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interface Efl.Player
[[Efl media player interface
@since 1.23
c_prefix: efl_player;
methods {
@property playing {
[[Playback state of the media file.
This property sets the playback state of the object. Re-setting the current
playback state has no effect.
If set to $false, the object's @.playback_progress property is, by default, reset to $[0.0]. A
class may alter this behavior, and it will be stated in the documentation for a class
if such behavior changes should be expected.
Applying the $false playing state also has the same effect as the player object reaching
the end of its playback, which may invoke additional behavior based on a class's
set {
return: bool(false); [[If $true, the property change has succeeded.]]
get {
values {
playing: bool; [[$true if playing, $false otherwise.]]
@property paused {
[[Pause state of the media file.
This property sets the pause state of the media. Re-setting the current
pause state has no effect.
If @.playing is set to $true, this property can be used to pause and resume
playback of the media without changing its @.playback_progress property. This property
cannot be changed if @.playing is $false.
set {
return: bool(false); [[If $true, the property change has succeeded.]]
get {
values {
paused: bool; [[$true if paused, $false otherwise.]]
@property playback_position {
[[Position in the media file.
This property sets the current position of the media file
to $sec seconds since the beginning of the media file.
This only works on seekable streams. Setting the
position doesn't change the @.playing or @.paused states of the media file.
set {
get {
values {
sec: double; [[The position (in seconds).]]
@property playback_progress {
[[How much of the file has been played.
This function gets the progress in playing the file, the
return value is in the [0, 1] range.
get {
values {
progress: double; [[The progress within the [0, 1] range.]]
@property playback_speed {
[[Control the playback speed of the media file.
This function control the speed with which the media file will
be played. 1.0 represents the normal speed, 2 double speed, 0.5
half speed and so on.
set {
get {
values {
speed: double; [[The play speed in the [0, infinity) range.]]