning restore CS1591\n" << "#endif\n") .generate(sink, cls.namespaces, context)) return false; return true; } // NativeInherit class. Contains function pointers for the native Eo methods and delegates that are registered in Eo as virtual method implementations // These delegates are called from C to C#, checking whether the C# subclass reimplemented it. template bool generate_native_inherit_class(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const { { auto inative_cxt = context_add_tag(class_context{class_context::inherit_native, name_helpers::klass_full_concrete_or_interface_name(cls)}, context); auto native_inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_native_inherit_name(cls); auto inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_inherit_name(cls); auto implementable_methods = helpers::get_all_registerable_methods(cls, context); auto implementable_properties = helpers::get_all_implementable_properties(cls, inative_cxt); bool root = !helpers::has_regular_ancestor(cls); auto const& indent = current_indentation(inative_cxt); std::string klass_since; if (!documentation_helpers::generate_since_tag_line(std::back_inserter(klass_since), cls.documentation, indent, context)) return false; std::string base_name; if(!root) { attributes::klass_def parent_klass(get_klass(*cls.parent, cls.unit), cls.unit); base_name = name_helpers::klass_full_native_inherit_name(parent_klass); } if(!as_generator ( indent << lit("/// Wrapper for native methods and virtual method delegates.\n") << indent << "/// For internal use by generated code only.\n" << klass_since << indent << "/// \n" << indent << "[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]\n" << indent << "internal new class " << native_inherit_name << " : " << (root ? "Efl.Eo.EoWrapper.NativeMethods" : base_name) << "\n" << indent << "{\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; if(implementable_methods.size() >= 1 || implementable_properties.size() >= 1) { if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << "private static Efl.Eo.NativeModule Module = new Efl.Eo.NativeModule(" << context_find_tag(context).actual_library_name(cls.filename) << ");\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; } if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << "/// Gets the list of Eo operations to override.\n" << klass_since << indent << "/// \n" << indent << scope_tab << "/// The list of Eo operations to be overload.\n" << indent << scope_tab << "internal override System.Collections.Generic.List GetEoOps(System.Type type, bool includeInherited)\n" << indent << scope_tab << "{\n" << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "var descs = new System.Collections.Generic.List();\n" ) .generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; // Native wrapper registration // We write them first to a temporary function as the implementable function list may contain // only non-registrable methods like class functions, leading to unused `methods` variable. std::string tmp_registration; if(!as_generator(*(function_registration(cls))) .generate(std::back_inserter(tmp_registration), implementable_methods, change_indentation(indent.inc(2), inative_cxt))) return false; if (tmp_registration.find("methods") != std::string::npos) if (!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "var methods = Efl.Eo.Globals.GetUserMethods(type);\n\n" << tmp_registration ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (includeInherited)\n" << indent << scope_tab(2) << "{\n" << indent << scope_tab(3) << "var all_interfaces = type.GetInterfaces();\n" << indent << scope_tab(3) << "foreach (var iface in all_interfaces)\n" << indent << scope_tab(3) << "{\n" << indent << scope_tab(4) << "var moredescs = ((Efl.Eo.NativeClass)iface.GetCustomAttributes(false)?.FirstOrDefault(attr => attr is Efl.Eo.NativeClass))?.GetEoOps(type, false);\n" << indent << scope_tab(4) << "if (moredescs != null)\n" << indent << scope_tab(5) << "descs.AddRange(moredescs);\n" << indent << scope_tab(3) << "}\n" << indent << scope_tab(2) << "}\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; if (!root || context_find_tag(context).current_wrapper_kind != class_context::concrete) if(!as_generator(indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "descs.AddRange(base.GetEoOps(type, false));\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return descs;\n" << indent << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; if (!klass_since.empty()) klass_since = static_cast(scope_tab) + klass_since; // Attribute getter of the native 'Efl_Class *' handle (for proper inheritance from additional explicit interfaces) if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << "/// Returns the Eo class for the native methods of this class.\n" << klass_since << indent << scope_tab << "/// \n" << indent << scope_tab << "/// The native class pointer.\n" << indent << scope_tab << "internal override IntPtr GetEflClass()\n" << indent << scope_tab << "{\n" << indent << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return " << name_helpers::klass_get_full_name(cls) << "();\n" << indent << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; // Native method definitions if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << "#pragma warning disable CA1707, CS1591, SA1300, SA1600\n\n" << *(native_function_definition(cls)) << indent << scope_tab << "#pragma warning restore CA1707, CS1591, SA1300, SA1600\n\n") .generate(sink, implementable_methods, change_indentation(indent.inc(), inative_cxt))) return false; if(!as_generator( indent << scope_tab << "#pragma warning disable CA1707, CS1591, SA1300, SA1600\n\n" << *(native_property_function_definition(cls, cls)) << indent << scope_tab << "#pragma warning restore CA1707, CS1591, SA1300, SA1600\n\n") .generate(sink, implementable_properties, change_indentation(indent.inc(), inative_cxt))) return false; if(!as_generator("}\n").generate(sink, attributes::unused, inative_cxt)) return false; } return true; } template bool generate_fields(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const { std::string visibility = is_inherit_context(context) ? "protected " : "private "; std::string class_getter = name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) + "()"; std::string native_inherit_full_name = name_helpers::klass_full_native_inherit_name(cls); auto inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls); if(!as_generator( scope_tab << "/// Pointer to the native class description.