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/* EINA - EFL data type library
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Carsten Haitzler, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri,
* Vincent Torri, Jorge Luis Zapata Muga, Cedric Bail
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library;
* if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef EINA_HASH_H_
#define EINA_HASH_H_
#include "eina_types.h"
#include "eina_iterator.h"
* @page hash_01_example_page Eina_Hash in action
* @dontinclude eina_hash_01.c
* We are going to store some tuples into our table, that will map each @a name
* to a @a number. The cost to access a given number from the name should be
* very small, even with many entries in our table. This is the initial data:
* @skip _Phone_Entry
* @until // _start_entries
* Before starting to play with the hash, let's write a callback that will be
* used to free the elements from it. Since we are just storing strduped
* strings, we just need to free them:
* @skip static
* @until }
* We also need a callback to iterate over the elements of the list later, so
* we are defining it now:
* @skip Eina_Bool
* @until }
* Now let's create our @ref Eina_Hash using @ref
* eina_hash_string_superfast_new :
* @skip eina_init
* @until phone_book
* Now we add the keys and data to the hash using @ref eina_hash_add . This
* means that the key is copied inside the table, together with the pointer to
* the data (phone numbers).
* @skip for
* @until }
* Some basic manipulations with the hash, like finding a value given a key,
* deleting an entry, modifying an entry are exemplified in the following lines.
* Notice that the @ref eina_hash_modify function returns the old value stored
* in that entry, and it needs to be freed, while the @ref eina_hash_del
* function already calls our free callback:
* @skip Look for
* @until free(
* The @ref eina_hash_set function can be used to set a key-value entry to the
* table if it doesn't exist, or to modify an existent entry. It returns the old
* entry if it was already set, and NULL otherwise. But since it will
* return NULL on error too, we need to check if an error has occurred:
* @skip Modify
* @until printf("\n");
* There are different ways of iterate over the entries of a hash. Here we show
* two of them: using @ref eina_hash_foreach and @ref Eina_Iterator .
* @skip List of phones
* @until eina_iterator_free(it);
* It's also possible to change the key for a specific entry, without having to
* remove the entry from the table and adding it again:
* @skipline eina_hash_move
* We can remove all the elements from the table without free the table itself:
* @skip Empty the phone book
* @until eina_hash_population
* Or free the the entire table with its content:
* @skipline eina_hash_free
* The full code for this example can be seen here: @ref eina_hash_01_c
* @page eina_hash_01_c Hash table in action
* @include eina_hash_01.c
* @example eina_hash_01.c
* @page hash_02_example_page Different types of tables
* This example shows two more types of hash tables that can be created using
* @ref Eina_Hash . For more types, consult the reference documentation of @ref
* eina_hash_new.
* @include eina_hash_02.c
* @example eina_hash_02.c
* @example eina_hash_03.c
* Same example as @ref hash_01_example_page but using a "string small" hash
* table instead of "string superfast".
* @example eina_hash_04.c
* Same example as @ref hash_01_example_page but using a "string djb2" hash
* table instead of "string superfast".
* @example eina_hash_05.c
* Same example as @ref hash_01_example_page but using a "int32" hash
* table instead of "string superfast".
* @example eina_hash_06.c
* Same example as @ref hash_01_example_page but using a "int64" hash
* table instead of "string superfast".
* @example eina_hash_07.c
* Same example as @ref hash_01_example_page but using a "pointer" hash
* table instead of "string superfast".
* @example eina_hash_08.c
* This example shows the the usage of eina_hash_add(), eina_hash_add_by_hash(),
* eina_hash_direct_add_by_hash(), eina_hash_del(), eina_hash_del_by_key_hash(),
* eina_hash_del_by_key(), eina_hash_del_by_data(), eina_hash_find_by_hash() and
* eina_hash_modify_by_hash().
* @addtogroup Eina_Hash_Group Hash Table
* @brief Hash table management. Useful for mapping keys to values.
