/* Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Philippe ANDRE All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "rg_etc1.h" // Enable this flag when working on (quality) optimizations //#define DEBUG // Weights for the distance (perceptual mode) - sum is ~1024 static const int R_WEIGHT = 299 * 1024 / 1000; static const int G_WEIGHT = 587 * 1024 / 1000; static const int B_WEIGHT = 114 * 1024 / 1000; static const int kTargetError[3] = { 5*5*16, // 34 dB 2*2*16, // 42 dB 0 // infinite dB }; // For T and H modes static const int kDistances[8] = { 3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 32, 41, 64 }; // For differential mode static const int kSigned3bit[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; // For alpha support static const int kAlphaModifiers[16][8] = { { -3, -6, -9, -15, 2, 5, 8, 14}, { -3, -7, -10, -13, 2, 6, 9, 12}, { -2, -5, -8, -13, 1, 4, 7, 12}, { -2, -4, -6, -13, 1, 3, 5, 12}, { -3, -6, -8, -12, 2, 5, 7, 11}, { -3, -7, -9, -11, 2, 6, 8, 10}, { -4, -7, -8, -11, 3, 6, 7, 10}, { -3, -5, -8, -11, 2, 4, 7, 10}, { -2, -6, -8, -10, 1, 5, 7, 9}, { -2, -5, -8, -10, 1, 4, 7, 9}, { -2, -4, -8, -10, 1, 3, 7, 9}, { -2, -5, -7, -10, 1, 4, 6, 9}, { -3, -4, -7, -10, 2, 3, 6, 9}, { -1, -2, -3, -10, 0, 1, 2, 9}, { -4, -6, -8, -9, 3, 5, 7, 8}, { -3, -5, -7, -9, 2, 4, 6, 8} }; // Damn OpenGL people, why don't you just pack data as on a CPU??? static const int kBlockWalk[16] = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 7, 11, 15 }; // Use with static constants so the compiler can optimize everything #define BITS(byteval, lowbit, highbit) \ (((byteval) >> (lowbit)) & ((1 << ((highbit) - (lowbit) + 1)) - 1)) #define BIT(byteval, bit) \ (((byteval) >> (bit)) & 0x1) // Real clamp #define CLAMP(a) ({ int _b = (a); (((_b) >= 0) ? (((_b) < 256) ? (_b) : 255) : 0); }) // Simple min #define MIN(a,b) ({ int _z = (a), _y = (b); ((_z <= _y) ? _z : _y); }) // Simple max #define MAX(a,b) ({ int __z = (a), __y = (b); ((__z > __y) ? __z : __y); }) // Simple clamp between two values #define MINMAX(a,b,c) (MIN(c,MAX(a,b))) // Simple abs #define ABS(a) ({ int _a = (a); ((_a >= 0) ? _a : (-_a)); }) // Write a BGRA value for output to Evas #define BGRA(r,g,b,a) ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b) #ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN /* x86 */ #define A_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[3]) #define R_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[2]) #define G_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[1]) #define B_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[0]) #define R_IDX 2 #define G_IDX 1 #define B_IDX 0 #else /* ppc */ #define A_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[0]) #define R_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[1]) #define G_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[2]) #define B_VAL(p) (((uint8_t *)(p))[3]) #define R_IDX 1 #define G_IDX 2 #define B_IDX 3 #endif #ifndef DBG # ifdef DEBUG # define