enum Edje.Cursor { [[All available cursor states]] main, [[Main cursor state]] selection_begin, [[Selection begin cursor state]] selection_end, [[Selection end cursor state]] preedit_start, [[Pre-edit start cursor state]] preedit_end, [[Pre-edit end cursor starge]] user, [[User cursor state]] user_extra [[User extra cursor state]] } enum Edje.Drag_Dir { [[Dragable properties values]] none = 0, [[Not dragable value]] x = 1, [[X dragable value]] y = 2, [[Y dragable value]] xy = 3 [[X and Y dragable value]] } enum Edje.Load_Error { [[Edje file loading error codes one can get - see edje_load_error_str() too.]] none = 0, [[No error happened, the loading was successful]] generic = 1, [[A generic error happened during the loading]] does_not_exist = 2, [[The file pointed to did not exist]] permission_denied = 3, [[Permission to read the given file was denied]] resource_allocation_failed = 4, [[Resource allocation failed during the loading]] corrupt_file = 5, [[The file pointed to was corrupt]] unknown_format = 6, [[The file pointed to had an unknown format]] incompatible_file = 7, [[The file pointed to is incompatible, i.e., it doesn't match the library's current version's format]] unknown_collection = 8, [[The group/collection set to load from was not found in the file]] recursive_reference = 9 [[The group/collection set to load from had recursive references on its components]] } enum Edje.Text.Autocapital_Type { [[All Text auto capital mode type values]] none, [[None mode value]] word, [[Word mode value]] sentence, [[Sentence mode value]] allcharacter [[All characters mode value]] } enum Edje.Input_Hints { legacy: Edje_Input_Hint; none = 0, [[No active hints @since 1.12]] auto_complete = 1 << 0, [[Suggest word auto completion @since 1.12]] sensitive_data = 1 << 1 [[Typed text should not be stored. @since 1.12]] } enum Edje.Input_Panel.Lang { automatic, [[Automatic @since 1.2]] alphabet [[Alphabet @since 1.2]] } enum Edje.Input_Panel.Return_Key_Type { default, [[Default @since 1.2]] done, [[Done @since 1.2]] go, [[Go @since 1.2]] join, [[Join @since 1.2]] login, [[Login @since 1.2]] next, [[Next @since 1.2]] search, [[Search or magnifier icon @since 1.2]] send, [[Send @since 1.2]] signin [[Sign-in @since 1.8]] } enum Edje.Input_Panel.Layout { normal, [[Default layout]] number, [[Number layout]] email, [[Email layout]] url, [[URL layout]] phonenumber, [[Phone Number layout]] ip, [[IP layout]] month, [[Month layout]] numberonly, [[Number Only layout]] invalid, [[Never use this]] hex, [[Hexadecimal layout @since 1.2]] terminal, [[Command-line terminal layout including esc, alt, ctrl key, so on (no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization) @since 1.2]] password, [[Like normal, but no auto-correct, no auto-capitalization etc. @since 1.2]] datetime, [[Date and time layout @since 1.8]] emoticon [[Emoticon layout @since 1.10]] } enum Edje.External.Param_Type { [[The possible types the parameters of an EXTERNAL part can be.]] int, [[Parameter value is an integer.]] double, [[Parameter value is a double.]] string, [[Parameter value is a string.]] bool, [[Parameter value is boolean.]] choice, [[Parameter value is one of a set of predefined string choices.]] max [[Sentinel. Don't use.]] } struct Edje.External.Param { [[Struct that holds parameters for parts of type EXTERNAL.]] name: const(char) *; [[The name of the parameter.]] type: Edje.External.Param_Type; [[The type of the parameter. This defines which of the next three variables holds the value for it.]] // XXX these could be in a union, but eet doesn't support them (or does it?) i: int; [[Used by both integer and boolean]] d: double; [[Used by double]] s: const(char) *; [[Used by both string and choice]] } enum Edje.Message_Type { [[Identifiers of Edje message types, which can be sent back and forth code and a given Edje object's theme file/group. \@ref edje_object_message_send, \@ref edje_object_message_handler_set. ]] legacy: Edje_Message; none = 0, signal = 1, [[DONT USE THIS]] string = 2, [[A message with a string as value. Use #Edje_Message_String structs as message body, for this type.]] int = 3, [[A message with an integer number as value. Use #Edje_Message_Int structs as message body, for this type.]] float = 4, [[A message with a floating pointer number as value. Use #Edje_Message_Float structs as message body, for this type.]] string_set = 5, [[A message with a list of strings as value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Set structs as message body, for this type.]] int_set = 6, [[A message with a list of integer numbers as value. Use #Edje_Message_Int_Set structs as message body, for this type.]] float_set = 7, [[A message with a list of floating point numbers as value. Use #Edje_Message_Float_Set structs as message body, for this type.]] string_int = 8, [[A message with a struct containing a string and an integer number as value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Int structs as message body, for this type.]] string_float = 9, [[A message with a struct containing a string and a floating point number as value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Float structs as message body, for this type.]] string_int_set = 10, [[A message with a struct containing a string and list of integer numbers as value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Int_Set structs as message body, for this type.]] string_float_set = 11 [[A message with a struct containing a string and list of floating point numbers as value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Float_Set structs as message body, for this type.]] } struct Edje.Perspective; [[Perspective info for maps inside edje objects]] /* FIXME-cb: Ignore cb types that should be fixed. */ type Edje.Signal_Cb: __undefined_type; type Edje.Markup_Filter_Cb: __undefined_type; type Edje.Text.Filter_Cb: __undefined_type; type Edje.Text.Change_Cb: __undefined_type; type Edje.Item_Provider_Cb: __undefined_type; type Edje.Message_Handler_Cb: __undefined_type;