class Elm_Slideshow (Elm_Layout) { eo_prefix: elm_obj_slideshow; properties { cache_after { set { /*@ Set the number of items to cache, on a given slideshow widget, after the current item The default value for this property is @c 2. See @ref Slideshow_Caching "slideshow caching" for more details. @see elm_slideshow_cache_after_get() @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Retrieve the number of items to cache, on a given slideshow widget, after the current item @return The number of items set to be cached after the current one @see elm_slideshow_cache_after_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { int count; /*@ Number of items to cache after the current one */ } } cache_before { set { /*@ Set the number of items to cache, on a given slideshow widget, before the current item The default value for this property is @c 2. See @ref Slideshow_Caching "slideshow caching" for more details. @see elm_slideshow_cache_before_get() @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Retrieve the number of items to cache, on a given slideshow widget, before the current item @return The number of items set to be cached before the current one @see elm_slideshow_cache_before_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { int count; /*@ Number of items to cache before the current one */ } } layout { set { /*@ Set the current slide layout in use for a given slideshow widget If @p layout is implemented in @p obj's theme (i.e., is contained in the list returned by elm_slideshow_layouts_get()), this new images layout will be used on the widget. @see elm_slideshow_layouts_get() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Get the current slide layout in use for a given slideshow widget @return The current layout's name @see elm_slideshow_layout_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { const(char)* layout; /*@ The new layout's name string */ } } transition { set { /*@ Set the current slide transition/effect in use for a given slideshow widget If @p transition is implemented in @p obj's theme (i.e., is contained in the list returned by elm_slideshow_transitions_get()), this new sliding effect will be used on the widget. @see elm_slideshow_transitions_get() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Get the current slide transition/effect in use for a given slideshow widget @return The current transition's name @see elm_slideshow_transition_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { const(char)* transition; /*@ The new transition's name string */ } } loop { set { /*@ Set if, after a slideshow is started, for a given slideshow widget, its items should be displayed cyclically or not. @note elm_slideshow_next() and elm_slideshow_previous() will @b ignore what is set by this functions, i.e., they'll @b always cycle through items. This affects only the "automatic" slideshow, as set by elm_slideshow_timeout_set(). @see elm_slideshow_loop_get() @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Get if, after a slideshow is started, for a given slideshow widget, its items are to be displayed cyclically or not. @return @c EINA_TRUE, if the items in @p obj will be cycled through or @c EINA_FALSE, otherwise @see elm_slideshow_loop_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { bool loop; /*@ Use @c EINA_TRUE to make it cycle through items or @c EINA_FALSE for it to stop at the end of @p obj's internal list of items */ } } timeout { set { /*@ Set the interval between each image transition on a given slideshow widget, and start the slideshow, itself After this call, the slideshow widget will start cycling its view, sequentially and automatically, with the images of the items it has. The time between each new image displayed is going to be @p timeout, in @b seconds. If a different timeout was set previously and an slideshow was in progress, it will continue with the new time between transitions, after this call. @note A value less than or equal to 0 on @p timeout will disable the widget's internal timer, thus halting any slideshow which could be happening on @p obj. @see elm_slideshow_timeout_get() @ingroup Slideshow */ } get { /*@ Get the interval set for image transitions on a given slideshow widget. @return Returns the timeout set on it or -1.0, on errors @see elm_slideshow_timeout_set() for more details @ingroup Slideshow */ } values { double timeout; /*@ The new displaying timeout for images */ } } items { get { /*@ Get the internal list of items in a given slideshow widget. @return The list of items (#Elm_Object_Item as data) or @c NULL on errors. This list is @b not to be modified in any way and must not be freed. Use the list members with functions like elm_object_item_del(), elm_object_item_data_get(). @warning This list is only valid until @p obj object's internal items list is changed. It should be fetched again with another call to this function when changes happen. @ingroup Slideshow */ return const(Eina_List)*; } } transitions { get { /*@ Returns the list of sliding transition/effect names available, for a given slideshow widget. @return The list of transitions (list of @b stringshared strings as data) The transitions, which come from @p obj's theme, must be an EDC data item named @c "transitions" on the theme file, with (prefix) names of EDC programs actually implementing them. The available transitions for slideshows on the default theme are: - @c "fade" - the current item fades out, while the new one fades in to the slideshow's viewport. - @c "black_fade" - the current item fades to black, and just then, the new item will fade in. - @c "horizontal" - the current item slides horizontally, until it gets out of the slideshow's viewport, while the new item comes from the left to take its