DBG(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__) # else # define DBG(...) # endif #endif /** Pack alpha block given a modifier table and a multiplier * @returns Squared error */ static int _etc2_alpha_block_pack(uint8_t *etc2_alpha, const int base_codeword, const int multiplier, const int modifierIdx, const uint32_t *bgra, const Eina_Bool write) { const int *alphaModifiers = kAlphaModifiers[modifierIdx]; uint8_t alphaIndexes[16]; int errAcc2 = 0; // Header if (write) { etc2_alpha[0] = base_codeword & 0xFF; etc2_alpha[1] = ((multiplier << 4) & 0xF0) | (modifierIdx & 0x0F); } // Compute alphas now for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { const int realA = A_VAL(bgra + kBlockWalk[i]); int minErr = INT_MAX, idx = 0; // Brute force -- find modifier index for (int k = 0; (k < 8) && minErr; k++) { int tryA = CLAMP(base_codeword + alphaModifiers[k] * multiplier); int err = ABS(realA - tryA); if (err < minErr) { minErr = err; idx = k; if (!minErr) break; } } alphaIndexes[i] = idx; // Keep some stats errAcc2 += minErr * minErr; } if (write) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { etc2_alpha[2 + 3 * k] = alphaIndexes[0 + 8 * k] << 5; // A etc2_alpha[2 + 3 * k] |= alphaIndexes[1 + 8 * k] << 2; // B etc2_alpha[2 + 3 * k] |= (alphaIndexes[2 + 8 * k] >> 1) & 0x3; // C01 etc2_alpha[3 + 3 * k] = (alphaIndexes[2 + 8 * k] & 0x1) << 7; // C2 etc2_alpha[3 + 3 * k] |= alphaIndexes[3 + 8 * k] << 4; // D etc2_alpha[3 + 3 * k] |= alphaIndexes[4 + 8 * k] << 1; // E etc2_alpha[3 + 3 * k] |= (alphaIndexes[5 + 8 * k] >> 2) & 0x1; // F0 etc2_alpha[4 + 3 * k] = (alphaIndexes[5 + 8 * k] & 0x3) << 6; // F12 etc2_alpha[4 + 3 * k] |= alphaIndexes[6 + 8 * k] << 3; // G etc2_alpha[4 + 3 * k] |= alphaIndexes[7 + 8 * k]; // H } return errAcc2; } static int _etc2_alpha_encode(uint8_t *etc2_alpha, const uint32_t *bgra, const rg_etc1_pack_params *params) { int alphas[16], avg = 0, diff = 0, maxDiff = 0, minErr = INT_MAX; int base_codeword; int multiplier, bestMult = 0; int modifierIdx, bestIdx = 0, bestBase = 128; int err, base_range, base_step = 1, max_error = 0; // Try to select the best alpha value (avg) for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { alphas[i] = A_VAL(bgra + kBlockWalk[i]); avg += alphas[i]; } avg /= 16; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int thisDiff = ABS(alphas[i] - avg); maxDiff = MAX(thisDiff, maxDiff); diff += thisDiff; } base_codeword = alphas[0]; if (!diff) { // All same alphas etc2_alpha[0] = base_codeword; memset(etc2_alpha + 1, 0, 7); return 0; } // Bruteforce -- try all tables and all multipliers, oh my god this will be slow. max_error = kTargetError[params->m_quality]; switch (params->m_quality) { // The follow parameters are completely arbitrary. // Need some real testing. case rg_etc1_high_quality: // exhaustive search base_range = 255; base_step = 1; break; case rg_etc1_medium_quality: // tweaked for "decent" results base_range = 40; base_step = 4; break; case rg_etc1_low_quality: // fast (not even fastest) base_range = 8; base_step = 