
1472 lines
46 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Eina.h>
#include "Eolian.h"
#include "eo_lexer.h"
#include "eolian_database.h"
static int _eo_tokenizer_log_dom = -1;
#define CRITICAL(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef ERR
#undef ERR
#define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef WRN
#undef WRN
#define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef INF
#undef INF
#define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef DBG
#undef DBG
#define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
static int _init_counter = 0;
if (!_init_counter)
_eo_tokenizer_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("eo_toknz", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
return _init_counter++;
if (_init_counter <= 0) return 0;
if (!_init_counter)
_eo_tokenizer_log_dom = -1;
return _init_counter;
static void
_eo_tokenizer_abort(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz,
const char *file, const char* fct, int line,
const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
eina_log_vprint(_eo_tokenizer_log_dom, EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR,
file, fct, line, fmt, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "File:%s\n toknz[%d] n:%d l:%d p:%d pe:%d ts:%s te:%s act:%d\n",
toknz->cs, toknz->current_nesting, toknz->current_line,
(int)(toknz->p - toknz->buf), (int)(toknz->pe - toknz->buf),
toknz->ts, toknz->te, toknz->act);
#define ABORT(toknz, ...) \
_eo_tokenizer_abort(toknz, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__);
static void _eo_tokenizer_normalize_buf(char *buf)
int c;
char *s, *d;
Eina_Bool in_space = EINA_TRUE;
Eina_Bool in_newline = EINA_FALSE;
/* ' '+ -> ' '
* '\n' ' '* '*' ' '* -> '\n'
for (s = buf, d = buf; *s != '\0'; s++)
c = *s;
*d = c;
if (!in_space || (c != ' '))
if (c == ' ')
in_space = EINA_TRUE;
in_space = EINA_FALSE;
if (c == '\n')
in_newline = EINA_TRUE;
in_space = EINA_TRUE;
else if (in_newline && c == '*' )
in_space = EINA_TRUE;
in_newline = EINA_FALSE;
/* ' '+$ -> $ */
while (*d == ' ') d--;
if (d < buf) return;
*d = '\0';
static const char*
_eo_tokenizer_token_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
if (toknz->saved.tok == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "toknz->saved.tok is NULL");
char d[BUFSIZE];
int l = (p - toknz->saved.tok);
memcpy(d, toknz->saved.tok, l);
d[l] = '\0';
toknz->saved.tok = NULL;
DBG("token : >%s<", d);
return eina_stringshare_add(d);
static Eo_Class_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_class_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Class_Def *kls = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Class_Def));
if (kls == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Class_Def failure");
kls->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return kls;
static Eo_Property_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_property_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Property_Def *prop = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Property_Def));
if (prop == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Property_Def failure");
prop->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return prop;
static Eo_Method_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_method_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Method_Def *meth = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Method_Def));
if (meth == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Method_Def failure");
meth->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return meth;
static Eo_Param_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_param_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
char *s;
Eo_Param_Def *param = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Param_Def));
if (param == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Param_Def failure");
/* If @nonull is found, we set s as the end of the string and
update the boolean. Otherwise we set the end as the character
before the ';'.
We need to modify temporarily p because we want strstr to stop
at the ';' maximum. p represents the end of the string to search
*p = '\0';
s = strstr(toknz->saved.tok, "@nonull");
*p = ';';
if (s)
param->nonull = EINA_TRUE;
p = s;
s = p - 1; /* Don't look at the current character (';' or '@') */
/* Remove any space between the param name and ';'/@nonull
* This loop fixes the case where "char *name ;" becomes the type of the param.