* The hash table is useful for when one wants to implement a table that maps
* keys (usually strings) to data, and have relatively fast access time. The
* performance is proportional to the load factor of the table (number of
* elements / number of buckets). See @ref hashtable_algo for implementation
* details.
* Different implementations exists depending on what kind of key will be used
* to access the data: strings, integers, pointers, stringshared or your own.
* Eina hash tables can copy the keys when using eina_hash_add() or not when
* using eina_hash_direct_add().
* @section hashtable_algo Algorithm
* The Eina_Hash is implemented using an array of N "buckets", where each
* bucket is a pointer to a structure that is the head of a <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-black_tree">red-black tree</a>. The
* array can then be indexed by the [hash_of_element mod N]. The
* hash_of_element is calculated using the hashing function, passed as
* parameter to the @ref eina_hash_new function. N is the number of buckets
* (array positions), and is calculated based on the buckets_power_size
* (argument of @ref eina_hash_new too). The following picture illustrates the
* basic idea:
* @htmlonly
* <img src="01_hash-table.png" width="500" />
* @endhtmlonly
* @image latex 01_hash-table.eps
* Adding an element to the hash table is made of:
* @li calculating the hash for that key (using the specified hash function);
* @li calculate the array position [hash mod N];
* @li add the element to the rbtree on that position.
* The two first steps have constant time, proportional to the hash function
* being used. Adding the key to the rbtree will be proportional on the number
* of keys on that bucket.
* The average cost of lookup depends on the number of keys per
* bucket (load factor) of the table, if the distribution of keys is
* sufficiently uniform.
* @section hashtable_perf Performance
* As said before, the performance depends on the load factor. So trying to keep
* the load factor as small as possible will improve the hash table performance. But
* increasing the buckets_power_size will also increase the memory consumption.
* The default hash table creation functions already have a good number of
* buckets, enough for most cases. Particularly for strings, if just a few keys
* (less than 30) will be added to the hash table, @ref
* eina_hash_string_small_new should be used, since it will reduce the memory
* consumption for the buckets, and you still won't have many collisions.
* However, @ref eina_hash_string_small_new still uses the same hash calculation
* function that @ref eina_hash_string_superfast_new, which is more complex than
* @ref eina_hash_string_djb2_new. The latter has a faster hash computation
* function, but that will imply on a not so good distribution. But if just a
* few keys are being added, this is not a problem, it will still have not many
* collisions and be faster to calculate the hash than in a hash created with
* @ref eina_hash_string_small_new and @ref eina_hash_string_superfast_new.
* A simple comparison between them would be:
* @li @c djb2 - faster hash function - 256 buckets (higher memory consumption)
* @li @c string_small - slower hash function but less collisions - 32 buckets
* (lower memory consumption)
* @li @c string_superfast - slower hash function but less collisions - 256 buckets
* (higher memory consumption) - not randomized, avoid it on public remote interface.
* Basically for a very small number of keys (10 or less), @c djb2 should be
* used, or @c string_small if you have a restriction on memory usage. And for a
* higher number of keys, @c string_superfast should be preferred if not used on a
* public remote interface.
* If just stringshared keys are being added, use @ref
* eina_hash_stringshared_new. If a lot of keys will be added to the hash table
* (e.g. more than 1000), then it's better to increase the buckets_power_size.
* See @ref eina_hash_new for more details.
* When adding a new key to a hash table, use @ref eina_hash_add or @ref
* eina_hash_direct_add (the latter if this key is already stored elsewhere). If
* the key may be already inside the hash table, instead of checking with
* @ref eina_hash_find and then doing @ref eina_hash_add, one can use just @ref
* eina_hash_set (this will change the data pointed by this key if it was
* already present in the table).
