/** * @defgroup Elm_Nstate Nstate * @ingroup Elementary * * @image html nstate_inheritance_tree.png * @image latex nstate_inheritance_tree.eps * * @image html img/widget/nstate/preview-00.png * @image latex img/widget/nstate/preview-00.eps * * A Nstate is a widget which displays one of the state among states defined by user. * * This widget inherits from the @ref Button, so that all the functions acting on @ref Button also work for nstate objects. * * This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from * @ref Button: * - @c "state,changed" - whenever state of nstate is changed * * Default content parts of the nstate widget that you can use are the * the same that you use with the @ref Button * @{ */ #include "efl_ui_nstate.eo.h"