while (*s == ' ') s--;
for (; s >= toknz->saved.tok; s--)
if ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '*'))
if (s == toknz->saved.tok)
ABORT(toknz, "wrong parameter: %s", _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p));
param->way = PARAM_IN;
if (strncmp(toknz->saved.tok, "@in ", 3) == 0)
toknz->saved.tok += 3;
param->way = PARAM_IN;
else if (strncmp(toknz->saved.tok, "@out ", 4) == 0)
toknz->saved.tok += 4;
param->way = PARAM_OUT;
else if (strncmp(toknz->saved.tok, "@inout ", 6) == 0)
toknz->saved.tok += 6;
param->way = PARAM_INOUT;
param->type = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, s);
toknz->saved.tok = s;
param->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return param;
static Eo_Accessor_Param*
_eo_tokenizer_accessor_param_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Accessor_Param *param = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Accessor_Param));
if (param == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Accessor_Param failure");
/* Remove the colon and spaces - we just need the param name */
while (*p == ':') p--;
while (*p == ' ') p--;
param->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return param;
static Eo_Accessor_Def *
_eo_tokenizer_accessor_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, Eo_Accessor_Type type)
Eo_Accessor_Def *accessor = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Accessor_Def));
if (accessor == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Accessor_Def failure");
accessor->type = type;
return accessor;
static Eo_Event_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_event_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Event_Def *sgn = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Event_Def));
if (sgn == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Event_Def failure");
sgn->name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return sgn;
static Eo_Implement_Def*
_eo_tokenizer_implement_get(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, char *p)
Eo_Implement_Def *impl = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Implement_Def));
if (impl == NULL) ABORT(toknz, "calloc Eo_Implement_Def failure");
impl->meth_name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, p);
return impl;
machine common;
access toknz->;
variable p toknz->p;
variable pe toknz->pe;
variable eof toknz->eof;
action inc_line {
toknz->current_line += 1;
DBG("inc[%d] %d", toknz->cs, toknz->current_line);
action save_line {
toknz->saved.line = toknz->current_line;
DBG("save line[%d] %d", toknz->cs, toknz->current_line);
action save_fpc {
toknz->saved.tok = fpc;
DBG("save token[%d] %p %c", toknz->cs, fpc, *fpc);
action show_comment {
DBG("comment[%d] line%03d:%03d", toknz->cs,
toknz->saved.line, toknz->current_line);
action show_ignore {
DBG("ignore[%d] line:%d", toknz->cs, toknz->current_line);
action show_error {
DBG("error[%d]", toknz->cs);
char *s, *d;
char buf[BUFSIZE];
for (s = fpc, d = buf; (s <= toknz->pe); s++)
if ((*s == '\r') || (*s == '\n'))
*d++ = *s;
*d = '\0';
ERR("error n:%d l:%d c:'%c': %s",
toknz->current_nesting, toknz->current_line, *fpc, buf);
toknz->cs = eo_tokenizer_error;
fbreak; /* necessary to stop scanners */
cr = '\n';
cr_neg = [^\n];
ws = [ \t\r];
newline = cr @inc_line;
ignore = (0x00..0x20 - cr) | newline;
alnum_u = alnum | '_';
alpha_u = alpha | '_';
ident = alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum | '_' )+;
event = alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum | '_' | ',' )+;
class_meth = alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum | '_' | '::' )+;
eo_comment = "/*@" ignore* ('@' | alnum_u) >save_fpc ( any | cr @inc_line )* :>> "*/";
c_comment = "/*" ( any | cr @inc_line )* :>> "*/";
cpp_comment = "//" (any - cr )* newline;
comment = ( c_comment | cpp_comment ) > save_line;
end_statement = ';';
begin_def = '{';
end_def = '}' end_statement?;
begin_list = '(';
end_list = ')';
list_separator = ',';
colon = ':';
machine eo_tokenizer;
include common;
write data;
action end_accessor_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor) ABORT(toknz, "No accessor!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.accessor->comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "accessor has already a comment");
toknz->tmp.accessor->comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-1);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.accessor->comment);
action end_accessor_rettype {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor) ABORT(toknz, "No accessor!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.type != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "accessor has already a return type");
toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.type = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.type);
action end_accessor_rettype_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor) ABORT(toknz, "No accessor!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "accessor return type has already a comment");
toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-2);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.comment);
action end_accessor_rettype_unused_flag {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor) ABORT(toknz, "No accessor!!!");
toknz->tmp.accessor->ret.warn_unused = EINA_TRUE;
action end_accessor_legacy {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor) ABORT(toknz, "No accessor!!!");
toknz->tmp.accessor->legacy = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action end_accessor {
INF(" }");
if (!toknz->tmp.prop) ABORT(toknz, "No prop!!!");
toknz->tmp.prop->accessors = eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.prop->accessors, toknz->tmp.accessor);
toknz->tmp.accessor = NULL;
fgoto tokenize_property;
action begin_param_desc {
toknz->tmp.accessor_param = _eo_tokenizer_accessor_param_get(toknz, fpc);
action end_param_desc {
if (!toknz->tmp.accessor_param)
ABORT(toknz, "No accessor param!!!");
toknz->tmp.accessor_param->attrs = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
toknz->tmp.accessor->params =
eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.accessor->params, toknz->tmp.accessor_param);
toknz->tmp.accessor_param = NULL;
rettype_flag = "@warn_unused" %end_accessor_rettype_unused_flag;
rettype_comment = ws* eo_comment %end_accessor_rettype_comment;
rettype = 'return' ws+ alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum_u | '*' | ws )+ %end_accessor_rettype rettype_flag? end_statement rettype_comment?;
legacy = 'legacy' ws+ ident %end_accessor_legacy end_statement;
param_desc = ident ws* colon %begin_param_desc ws* alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum_u | list_separator | ws)* %end_param_desc end_statement;
tokenize_accessor := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
eo_comment => end_accessor_comment;
comment => show_comment;
end_def => end_accessor;
any => show_error;
action end_param_comment {
const char *c = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-2);
if (toknz->tmp.param == NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "no parameter set to associate this comment to: %s", c);
toknz->tmp.param->comment = c;
toknz->tmp.param = NULL;
action end_param {
toknz->tmp.param = _eo_tokenizer_param_get(toknz, fpc);
if (toknz->tmp.params)
*(toknz->tmp.params) = eina_list_append(*(toknz->tmp.params), toknz->tmp.param);
ABORT(toknz, "got a param but there is no property nor method waiting for it");
INF(" %s : %s", toknz->tmp.param->name, toknz->tmp.param->type);
action end_params {
INF(" }");
toknz->tmp.param = NULL;
if (toknz->tmp.prop)
fgoto tokenize_property;
else if (toknz->tmp.meth)
fgoto tokenize_method;
ABORT(toknz, "leaving tokenize_params but there is no property nor method pending");
param_comment = ws* eo_comment %end_param_comment;
param = ('@'|alpha+) >save_fpc (alnum_u | '*' | '@' | ws )+ %end_param end_statement param_comment?;
tokenize_params := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
comment => show_comment;
end_def => end_params;
any => show_error;
action begin_property_get {
INF(" get {");
toknz->tmp.accessor = _eo_tokenizer_accessor_get(toknz, GETTER);
fgoto tokenize_accessor;
action begin_property_set {
INF(" set {");
toknz->tmp.accessor = _eo_tokenizer_accessor_get(toknz, SETTER);
fgoto tokenize_accessor;
action begin_property_keys {
INF(" keys {");
toknz->tmp.params = &(toknz->tmp.prop->keys);
fgoto tokenize_params;
action begin_property_values {
INF(" values {");
toknz->tmp.params = &(toknz->tmp.prop->values);
fgoto tokenize_params;
action end_property {
if (!toknz->tmp.prop) ABORT(toknz, "No property!!!");
if (eina_list_count(toknz->tmp.prop->values) == 0)
WRN("property '%s' has no values.", toknz->tmp.prop->name);
if (eina_list_count(toknz->tmp.prop->accessors) == 0)
WRN("property '%s' has no accessors.", toknz->tmp.prop->name);
INF(" }");
toknz->tmp.kls->properties = eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.kls->properties, toknz->tmp.prop);
toknz->tmp.prop = NULL;
fgoto tokenize_properties;
prop_get = 'get' ignore* begin_def;
prop_set = 'set' ignore* begin_def;
prop_keys = 'keys' ignore* begin_def;
prop_values = 'values' ignore* begin_def;
tokenize_property := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
comment => show_comment;
prop_get => begin_property_get;
prop_set => begin_property_set;
prop_keys => begin_property_keys;
prop_values => begin_property_values;
end_def => end_property;
any => show_error;
action begin_property {
if (!toknz->tmp.prop) ABORT(toknz, "No property!!!");
INF(" %s {", toknz->tmp.prop->name);
fgoto tokenize_property;
action end_property_name {
if (toknz->tmp.prop != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "there is a pending property definition %s", toknz->tmp.prop->name);
toknz->tmp.prop = _eo_tokenizer_property_get(toknz, fpc);
action end_properties {