* @section hashtable_tutorial Tutorial
* These examples show many Eina_Hash functions in action:
* <ul>
* <li> @ref hash_01_example_page
* <li> @ref hash_02_example_page
* <li> Different types of hash in use:
* <ul>
* <li> @ref eina_hash_03.c "string small"
* <li> @ref eina_hash_04.c "string djb2"
* <li> @ref eina_hash_05.c "int32"
* <li> @ref eina_hash_06.c "int64"
* <li> @ref eina_hash_07.c "pointer"
* </ul>
* <li> @ref eina_hash_08.c "Different add and delete functions"
* </ul>
* @addtogroup Eina_Data_Types_Group Data Types
* @{
* @addtogroup Eina_Containers_Group Containers
* @{
* @defgroup Eina_Hash_Group Hash Table
* @{
* @typedef Eina_Hash
* Type for a generic hash table.
typedef struct _Eina_Hash Eina_Hash;
* @typedef Eina_Hash_Tuple
* Type for a hash table of key/value pairs.
typedef struct _Eina_Hash_Tuple Eina_Hash_Tuple;
* @struct _Eina_Hash_Tuple
* Data for a hash table of key/value pairs.
struct _Eina_Hash_Tuple
const void *key; /**< The key */
void *data; /**< The data associated to the key */
unsigned int key_length; /**< The length of the key */
* @typedef Eina_Key_Length
* Type for a function to determine the length of a hash key.
typedef unsigned int (*Eina_Key_Length)(const void *key);
* @param Function The function used to calculate length of hash key.
#define EINA_KEY_LENGTH(Function) ((Eina_Key_Length)Function)
* @typedef Eina_Key_Cmp
* Type for a function to compare two hash keys.
typedef int (*Eina_Key_Cmp)(const void *key1, int key1_length, const void *key2, int key2_length);
* @param Function The function used to compare hash key.
#define EINA_KEY_CMP(Function) ((Eina_Key_Cmp)Function)
* @typedef Eina_Key_Hash
* Type for a function to create a hash key.
typedef int (*Eina_Key_Hash)(const void *key, int key_length);
* @param Function The function used to hash key.
#define EINA_KEY_HASH(Function) ((Eina_Key_Hash)Function)
* @typedef Eina_Hash_Foreach
* Type for a function to iterate over a hash table.
typedef Eina_Bool (*Eina_Hash_Foreach)(const Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key, void *data, void *fdata);
* @brief Create a new hash table.
* @param key_length_cb The function called when getting the size of the key.
* @param key_cmp_cb The function called when comparing the keys.
* @param key_hash_cb The function called when getting the values.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table is
* freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @param buckets_power_size The size of the buckets.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table using user-defined callbacks
* to manage the hash table. On failure, @c NULL is returned.
* If @p key_cmp_cb or @p key_hash_cb
* are @c NULL, @c NULL is returned. If @p buckets_power_size is
* smaller or equal than 2, or if it is greater or equal than 17,
* @c NULL is returned.
* The number of buckets created will be 2 ^ @p buckets_power_size. This means
* that if @p buckets_power_size is 5, there will be created 32 buckets. for a
* @p buckets_power_size of 8, there will be 256 buckets.
* Pre-defined functions are available to create a hash table. See
* eina_hash_string_djb2_new(), eina_hash_string_superfast_new(),
* eina_hash_string_small_new(), eina_hash_int32_new(),
* eina_hash_int64_new(), eina_hash_pointer_new() and
* eina_hash_stringshared_new().
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_new(Eina_Key_Length key_length_cb,
Eina_Key_Cmp key_cmp_cb,
Eina_Key_Hash key_hash_cb,
Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb,
* @brief Redefine the callback that clean the data of a hash
* @param hash The given hash table
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash
* table is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback to remove an existing callback.
* The argument received by @p data_free_cb will be that data of the item being
* removed.
* @since 1.1
* @see eina_hash_new.