\n" << scope_tab << "public override System.IntPtr NativeClass\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "get\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "if (((object)this).GetType() == typeof(" << inherit_name << "))\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return GetEflClassStatic();\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "else\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "return Efl.Eo.ClassRegister.klassFromType[((object)this).GetType()];\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context)) return false; return true; } template bool generate_constructors(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const { auto inherit_name = name_helpers::klass_concrete_name(cls); if(!as_generator( scope_tab << "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(" << context_find_tag(context).actual_library_name(cls.filename) << ")] internal static extern System.IntPtr\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "();\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context)) return false; auto all_constructors = helpers::reorder_constructors(cls.get_all_constructors()); decltype (all_constructors) constructors; std::copy_if(all_constructors.cbegin(), all_constructors.cend(), std::back_inserter(constructors), [&context](attributes::constructor_def const& ctor) { return !blacklist::is_function_blacklisted(ctor.function, context); }); std::string klass_since; if (!documentation_helpers::generate_since_tag_line(std::back_inserter(klass_since), cls.documentation, scope_tab, context)) return false; // Public (API) constructors if (!as_generator( scope_tab << "/// Initializes a new instance of the class.\n" << klass_since << scope_tab << "/// \n" << scope_tab << "/// Parent instance.\n" << *(documentation) // For constructors with arguments, the parent is also required, as optional parameters can't come before non-optional paramenters. << scope_tab << "public " << inherit_name << "(Efl.Object parent" << ((constructors.size() > 0) ? "" : "= null") << *(", " << constructor_param ) << ") : " << "base(" << name_helpers::klass_get_name(cls) << "(), parent)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << (*(scope_tab << scope_tab << constructor_invocation << "\n")) << scope_tab << scope_tab << "FinishInstantiation();\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" << scope_tab << "/// Subclasses should override this constructor if they are expected to be instantiated from native code.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Do not call this constructor directly.\n" << klass_since << scope_tab << "/// \n" << scope_tab << "/// Tag struct storing the native handle of the object being constructed.\n" << scope_tab << "protected " << inherit_name << "(ConstructingHandle ch) : base(ch)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" << scope_tab << "/// Initializes a new instance of the class.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Internal usage: Constructs an instance from a native pointer. This is used when interacting with C code and should not be used directly.\n" << klass_since << scope_tab << "/// \n" << scope_tab << "/// The native pointer to be wrapped.\n" << scope_tab << "internal " << inherit_name << "(Efl.Eo.WrappingHandle wh) : base(wh)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, std::make_tuple(constructors, constructors, constructors), context)) return false; // Some abstract classes (like Efl.App) have a simple regular class that is used to instantiate them // in a controlled manner. These fake-private classes can be returned from C and we use a similarly-named // private class to be able to instantiate them when they get to the C# world. if (cls.type == attributes::class_type::abstract_) { if (!as_generator( scope_tab << "[Efl.Eo.PrivateNativeClass]\n" << scope_tab << "private class " << inherit_name << "Realized : " << inherit_name << "\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "private " << inherit_name << "Realized(Efl.Eo.WrappingHandle wh) : base(wh)\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << scope_tab << "}\n" << scope_tab << "}\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context)) return false; } return as_generator( scope_tab << "/// Initializes a new instance of the class.\n" << scope_tab << "/// Internal usage: Constructor to forward the wrapper initialization to the root class that interfaces with native code. Should not be used directly.\n" << klass_since << scope_tab << "/// \n" << scope_tab << "/// The pointer to the base native Eo class.\n" << scope_tab << "/// The Efl.Object parent of this instance.\n" << scope_tab << "protected " << inherit_name << "(IntPtr baseKlass, Efl.Object parent) : base(baseKlass, parent)\n" << scope_tab << "{\n" << scope_tab << "}\n\n" ).generate(sink, attributes::unused, context); } template bool generate_events(OutputIterator sink, attributes::klass_def const& cls, Context const& context) const { if (!has_events(cls)) return true; // Self events if (!as_generator(*(event_definition(cls, cls)) << "\n").generate(sink, cls.events, context)) return false; // Inherited events // For now, as mixins can inherit from regular classes, we can't filter out inherited events. auto inherits = helpers::non_implemented_interfaces(cls, context); for (auto&& c : inherits) { attributes::klass_def klass(get_klass(c, cls.unit), cls.unit); if (!as_generator(*(event_definition(klass, cls))).generate(sink, klass.events, context)) return false; } return true; } bool is_partial; klass const operator()(partial_class) const { return klass{true}; } }; struct klass const klass = {false}; } namespace efl { namespace eolian { namespace grammar { template <> struct is_eager_generator : std::true_type {}; template <> struct is_generator : std::true_type {}; namespace type_traits { template <> struct attributes_needed : std::integral_constant {}; } } } } #endif