INF(" }");
fgoto tokenize_class;
begin_property = ident %end_property_name ignore* begin_def;
tokenize_properties := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
comment => show_comment;
begin_property => begin_property;
end_def => end_properties;
any => show_error;
action end_method_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.meth->comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "method has already a comment");
toknz->tmp.meth->comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-1);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.meth->comment);
action begin_method_params {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
INF(" params {");
toknz->tmp.params = &(toknz->tmp.meth->params);
fgoto tokenize_params;
action end_method_rettype {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.meth->ret.type != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "method '%s' has already a return type", toknz->tmp.meth->name);
toknz->tmp.meth->ret.type = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.meth->ret.type);
action end_method_rettype_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.meth->ret.comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "method '%s' return type has already a comment", toknz->tmp.meth->name);
toknz->tmp.meth->ret.comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-2);
INF(" %s", toknz->tmp.meth->ret.comment);
action end_method_rettype_unused_flag{
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
toknz->tmp.meth->ret.warn_unused = EINA_TRUE;
action end_method_legacy {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
toknz->tmp.meth->legacy = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action end_method_obj_const{
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
toknz->tmp.meth->obj_const = EINA_TRUE;
INF(" obj const");
action end_method {
Eina_List **l;
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
if (eina_list_count(toknz->tmp.meth->params) == 0)
WRN("method '%s' has no parameters.", toknz->tmp.meth->name);
INF(" }");
switch (toknz->current_methods_type) {
l = &toknz->tmp.kls->constructors;
l = &toknz->tmp.kls->destructors;
l = &toknz->tmp.kls->methods;
ABORT(toknz, "unknown method type %d", toknz->current_methods_type);
toknz->tmp.meth->type = toknz->current_methods_type;
*l = eina_list_append(*l, toknz->tmp.meth);
toknz->tmp.meth = NULL;
fgoto tokenize_methods;
meth_params = 'params' ignore* begin_def;
meth_legacy = 'legacy' ws+ ident %end_method_legacy end_statement;
meth_rettype_flag = "@warn_unused" %end_method_rettype_unused_flag;
meth_rettype_comment = ws* eo_comment %end_method_rettype_comment;
meth_rettype = 'return' ws+ alpha+ >save_fpc (alnum_u | '*' | ws )+ %end_method_rettype meth_rettype_flag? end_statement meth_rettype_comment?;
meth_obj_const = 'const' %end_method_obj_const end_statement;
tokenize_method := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
eo_comment => end_method_comment;
comment => show_comment;
meth_params => begin_method_params;
end_def => end_method;
any => show_error;
action begin_method {
if (!toknz->tmp.meth) ABORT(toknz, "No method!!!");
INF(" %s {", toknz->tmp.meth->name);
fgoto tokenize_method;
action end_method_name {
if (toknz->tmp.meth != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "there is a pending method definition %s", toknz->tmp.meth->name);
toknz->tmp.meth = _eo_tokenizer_method_get(toknz, fpc);
action end_methods {
INF(" }");
toknz->current_methods_type = METH_TYPE_LAST;
fgoto tokenize_class;
begin_method = ident %end_method_name ignore* begin_def;
tokenize_methods := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
comment => show_comment;
begin_method => begin_method;
end_def => end_methods;
any => show_error;
action end_class_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.kls->comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "class %s has already a comment", toknz->tmp.kls->name);
toknz->tmp.kls->comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-1);
action end_str_item{
const char *base = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
toknz->tmp.str_items = eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.str_items, base);
action end_inherits {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
toknz->tmp.kls->inherits = toknz->tmp.str_items;
toknz->tmp.str_items = NULL;
action end_implements {
action end_events {
action begin_constructors {
INF(" constructors {");
toknz->current_methods_type = METH_CONSTRUCTOR;
fgoto tokenize_methods;
action begin_destructors {
INF(" destructors {");
toknz->current_methods_type = METH_DESTRUCTOR;
fgoto tokenize_methods;
action begin_properties {
INF(" properties {");
fgoto tokenize_properties;
action begin_methods {
INF(" begin methods");
toknz->current_methods_type = METH_REGULAR;
fgoto tokenize_methods;
action end_class {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
INF("end class: %s", toknz->tmp.kls->name);