EAPI void eina_hash_free_cb_set(Eina_Hash *hash, Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief Create a new hash table using the djb2 algorithm.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table using the djb2 algorithm for
* table management and strcmp() to compare the keys. Values can then
* be looked up with pointers other than the original key pointer that
* was used to add values. On failure, this function returns @c NULL.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_string_djb2_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table for use with strings.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table using the superfast algorithm
* for table management and strcmp() to compare the keys. Values can
* then be looked up with pointers other than the original key pointer
* that was used to add values. On failure, this function returns
* @c NULL.
* NOTE: don't use this kind of hash when their is a possibility to remotely
* request and push data in it. This hash is subject to denial of service.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_string_superfast_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table for use with strings with small bucket size.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table using the superfast algorithm
* for table management and strcmp() to compare the keys, but with a
* smaller bucket size (compared to eina_hash_string_superfast_new())
* which will minimize the memory used by the returned hash
* table. Values can then be looked up with pointers other than the
* original key pointer that was used to add values. On failure, this
* function returns @c NULL.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_string_small_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table for use with 32bit integers.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table where keys are 32bit integers.
* When adding or looking up in the hash table, pointers to 32bit integers
* must be passed. They can be addresses on the stack if you let the
* eina_hash copy the key. Values can then
* be looked up with pointers other than the original key pointer that was
* used to add values. This method is not suitable to match string keys as
* it would only match the first character.
* On failure, this function returns @c NULL.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_int32_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table for use with 64bit integers.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table where keys are 64bit integers.
* When adding or looking up in the hash table, pointers to 64bit integers
* must be passed. They can be addresses on the stack. Values can then
* be looked up with pointers other than the original key pointer that was
* used to add values. This method is not suitable to match string keys as
* it would only match the first character.
* On failure, this function returns @c NULL.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_int64_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table for use with pointers.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table using the int64/int32 algorithm for
* table management and dereferenced pointers to compare the
* keys. Values can then be looked up with pointers other than the
* original key pointer that was used to add values. This method may
* appear to be able to match string keys, actually it only matches
* the first character. On failure, this function returns @c NULL.
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_pointer_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Create a new hash table optimized for stringshared values.
* @param data_free_cb The function called on each value when the hash table
* is freed, or when an item is deleted from it. @c NULL can be passed as
* callback.
* @return The new hash table.
* This function creates a new hash table optimized for stringshared
* values. Values CAN NOT be looked up with pointers not
* equal to the original key pointer that was used to add a value. On failure,
* this function returns @c NULL.
* Excerpt of code that will NOT work with this type of hash:
* @code
* extern Eina_Hash *hash;
* extern const char *value;
* const char *a = eina_stringshare_add("key");
* eina_hash_add(hash, a, value);
* eina_hash_find(hash, "key")
* @endcode
EAPI Eina_Hash *eina_hash_stringshared_new(Eina_Free_Cb data_free_cb);
* @brief Add an entry to the given hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key A unique key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param data Data to associate with the string given by @p key. Cannot be @c
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function adds @p key to @p hash. @p key is
* expected to be unique within the hash table. Key uniqueness varies
* depending on the type of @p hash: a stringshared @ref Eina_Hash
* need to have unique pointers (which implies unique strings).
* All other string hash types require the strings
* themselves to be unique. Pointer, int32 and int64 hashes need to have these
* values as unique. Failure to use sufficient uniqueness will
* result in unexpected results when inserting data pointers accessed
* with eina_hash_find(), and removed with eina_hash_del(). Key
* strings are case sensitive. This function returns #EINA_FALSE if an error
* occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_add(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief Add an entry to the given hash table without duplicating the string
* key.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key A unique key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param data Data to associate with the string given by @p key. Cannot be @c
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function adds @p key to @p hash. @p key is
* expected to be unique within the hash table. Key uniqueness varies
* depending on the type of @p hash: a stringshared @ref Eina_Hash
* need have unique pointers (which implies unique strings).
