class Efl.Ui.Button (Elm.Layout, Efl.Ui.Clickable, Efl.Ui.Autorepeat, Efl.Text, Elm.Interface.Atspi_Widget_Action) { [[Push-button widget Press it and run some function. It can contain a simple label and icon object and it also has an autorepeat feature. ]] legacy_prefix: elm_button; methods { } implements { class.constructor; Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Ui.Autorepeat.autorepeat_initial_timeout { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Autorepeat.autorepeat_gap_timeout { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Autorepeat.autorepeat_enabled { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Autorepeat.autorepeat_supported { get;} Elm.Widget.activate; Elm.Widget.focus_next_manager_is; Elm.Widget.focus_direction_manager_is; Elm.Widget.theme_apply; Elm.Widget.sub_object_del; Elm.Widget.widget_event; Elm.Layout.text_aliases { get; } Elm.Layout.content_aliases { get; } Elm.Layout.sizing_eval; Elm.Interface.Atspi_Widget_Action.elm_actions { get; } Efl.Part.part; Efl.Text.text { get; set; } } }