toknz->classes = eina_list_append(toknz->classes, toknz->tmp.kls);
toknz->tmp.kls = NULL;
fgoto main;
action end_event_name {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
toknz->tmp.event = _eo_tokenizer_event_get(toknz, fpc);
toknz->tmp.kls->events = eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.kls->events, toknz->tmp.event);
action end_event_comment {
if (!toknz->tmp.event) ABORT(toknz, "No event!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.event->comment != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "event %s has already a comment", toknz->tmp.event->name);
toknz->tmp.event->comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-2);
toknz->tmp.event = NULL;
action end_legacy_prefix {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.kls->legacy_prefix != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "A legacy prefix has already been given");
toknz->tmp.kls->legacy_prefix = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
legacy_prefix = 'legacy_prefix' ignore* colon ignore* ident %end_legacy_prefix end_statement ignore*;
action end_eo_prefix {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.kls->eo_prefix != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "An Eo prefix has already been given");
toknz->tmp.kls->eo_prefix = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
eo_prefix = 'eo_prefix' ignore* colon ignore* ident %end_eo_prefix end_statement ignore*;
action end_data_type{
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.kls->data_type != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "A data type has already been given");
toknz->tmp.kls->data_type = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
data_type = 'data' ignore* colon ignore* ident %end_data_type end_statement ignore*;
class_it = ident %end_str_item ignore*;
class_it_next = list_separator ignore* class_it;
inherits = begin_list (class_it class_it_next*)? end_list %end_inherits;
action impl_meth_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
toknz->tmp.impl = _eo_tokenizer_implement_get(toknz, fpc);
toknz->tmp.kls->implements = eina_list_append(toknz->tmp.kls->implements, toknz->tmp.impl);
action impl_legacy_create {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl) ABORT(toknz, "No implement!!!");
if (toknz->tmp.impl->legacy)
ABORT(toknz, "Legacy section already allocated for implement item");
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Implement_Legacy_Def));
action impl_legacy_function_name_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl) ABORT(toknz, "No implement!!!");
if (!toknz->tmp.impl->legacy)
ABORT(toknz, "No legacy section");
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy->function_name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action impl_legacy_eo_param_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl) ABORT(toknz, "No implement!!!");
toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Implement_Legacy_Param_Def));
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy->params = eina_list_append(
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy->params, toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param);
toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param->eo_name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action impl_legacy_leg_param_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param)
ABORT(toknz, "No implement legacy param!!!");
toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param->legacy_name = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action impl_legacy_param_comment_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param)
ABORT(toknz, "No implement legacy param!!!");
toknz->tmp.impl_leg_param->comment = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc-2);
action impl_legacy_return_type_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl) ABORT(toknz, "No implement!!!");
if (!toknz->tmp.impl->legacy)
ABORT(toknz, "No legacy section");
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy->ret_type= _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
action impl_legacy_return_val_store {
if (!toknz->tmp.impl) ABORT(toknz, "No implement!!!");
if (!toknz->tmp.impl->legacy)
ABORT(toknz, "No legacy section");
toknz->tmp.impl->legacy->ret_value = _eo_tokenizer_token_get(toknz, fpc);
# legacy legacy_function_name
# {
# params {
# grp: NULL; /*@ in case 'grp' is in Eo but not in legacy, have to give default */
# file; /*@ in case the 'file' parameter is the same */
# :index; /*@ in case the param is in legacy but not in Eo */
# };
# return Eina_Bool::EINA_TRUE;
# };
impl_legacy_param_comment = ws* eo_comment %impl_legacy_param_comment_store;
impl_legacy_eo_param = ident %impl_legacy_eo_param_store;
impl_legacy_leg_param = ws* colon ws* ident %impl_legacy_leg_param_store ignore*;
impl_legacy_param = impl_legacy_eo_param? ws* impl_legacy_leg_param? end_statement impl_legacy_param_comment? ignore*;