4; break; } // for loop avg, avg-1, avg+1, avg-2, avg+2, ... for (int step = 0; step < base_range; step += base_step) for (base_codeword = CLAMP(avg - step); base_codeword <= CLAMP(avg + step);) { for (modifierIdx = 0; modifierIdx < 16; modifierIdx++) for (multiplier = 0; multiplier < 16; multiplier++) { if ((ABS(multiplier * kAlphaModifiers[modifierIdx][3]) + ABS(base_codeword - avg)) < maxDiff) continue; err = _etc2_alpha_block_pack(etc2_alpha, base_codeword, multiplier, modifierIdx, bgra, EINA_FALSE); if (err < minErr) { minErr = err; bestMult = multiplier; bestIdx = modifierIdx; bestBase = base_codeword; if (err <= max_error) goto pack_now; } } if (step <= 0) break; if (base_codeword < 255) base_codeword = CLAMP(base_codeword + 2 * step); else break; } pack_now: err = _etc2_alpha_block_pack(etc2_alpha, bestBase, bestMult, bestIdx, bgra, EINA_TRUE); return err; } static Eina_Bool _etc2_t_mode_header_pack(uint8_t *etc2, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, int distance) { // 4 bit colors int r1_4 = R_VAL(&color1) >> 4; int g1_4 = G_VAL(&color1) >> 4; int b1_4 = B_VAL(&color1) >> 4; int r2_4 = R_VAL(&color2) >> 4; int g2_4 = G_VAL(&color2) >> 4; int b2_4 = B_VAL(&color2) >> 4; int distanceIdx, R, dR; for (distanceIdx = 0; distanceIdx < 8; distanceIdx++) if (kDistances[distanceIdx] == distance) break; if (distanceIdx >= 8) return EINA_FALSE; // R1. R + [dR] must be outside [0..31]. Scanning all values. Not smart. R = r1_4 >> 2; dR = r1_4 & 0x3; for (int Rx = 0; Rx < 8; Rx++) for (int dRx = 0; dRx < 2; dRx++) { int Rtry = R | (Rx << 2); int dRtry = dR | (dRx << 2); if ((Rtry + kSigned3bit[dRtry]) < 0 || (Rtry + kSigned3bit[dRtry] > 31)) { R = Rtry; dR = dRtry; break; } } if ((R + kSigned3bit[dR]) >= 0 && (R + kSigned3bit[dR] <= 31)) // this can't happen, should be an assert return EINA_FALSE; etc2[0] = ((R & 0x1F) << 3) | (dR & 0x7); // G1, B1 etc2[1] = (g1_4 << 4) | b1_4; // R2, G2 etc2[2] = (r2_4 << 4) | g2_4; // B2, distance etc2[3] = (b2_4 << 4) | ((distanceIdx >> 1) << 2) | (1 << 1) | (distanceIdx & 0x1); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _etc2_h_mode_header_pack(uint8_t *etc2, Eina_Bool *swap_colors, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, int distance) { int distanceIdx, R, dR, G, dG, distanceSpecialBit, da, db; int r1_4, g1_4, b1_4, r2_4, g2_4, b2_4; uint32_t c1, c2; for (distanceIdx = 0; distanceIdx < 8; distanceIdx++) if (kDistances[distanceIdx] == distance) break; if (distanceIdx >= 8) return EINA_FALSE; // The distance is coded in 3 bits. But in H mode, one bit is not coded // in the header, as we use the comparison result between the two colors // to select it. distanceSpecialBit = BIT(distanceIdx, 0); db = BIT(distanceIdx, 1); da = BIT(distanceIdx, 2); // Note: if c1 == c2, no big deal because H is not the best choice of mode if (distanceSpecialBit) { c1 = MAX(color1, color2); c2 = MIN(color1, color2); } else { c1 = MIN(color1, color2); c2 = MAX(color1, color2); } // Return flag so we use the proper colors when packing the block *swap_colors = (c1 != color1); // 4 bit colors r1_4 = R_VAL(&c1) >> 4; g1_4 = G_VAL(&c1) >> 4; b1_4 = B_VAL(&c1) >> 4; r2_4 = R_VAL(&c2) >> 4; g2_4 = G_VAL(&c2) >> 4; b2_4 = B_VAL(&c2) >> 4; // R1 + G1a. R + [dR] must be inside [0..31]. Scanning all values. Not smart. R = r1_4; dR = g1_4 >> 1; if ((R + kSigned3bit[dR]) < 0 || (R + kSigned3bit[dR] > 31)) R |= (1 << 4); if ((R + kSigned3bit[dR]) < 0 || (R + kSigned3bit[dR] > 31)) return EINA_FALSE; // wtf? etc2[0] = ((R & 0x1F) << 3) | (dR & 0x7); // G1b + B1a + B1b[2 msb]. G + dG must be outside the range. G = (g1_4 & 0x1) << 1; G |= BIT(b1_4, 3); dG = BITS(b1_4, 1, 2); for (int Gx = 0; Gx < 8; Gx++) for (int dGx = 0; dGx < 2; dGx++) { int Gtry = G | (Gx << 2); int dGtry = dG | (dGx << 2); if ((Gtry + kSigned3bit[dGtry]) < 0 || (Gtry + kSigned3bit[dGtry] > 31)) { G = Gtry; dG = dGtry; break; } } if ((G + kSigned3bit[dG]) >= 0 && (G + kSigned3bit[dG] <= 31)) return EINA_FALSE; // wtf? etc2[1] = ((G & 0x1F) << 3) | (dG & 0x7); // B1[lsb] + R2 + G2 [3 msb] etc2[2] = ((b1_4 & 0x1) << 7) | (r2_4 << 3) | (g2_4 >> 1); // G2[lsb] + B2 + distance etc2[3] = ((g2_4 & 0x1) << 7) | (b2_4 << 3) | (da << 2) | 0x2 | db; return EINA_TRUE; } static inline int _rgb_distance_percept(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2) { int R = R_VAL(&color1) - R_VAL(&color2); int G = G_VAL(&color1) - G_VAL(&color2); int B = B_VAL(&color1) - B_VAL(&color2); return (R * R * R_WEIGHT) + (G * G * G_WEIGHT) + (B * B * B_WEIGHT); } static inline int _rgb_distance_euclid(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2) { int R = R_VAL(&color1) - R_VAL(&color2); int G = G_VAL(&color1) - G_VAL(&color2); int B = B_VAL(&color1) - B_VAL(&color2); return (R * R) + (G * G) + (B * B); } static unsigned int _etc2_th_mode_block_pack(uint8_t *etc2, Eina_Bool h_mode, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, int distance, const uint32_t *bgra, Eina_Bool write, Eina_Bool *swap_colors) { uint8_t paint_colors[4][4]; int errAcc = 0; if (write) { memset(etc2 + 4, 0, 4); if (!h_mode) { if (!_etc2_t_mode_header_pack(etc2, color1, color2, distance)) return INT_MAX; // assert } else { if (!_etc2_h_mode_header_pack(etc2, swap_colors, color1, color2, distance)) return INT_MAX; // assert if (*swap_colors) { uint32_t tmp = color1; color1 = color2; color2 = tmp; } } } for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (!h_mode) { paint_colors[0][k] = ((uint8_t *) &color1)[k]; paint_colors[1][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color2)[k] + distance); paint_colors[2][k] = ((uint8_t *) &color2)[k]; paint_colors[3][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color2)[k] - distance); } else { paint_colors[0][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color1)[k] + distance); paint_colors[1][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color1)[k] - distance); paint_colors[2][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color2)[k] + distance); paint_colors[3][k] = CLAMP(((uint8_t *) &color2)[k] - distance); } } for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { uint32_t pixel = bgra[kBlockWalk[k]]; int bestDist = INT_MAX; int bestIdx = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { int dist = _rgb_distance_euclid(pixel, *((uint32_t *) paint_colors[idx])); if (dist < bestDist) { bestDist = dist; bestIdx = idx; if (!dist) break; } } errAcc += bestDist; if (write) { etc2[5 - (k >> 3)] |= ((bestIdx & 0x2) ? 