
78 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File

fixture_gen_template = """
static void
tcase_gen_template = """
static void
{}(TCase *tc)
tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, _{}_fixture, NULL);
tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, _setup, _shutdown);
file_gen_template = """
#ifdef LIST_DECL
import sys
import json
output_file = sys.argv[-1]
input_files = sys.argv[1:-1]
list_of_tcases = "static const Efl_Test_Case etc[] = {\n"
list_entry = " {{ \"{}-{}\", {}}},\n"
generated_api = ""
def interface_to_api(interface_name):
return interface_name+"_behavior_test"
def to_func_name(class_name):
return class_name.replace('.','_').lower()
def to_class_getter(class_name):
return class_name.replace('.','_').upper()+'_CLASS'
tests = []
for input_file in input_files:
with open(input_file, 'r') as content_file:
content = content_file.read()
start = content.index('spec-meta-start') + len('spec-meta-start')
end = content.index('spec-meta-end')
resulting_json = content[start:end]
tmp = json.loads(resulting_json)
if "test-interface" in tmp and "test-widgets" in tmp:
widgets = []
for test in tests:
interface_test = to_func_name(test["test-interface"])
for widget_class in test["test-widgets"]:
combo_name = "_{}_{}".format(to_func_name(interface_test), to_func_name(widget_class));
list_of_tcases += list_entry.format(interface_test, to_func_name(widget_class), combo_name)
generated_api += tcase_gen_template.format(combo_name, to_func_name(widget_class), interface_to_api(interface_test))
if widget_class not in widgets:
widgets += [widget_class]
for widget in widgets:
generated_api = fixture_gen_template.format(to_func_name(widget), to_class_getter(widget)) + generated_api
list_of_tcases += " { NULL, NULL }\n};"
output = open(output_file, "w")
output.write(file_gen_template.format(list_of_tcases, generated_api))