class @beta Efl.Net.Socket_Fd extends Efl.Loop_Fd implements Efl.Io.Reader_Fd, Efl.Io.Writer_Fd, Efl.Io.Closer_Fd, Efl.Net.Socket { [[A base implementation for sockets over filedescriptors (fd) This is the common class and takes an existing FD, usually created by an dialer or server. @Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_exec and @Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_invalidate are respected and default to $true. ]] methods { @property family { [[The address family (AF_*) family of this socket. It will be one of AF_INET (IPv4), AF_INET6 (IPv6), AF_UNIX... It must be set before the @Efl.Loop_Fd.fd.set is called with a valid file descriptor. ]] get { } set @protected { } values { family: int; [[Address family]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Loop_Fd.fd { set; } Efl.Io.Closer.close; Efl.Io.Closer.closed { get; }; Efl.Io.Reader.can_read { set; } Efl.Io.Reader.eos { set; } Efl.Io.Writer.write; Efl.Io.Writer.can_write { set; } Efl.Net.Socket.address_local { get; set; } Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote { get; set; } } }