#ifndef VG_COMMON_H_ #define VG_COMMON_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "evas_common_private.h" #include "evas_private.h" /****************************************************************************************** * SVG Compatible feature implementation ******************************************************************************************/ typedef enum _Svg_Node_Type Svg_Node_Type; typedef enum _Svg_Length_Type Svg_Length_Type; typedef struct _Svg_Node Svg_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Doc_Node Svg_Doc_Node; typedef struct _Svg_G_Node Svg_G_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Defs_Node Svg_Defs_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Arc_Node Svg_Arc_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Circle_Node Svg_Circle_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Ellipse_Node Svg_Ellipse_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Polygon_Node Svg_Polygon_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Rect_Node Svg_Rect_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Path_Node Svg_Path_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Style_Property Svg_Style_Property; typedef struct _Svg_Line_Node Svg_Line_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Custom_Command_Node Svg_Custom_Command_Node; typedef struct _Svg_Style_Stroke Svg_Style_Stroke; typedef struct _Svg_Style_Fill Svg_Style_Fill; typedef enum _Svg_Fill_Flags Svg_Fill_Flags; typedef enum _Svg_Stroke_Flags Svg_Stroke_Flags; typedef enum _Svg_Gradient_Type Svg_Gradient_Type; typedef struct _Svg_Style_Gradient Svg_Style_Gradient; typedef struct _Svg_Linear_Gradient Svg_Linear_Gradient; typedef struct _Svg_Radial_Gradient Svg_Radial_Gradient; typedef struct _Svg_Paint Svg_Paint; enum _Svg_Node_Type { SVG_NODE_DOC, SVG_NODE_G, SVG_NODE_DEFS, SVG_NODE_SWITCH, SVG_NODE_ANIMATION, SVG_NODE_ARC, SVG_NODE_CIRCLE, SVG_NODE_ELLIPSE, SVG_NODE_IMAGE, SVG_NODE_LINE, SVG_NODE_PATH, SVG_NODE_POLYGON, SVG_NODE_POLYLINE, SVG_NODE_RECT, SVG_NODE_TEXT, SVG_NODE_TEXTAREA, SVG_NODE_TSPAN, SVG_NODE_USE, SVG_NODE_VIDEO, SVG_NODE_CUSTOME_COMMAND, SVG_NODE_UNKNOWN }; enum _Svg_Length_Type { SVG_LT_PERCENT, SVG_LT_PX, SVG_LT_PC, SVG_LT_PT, SVG_LT_MM, SVG_LT_CM, SVG_LT_IN, }; struct _Svg_Doc_Node { double width; double height; double vx; double vy; double vw; double vh; Eina_Bool preserve_aspect; Svg_Node *defs; }; struct _Svg_G_Node { }; struct _Svg_Defs_Node { Eina_List *gradients; }; struct _Svg_Arc_Node { }; struct _Svg_Ellipse_Node { double cx; double cy; double rx; double ry; }; struct _Svg_Circle_Node { double cx; double cy; double r; }; struct _Svg_Rect_Node { double x; double y; double w; double h; double rx; double ry; }; struct _Svg_Line_Node { double x1; double y1; double x2; double y2; }; struct _Svg_Custom_Command_Node { int points_count; int commands_count; double *points; Efl_Gfx_Path_Command *commands; }; struct _Svg_Path_Node { Eina_Stringshare *path; }; struct _Svg_Polygon_Node { int points_count; double *points; }; enum _Svg_Gradient_Type { SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT, SVG_RADIAL_GRADIENT }; struct _Svg_Linear_Gradient { double x1; double y1; double x2; double y2; }; struct _Svg_Radial_Gradient { double cx; double cy; double fx; double fy; double r; }; /** * IMPORTANT! * Talking about parsing gradient variables * * All variables (like x1,x2,y1,y2,fx,fy,rx,ry,r, etc) would be percentages * and then all recalculations would be done after that if userSpaceOnUse * is set or not (recalculation depends on that). * * If gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" (grad->user_space is set to true) * > Gradient variables (x1,x2,r,fx etc) contains percentages of entire cavas * > size. * * If gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" (grad->user_space is set to false) * > Gradient variables (x1,x2,r,fx etc) contain percentages of 'whatever' * > figure. * * So later on, while using gradient, please be careful and * check user_space to use and transform sizes correctly. */ struct _Svg_Style_Gradient { Svg_Gradient_Type type; Eina_Stringshare *id; Eina_Stringshare *ref; Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Spread spread; Eina_List *stops; // Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop Svg_Radial_Gradient *radial; Svg_Linear_Gradient *linear; Eina_Matrix3 *transform; Eina_Bool user_space; Eina_Bool use_percentage; }; struct _Svg_Paint { int r; int g; int b; Eina_Bool none; Eina_Bool cur_color; Svg_Style_Gradient *gradient; Eina_Stringshare *url; }; enum _Svg_Fill_Flags { SVG_FILL_FLAGS_PAINT = 0x1, SVG_FILL_FLAGS_OPACITY = 0x2, SVG_FILL_FLAGS_GRADIENT = 0x4, SVG_FILL_FLAGS_FILL_RULE = 0x8 }; enum _Svg_Stroke_Flags { SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_PAINT = 0x1, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_OPACITY = 0x2, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_GRADIENT = 0x4, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_SCALE = 0x8, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_WIDTH = 0x10, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_CAP = 0x20, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_JOIN = 0x40, SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_DASH = 0x80, }; struct _Svg_Style_Fill { Svg_Fill_Flags flags; Svg_Paint paint; int opacity; Efl_Gfx_Fill_Rule fill_rule; }; struct _Svg_Style_Stroke { Svg_Stroke_Flags flags; Svg_Paint paint; int opacity; double scale; double width; double centered; Efl_Gfx_Cap cap; Efl_Gfx_Join join; Efl_Gfx_Dash *dash; int dash_count; }; struct _Svg_Style_Property { Svg_Style_Fill fill; Svg_Style_Stroke stroke; // the color property indirectly // used by fill and stroke int r; int g; int b; }; struct _Svg_Node { Svg_Node_Type type; Svg_Node *parent; Eina_List *child; Eina_Stringshare *id; Svg_Style_Property *style; Eina_Matrix3 *transform; union { Svg_G_Node g; Svg_Doc_Node doc; Svg_Defs_Node defs; Svg_Arc_Node arc; Svg_Circle_Node circle; Svg_Ellipse_Node ellipse; Svg_Polygon_Node polygon; Svg_Polygon_Node polyline; Svg_Rect_Node rect; Svg_Path_Node path; Svg_Line_Node line; Svg_Custom_Command_Node command; }node; }; enum _Svg_Style_Type { SVG_STYLE_QUALITY, SVG_STYLE_FILL, SVG_STYLE_VIEWPORT_FILL, SVG_STYLE_FONT, SVG_STYLE_STROKE, SVG_STYLE_SOLID_COLOR, SVG_STYLE_GRADIENT, SVG_STYLE_TRANSFORM, SVG_STYLE_OPACITY, SVG_STYLE_COMP_OP }; Eet_Data_Descriptor * vg_common_svg_node_eet(void); void vg_common_svg_node_eet_destroy(void); Vg_File_Data * vg_common_svg_create_vg_node(Svg_Node *node); Svg_Node *vg_common_svg_create_svg_node(Vg_File_Data *node); void vg_common_svg_node_free(Svg_Node *node); #endif //EVAS_VG_COMMON_H_