1 : 0) << (k & 0x7); etc2[7 - (k >> 3)] |= (bestIdx & 0x1) << (k & 0x7); } } return errAcc; } static uint32_t _color_reduce_444(uint32_t color) { int R = R_VAL(&color); int G = G_VAL(&color); int B = B_VAL(&color); int R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2; R1 = (R & 0xF0) | (R >> 4); R2 = ((R & 0xF0) + 0x10) | ((R >> 4) + 1); G1 = (G & 0xF0) | (G >> 4); G2 = ((G & 0xF0) + 0x10) | ((G >> 4) + 1); B1 = (B & 0xF0) | (B >> 4); B2 = ((B & 0xF0) + 0x10) | ((B >> 4) + 1); R = (ABS(R - R1) <= ABS(R - R2)) ? R1 : R2; G = (ABS(G - G1) <= ABS(G - G2)) ? G1 : G2; B = (ABS(B - B1) <= ABS(B - B2)) ? B1 : B2; return BGRA(R, G, B, 255); } static uint32_t _color_reduce_676(uint32_t color) { int R = R_VAL(&color); int G = G_VAL(&color); int B = B_VAL(&color); int R1, G1, B1; // FIXME: Do we have better candidates to try? R1 = (R & 0xFC) | (R >> 6); G1 = (G & 0xFE) | (G >> 7); B1 = (B & 0xFC) | (B >> 6); return BGRA(R1, G1, B1, 255); } static int _block_main_colors_find(uint32_t *color1_out, uint32_t *color2_out, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, const uint32_t *bgra, const rg_etc1_pack_params *params EINA_UNUSED) { static const int kMaxIterations = 20; int errAcc; /* k-means complexity is O(n^(d.k+1) log n) * In this case, n = 16, k = 2, d = 3 so 20 loops */ if (color1 == color2) { // We should select another mode (planar) to encode flat colors // We could also dither with two approximated colors *color1_out = *color2_out = color1; goto found; } if (color1 == color2) { // We should dither... *color1_out = *color2_out = color1; goto found; } for (int iter = 0; iter < kMaxIterations; iter++) { int r1 = 0, r2 = 0, g1 = 0, g2 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0; int cluster1_cnt = 0, cluster2_cnt = 0; int cluster1[16], cluster2[16]; int maxDist1 = 0, maxDist2 = 0; uint32_t c1, c2; errAcc = 0; memset(cluster1, 0, sizeof(cluster1)); memset(cluster2, 0, sizeof(cluster2)); // k-means assignment step for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { int dist1 = _rgb_distance_euclid(color1, bgra[k]); int dist2 = _rgb_distance_euclid(color2, bgra[k]); if (dist1 <= dist2) { cluster1[cluster1_cnt++] = k; if (dist1 > maxDist1) maxDist1 = dist1; } else { cluster2[cluster2_cnt++] = k; if (dist2 > maxDist2) maxDist2 = dist2; } } // k-means failed if (!cluster1_cnt || !cluster2_cnt) return -1; // k-means update step for (int k = 0; k < cluster1_cnt; k++) { r1 += R_VAL(bgra + cluster1[k]); g1 += G_VAL(bgra + cluster1[k]); b1 += B_VAL(bgra + cluster1[k]); } for (int k = 0; k < cluster2_cnt; k++) { r2 += R_VAL(bgra + cluster2[k]); g2 += G_VAL(bgra + cluster2[k]); b2 += B_VAL(bgra + cluster2[k]); } r1 /= cluster1_cnt; g1 /= cluster1_cnt; b1 /= cluster1_cnt; r2 /= cluster2_cnt; g2 /= cluster2_cnt; b2 /= cluster2_cnt; c1 = _color_reduce_444(BGRA(r1, g1, b1, 255)); c2 = _color_reduce_444(BGRA(r2, g2, b2, 255)); if (c1 == color1 && c2 == color2) break; if (c1 != c2) { color1 = c1; color2 = c2; } else if (_rgb_distance_euclid(c1, color1) > _rgb_distance_euclid(c2, color2)) { color1 = c1; } else { color2 = c2; } } *color1_out = color1; *color2_out = color2; found: errAcc = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) errAcc += _rgb_distance_euclid(bgra[k], color2); return errAcc; } static unsigned int _etc2_th_mode_block_encode(uint8_t *etc2, const uint32_t *bgra, const rg_etc1_pack_params *params) { int err, bestDist = kDistances[0]; int minErr = INT_MAX, bestMode = 0; uint32_t c1, c2, bestC1 = bgra[0], bestC2 = bgra[1]; Eina_Bool swap_colors = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Inlist *tried_pairs = NULL; struct ColorPair { EINA_INLIST; uint32_t low; uint32_t high; }; struct ColorPair *pair; /* Bruteforce algo: * Bootstrap k-means clustering with all possible pairs of colors * from the 4x4 block. * TODO: Don't retry the same rgb444 pairs again */ for (int pix1 = 0; pix1 < 15; pix1++) for (int pix2 = pix1 + 1; pix2 < 16; pix2++) { Eina_Bool already_tried = EINA_FALSE; // Bootstrap k-means. Find new pair of colors. c1 = _color_reduce_444(bgra[pix1]); c2 = _color_reduce_444(bgra[pix2]); if (c2 > c1) { uint32_t tmp = c2; c2 = c1; c1 = tmp; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(tried_pairs, pair) if (c1 == pair->high && c2 == pair->low) { already_tried = EINA_TRUE; break; } if (already_tried) continue; pair = calloc(1, sizeof(*pair)); if (pair) { pair->high = c1; pair->low = c2; tried_pairs = eina_inlist_append(tried_pairs, EINA_INLIST_GET(pair)); } // Run k-means err = _block_main_colors_find(&c1, &c2, c1, c2, bgra, params); if (err < 0) continue; for (int distIdx = 0; distIdx < 8; distIdx++) { for (int mode = 0; mode < 2; mode++) { for (int swap = 0; swap < 2; swap++) { if (mode == 0 && swap) { uint32_t tmp = c2; c2 = c1; c1 = tmp; } err = _etc2_th_mode_block_pack(etc2, mode, c1, c2, kDistances[distIdx], bgra, EINA_FALSE, &swap_colors); if (err < minErr) { bestDist = kDistances[distIdx]; minErr = err; bestC1 = (!swap_colors) ? c1 : c2; bestC2 = (!swap_colors) ? c2 : c1; bestMode = mode; if (err <= kTargetError[params->m_quality]) goto found; } } } } } found: EINA_INLIST_FREE(tried_pairs, pair) { tried_pairs = eina_inlist_remove(tried_pairs, EINA_INLIST_GET(pair)); free(pair); } err = _etc2_th_mode_block_pack(etc2, bestMode, bestC1, bestC2, bestDist, bgra, EINA_TRUE, &swap_colors); return err; } static inline Eina_Bool _etc2_planar_mode_header_pack(uint8_t *etc2, uint32_t RO, uint32_t RH, uint32_t RV, uint32_t GO, uint32_t GH, uint32_t GV, uint32_t BO, uint32_t BH, uint32_t BV) { int R, dR; int G, dG; int B, dB; // RO_6 [2..5] R = BITS(RO >> 2, 2, 5); // RO_6 [0..1] + GO_7[6] dR = (BITS(RO >> 2, 0, 1) << 1) | BIT(GO >> 1, 6); if (!