* All other string hash types require the strings
* themselves to be unique. Pointer, int32 and int64 hashes need to have these
* values as unique. Failure to use sufficient uniqueness will
* result in unexpected results when inserting data pointers accessed
* with eina_hash_find(), and removed with eina_hash_del(). This
* function does not make a copy of @p key, so it must be a string
* constant or stored elsewhere ( in the object being added). Key
* strings are case sensitive. This function returns #EINA_FALSE if an error
* occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_direct_add(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief Remove the entry identified by a key or a data from the given
* hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param key The key.
* @param data The data pointer to remove if the key is @c NULL.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function removes the entry identified by @p key or @p data
* from @p hash. If a free function was given to the
* callback on creation, it will be called for the data being
* deleted. If @p hash is @c NULL, the functions returns immediately #EINA_FALSE.
* If @p key is @c NULL, then @p data is used to find the a
* match to remove, otherwise @p key is used and @p data is not
* required and can be @c NULL. This function returns #EINA_FALSE if
* an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @note if you know you already have the key, use
* eina_hash_del_by_key() or eina_hash_del_by_key_hash(). If you
* know you don't have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_data()
* directly.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_del(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief Retrieve a specific entry in the given hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param key The key of the entry to find.
* @return The data pointer for the stored entry on success, @c NULL
* otherwise.
* This function retrieves the entry associated to @p key in
* @p hash. If @p hash is @c NULL, this function returns immediately
* @c NULL. This function returns the data pointer on success, @c NULL
* otherwise.
EAPI void *eina_hash_find(const Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(2);
* @brief Modify the entry pointer at the specified key and return the old
* entry.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param key The key of the entry to modify.
* @param data The data to replace the old entry.
* @return The data pointer for the old stored entry on success, or
* @c NULL otherwise.
* This function modifies the data of @p key with @p data in @p
* hash. If no entry is found, nothing is added to @p hash. On success
* this function returns the old entry, otherwise it returns @c NULL.
EAPI void *eina_hash_modify(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief Modify the entry pointer at the specified key and return the
* old entry or add the entry if not found.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param key The key of the entry to modify.
* @param data The data to replace the old entry
* @return The data pointer for the old stored entry, or @c NULL
* otherwise.
* This function modifies the data of @p key with @p data in @p
* hash. If no entry is found, @p data is added to @p hash with the
* key @p key. On success this function returns the old entry,
* otherwise it returns @c NULL.
EAPI void *eina_hash_set(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Change the key associated with a data without triggering the
* free callback.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param old_key The current key associated with the data
* @param new_key The new key to associate data with
* @return #EINA_FALSE in any case but success, #EINA_TRUE on success.
* This function allows for the move of data from one key to another,
* but does not call the Eina_Free_Cb associated with the hash table
* when destroying the old key.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_move(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *old_key,
const void *new_key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* Free the given hash table resources.
* @param hash The hash table to be freed.
* This function frees up all the memory allocated to storing @p hash,
* and call the free callback if it has been passed to the hash table
* at creation time. If no free callback has been passed, any entries
* in the table that the program has no more pointers for elsewhere
* may now be lost, so this should only be called if the program has
* already freed any allocated data in the hash table or has the
* pointers for data in the table stored elsewhere as well. If @p hash
* is @c NULL, the function returns immediately.
* Example:
* @code
* extern Eina_Hash *hash;
* eina_hash_free(hash);
* hash = NULL;
* @endcode
EAPI void eina_hash_free(Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* Free the given hash table buckets resources.
* @param hash The hash table whose buckets have to be freed.
* This function frees up all the memory allocated to storing the
* buckets of @p hash, and calls the free callback on all hash table
* buckets if it has been passed to the hash table at creation time,
* then frees the buckets. If no free callback has been passed, no
* buckets value will be freed. If @p hash is @c NULL, the function
* returns immediately.
EAPI void eina_hash_free_buckets(Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief Returns the number of entries in the given hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @return The number of entries in the hash table.