impl_legacy_params = impl_legacy_param+;
impl_legacy_return = 'return' ws+ ident %impl_legacy_return_type_store '::' ident %impl_legacy_return_val_store end_statement ignore*;
impl_legacy_body = 'params' ignore* begin_def ignore* impl_legacy_params ignore* end_def ignore* impl_legacy_return? ignore*;
impl_legacy_function_name = ident %impl_legacy_function_name_store;
impl_legacy_token = 'legacy' %impl_legacy_create;
impl_body = impl_legacy_token ws* impl_legacy_function_name? ignore* (end_statement | (begin_def ignore* impl_legacy_body ignore* end_def)) ignore*;
# class::func ; or { ... }
impl_it = class_meth %impl_meth_store ignore* (end_statement | (begin_def ignore* impl_body ignore* end_def)) ignore*;
# implements { ... }
implements = 'implements' ignore* begin_def ignore* impl_it* end_def;
event_comment = ws* eo_comment %end_event_comment;
event_it = event %end_event_name ignore* end_statement event_comment? ignore*;
events = 'events' ignore* begin_def ignore* event_it* end_def;
constructors = 'constructors' ignore* begin_def;
destructors = 'destructors' ignore* begin_def;
properties = 'properties' ignore* begin_def;
methods = 'methods' ignore* begin_def;
tokenize_class := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
eo_comment => end_class_comment;
comment => show_comment;
implements => end_implements;
events => end_events;
constructors => begin_constructors;
destructors => begin_destructors;
properties => begin_properties;
methods => begin_methods;
end_def => end_class;
any => show_error;
###### TOP LEVEL
action begin_class {
if (!toknz->tmp.kls) ABORT(toknz, "No class!!!");
INF("begin class: %s", toknz->tmp.kls->name);
fgoto tokenize_class;
action class_type_set_to_class {
toknz->tmp.kls_type = EOLIAN_CLASS_REGULAR;
action class_type_set_to_abstract {
toknz->tmp.kls_type = EOLIAN_CLASS_ABSTRACT;
action class_type_set_to_mixin {
toknz->tmp.kls_type = EOLIAN_CLASS_MIXIN;
action class_type_set_to_interface {
toknz->tmp.kls_type = EOLIAN_CLASS_INTERFACE;
action end_class_name {
if (toknz->tmp.kls != NULL)
ABORT(toknz, "there is a pending class definition %s", toknz->tmp.kls->name);
toknz->tmp.kls = _eo_tokenizer_class_get(toknz, fpc);
toknz->tmp.kls->type = toknz->tmp.kls_type;
class_name = ident %end_class_name;
begin_class = (
"class" %class_type_set_to_class |
"mixin" %class_type_set_to_mixin |
"abstract" %class_type_set_to_abstract |
"interface" %class_type_set_to_interface) ws+ class_name ws* inherits? ignore* begin_def;
main := |*
ignore+; #=> show_ignore;
comment => show_comment;
begin_class => begin_class;
any => show_error;
eo_tokenizer_walk(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, const char *source)
INF("tokenize %s...", source);
toknz->source = eina_stringshare_add(source);
FILE *stream;
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_TRUE;
int done = 0;
int have = 0;
int offset = 0;
stream = fopen(toknz->source, "rb");
if (!stream)
ERR("unable to read in %s", toknz->source);
return EINA_FALSE;
%% write init;
while (!done)
int len;
int space;
toknz->p = toknz->buf + have;
space = BUFSIZE - have;
if (space == 0)
ABORT(toknz, "out of buffer space");
len = fread(toknz->p, 1, space, stream);
if (len == 0) break;
toknz->pe = toknz->p + len;
if (len < space)
toknz->eof = toknz->pe;
done = 1;
%% write exec;
if ( toknz->cs == %%{ write error; }%% )
ERR("%s: wrong termination", source);
if ( toknz->ts == 0 )
have = 0;
DBG("move data and pointers before buffer feed");
have = toknz->pe - toknz->ts;
offset = toknz->ts - toknz->buf;
memmove(toknz->buf, toknz->ts, have);
toknz->te -= offset;
toknz->ts = toknz->buf;
if (toknz->saved.tok != NULL)
if ((have == 0) || ((toknz->saved.tok - offset) < toknz->buf))
WRN("reset lost saved token %p", toknz->saved.tok);
toknz->saved.tok = NULL;
toknz->saved.tok -= offset;
return ret;
static Eina_Bool
eo_tokenizer_mem_walk(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz, const char *source, char *buffer, unsigned int len)
INF("tokenize %s...", source);
toknz->source = eina_stringshare_add(source);
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_TRUE;
if (!len)
ERR("%s: given size is 0", source);
return EINA_FALSE;
if (len > BUFSIZE)
ERR("%s: buffer not enough big. Required size: %d", source, len);
return EINA_FALSE;
%% write init;
toknz->p = buffer;
toknz->pe = toknz->p + len;
toknz->eof = toknz->pe;
%% write exec;
if ( toknz->cs == %%{ write error; }%% )
ERR("%s: wrong termination", source);
return ret;
Eo_Tokenizer *toknz = calloc(1, sizeof(Eo_Tokenizer));
if (!toknz) return NULL;
toknz->ts = NULL;
toknz->te = NULL;
/* toknz->top = 0; */
toknz->source = NULL;
toknz->max_nesting = 10;
toknz->current_line = 1;
toknz->current_nesting = 0;
toknz->current_methods_type = METH_TYPE_LAST;
toknz->saved.tok = NULL;
toknz->saved.line = 0;
toknz->classes = NULL;
return toknz;
static char *_accessor_type_str[ACCESSOR_TYPE_LAST] = { "setter", "getter" };
