
349 lines
8.1 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include "draw_private.h"
int _draw_log_dom = -1;
s = source pixel
d = destination pixel
ca = const_alpha
sia = source inverse alpha
cia = const inverse alpha
result = s + d * sia
dest = (s + d * sia) * ca + d * cia
= s * ca + d * (sia * ca + cia)
= s * ca + d * (1 - sa*ca)
static void
_comp_func_solid_source_over(uint32_t *dest, int length, uint32_t color, uint32_t const_alpha)
int ialpha, i;
if (const_alpha != 255)
color = DRAW_BYTE_MUL(color, const_alpha);
ialpha = alpha_inverse(color);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
dest[i] = color + DRAW_BYTE_MUL(dest[i], ialpha);
static void
_comp_func_source_over(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, int length, uint32_t color, uint32_t const_alpha)
int i;
uint32_t s, sc, sia;
if (const_alpha != 255)
color = DRAW_BYTE_MUL(color, const_alpha);
if (color == 0xffffffff) // No color multiplier
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
s = src[i];
if (s >= 0xff000000)
dest[i] = s;
else if (s != 0)
sia = alpha_inverse(s);
dest[i] = s + DRAW_BYTE_MUL(dest[i], sia);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
s = src[i];
sc = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(color, s);
sia = alpha_inverse(sc);
dest[i] = sc + DRAW_BYTE_MUL(dest[i], sia);
result = s
dest = s * ca + d * cia
static void
_comp_func_solid_source(uint32_t *dest, int length, uint32_t color, uint32_t const_alpha)
int ialpha, i;
if (const_alpha == 255)
draw_memset32(dest, color, length);
ialpha = 255 - const_alpha;
color = DRAW_BYTE_MUL(color, const_alpha);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
dest[i] = color + DRAW_BYTE_MUL(dest[i], ialpha);
static void
_comp_func_source(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, int length, uint32_t color, uint32_t const_alpha)
int i, ialpha;
uint32_t src_color;
if (color == 0xffffffff) // No color multiplier
if (const_alpha == 255)
memcpy(dest, src, length * sizeof(uint32_t));
ialpha = 255 - const_alpha;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
dest[i] = draw_interpolate_256(src[i], const_alpha, dest[i], ialpha);
if (const_alpha == 255)
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
dest[i] = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(src[i], color);
ialpha = 255 - const_alpha;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
src_color = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(src[i], color);
dest[i] = draw_interpolate_256(src_color, const_alpha, dest[i], ialpha);
/* s = m * color
* d = d * (1-sa) + s * sa
static void
_comp_func_mask_blend(uint32_t *dest, const uint8_t *mask, int length, uint32_t color)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < length; k++, dest++, mask++)
uint32_t c = draw_mul_256((*mask + 1), color);
int a = 256 - (c >> 24);
*dest = c + draw_mul_256(a, *dest);
/* s = m * color
* d = s * sa
static void
_comp_func_mask_copy(uint32_t *dest, const uint8_t *mask, int length, uint32_t color)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < length; k++, dest++, mask++)
*dest = draw_mul_256(*mask + 1, color);
/* w = s * m * c
* d = d * (1-wa) + w * wa
static void
_comp_func_mix3_blend(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mul, int len, uint32_t color)
int k, a;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, dest++, src++, mul++)
uint32_t c = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(*mul, color);
c = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(c, *src);
a = 256 - (c >> 24);
*dest = c + draw_mul_256(a, *dest);
/* d = s * m * c */
static void
_comp_func_mix3_copy(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mul, int len, uint32_t color)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, dest++, src++, mul++)
uint32_t c = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(*mul, color);
*dest = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(c, *src);
/* w = s * m
* d = d * (1-wa) + w * wa
static void
_comp_func_mix3_blend_nomul(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mul, int len, uint32_t color EINA_UNUSED)
int k, a;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, dest++, src++, mul++)
uint32_t c = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(*mul, *src);
a = 256 - (c >> 24);
*dest = c + draw_mul_256(a, *dest);
/* d = s * m */
static void
_comp_func_mix3_copy_nomul(uint32_t *dest, const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t *mul, int len, uint32_t color EINA_UNUSED)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++, dest++, src++, mul++)
*dest = DRAW_MUL4_SYM(*mul, *src);
RGBA_Comp_Func_Mask func_for_mode_mask[EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_LAST] = {
RGBA_Comp_Func_Solid func_for_mode_solid[EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_LAST] = {
RGBA_Comp_Func func_for_mode[EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_LAST] = {
Draw_Func_ARGB_Mix3 func_for_mode_argb_mix3[EFL_GFX_RENDER_OP_LAST * 2] = {
efl_draw_func_mask_span_get(Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op, uint32_t color EINA_UNUSED)
return func_for_mode_mask[op];
efl_draw_func_argb_mix3_get(Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op, uint32_t color)
if (color == 0xffffffff)
return func_for_mode_argb_mix3[op + 2];
return func_for_mode_argb_mix3[op];
efl_draw_func_solid_span_get(Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op, uint32_t color)
if ((color & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000)
return func_for_mode_solid[op];
efl_draw_func_span_get(Efl_Gfx_Render_Op op, uint32_t color, Eina_Bool src_alpha)
if (((color & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) && !src_alpha)
return func_for_mode[op];
static double
_ease_linear(double t)
return t;
efl_draw_generate_gradient_color_table(Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *gradient_stops, int stop_count, uint32_t *color_table, int size)
int dist, idist, pos = 0, i;
Eina_Bool alpha = EINA_FALSE;
Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *curr, *next;
uint32_t current_color, next_color;
double delta, t, incr, fpos;
curr = gradient_stops;
if (curr->a != 255) alpha = EINA_TRUE;
current_color = DRAW_ARGB_JOIN(curr->a, curr->r, curr->g, curr->b);
incr = 1.0 / (double)size;
fpos = 1.5 * incr;
color_table[pos++] = current_color;
while (fpos <= curr->offset)
color_table[pos] = color_table[pos - 1];
fpos += incr;
for (i = 0; i < stop_count - 1; ++i)
curr = (gradient_stops + i);
next = (gradient_stops + i + 1);
delta = 1/(next->offset - curr->offset);
if (next->a != 255) alpha = EINA_TRUE;
next_color = DRAW_ARGB_JOIN(next->a, next->r, next->g, next->b);
while (fpos < next->offset && pos < size)
t = _ease_linear((fpos - curr->offset) * delta);
dist = (int)(256 * t);
idist = 256 - dist;
color_table[pos] = draw_interpolate_256(current_color, idist, next_color, dist);
fpos += incr;
current_color = next_color;
for (;pos < size; ++pos)
color_table[pos] = current_color;
// Make sure the last color stop is represented at the end of the table
color_table[size-1] = current_color;
return alpha;
static int i = 0;
if (!(i++))
_draw_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("efl_draw", EINA_COLOR_ORANGE);
return i;