import efl_canvas_layout_types; class @beta Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part extends Efl.Object implements Efl.Gfx.Entity, Efl.Ui.Drag, Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Type_Provider { [[Common class for part proxy objects for @Efl.Canvas.Layout. As an @Efl.Part implementation class, all objects of this class are meant to be used for one and only one function call. In pseudo-code, the use of object of this type looks like the following: rect = layout.part("somepart").geometry_get(); ]] methods { @property state { [[The name and value of the current state of this part (read-only). This is the state name as it appears in EDC description blocks. A state has both a name and a value (double). The default state is "default" 0.0, but this function will return "" if the part is invalid. ]] get {} values { state: string(""); [[The name of the state.]] val: double(0.0); [[The value of the state.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.debug_name_override; Efl.Gfx.Entity.geometry { get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_value { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_size { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_dir { get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_step { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_step_move; Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_page { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Drag.drag_page_move; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Type_Provider.part_type { get; } } }