* This function returns the number of entries in @p hash, or 0 on
* error. If @p hash is @c NULL, @c 0 is returned.
EAPI int eina_hash_population(const Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief Add an entry to the given hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key A unique key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key_length The length of the key.
* @param key_hash The hash that will always match key.
* @param data The data to associate with the string given by the key. Cannot be
* @c NULL.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function adds @p key to @p hash. @p hash, @p key and @p data
* cannot be @c NULL, in that case #EINA_FALSE is returned. @p key is
* expected to be a unique within the hash table. Otherwise,
* one cannot be sure which inserted data pointer will be accessed
* with @ref eina_hash_find, and removed with @ref eina_hash_del. Do
* not forget to count '\\0' for string when setting the value of
* @p key_length. @p key_hash is expected to always match
* @p key. Otherwise, one cannot be sure to find it again with @ref
* eina_hash_find_by_hash. Key strings are case sensitive. This function
* returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @see eina_hash_add()
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_add_by_hash(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 5);
* @brief Add an entry to the given hash table and do not duplicate the string
* key.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key A unique key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key_length Should be the length of @p key (don't forget to count
* '\\0' for string).
* @param key_hash The hash that will always match key.
* @param data Data to associate with the string given by @p key. Cannot be @c
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function adds @p key to @p hash. @p hash, @p key and @p data
* can be @c NULL, in that case #EINA_FALSE is returned. @p key is
* expected to be unique within the hash table. Otherwise,
* one cannot be sure which inserted data pointer will be accessed
* with @ref eina_hash_find, and removed with @ref eina_hash_del. This
* function does not make a copy of @p key so it must be a string
* constant or stored elsewhere (in the object being added). Do
* not forget to count '\\0' for string when setting the value of
* @p key_length. @p key_hash is expected to always match
* @p key. Otherwise, one cannot be sure to find it again with @ref
* eina_hash_find_by_hash. Key strings are case sensitive. This function
* returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @see eina_hash_direct_add()
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_direct_add_by_hash(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 5);
* @brief Remove the entry identified by a key and a key hash from the given
* hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key The key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key_length The length of the key.
* @param key_hash The hash that always match the key.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function removes the entry identified by @p key and
* @p key_hash from @p hash. If a free function was given to the
* callback on creation, it will be called for the data being
* deleted. Do not forget to count '\\0' for string when setting the
* value of @p key_length. If @p hash or @p key are @c NULL, the
* functions returns immediately #EINA_FALSE. This function
* returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @note if you don't have the key_hash, use eina_hash_del_by_key() instead.
* @note if you don't have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_data() instead.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_del_by_key_hash(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Remove the entry identified by a key from the given hash table.
* This version will calculate key length and hash by using functions
* provided to hash creation function.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key The key. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function removes the entry identified by @p key from @p
* hash. The key length and hash will be calculated automatically by
* using functiond provided to has creation function. If a free
* function was given to the callback on creation, it will be called
* for the data being deleted. If @p hash or @p key are @c NULL, the
* functions returns immediately #EINA_FALSE. This function
* returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @note if you already have the key_hash, use eina_hash_del_by_key_hash()
* instead.
* @note if you don't have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_data() instead.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_del_by_key(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Remove the entry identified by a data from the given hash table.
* This version is slow since there is no quick access to nodes based on data.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param data The data value to search and remove. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* thing goes fine.
* This function removes the entry identified by @p data from @p
* hash. If a free function was given to the callback on creation, it
* will be called for the data being deleted. If @p hash or @p data
* are @c NULL, the functions returns immediately #EINA_FALSE. This
* function returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE
* otherwise.
* @note if you already have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_key() or
* eina_hash_del_by_key_hash() instead.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_del_by_data(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Remove the entry identified by a key and a key hash or a
* data from the given hash table.
* If @p key is @c NULL, then @p data is used to find a match to
* remove.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key The key.
* @param key_length The length of the key.