place. - @c "vertical" - the current item slides vertically, until it gets out of the slideshow's viewport, while the new item comes from the bottom to take its place. - @c "square" - the new item starts to appear from the middle of the current one, but with a tiny size, growing until its target (full) size and covering the old one. @warning The stringshared strings get no new references exclusive to the user grabbing the list, here, so if you'd like to use them out of this call's context, you'd better @c eina_stringshare_ref() them. Also the list is an internal list and so is only valid for as long as the slideshow object is valid and has not internally changed its list for some reason, so make a copy if you need it around. @see elm_slideshow_transition_set() @ingroup Slideshow */ return const(Eina_List)*; } } count { get { /*@ Get the number of items stored in a given slideshow widget @return The number of items on @p obj, at the moment of this call @ingroup Slideshow */ return uint; } } item_current { get { /*@ Returns the currently displayed item, in a given slideshow widget @return A handle to the item being displayed in @p obj or @c NULL, if none is (and on errors) @ingroup Slideshow */ return Elm_Object_Item *; } } layouts { get { /*@ Returns the list of @b layout names available, for a given slideshow widget. @return The list of layouts (list of @b stringshared strings as data) Slideshow layouts will change how the widget is to dispose each image item in its viewport, with regard to cropping, scaling, etc. The layouts, which come from @p obj's theme, must be an EDC data item name @c "layouts" on the theme file, with (prefix) names of EDC programs actually implementing them. The available layouts for slideshows on the default theme are: - @c "fullscreen" - item images with original aspect, scaled to touch top and down slideshow borders or, if the image's height is not enough, left and right slideshow borders. - @c "not_fullscreen" - the same behavior as the @c "fullscreen" one, but always leaving 10% of the slideshow's dimensions of distance between the item image's borders and the slideshow borders, for each axis. @warning The stringshared strings get no new references exclusive to the user grabbing the list, here, so if you'd like to use them out of this call's context, you'd better @c eina_stringshare_ref() them. @see elm_slideshow_layout_set() @ingroup Slideshow */ return const(Eina_List)*; } } } methods { previous { /*@ Slide to the @b previous item, in a given slideshow widget The sliding animation @p obj is set to use will be the transition effect used, after this call is issued. @note If the beginning of the slideshow's internal list of items is reached, it'll wrap around to the list's end, again. @ingroup Slideshow */ } item_nth_get @const { /*@ Get the the item, in a given slideshow widget, placed at position @p nth, in its internal items list @return The item stored in @p obj at position @p nth or @c NULL, if there's no item with that index (and on errors) @ingroup Slideshow */ return Elm_Object_Item *; params { @in uint nth; /*@ The number of the item to grab a handle to (0 being the first) */ } } next { /*@ Slide to the @b next item, in a given slideshow widget The sliding animation @p obj is set to use will be the transition effect used, after this call is issued. @note If the end of the slideshow's internal list of items is reached, it'll wrap around to the list's beginning, again. @ingroup Slideshow */ } clear { /*@ Remove all items from a given slideshow widget This removes (and deletes) all items in @p obj, leaving it empty. @see elm_object_item_del(), to remove just one item. @ingroup Slideshow */ } item_add { /*@ Add (append) a new item in a given slideshow widget. @return A handle to the item added or @c NULL, on errors Add a new item to @p obj's internal list of items, appending it. The item's class must contain the function really fetching the image object to show for this item, which could be an Evas image object or an Elementary photo, for example. The @p data parameter is going to be passed to both class functions of the item. @see #Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class @see elm_slideshow_item_sorted_insert() @see elm_object_item_data_set() @ingroup Slideshow */ return Elm_Object_Item *; params { @in const(Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */ @in const(void)* data; /*@ The item's data */ } } item_sorted_insert { /*@ Insert a new item into the given slideshow widget, using the @p func function to sort items (by item handles). @return Returns The slideshow item handle, on success, or @c NULL, on errors Add a new item to @p obj's internal list of items, in a position determined by the @p func comparing function. The item's class must contain the function really fetching the image object to show for this item, which could be an Evas image object or an Elementary photo, for example. The @p data parameter is going to be passed to both class functions of the item. @see #Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class @see elm_slideshow_item_add() @ingroup Slideshow */ return Elm_Object_Item *; params { @in const(Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */ @in const(void)* data; /*@ The item's data */ @in Eina_Compare_Cb func; /*@ The comparing function to be used to sort slideshow items by #Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class item handles */ } } } implements { class.constructor; Eo.Base.constructor; Evas.Object_Smart.add; Evas.Object_Smart.del; Elm_Widget.focus_next_manager_is; Elm_Widget.focus_direction_manager_is; Elm_Widget.event; Elm_Layout.sizing_eval; } events { changed; transition,end; language,changed; access,changed; focused; unfocused; } }