
399 lines
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import eina_types;
import efl_gfx_types;
mixin Efl.Gfx.Shape
legacy_prefix: null;
methods {
@property stroke_scale {
set {
[[Sets the stroke scale to be used for stroking the path.
the scale property will be used along with stroke width property.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Get the stroke scaling factor used for stroking this path.
@since 1.14
values {
s: double; [[stroke scale value]]
@property stroke_color {
set {
[[Sets the color to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Gets the color used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
values {
r: int; [[The red component of the given color.]]
g: int; [[The green component of the given color.]]
b: int; [[The blue component of the given color.]]
a: int; [[The alpha component of the given color.]]
@property stroke_width {
set {
[[Sets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Gets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
values {
w: double; [[stroke width to be used]]
@property stroke_location {
set {
[[Not Implemented]]
get {
[[Not Implemented]]
values {
centered: double;
@property stroke_dash {
set {
[[Not Implemented]]
get {
[[Not Implemented]]
values {
dash: const(Efl.Gfx.Dash) *;
length: uint;
@property stroke_cap {
set {
[[Sets the cap style to be used for stroking the path.
The cap will be used for capping the end point of a
open subpath.
See also \@ref Efl_Gfx_Cap.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Gets the cap style used for stroking path.
@since 1.14
values {
c: Efl.Gfx.Cap; [[cap style to use, default is EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT]]
@property stroke_join {
set {
[[Sets the join style to be used for stroking the path.
The join style will be used for joining the two line segment
while stroking the path.
See also \@ref Efl_Gfx_Join.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the join style used for stroking path.
@since 1.14
values {
j: Efl.Gfx.Join; [[join style to use, default is EFL_GFX_JOIN_MITER]]
@property fill_rule {
set {
[[Sets the fill rule of the given shape object.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Retrieves the fill rule for the given shape object.
@since 1.14
values {
fill_rule: Efl.Gfx.Fill.Rule; [[The current fill rule of the shape object.
@property path {
set {
[[Set the list of commands and points to be used to create the
content of shape.
See \@ref efl_gfx_path interface for how to create a command list.
@since 1.14
get {
[[Gets the command and points list
@since 1.14
values {
op: const(Efl.Gfx.Path.Command_Type) *; [[command list]]
points: const(double) *; [[point list]]
@property path_length {
get {
values {
commands: uint;
points: uint;
@property current {
get {
values {
x: double;
y: double;
@property current_ctrl {
get {
values {
x: double;
y: double;
dup {
[[Copy the shape data from the object specified .
@since 1.14
params {
@in dup_from: const(Eo.Base)*; [[Shape object from where data will be copied.]]
bounds_get {
[[Compute and return the bounding box of the currently set path
@since 1.14
params {
@out r: Eina.Rectangle; [[Contain the bounding box of the currently set path]]
reset {
[[Reset the shape data of the shape object.
@since 1.14
append_move_to {
[[Moves the current point to the given point,
implicitly starting a new subpath and closing the previous one.
See also @.append_close.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the current point.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the current point.]]
append_line_to {
[[Adds a straight line from the current position to the given endPoint.
After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the
end point of the line.
If no current position present, it draws a line to itself, basically
a point.
See also @.append_move_to.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
append_quadratic_to {
[[Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x,
ctrl_y). After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to
be at the end point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in ctrl_x: double; [[X co-ordinate of control point.]]
@in ctrl_y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of control point.]]
append_squadratic_to {
[[Same as efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to() api only difference is
that it uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
See also @.append_quadratic_to.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
append_cubic_to {
[[Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by
(ctrl_x0, ctrl_y0), and (ctrl_x1, ctrl_y1). After the path is drawn,
the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in ctrl_x0: double; [[X co-ordinate of 1st control point.]]
@in ctrl_y0: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 1st control point.]]
@in ctrl_x1: double; [[X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
@in ctrl_y1: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
append_scubic_to {
[[Same as efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to() api only difference is that it
uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
See also @.append_cubic_to.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in ctrl_x: double; [[X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
@in ctrl_y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
append_arc_to {
[[Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list
to the given point (x,y). The arc is defined by the given radius in
x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry).
Use this api if you know the end point's of the arc otherwise use
more convenient function @.append_arc_to.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the arc.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the arc.]]
@in rx: double; [[radius of arc in x direction.]]
@in ry: double; [[radius of arc in y direction.]]
@in angle: double; [[x-axis rotation , normally 0.]]
@in large_arc: bool; [[Defines whether to draw the larger arc or
smaller arc joining two point.]]
@in sweep: bool; [[Defines whether the arc will be drawn
counter-clockwise or clockwise from current point
to the end point taking into account the large_arc
append_close {
[[Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the
subpath, automatically starting a new path. The current point of the
new path is (0, 0).
If the subpath does not contain any points, this function does nothing.
@since 1.14
append_circle {
[[Append a circle with given center and radius.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the center of the circle.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the center of the circle.]]
@in radius: double; [[radius of the circle.]]
append_rect {
[[Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
The xr and yr arguments specify the radii of the ellipses defining the
corners of the rounded rectangle.
xr and yr are specified in terms of width and height respectively.
If xr and yr are 0, then it will draw a rectangle without rounded
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the rectangle.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the rectangle.]]
@in w: double; [[Width of the rectangle.]]
@in h: double; [[Height of the rectangle.]]
@in rx: double; [[The x radius of the rounded corner and should be
in range [ 0 to w/2 ]
@in ry: double; [[The y radius of the rounded corner and should be
in range [ 0 to h/2 ]
append_svg_path {
params {
@in svg_path_data: const(char)*;
interpolate {
return: bool;
params {
@in from: const(Eo.Base)*;
@in to: const(Eo.Base)*;
@in pos_map: double;
equal_commands {
return: bool;
params {
@in with: const(Eo.Base)*;