static char *_param_way_str[PARAM_WAY_LAST] = { "IN", "OUT", "INOUT" };
eo_tokenizer_dump(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz)
const char *s;
Eina_List *k, *l, *m;
Eo_Class_Def *kls;
Eo_Property_Def *prop;
Eo_Method_Def *meth;
Eo_Param_Def *param;
Eo_Accessor_Def *accessor;
Eo_Event_Def *sgn;
/* Eo_Ret_Def *ret; */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(toknz->classes, k, kls)
printf("Class: %s (%s)\n",
kls->name, (kls->comment ? kls->comment : "-"));
printf(" inherits from :");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->inherits, l, s)
printf(" %s", s);
printf(" implements:");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->implements, l, s)
printf(" %s", s);
printf(" events:\n");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->events, l, sgn)
printf(" %s (%s)\n", sgn->name, sgn->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->constructors, l, meth)
printf(" constructors: %s\n", meth->name);
printf(" return: %s (%s)\n", meth->ret.type, meth->ret.comment);
printf(" legacy : %s\n", meth->legacy);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
printf(" param: %s %s : %s (%s)\n",
_param_way_str[param->way], param->name,
param->type, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->destructors, l, meth)
printf(" destructors: %s\n", meth->name);
printf(" return: %s (%s)\n", meth->ret.type, meth->ret.comment);
printf(" legacy : %s\n", meth->legacy);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
printf(" param: %s %s : %s (%s)\n",
_param_way_str[param->way], param->name,
param->type, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->properties, l, prop)
printf(" property: %s\n", prop->name);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->keys, m, param)
printf(" key: %s : %s (%s)\n",
param->name, param->type, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->values, m, param)
printf(" value: %s : %s (%s)\n",
param->name, param->type, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->accessors, m, accessor)
printf(" accessor: %s : %s (%s)\n",
accessor->ret.type, _accessor_type_str[accessor->type],
printf(" legacy : %s\n", accessor->legacy);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->methods, l, meth)
printf(" method: %s\n", meth->name);
printf(" return: %s (%s)\n", meth->ret.type, meth->ret.comment);
printf(" legacy : %s\n", meth->legacy);
printf(" obj_const : %s\n", meth->obj_const?"true":"false");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
printf(" param: %s %s : %s (%s)\n",
_param_way_str[param->way], param->name,
param->type, param->comment);
eo_tokenizer_database_fill(const char *filename)
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE;
const char *s;
Eina_List *k, *l, *m;
Eo_Class_Def *kls;
Eo_Property_Def *prop;
Eo_Method_Def *meth;
Eo_Param_Def *param;
Eo_Accessor_Def *accessor;
Eo_Event_Def *event;
Eo_Implement_Def *impl;
FILE *stream = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
Eo_Tokenizer *toknz = eo_tokenizer_get();
if (!toknz)
ERR("can't create eo_tokenizer");
goto end;
stream = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!stream)
ERR("unable to read in %s", filename);
goto end;
buffer = malloc(BUFSIZE);
unsigned int len = fread(buffer, 1, BUFSIZE, stream);
if (!eo_tokenizer_mem_walk(toknz, filename, buffer, len)) goto end;
if (!toknz->classes)
ERR("No classes for file %s", filename);
goto end;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(toknz->classes, k, kls)
database_class_add(kls->name, kls->type);
database_class_file_set(kls->name, filename);
if (kls->comment) database_class_description_set(kls->name, kls->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->inherits, l, s)
database_class_inherit_add(kls->name, s);
if (kls->legacy_prefix)
database_class_legacy_prefix_set(kls->name, kls->legacy_prefix);
if (kls->eo_prefix)
database_class_eo_prefix_set(kls->name, kls->eo_prefix);
if (kls->data_type)
database_class_data_type_set(kls->name, kls->data_type);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->constructors, l, meth)
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new(meth->name, CONSTRUCTOR);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
database_function_description_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_RETURN_COMMENT, meth->ret.comment);
database_function_data_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_LEGACY, meth->legacy);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
database_method_parameter_add(foo_id, (Eolian_Parameter_Dir)param->way, param->type, param->name, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->destructors, l, meth)
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new(meth->name, DESTRUCTOR);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
database_function_description_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_RETURN_COMMENT, meth->ret.comment);