* @param key_hash The hash that always match the key.
* @param data The data pointer to remove if the key is @c NULL.
* @return #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* This function removes the entry identified by @p key and
* @p key_hash, or @p data, from @p hash. If a free function was given to
* the callback on creation, it will be called for the data being
* deleted. If @p hash is @c NULL, the functions returns immediately #EINA_FALSE.
* If @p key is @c NULL, then @p key_length and @p key_hash
* are ignored and @p data is used to find a match to remove,
* otherwise @p key and @p key_hash are used and @p data is not
* required and can be @c NULL. Do not forget to count '\\0' for
* string when setting the value of @p key_length. This function
* returns #EINA_FALSE if an error occurred, #EINA_TRUE otherwise.
* @note if you know you already have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_key_hash(),
* if you know you don't have the key, use eina_hash_del_by_data()
* directly.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_hash_del_by_hash(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief Retrieve a specific entry in the given hash table.
* @param hash The given hash table. Cannot be @c NULL.
* @param key The key of the entry to find.
* @param key_length The length of the key.
* @param key_hash The hash that always match the key
* @return The data pointer for the stored entry on success, @c NULL
* otherwise.
* This function retrieves the entry associated to @p key of length
* @p key_length in @p hash. @p key_hash is the hash that always match
* @p key. It is ignored if @p key is @c NULL. Do not forget to count
* '\\0' for string when setting the value of @p key_length. If
* @p hash is @c NULL, this function returns immediately @c NULL. This
* function returns the data pointer on success, @c NULL otherwise.
EAPI void *eina_hash_find_by_hash(const Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Modify the entry pointer at the specified key and returns
* the old entry.
* @param hash The given hash table.
* @param key The key of the entry to modify.
* @param key_length Should be the length of @p key (don't forget to count
* '\\0' for string).
* @param key_hash The hash that always match the key. Ignored if @p key is
* @c NULL.
* @param data The data to replace the old entry, if it exists.
* @return The data pointer for the old stored entry, or @c NULL if not
* found. If an existing entry is not found, nothing is added to the
* hash.
EAPI void *eina_hash_modify_by_hash(Eina_Hash *hash,
const void *key,
int key_length,
int key_hash,
const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 5);
* @brief Returned a new iterator associated to hash keys.
* @param hash The hash.
* @return A new iterator.
* This function returns a newly allocated iterator associated to @p
* hash. If @p hash is not populated, this function still returns a
* valid iterator that will always return false on
* eina_iterator_next(), thus keeping API sane.
* If the memory can not be allocated, NULL is returned.
* Otherwise, a valid iterator is returned.
* @warning if the hash structure changes then the iterator becomes
* invalid! That is, if you add or remove items this iterator
* behavior is undefined and your program may crash!
EAPI Eina_Iterator *eina_hash_iterator_key_new(const Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_MALLOC EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
* @brief Returned a new iterator associated to hash data.
* @param hash The hash.
* @return A new iterator.
* This function returns a newly allocated iterator associated to
* @p hash. If @p hash is not populated, this function still returns a
* valid iterator that will always return false on
* eina_iterator_next(), thus keeping API sane.
* If the memory can not be allocated, @c NULL is returned.
* Otherwise, a valid iterator is returned.
* @warning if the hash structure changes then the iterator becomes
* invalid. That is, if you add or remove items this iterator behavior
* is undefined and your program may crash.
EAPI Eina_Iterator *eina_hash_iterator_data_new(const Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_MALLOC EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
* @brief Returned a new iterator associated to hash keys and data.
* @param hash The hash.
* @return A new iterator.
* This function returns a newly allocated iterator associated to @p
* hash. If @p hash is not populated, this function still returns a
* valid iterator that will always return false on
* eina_iterator_next(), thus keeping API sane.
* If the memory can not be allocated, @c NULL is returned.
* Otherwise, a valid iterator is returned.
