#include "evas_common_private.h" #include "evas_private.h" #include "Eo.h" EAPI Eo_Op EVAS_OBJ_SMART_BASE_ID = EO_NOOP; #define MY_CLASS EVAS_OBJ_SMART_CLASS #define MY_CLASS_NAME "Evas_Object_Smart" extern Eina_Hash* signals_hash_table; static Eina_Hash *_evas_smart_class_names_hash_table = NULL; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Smart Evas_Object_Smart; struct _Evas_Object_Smart { struct { Evas_Coord_Rectangle bounding_box; } cur, prev; Evas_Object *object; void *engine_data; void *data; Eina_Inlist *callbacks; Eina_Inlist *contained; /** list of smart member objects */ /* ptr array + data blob holding all interfaces private data for * this object */ void **interface_privates; Eina_Clist calc_entry; Evas_Smart_Cb_Description_Array callbacks_descriptions; int walking_list; int member_count; /** number of smart member objects */ unsigned char recalculate_cycle; Eina_Bool deletions_waiting : 1; Eina_Bool need_recalculate : 1; Eina_Bool update_boundingbox_needed : 1; }; typedef struct { EINA_INLIST; Evas_Smart_Cb func; void *data; _Evas_Event_Description *desc; } _eo_evas_smart_cb_info; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator; struct _Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator { Eina_Iterator iterator; const Eina_Inlist *current; Evas_Object *parent; }; static Eina_Bool _eo_evas_smart_cb(void *data, Eo *eo_obj, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info) { _eo_evas_smart_cb_info *info = data; if (info->func) info->func(info->data, eo_obj, event_info); return EINA_TRUE; } /* private methods for smart objects */ static void evas_object_smart_init(Evas_Object *eo_obj); static void evas_object_smart_render(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *type_private_data, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, Eina_Bool do_async); static void evas_object_smart_render_pre(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *type_private_data); static void evas_object_smart_render_post(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *type_private_data); static unsigned int evas_object_smart_id_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj); static unsigned int evas_object_smart_visual_id_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj); static void *evas_object_smart_engine_data_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj); static const Evas_Object_Func object_func = { /* methods (compulsory) */ NULL, evas_object_smart_render, evas_object_smart_render_pre, evas_object_smart_render_post, evas_object_smart_id_get, evas_object_smart_visual_id_get, evas_object_smart_engine_data_get, /* these are optional. NULL = nothing */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /* public funcs */ EAPI void evas_object_smart_data_set(Evas_Object *eo_obj, void *data) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_data_set(data)); } static void _smart_data_set(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { void *data = va_arg(*list, void *); Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (o->data) eo_data_unref(eo_obj, o->data); o->data = data; eo_data_ref(eo_obj, NULL); } EAPI void * evas_object_smart_data_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); void *data = NULL; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_data_get(&data)); return data; } static void _smart_data_get(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { const Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; void **data = va_arg(*list, void **); *data = o->data; } EAPI const void * evas_object_smart_interface_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *name) { Evas_Smart *s; unsigned int i; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!eo_isa(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_SMART_CLASS)) return NULL; s = evas_object_smart_smart_get(eo_obj); if (!s) return NULL; if (s) { for (i = 0; i < s->interfaces.size; i++) { const Evas_Smart_Interface *iface; iface = s->interfaces.array[i]; if (iface->name == name) return iface; } } return NULL; } EAPI void * evas_object_smart_interface_data_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const Evas_Smart_Interface *iface) { unsigned int i; Evas_Object_Smart *obj; Evas_Smart *s; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); s = evas_object_smart_smart_get(eo_obj); if (!s) return NULL; if (s) { for (i = 0; i < s->interfaces.size; i++) { if (iface == s->interfaces.array[i]) return obj->interface_privates[i]; } } return NULL; } EAPI Evas_Smart * evas_object_smart_smart_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Evas_Smart *smart = NULL; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_smart_get(&smart)); return smart; } static void _smart_smart_get(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart **smart = va_arg(*list, Evas_Smart **); if (smart) *smart = obj->smart.smart; } EAPI void evas_object_smart_member_add(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object *smart_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do(smart_obj, evas_obj_smart_member_add(eo_obj)); } static void _smart_member_add(Eo *smart_obj, void *_pd, va_list *list) { Evas_Object *eo_obj = va_arg(*list, Evas_Object *); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *smart = eo_data_scope_get(smart_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (obj->delete_me) { CRIT("Adding deleted object %p to smart obj %p", eo_obj, smart_obj); abort(); return; } if (smart->delete_me) { CRIT("Adding object %p to deleted smart obj %p", eo_obj, smart_obj); abort(); return; } if (!smart->layer) { CRIT("No evas surface associated with smart object (%p)", smart_obj); abort(); return; } if ((obj->layer && smart->layer) && (obj->layer->evas != smart->layer->evas)) { CRIT("Adding object %p from Evas (%p) from another Evas (%p)", eo_obj, obj->layer->evas, smart->layer->evas); abort(); return; } if (obj->smart.parent == smart_obj) return; if (obj->smart.parent) evas_object_smart_member_del(eo_obj); o->member_count++; evas_object_release(eo_obj, obj, 1); obj->layer = smart->layer; EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_BEGIN(obj, state_write, cur) { state_write->layer = obj->layer->layer; } EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_END(obj, state_write, cur); obj->layer->usage++; obj->smart.parent = smart_obj; o->contained = eina_inlist_append(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(obj)); eo_data_ref(eo_obj, NULL); evas_object_smart_member_cache_invalidate(eo_obj, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE); obj->restack = 1; evas_object_change(eo_obj, obj); evas_object_mapped_clip_across_mark(eo_obj, obj); if (smart->smart.smart && smart->smart.smart->smart_class->member_add) smart->smart.smart->smart_class->member_add(smart_obj, eo_obj); evas_object_update_bounding_box(eo_obj, obj); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_member_del(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (!obj) return; if (!obj->smart.parent) return; Evas_Object *smart_obj = obj->smart.parent; eo_do(smart_obj, evas_obj_smart_member_del(eo_obj)); } static void _smart_member_del(Eo *smart_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Evas_Object *eo_obj = va_arg(*list, Evas_Object *); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (!obj->smart.parent) return; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *smart = eo_data_scope_get(smart_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (smart->smart.smart && smart->smart.smart->smart_class->member_del) smart->smart.smart->smart_class->member_del(smart_obj, eo_obj); Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(smart_obj, MY_CLASS); o->contained = eina_inlist_remove(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(obj)); eo_data_unref(eo_obj, obj); o->member_count--; obj->smart.parent = NULL; evas_object_smart_member_cache_invalidate(eo_obj, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE); obj->layer->usage--; EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_BEGIN(obj, state_write, cur) { state_write->layer = obj->layer->layer; } EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_END(obj, state_write, cur); evas_object_inject(eo_obj, obj, obj->layer->evas->evas); obj->restack = 1; evas_object_change(eo_obj, obj); evas_object_mapped_clip_across_mark(eo_obj, obj); } EAPI Evas_Object * evas_object_smart_parent_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Evas_Object *smart_parent = NULL; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_parent_get(&smart_parent)); return smart_parent; } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_type_check(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *type) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Eina_Bool type_check = EINA_FALSE; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_type_check(type, &type_check)); return type_check; } static void _smart_type_check(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { const char *type = va_arg(*list, const char *); Eina_Bool *type_check = va_arg(*list, Eina_Bool *); *type_check = EINA_FALSE; const Evas_Smart_Class *sc; Eo_Class *klass; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (!obj) return; klass = eina_hash_find(_evas_smart_class_names_hash_table, type); if (klass) *type_check = eo_isa(eo_obj, klass); /* Backward compatibility - walk over smart classes and compare type */ if (EINA_FALSE == *type_check) { if (obj->smart.smart) { sc = obj->smart.smart->smart_class; while (sc) { if (!strcmp(sc->name, type)) { *type_check = EINA_TRUE; return; } sc = sc->parent; } } } } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_type_check_ptr(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *type) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Eina_Bool type_check_ptr = EINA_FALSE; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_type_check_ptr(type, &type_check_ptr)); return type_check_ptr; } static void _smart_type_check_ptr(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Eo_Class *klass; const Evas_Smart_Class *sc; const char* type = va_arg(*list, const char *); Eina_Bool *type_check = va_arg(*list, Eina_Bool *); *type_check = EINA_FALSE; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (!obj) return; klass = eina_hash_find(_evas_smart_class_names_hash_table, type); if (klass) *type_check = eo_isa(eo_obj, klass); /* Backward compatibility - walk over smart classes and compare type */ if (EINA_FALSE == *type_check) { if (obj->smart.smart) { sc = obj->smart.smart->smart_class; while (sc) { if (sc->name == type) { if (type_check) *type_check = EINA_TRUE; return; } sc = sc->parent; } } } } EAPI void evas_smart_legacy_type_register(const char *type, const Eo_Class *klass) { eina_hash_set(_evas_smart_class_names_hash_table, type, klass); } static Eina_Bool _evas_object_smart_iterator_next(Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator *it, void **data) { Evas_Object *eo; if (!it->current) return EINA_FALSE; eo = ((const Evas_Object_Protected_Data*)(it->current))->object; if (data) *data = eo; it->current = it->current->next; return EINA_TRUE; } static Evas_Object * _evas_object_smart_iterator_get_container(Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator *it) { return it->parent; } static void _evas_object_smart_iterator_free(Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator *it) { eo_unref(it->parent); free(it); } // Should we have an eo_children_iterator_new API and just inherit from it ? EAPI Eina_Iterator * evas_object_smart_iterator_new(const Evas_Object *o) { Eina_Iterator *ret = NULL; eo_do((Eo *)o, evas_obj_smart_iterator_new(&ret)); return ret; } static void _iterator_new(Eo *o, void *_pd, va_list *list) { Eina_Iterator **ret = va_arg(*list, Eina_Iterator **); Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator *it; const Evas_Object_Smart *priv = _pd; if (!priv->contained) { *ret = NULL; return ; } it = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Smart_Iterator)); if (!it) { *ret = NULL; return ; } EINA_MAGIC_SET(&it->iterator, EINA_MAGIC_ITERATOR); it->parent = eo_ref(o); it->current = priv->contained; it->iterator.next = FUNC_ITERATOR_NEXT(_evas_object_smart_iterator_next); it->iterator.get_container = FUNC_ITERATOR_GET_CONTAINER(_evas_object_smart_iterator_get_container); it->iterator.free = FUNC_ITERATOR_FREE(_evas_object_smart_iterator_free); *ret = &it->iterator; } EAPI Eina_List * evas_object_smart_members_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!eo_isa(eo_obj, MY_CLASS)) return NULL; Eina_List *list = NULL; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_members_get(&list)); return list; } static void _smart_members_get(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { Eina_List **members_list = va_arg(*list, Eina_List **); const Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; Eina_List *members; Eina_Inlist *member; members = NULL; for (member = o->contained; member; member = member->next) members = eina_list_append(members, ((Evas_Object_Protected_Data *)member)->object); *members_list = members; } const Eina_Inlist * evas_object_smart_members_get_direct(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!eo_isa(eo_obj, MY_CLASS)) return NULL; Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); return