database_function_data_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_LEGACY, meth->legacy);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
database_method_parameter_add(foo_id, (Eolian_Parameter_Dir)param->way, param->type, param->name, param->comment);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->properties, l, prop)
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new(prop->name, UNRESOLVED);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->keys, m, param)
Eolian_Function_Parameter p = database_property_key_add(
foo_id, param->type, param->name, param->comment);
database_parameter_nonull_set(p, param->nonull);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->values, m, param)
Eolian_Function_Parameter p = database_property_value_add(
foo_id, param->type, param->name, param->comment);
database_parameter_nonull_set(p, param->nonull);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(prop->accessors, m, accessor)
database_function_type_set(foo_id, (accessor->type == SETTER?SET:GET));
if (accessor->ret.type)
accessor->type == SETTER?SET:GET, accessor->ret.type);
accessor->type == SETTER?SET:GET, accessor->ret.warn_unused);
Eo_Accessor_Param *acc_param;
Eina_List *m2;
/* Only in get access, we check const attribute */
if (accessor->type == GETTER)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(accessor->params, m2, acc_param)
Eolian_Function_Parameter desc = eolian_function_parameter_get(foo_id, acc_param->name);
if (!desc)
printf("Error - %s not known as parameter of property %s\n", acc_param->name, prop->name);
if (strstr(acc_param->attrs, "const"))
database_parameter_get_const_attribute_set(desc, EINA_TRUE);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->methods, l, meth)
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new(meth->name, METHOD_FUNC);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
database_function_data_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE, meth->ret.type);
database_function_description_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_RETURN_COMMENT, meth->ret.comment);
database_function_return_flag_set_as_warn_unused(foo_id, METHOD_FUNC, meth->ret.warn_unused);
database_function_description_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_COMMENT, meth->comment);
database_function_data_set(foo_id, EOLIAN_LEGACY, meth->legacy);
database_function_object_set_as_const(foo_id, meth->obj_const);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(meth->params, m, param)
Eolian_Function_Parameter p = database_method_parameter_add(foo_id,
(Eolian_Parameter_Dir)param->way, param->type, param->name, param->comment);
database_parameter_nonull_set(p, param->nonull);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->implements, l, impl)
const char *class = impl->meth_name;
Eina_Bool virtual_pure = EINA_FALSE;
if (!strcmp(class, "Eo_Base::constructor"))
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new("constructor", DFLT_CONSTRUCTOR);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
if (!strcmp(class, "Eo_Base::destructor"))
Eolian_Function foo_id = database_function_new("destructor", DFLT_DESTRUCTOR);
database_class_function_add(kls->name, foo_id);
if (!strcmp(class, "class::constructor"))
database_class_ctor_enable_set(kls->name, EINA_TRUE);
if (!strcmp(class, "class::destructor"))
database_class_dtor_enable_set(kls->name, EINA_TRUE);
if (!strncmp(class, "virtual::", 9)) virtual_pure = EINA_TRUE;
char *func = strstr(class, "::");
if (func) *func = '\0';
func += 2;
Eolian_Function_Type ftype = UNRESOLVED;
char *type_as_str = strstr(func, "::");
if (type_as_str)
*type_as_str = '\0';
if (!strcmp(type_as_str+2, "set")) ftype = SET;
else if (!strcmp(type_as_str+2, "get")) ftype = GET;
if (virtual_pure)
/* Search the function into the existing functions of the current class */
Eolian_Function foo_id = eolian_class_function_find_by_name(
kls->name, func, ftype);
if (!foo_id)
ERR("Error - %s not known in class %s", class + 9, kls->name);
goto end;
Eolian_Implement impl_desc = database_implement_new(class, func, ftype);
if (impl->legacy)
Eo_Implement_Legacy_Def *eo_leg = impl->legacy;
Eolian_Implement_Legacy leg = database_implement_legacy_add(
impl_desc, eo_leg->function_name);
database_implement_legacy_return_add(leg, eo_leg->ret_type, eo_leg->ret_value);
if (eo_leg->params)
Eina_List *itr;
Eo_Implement_Legacy_Param_Def *p;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(eo_leg->params, itr, p)
database_implement_legacy_param_add(leg, p->eo_name,
p->legacy_name, p->comment);
database_class_implement_add(kls->name, impl_desc);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(kls->events, l, event)
Eolian_Event ev = database_event_new(event->name, event->comment);
database_class_event_add(kls->name, ev);
ret = EINA_TRUE;
if (buffer) free(buffer);
if (stream) fclose(stream);
if (toknz) eo_tokenizer_free(toknz);
return ret;
eo_tokenizer_free(Eo_Tokenizer *toknz)
Eo_Class_Def *kls;
if (toknz->source)
EINA_LIST_FREE(toknz->classes, kls)