class @beta Efl.Ui.Slider_Interval extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base implements Efl.Ui.Range_Interactive, Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable, Efl.Access.Value, Efl.Access.Widget.Action { [[An interval slider. This is a slider with two indicators. ]] methods { @property interval_value { [[Sets up position of two indicators at start and end position. ]] get { } set { } values { from: double;[[interval minimum value]] to: double; [[interval maximum value]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Ui.Widget.theme_apply; Efl.Ui.Widget.on_access_activate; Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_input_event_handler; Efl.Ui.Range_Display.range_value { get; set; } Efl.Ui.Range_Display.range_limits {get; set; } Efl.Ui.Range_Interactive.range_step { get; set; } Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable.orientation { get; set; } Efl.Access.Value.value_and_text { get; set; } Efl.Access.Value.range { get; } Efl.Access.Value.increment { get; } Efl.Access.Widget.Action.elm_actions { get; } } events { slider,drag,start: void; [[Called when a slider drag operation has started. This means a $press event has been received on the slider thumb but not the $unpress.]] slider,drag,stop: void; [[Called when a slider drag operation has finished. This means an $unpress event has been received on the slider thumb.]] } }