((R + kSigned3bit[dR] >= 0) && (R + kSigned3bit[dR] <= 31))) R |= 1 << 4; // GO_7[2..5] G = BITS(GO >> 1, 2, 5); // GO_7[0..1] + BO_6[5] dG = (BITS(GO >> 1, 0, 1) << 1) | BIT(BO >> 2, 5); if (!((G + kSigned3bit[dG] >= 0) && (G + kSigned3bit[dG] <= 31))) G |= 1 << 4; // BO_6[3..4] B = BITS(BO >> 2, 3, 4); // BO_6[1..2] dB = BITS(BO >> 2, 1, 2); // B + dB must be outside the range. for (int Bx = 0; Bx < 8; Bx++) for (int dBx = 0; dBx < 2; dBx++) { int Btry = B | (Bx << 2); int dBtry = dB | (dBx << 2); if ((Btry + kSigned3bit[dBtry]) < 0 || (Btry + kSigned3bit[dBtry] > 31)) { B = Btry; dB = dBtry; break; } } if (!((R + kSigned3bit[dR] >= 0) && (R + kSigned3bit[dR] <= 31))) return EINA_FALSE; if (!((G + kSigned3bit[dG] >= 0) && (G + kSigned3bit[dG] <= 31))) return EINA_FALSE; if ((B + kSigned3bit[dB] >= 0) && (B + kSigned3bit[dB] <= 31)) return EINA_FALSE; // Write everything etc2[0] = (R << 3) | dR; etc2[1] = (G << 3) | dG; etc2[2] = (B << 3) | dB; etc2[3] = (BIT(BO >> 2, 0) << 7) | (BITS(RH >> 2, 1, 5) << 2) | 0x2 | BIT(RH >> 2, 0); etc2[4] = ((GH >> 1) << 1) | BIT(BH >> 2, 5); etc2[5] = (BITS(BH >> 2, 0, 4) << 3) | BITS(RV >> 2, 3, 5); etc2[6] = (BITS(RV >> 2, 0, 2) << 5) | BITS(GV >> 1, 2, 6); etc2[7] = (BITS(GV >> 1, 0, 1) << 6) | (BV >> 2); return EINA_TRUE; } static unsigned int _etc2_planar_mode_block_pack(uint8_t *etc2, uint32_t Ocol, uint32_t Hcol, uint32_t Vcol, const uint32_t *bgra, Eina_Bool write) { unsigned int err = 0; uint32_t RO, RH, RV, GO, GH, GV, BO, BH, BV; RO = R_VAL(&Ocol); RH = R_VAL(&Hcol); RV = R_VAL(&Vcol); GO = G_VAL(&Ocol); GH = G_VAL(&Hcol); GV = G_VAL(&Vcol); BO = B_VAL(&Ocol); BH = B_VAL(&Hcol); BV = B_VAL(&Vcol); if (write) { if (!_etc2_planar_mode_header_pack(etc2, RO, RH, RV, GO, GH, GV, BO, BH, BV)) return INT_MAX; } // Compute MSE, that's all we need to do for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { const int R = CLAMP(((x * (RH - RO)) + y * (RV - RO) + 4 * RO + 2) >> 2); const int G = CLAMP(((x * (GH - GO)) + y * (GV - GO) + 4 * GO + 2) >> 2); const int B = CLAMP(((x * (BH - BO)) + y * (BV - BO) + 4 * BO + 2) >> 2); uint32_t color = BGRA(R, G, B, 255); err += _rgb_distance_euclid(color, bgra[x + y * 4]); } return err; } static unsigned int _etc2_planar_mode_block_encode(uint8_t *etc2, const uint32_t *bgra, const rg_etc1_pack_params *params EINA_UNUSED) { unsigned int err; unsigned int Ocol, Hcol, Vcol, RO, GO, BO, Rx, Gx, Bx; // TODO: Scan a broader range to avoid artifacts when the // points O, H or V are exceptions /* O is at (0,0) * H is at (4,0) * V is at (0,4) * So, H and V are outside the block. * We extrapolate the values from (0,3) and (3,0). */ RO = R_VAL(&(bgra[0])); GO = G_VAL(&(bgra[0])); BO = B_VAL(&(bgra[0])); Ocol = _color_reduce_676(bgra[0]); Rx = CLAMP(RO + (4 * (R_VAL(&(bgra[3])) - RO)) / 3); Gx = CLAMP(GO + (4 * (G_VAL(&(bgra[3])) - GO)) / 3); Bx = CLAMP(BO + (4 * (B_VAL(&(bgra[3])) - BO)) / 3); Hcol = _color_reduce_676(BGRA(Rx, Gx, Bx, 0xFF)); Rx = CLAMP(RO + (4 * (R_VAL(&(bgra[12])) - RO)) / 3); Gx = CLAMP(GO + (4 * (G_VAL(&(bgra[12])) - GO)) / 3); Bx = CLAMP(BO + (4 * (B_VAL(&(bgra[12])) - BO)) / 3); Vcol = _color_reduce_676(BGRA(Rx, Gx, Bx, 0xFF)); err = _etc2_planar_mode_block_pack(etc2, Ocol, Hcol, Vcol, bgra, EINA_TRUE); return err; } #ifdef DEBUG static unsigned int _block_error_calc(const uint32_t *enc, const uint32_t *orig, Eina_Bool perceptual) { unsigned int errAcc = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { if (perceptual) errAcc += _rgb_distance_percept(enc[k], orig[k]); else errAcc += _rgb_distance_euclid(enc[k], orig[k]); } return errAcc; } #endif unsigned int etc2_rgba8_block_pack(unsigned char *etc2, const unsigned int *bgra, rg_etc1_pack_params *params) { rg_etc1_pack_params safe_params; unsigned int errors[3] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX }; unsigned int minErr = INT_MAX; uint8_t etc2_try[3][8]; int bestSolution = 0; #ifdef DEBUG static int cnt [3] = {0}; #endif safe_params.m_dithering = !!params->m_dithering; safe_params.m_quality = MINMAX(params->m_quality, 0, 2); errors[0] = rg_etc1_pack_block(etc2_try[0], bgra, &safe_params); errors[1] = _etc2_th_mode_block_encode(etc2_try[1], bgra, &safe_params); errors[2] = _etc2_planar_mode_block_encode(etc2_try[2], bgra, &safe_params); #ifdef DEBUG for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { const char *mode = (i == 1) ? "T or H" : "Planar"; if (errors[i] < INT_MAX) for (unsigned k = 0; k < sizeof(errors) / sizeof(*errors); k++) { uint32_t decoded[16]; unsigned int real_errors[2]; rg_etc2_rgb8_decode_block(etc2_try[i], decoded); real_errors[0] = _block_error_calc(decoded, bgra, EINA_FALSE); real_errors[1] = _block_error_calc(decoded, bgra, EINA_TRUE); if (real_errors[0] != errors[i]) DBG("Invalid error calc in %s mode", mode); } } #endif for (unsigned k = 0; k < sizeof(errors) / sizeof(*errors); k++) if (errors[k] < minErr) { minErr = errors[k]; bestSolution = k; } memcpy(etc2 + 8, etc2_try[bestSolution], 8); minErr += _etc2_alpha_encode(etc2, bgra, &safe_params); #ifdef DEBUG cnt[bestSolution]++; DBG("Block count by mode: ETC1: %d T/H: %d Planar: %d. Err %d", cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2], minErr); #endif return minErr; } unsigned int etc2_rgb8_block_pack(unsigned char *etc2, const unsigned int *bgra, rg_etc1_pack_params *params) { rg_etc1_pack_params safe_params; unsigned int errors[3] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX }; unsigned int minErr = INT_MAX; uint8_t etc2_try[3][8]; int bestSolution = 0; safe_params.m_dithering = !!params->m_dithering; safe_params.m_quality = MINMAX(params->m_quality, 0, 2); errors[0] = rg_etc1_pack_block(etc2_try[0], bgra, &safe_params); errors[1] = _etc2_th_mode_block_encode(etc2_try[1], bgra, &safe_params); errors[2] = _etc2_planar_mode_block_encode(etc2_try[2], bgra, &safe_params); for (unsigned k = 0; k < sizeof(errors) / sizeof(*errors); k++) if (errors[k] < minErr) { minErr = errors[k]; bestSolution = k; } memcpy(etc2, etc2_try[bestSolution], 8); return minErr; }