* @note iterator data will provide values as Eina_Hash_Tuple that should not
* be modified!
* @warning if the hash structure changes then the iterator becomes
* invalid! That is, if you add or remove items this iterator
* behavior is undefined and your program may crash!
EAPI Eina_Iterator *eina_hash_iterator_tuple_new(const Eina_Hash *hash) EINA_MALLOC EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
* @brief Call a function on every member stored in the hash table
* @param hash The hash table whose members will be walked
* @param func The function to call on each parameter
* @param fdata The data pointer to pass to the function being called
* This function goes through every entry in the hash table @p hash and calls
* the function @p func on each member. The function should @b not modify the
* hash table contents if it returns @c 1. @b If the hash table contents are
* modified by this function or the function wishes to stop processing it must
* return @c 0, otherwise return @c 1 to keep processing.
* Example:
* @code
* extern Eina_Hash *hash;
* Eina_Bool hash_fn(const Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key,
* void *data, void *fdata)
* {
* printf("Func data: %s, Hash entry: %s / %p\n",
* fdata, (const char *)key, data);
* return 1;
* }
* int main(int argc, char **argv)
* {
* char *hash_fn_data;
* hash_fn_data = strdup("Hello World");
* eina_hash_foreach(hash, hash_fn, hash_fn_data);
* free(hash_fn_data);
* }
* @endcode
EAPI void eina_hash_foreach(const Eina_Hash *hash,
Eina_Hash_Foreach func,
const void *fdata) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief Append data to an #Eina_List inside a hash
* This function is identical to the sequence of calling
* eina_hash_find(), eina_list_append(), eina_hash_set(),
* but with one fewer required hash lookup.
* @param hash The hash table
* @param key The key associated with the data
* @param data The data to append to the list
* @since 1.10
EAPI void eina_hash_list_append(Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief Append data to an #Eina_List inside a hash
* This function is identical to the sequence of calling
* eina_hash_find(), eina_list_append(), eina_hash_set(),
* but with one fewer required hash lookup.
* @param hash The hash table
* @param key The key associated with the data
* @param data The data to append to the list
* @since 1.10
EAPI void eina_hash_list_prepend(Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief Append data to an #Eina_List inside a hash
* This function is identical to the sequence of calling
* eina_hash_find(), eina_list_append(), eina_hash_set(),
* but with one fewer required hash lookup.
* @param hash The hash table
* @param key The key associated with the data
* @param data The data to append to the list
* @since 1.10
EAPI void eina_hash_list_remove(Eina_Hash *hash, const void *key, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3);
* @brief
* Paul Hsieh (http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html) hash function used by WebCore (http://webkit.org/blog/8/hashtables-part-2/)
* @param key The key to hash
* @param len The length of the key
* @return The hash value
EAPI int eina_hash_superfast(const char *key,
int len) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief
* Hash function first reported by Dan Bernstein many years ago in comp.lang.c
* @param key The key to hash
* @param len The length of the key
* @return The hash value
static inline int eina_hash_djb2(const char *key,
int len) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief
* Hash function first reported by Dan Bernstein many years ago in comp.lang.c
* @param key The key to hash
* @param plen The length of the key
* @return The hash value
static inline int eina_hash_djb2_len(const char *key,
int *plen) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
* @brief
* Hash function from http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm
* @param pkey The key to hash
* @param len The length of the key
* @return The hash value
static inline int eina_hash_int32(const unsigned int *pkey,
int len) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief
* Hash function from http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm
* @param pkey The key to hash
* @param len The length of the key
* @return The hash value
static inline int eina_hash_int64(const unsigned long long int *pkey,
int len) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* @brief
* Hash function from http://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/
* @param key The key to hash
* @param len The length of the key
* @return The hash value
static inline int eina_hash_murmur3(const char *key,
int len) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
#include "eina_inline_hash.x"
* @}
* @}
* @}
#endif /*EINA_HASH_H_*/