o->contained; } void _evas_object_smart_members_all_del(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *memobj; Eina_Inlist *itrn; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(o->contained, itrn, memobj) { evas_object_del((Evas_Object *)((Evas_Object_Protected_Data *)memobj->object)); } } static void _evas_smart_class_ifaces_private_data_alloc(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Smart *s) { Evas_Object_Smart *obj; const Evas_Smart_Class *sc; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned int i, total_priv_sz = 0; /* get total size of interfaces private data */ for (sc = s->smart_class; sc; sc = sc->parent) { const Evas_Smart_Interface **ifaces_array = sc->interfaces; if (!ifaces_array) continue; while (*ifaces_array) { const Evas_Smart_Interface *iface = *ifaces_array; if (!iface->name) break; if (iface->private_size > 0) { unsigned int size = iface->private_size; if (size % sizeof(void *) != 0) size += sizeof(void *) - (size % sizeof(void *)); total_priv_sz += size; } ifaces_array++; } } obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); obj->interface_privates = malloc(s->interfaces.size * sizeof(void *) + total_priv_sz); if (!obj->interface_privates) { ERR("malloc failed!"); return; } /* make private data array ptrs point to right places, WHICH LIE ON * THE SAME STRUCT, AFTER THE # OF INTERFACES COUNT */ ptr = (unsigned char *)(obj->interface_privates + s->interfaces.size); for (i = 0; i < s->interfaces.size; i++) { unsigned int size; size = s->interfaces.array[i]->private_size; if (size == 0) { obj->interface_privates[i] = NULL; continue; } obj->interface_privates[i] = ptr; memset(ptr, 0, size); if (size % sizeof(void *) != 0) size += sizeof(void *) - (size % sizeof(void *)); ptr += size; } } EAPI Evas_Object * evas_object_smart_add(Evas *eo_e, Evas_Smart *s) { Evas_Object *eo_obj; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_e, Evas, MAGIC_EVAS); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_obj = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_CLASS, eo_e); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_attach(s)); eo_unref(eo_obj); return eo_obj; } static void _constructor(Eo *eo_obj, void *class_data, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj; Evas_Object_Smart *smart; Eo *parent; smart = class_data; smart->object = eo_obj; eo_do_super(eo_obj, MY_CLASS, eo_constructor()); evas_object_smart_init(eo_obj); obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); eo_do(eo_obj, eo_parent_get(&parent)); evas_object_inject(eo_obj, obj, evas_object_evas_get(parent)); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_type_set(MY_CLASS_NAME), evas_obj_smart_add()); } static void _smart_add(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->add) s->smart_class->add(eo_obj); } static void _smart_del(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { } static void _smart_resize(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Evas_Coord w = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord); Evas_Coord h = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord); // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->resize) s->smart_class->resize(eo_obj, w, h); } static void _smart_move(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { Evas_Coord x = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord); Evas_Coord y = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord); // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->move) s->smart_class->move(eo_obj, x, y); } static void _smart_show(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->show) s->smart_class->show(eo_obj); } static void _smart_hide(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->hide) s->smart_class->hide(eo_obj); } static void _smart_color_set(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { int r = va_arg(*list, int); int g = va_arg(*list, int); int b = va_arg(*list, int); int a = va_arg(*list, int); // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->color_set) s->smart_class->color_set(eo_obj, r, g, b, a); } static void _smart_clip_set(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Evas_Object *clip = va_arg(*list, Evas_Object *); // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->clip_set) s->smart_class->clip_set(eo_obj, clip); } static void _smart_clip_unset(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { // If this function is reached, so we do nothing except trying to call // the function of the legacy smart class. Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Smart *s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->clip_unset) s->smart_class->clip_unset(eo_obj); } static void _smart_attach(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list) { Evas_Smart *s = va_arg(*list, Evas_Smart *); MAGIC_CHECK(s, Evas_Smart, MAGIC_SMART); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); unsigned int i; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); obj->smart.smart = s; obj->type = s->smart_class->name; evas_object_smart_use(s); _evas_smart_class_ifaces_private_data_alloc(eo_obj, s); for (i = 0; i < s->interfaces.size; i++) { const Evas_Smart_Interface *iface; iface = s->interfaces.array[i]; if (iface->add) { if (!iface->add(eo_obj)) { ERR("failed to create interface %s\n", iface->name); evas_object_del(eo_obj); return; } } } eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_add()); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_callback_add(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *event, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data) { evas_object_smart_callback_priority_add(eo_obj, event, EVAS_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, func, data); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_callback_priority_add(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *event, Evas_Callback_Priority priority, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!event) return; if (!func) return; _Evas_Event_Description *event_desc = eina_hash_find(signals_hash_table, event); if (!event_desc) { event_desc = calloc (1, sizeof(*event_desc)); event_desc->eo_desc = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Event_Description)); event_desc->eo_desc->name = eina_stringshare_add(event); event_desc->eo_desc->doc = ""; event_desc->is_desc_allocated = EINA_TRUE; eina_hash_add(signals_hash_table, event, event_desc); } _eo_evas_smart_cb_info *cb_info = calloc(1, sizeof(*cb_info)); cb_info->func = func; cb_info->data = (void *)data; cb_info->desc = event_desc; o->callbacks = eina_inlist_append(o->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb_info)); eo_do(eo_obj, eo_event_callback_priority_add(event_desc->eo_desc, priority, _eo_evas_smart_cb, cb_info)); } EAPI void * evas_object_smart_callback_del(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *event, Evas_Smart_Cb func) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; _eo_evas_smart_cb_info *info; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!event) return NULL; const _Evas_Event_Description *event_desc = eina_hash_find(signals_hash_table, event); if (!event_desc) return NULL; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->callbacks, info) { if ((info->func == func) && (info->desc == event_desc)) { void *tmp = info->data; eo_do(eo_obj, eo_event_callback_del( event_desc->eo_desc, _eo_evas_smart_cb, info)); o->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(o->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(info)); free(info); return tmp; } } return NULL; } EAPI void * evas_object_smart_callback_del_full(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *event, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; _eo_evas_smart_cb_info *info; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!event) return NULL; const _Evas_Event_Description *event_desc = eina_hash_find(signals_hash_table, event); if (!event_desc) return NULL; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->callbacks, info) { if ((info->func == func) && (info->desc == event_desc) && (info->data == data)) { void *tmp = info->data; eo_do(eo_obj, eo_event_callback_del( event_desc->eo_desc, _eo_evas_smart_cb, info)); o->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(o->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(info)); free(info); return tmp; } } return NULL; } EAPI void evas_object_smart_callback_call(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *event, void *event_info) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!event) return; const _Evas_Event_Description *event_desc = eina_hash_find(signals_hash_table, event); if (event_desc) eo_do(eo_obj, eo_event_callback_call(event_desc->eo_desc, event_info, NULL)); } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(Evas_Object *eo_obj, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description *descriptions) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Eina_Bool result = EINA_FALSE; eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(descriptions, &result)); return result; } static void _smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description *descriptions = va_arg(*list, Evas_Smart_Cb_Description *); Eina_Bool *result = va_arg(*list, Eina_Bool *); if (result) *result = EINA_TRUE; const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description *d; Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; unsigned int i, count = 0; if ((!descriptions) || (!descriptions->name)) { evas_smart_cb_descriptions_resize(&o->callbacks_descriptions, 0); return; } for (count = 0, d = descriptions; d->name; d++) count++; evas_smart_cb_descriptions_resize(&o->callbacks_descriptions, count); if (count == 0) return; for (i = 0, d = descriptions; i < count; d++, i++) o->callbacks_descriptions.array[i] = d; evas_smart_cb_descriptions_fix(&o->callbacks_descriptions); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***class_descriptions, unsigned int *class_count, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***instance_descriptions, unsigned int *instance_count) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); if (class_descriptions) *class_descriptions = NULL; if (class_count) *class_count = 0; if (instance_descriptions) *instance_descriptions = NULL; if (instance_count) *instance_count = 0; return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_callbacks_descriptions_get(class_descriptions, class_count, instance_descriptions, instance_count)); } static void _smart_callbacks_descriptions_get(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd, va_list *list) { const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***class_descriptions = va_arg(*list, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***); unsigned int *class_count = va_arg(*list, unsigned int *); const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***instance_descriptions = va_arg(*list, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description ***); unsigned int *instance_count = va_arg(*list, unsigned int *); const Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (class_descriptions) *class_descriptions = NULL; if (class_count) *class_count = 0; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (obj->smart.smart && class_descriptions) *class_descriptions = obj->smart.smart->callbacks.array; if (obj->smart.smart && class_count) *class_count = obj->smart.smart->callbacks.size; if (instance_descriptions) *instance_descriptions = o->callbacks_descriptions.array; if (instance_count) *instance_count = o->callbacks_descriptions.size; } EAPI void evas_object_smart_callback_description_find(const Evas_Object *eo_obj, const char *name, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **class_description, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **instance_description) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); if (class_description) *class_description = NULL; if (instance_description) *instance_description = NULL; return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_callback_description_find(name, class_description, instance_description)); } static void _smart_callback_description_find(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd, va_list *list) { const char *name = va_arg(*list, const char *); const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **class_description = va_arg(*list, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **); const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **instance_description = va_arg(*list, const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description **); if (!name) { if (class_description) *class_description = NULL; if (instance_description) *instance_description = NULL; return; } Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); const Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (class_description) *class_description = evas_smart_cb_description_find (&obj->smart.smart->callbacks, name); if (instance_description) *instance_description = evas_smart_cb_description_find (&o->callbacks_descriptions, name); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Eina_Bool value) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_need_recalculate_set(value)); } static void _smart_need_recalculate_set(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd, va_list *list) { Eina_Bool value = va_arg(*list, int); Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); // XXX: do i need this? if (obj->delete_me) return; /* remove this entry from calc_list or processed list */ if (eina_clist_element_is_linked(&o->calc_entry)) eina_clist_remove(&o->calc_entry); value = !!value; if (value) eina_clist_add_tail(&obj->layer->evas->calc_list, &o->calc_entry); else eina_clist_add_tail(&obj->layer->evas->calc_done, &o->calc_entry); if (o->need_recalculate == value) return; if (o->recalculate_cycle > 254) { ERR("Object %p is not stable during recalc loop", obj); return; } if (obj->layer->evas->in_smart_calc) o->recalculate_cycle++; o->need_recalculate = value; } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_get(const Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Eina_Bool need_recalculate = EINA_FALSE; eo_do((Eo *)eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_need_recalculate_get(&need_recalculate)); return need_recalculate; } static void _smart_need_recalculate_get(Eo *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { Eina_Bool *need_recalculate = va_arg(*list, Eina_Bool *); const Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (need_recalculate) *need_recalculate = o->need_recalculate; } EAPI void evas_object_smart_calculate(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_calculate()); } static void _smart_calculate(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Smart *o = _pd; if (!obj->smart.smart || !obj->smart.smart->smart_class->calculate) return; o->need_recalculate = 0; obj->smart.smart->smart_class->calculate(eo_obj); } EAPI void evas_smart_objects_calculate(Evas *eo_e) { eo_do(eo_e, evas_canvas_smart_objects_calculate()); } void _canvas_smart_objects_calculate(Eo *eo_e, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { evas_call_smarts_calculate(eo_e); } EAPI int evas_smart_objects_calculate_count_get(const Evas *eo_e) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_e, Evas, MAGIC_EVAS); return 0; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); int ret = 0; eo_do((Eo *)eo_e, evas_canvas_smart_objects_calculate_count_get(&ret)); return ret; } void _canvas_smart_objects_calculate_count_get(Eo *eo_e EINA_UNUSED, void *_pd, va_list *list) { int *ret = va_arg(*list, int *); const Evas_Public_Data *e = _pd; *ret = e->smart_calc_count; } /** * Call calculate() on all smart objects that need_recalculate. * * @internal */ void evas_call_smarts_calculate(Evas *eo_e) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; Eina_Clist *elem; Evas_Public_Data *e = eo_data_scope_get(eo_e, EVAS_CLASS); evas_event_freeze(eo_e); e->in_smart_calc++; while (NULL != (elem = eina_clist_head(&e->calc_list))) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj; /* move the item to the processed list */ o = EINA_CLIST_ENTRY(elem, Evas_Object_Smart, calc_entry); eina_clist_remove(&o->calc_entry); obj = eo_data_scope_get(o->object, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (obj->delete_me) continue; eina_clist_add_tail(&e->calc_done, &o->calc_entry); if (o->need_recalculate) { o->need_recalculate = 0; if (obj->smart.smart && obj->smart.smart->smart_class->calculate) obj->smart.smart->smart_class->calculate(obj->object); else eo_do(obj->object, evas_obj_smart_calculate()); } } while (NULL != (elem = eina_clist_head(&e->calc_done))) { o = EINA_CLIST_ENTRY(elem, Evas_Object_Smart, calc_entry); o->recalculate_cycle = 0; eina_clist_remove(&o->calc_entry); } e->in_smart_calc--; if (e->in_smart_calc == 0) e->smart_calc_count++; evas_event_thaw(eo_e); evas_event_thaw_eval(eo_e); } EAPI void evas_object_smart_changed(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_changed()); } static void _smart_changed(Eo *eo_obj, void *_pd EINA_UNUSED, va_list *list EINA_UNUSED) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); evas_object_change(eo_obj, obj); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_need_recalculate_set(1)); } static Eina_Bool _smart_members_changed_check(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *o2; if (!evas_object_is_visible(eo_obj, obj) && !evas_object_was_visible(eo_obj, obj)) return EINA_FALSE; if (!obj->smart.smart) { if (obj->changed && !obj->clip.clipees) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } if (_evas_render_has_map(eo_obj, obj)) { if (((obj->changed_pchange) && (obj->changed_map)) || (obj->changed_color)) return EINA_TRUE; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(evas_object_smart_members_get_direct(eo_obj), o2) if (_smart_members_changed_check(o2->object, o2)) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } Eina_Bool evas_object_smart_changed_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *o2; if (!obj->is_smart) { if (obj->changed && !obj->clip.clipees) return EINA_TRUE; else return EINA_FALSE; } if (obj->changed_color) return EINA_TRUE; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(evas_object_smart_members_get_direct(eo_obj), o2) if (_smart_members_changed_check(o2->object, o2)) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } void evas_object_smart_del(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Smart *sobj; Evas_Smart *s; unsigned int i; if (obj->delete_me) return; s = obj->smart.smart; if (s && s->smart_class->del) s->smart_class->del(eo_obj); else eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_del()); if (obj->smart.parent) evas_object_smart_member_del(eo_obj); if (s) { for (i = 0; i < s->interfaces.size; i++) { const Evas_Smart_Interface *iface; iface = s->interfaces.array[i]; if (iface->del) iface->del(eo_obj); } } sobj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); free(sobj->interface_privates); sobj->interface_privates = NULL; if (s) evas_object_smart_unuse(s); } void evas_object_update_bounding_box(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *s = NULL; Eina_Bool propagate = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool computeminmax = EINA_FALSE; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; Evas_Coord px, py, pw, ph; Eina_Bool noclip; if (!obj->smart.parent) return; if (obj->child_has_map) return; /* Disable bounding box computation for this object and its parent */ /* We could also remove object that are not visible from the bounding box, use the clipping information to reduce the bounding of the object they are clipping, but for the moment this will do it's jobs */ noclip = !(obj->clip.clipees || obj->is_static_clip); if (obj->is_smart) { s = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); x = s->cur.bounding_box.x; y = s->cur.bounding_box.y; w = s->cur.bounding_box.w; h = s->cur.bounding_box.h; px = s->prev.bounding_box.x; py = s->prev.bounding_box.y; pw = s->prev.bounding_box.w; ph = s->prev.bounding_box.h; } else { x = obj->cur->geometry.x; y = obj->cur->geometry.y; w = obj->cur->geometry.w; h = obj->cur->geometry.h; px = obj->prev->geometry.x; py = obj->prev->geometry.y; pw = obj->prev->geometry.w; ph = obj->prev->geometry.h; } /* We are not yet trying to find the smallest bounding box, but we want to find a good approximation quickly. * That's why we initialiaze min and max search to geometry of the parent object. */ Evas_Object_Protected_Data *smart_obj = eo_data_scope_get(obj->smart.parent, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Smart *smart_parent = eo_data_scope_get(obj->smart.parent, MY_CLASS); if (!smart_parent || !smart_obj) return; if (smart_obj->cur->valid_bounding_box) { /* Update left limit */ if (noclip && x < smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x) { smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w += smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x - x; smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x = x; propagate = EINA_TRUE; } else if ((px == smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.x && x > smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x) || (!noclip && x == smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x)) { computeminmax = EINA_TRUE; } /* Update top limit */ if (noclip && y < smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y) { smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h += smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x - x; smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y = y; propagate = EINA_TRUE; } else if ((py == smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.y && y > smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y) || (!noclip && y == smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y)) { computeminmax = EINA_TRUE; } /* Update right limit */ if (noclip && x + w > smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w) { smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w = x + w - smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x; propagate = EINA_TRUE; } else if ((px + pw == smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.x + smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.w && x + w < smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w) || (!noclip && x + w == smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w)) { computeminmax = EINA_TRUE; } /* Update bottom limit */ if (noclip && y + h > smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h) { smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h = y + h - smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y; propagate = EINA_TRUE; } else if ((py + ph == smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.y + smart_parent->prev.bounding_box.h && y + h < smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h) || (!noclip && y + h == smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y + smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h)) { computeminmax = EINA_TRUE; } if (computeminmax) { evas_object_smart_need_bounding_box_update(obj->smart.parent); } } else { if (noclip) { smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.x = x; smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.y = y; smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.w = w; smart_parent->cur.bounding_box.h = h; EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_BEGIN(smart_obj, smart_write, cur) smart_write->valid_bounding_box = EINA_TRUE; EINA_COW_STATE_WRITE_END(smart_obj, smart_write, cur); propagate = EINA_TRUE; } } if (propagate) evas_object_update_bounding_box(obj->smart.parent, smart_obj); } void evas_object_smart_bounding_box_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Coord_Rectangle *cur_bounding_box, Evas_Coord_Rectangle *prev_bounding_box) { Evas_Object_Smart *s = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (cur_bounding_box) memcpy(cur_bounding_box, &s->cur.bounding_box, sizeof (*cur_bounding_box)); if (prev_bounding_box) memcpy(prev_bounding_box, &s->prev.bounding_box, sizeof (*prev_bounding_box)); } void evas_object_smart_cleanup(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); if (obj->smart.parent) evas_object_smart_member_del(eo_obj); if (obj->is_smart) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (o->calc_entry.next) eina_clist_remove(&o->calc_entry); while (o->contained) { Evas_Object *contained_obj = ((Evas_Object_Protected_Data *)o->contained)->object; evas_object_smart_member_del(contained_obj); } while (o->callbacks) { _eo_evas_smart_cb_info *info = (_eo_evas_smart_cb_info *)o->callbacks; eo_do(eo_obj, eo_event_callback_del( info->desc->eo_desc, _eo_evas_smart_cb, info)); o->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(o->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(info)); free(info); } evas_smart_cb_descriptions_resize(&o->callbacks_descriptions, 0); eo_do(eo_obj, evas_obj_smart_data_set(NULL)); } obj->smart.parent = NULL; obj->smart.smart = NULL; } void evas_object_smart_member_cache_invalidate(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Eina_Bool pass_events, Eina_Bool freeze_events, Eina_Bool source_invisible) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *member; if (pass_events) obj->parent_cache.pass_events_valid = EINA_FALSE; if (freeze_events) obj->parent_cache.freeze_events_valid = EINA_FALSE; if (source_invisible) obj->parent_cache.src_invisible_valid = EINA_FALSE; if (!obj->is_smart) return; Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->contained, member) { Evas_Object *eo_member = member->object; evas_object_smart_member_cache_invalidate(eo_member, pass_events, freeze_events, source_invisible); } } void evas_object_smart_member_raise(Evas_Object *eo_member) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *member = eo_data_scope_get(eo_member, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); o = eo_data_scope_get(member->smart.parent, MY_CLASS); o->contained = eina_inlist_demote(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member)); } void evas_object_smart_member_lower(Evas_Object *eo_member) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *member = eo_data_scope_get(eo_member, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); o = eo_data_scope_get(member->smart.parent, MY_CLASS); o->contained = eina_inlist_promote(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member)); } void evas_object_smart_member_stack_above(Evas_Object *eo_member, Evas_Object *eo_other) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *member = eo_data_scope_get(eo_member, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *other = eo_data_scope_get(eo_other, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); o = eo_data_scope_get(member->smart.parent, MY_CLASS); o->contained = eina_inlist_remove(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member)); o->contained = eina_inlist_append_relative(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member), EINA_INLIST_GET(other)); } void evas_object_smart_member_stack_below(Evas_Object *eo_member, Evas_Object *eo_other) { Evas_Object_Smart *o; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *member = eo_data_scope_get(eo_member, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *other = eo_data_scope_get(eo_other, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); o = eo_data_scope_get(member->smart.parent, MY_CLASS); o->contained = eina_inlist_remove(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member)); o->contained = eina_inlist_prepend_relative(o->contained, EINA_INLIST_GET(member), EINA_INLIST_GET(other)); } void evas_object_smart_need_bounding_box_update(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (o->update_boundingbox_needed) return; o->update_boundingbox_needed = EINA_TRUE; if (obj->smart.parent) evas_object_smart_need_bounding_box_update(obj->smart.parent); } void evas_object_smart_bounding_box_update(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *os; Eina_Inlist *list; Evas_Object_Protected_Data *o; Evas_Coord minx; Evas_Coord miny; Evas_Coord maxw = 0; Evas_Coord maxh = 0; MAGIC_CHECK(eo_obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); os = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!os->update_boundingbox_needed) return; os->update_boundingbox_needed = EINA_FALSE; minx = obj->layer->evas->output.w; miny = obj->layer->evas->output.h; list = os->contained; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(list, o) { Evas_Coord tx; Evas_Coord ty; Evas_Coord tw; Evas_Coord th; if (o == obj) continue ; if (o->clip.clipees || o->is_static_clip) continue ; if (o->is_smart) { Evas_Object_Smart *s = eo_data_scope_get(o->object, MY_CLASS); evas_object_smart_bounding_box_update(o->object, o); tx = s->cur.bounding_box.x; ty = s->cur.bounding_box.y; tw = s->cur.bounding_box.x + s->cur.bounding_box.w; th = s->cur.bounding_box.y + s->cur.bounding_box.h; } else { tx = o->cur->geometry.x; ty = o->cur->geometry.y; tw = o->cur->geometry.x + o->cur->geometry.w; th = o->cur->geometry.y + o->cur->geometry.h; } if (tx < minx) minx = tx; if (ty < miny) miny = ty; if (tw > maxw) maxw = tw; if (th > maxh) maxh = th; } if (minx != os->cur.bounding_box.x) { os->cur.bounding_box.w += os->cur.bounding_box.x - minx; os->cur.bounding_box.x = minx; } if (miny != os->cur.bounding_box.y) { os->cur.bounding_box.h += os->cur.bounding_box.y - miny; os->cur.bounding_box.y = miny; } if (maxw != os->cur.bounding_box.x + os->cur.bounding_box.w) { os->cur.bounding_box.w = maxw - os->cur.bounding_box.x; } if (maxh != os->cur.bounding_box.y + os->cur.bounding_box.h) { os->cur.bounding_box.h = maxh - os->cur.bounding_box.y; } } /* all nice and private */ static void evas_object_smart_init(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS); obj->is_smart = EINA_TRUE; /* set up methods (compulsory) */ obj->func = &object_func; obj->private_data = eo_data_ref(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); } static void evas_object_smart_render(Evas_Object *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *type_private_data EINA_UNUSED, void *output EINA_UNUSED, void *context EINA_UNUSED, void *surface EINA_UNUSED, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Bool do_async EINA_UNUSED) { return; } static void evas_object_smart_render_pre(Evas_Object *eo_obj, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj, void *type_private_data EINA_UNUSED) { if (obj->pre_render_done) return; if (!obj->child_has_map && !obj->cur->cached_surface) { #if 0 // REDO to handle smart move Evas_Object_Smart *o; fprintf(stderr, ""); o = type_private_data; if (/* o->member_count > 1 && */ o->cur.bounding_box.w == o->prev.bounding_box.w && obj->cur->bounding_box.h == obj->prev->bounding_box.h && (obj->cur->bounding_box.x != obj->prev->bounding_box.x || obj->cur->bounding_box.y != obj->prev->bounding_box.y)) { Eina_Bool cache_map = EINA_FALSE; /* Check parent speed */ /* - same speed => do not map this object */ /* - different speed => map this object */ /* - if parent is mapped then map this object */ if (!obj->smart.parent || obj->smart.parent->child_has_map) { cache_map = EINA_TRUE; } else { if (_evas_render_has_map(obj->smart.parent)) { cache_map = EINA_TRUE; } else { int speed_x, speed_y; int speed_px, speed_py; speed_x = obj->cur->geometry.x - obj->prev->geometry.x; speed_y = obj->cur->geometry.y - obj->prev->geometry.y; speed_px = obj->smart.parent->cur.geometry.x - obj->smart.parent->prev.geometry.x; speed_py = obj->smart.parent->cur.geometry.y - obj->smart.parent->prev.geometry.y; /* speed_x = obj->cur->bounding_box.x - obj->prev->bounding_box.x; */ /* speed_y = obj->cur->bounding_box.y - obj->prev->bounding_box.y; */ /* speed_px = obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.x - obj->smart.parent->prev.bounding_box.x; */ /* speed_py = obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.y - obj->smart.parent->prev.bounding_box.y; */ fprintf(stderr, "speed: '%s',%p (%i, %i) vs '%s',%p (%i, %i)\n", evas_object_type_get(eo_obj), obj, speed_x, speed_y, evas_object_type_get(obj->smart.parent), obj->smart.parent, speed_px, speed_py); if (speed_x != speed_px || speed_y != speed_py) cache_map = EINA_TRUE; } } if (cache_map) fprintf(stderr, "Wouhou, I can detect moving smart object (%s, %p [%i, %i, %i, %i] < %s, %p [%i, %i, %i, %i])\n", evas_object_type_get(eo_obj), obj, obj->cur->bounding_box.x - obj->prev->bounding_box.x, obj->cur->bounding_box.y - obj->prev->bounding_box.y, obj->cur->bounding_box.w, obj->cur->bounding_box.h, evas_object_type_get(obj->smart.parent), obj->smart.parent, obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.x - obj->smart.parent->prev.bounding_box.x, obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.y - obj->smart.parent->prev.bounding_box.y, obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.w, obj->smart.parent->cur.bounding_box.h); obj->cur->cached_surface = cache_map; } #endif } if (obj->changed_map || obj->changed_src_visible) evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, eo_obj, obj); obj->pre_render_done = EINA_TRUE; } static void evas_object_smart_render_post(Evas_Object *eo_obj EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object_Protected_Data *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *type_private_data) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = type_private_data; evas_object_cur_prev(eo_obj); o->prev = o->cur; } static unsigned int evas_object_smart_id_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!o) return 0; return MAGIC_OBJ_SMART; } static unsigned int evas_object_smart_visual_id_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!o) return 0; return MAGIC_OBJ_CONTAINER; } static void *evas_object_smart_engine_data_get(Evas_Object *eo_obj) { Evas_Object_Smart *o = eo_data_scope_get(eo_obj, MY_CLASS); if (!o) return NULL; return o->engine_data; } static void _class_constructor(Eo_Class *klass) { const Eo_Op_Func_Description func_desc[] = { EO_OP_FUNC(EO_BASE_ID(EO_BASE_SUB_ID_CONSTRUCTOR), _constructor), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SUB_ID_SMART_TYPE_CHECK), _smart_type_check), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SUB_ID_SMART_TYPE_CHECK_PTR), _smart_type_check_ptr), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_DATA_SET), _smart_data_set), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_SMART_GET), _smart_smart_get), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBER_ADD), _smart_member_add), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBER_DEL), _smart_member_del), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBERS_GET), _smart_members_get), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ITERATOR_NEW), _iterator_new), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACKS_DESCRIPTIONS_SET), _smart_callbacks_descriptions_set), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACKS_DESCRIPTIONS_GET), _smart_callbacks_descriptions_get), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACK_DESCRIPTION_FIND), _smart_callback_description_find), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_NEED_RECALCULATE_SET), _smart_need_recalculate_set), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_NEED_RECALCULATE_GET), _smart_need_recalculate_get), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALCULATE), _smart_calculate), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CHANGED), _smart_changed), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SUB_ID_SMART_DATA_GET), _smart_data_get), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ATTACH), _smart_attach), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ADD), _smart_add), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_DEL), _smart_del), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_RESIZE), _smart_resize), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MOVE), _smart_move), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_SHOW), _smart_show), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_HIDE), _smart_hide), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_COLOR_SET), _smart_color_set), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CLIP_SET), _smart_clip_set), EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_ID(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CLIP_UNSET), _smart_clip_unset), EO_OP_FUNC_SENTINEL }; eo_class_funcs_set(klass, func_desc); _evas_smart_class_names_hash_table = eina_hash_string_small_new(NULL); evas_smart_legacy_type_register(MY_CLASS_NAME, klass); } static void _class_destructor(Eo_Class *klass EINA_UNUSED) { eina_hash_free(_evas_smart_class_names_hash_table); } static const Eo_Op_Description op_desc[] = { EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_DATA_SET, "Store a pointer to user data for a given smart object."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_SMART_GET, "Get the #Evas_Smart from which obj smart object was created."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBER_ADD, "Set an Evas object as a member of a given smart object."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBER_DEL, "Removes a member object from a given smart object."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MEMBERS_GET, "Retrieves the list of the member objects of a given Evas smart"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ITERATOR_NEW, "Retrieves an iterator of the member object of a given Evas smart"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACKS_DESCRIPTIONS_SET, "Set an smart object instance's smart callbacks descriptions."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACKS_DESCRIPTIONS_GET, "Retrieve an smart object's know smart callback descriptions (both"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALLBACK_DESCRIPTION_FIND, "Find callback description for callback called name."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_NEED_RECALCULATE_SET, "Set or unset the flag signalling that a given smart object needs to"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_NEED_RECALCULATE_GET, "Get the value of the flag signalling that a given smart object needs to"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CALCULATE, "Call the calculate() smart function immediately on a given smart"), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CHANGED, "Mark smart object as changed, dirty."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ATTACH, "Attach an object to a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_ADD, "Add an object to a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_DEL, "Remove an object from a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_RESIZE, "Resize an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_MOVE, "Move an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_SHOW, "Show an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_HIDE, "Hide an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_COLOR_SET, "Set color of an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CLIP_SET, "Set a clipper of an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION(EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_CLIP_UNSET, "Unset a clipper of an object on a canvas."), EO_OP_DESCRIPTION_SENTINEL }; static const Eo_Class_Description class_desc = { EO_VERSION, MY_CLASS_NAME, EO_CLASS_TYPE_REGULAR, EO_CLASS_DESCRIPTION_OPS(&EVAS_OBJ_SMART_BASE_ID, op_desc, EVAS_OBJ_SMART_SUB_ID_LAST), NULL, sizeof(Evas_Object_Smart), _class_constructor, _class_destructor }; EO_DEFINE_CLASS(evas_object_smart_class_get, &class_desc, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS, EVAS_SMART_SIGNAL_INTERFACE, NULL);