
1111 lines
35 KiB

#include "evas_gl_api_ext.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
// list of exts like "discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays"
static char *_gl_ext_string = NULL;
// list of exts by official name only like "GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays"
static char *_gl_ext_string_official = NULL;
// list of gles 1.1 exts by official name
static char *_gles1_ext_string = NULL;
// list of gles 3.1 exts by official name
static char *_gles3_ext_string = NULL;
typedef void (*_getproc_fn) (void);
typedef _getproc_fn (*fp_getproc)(const char *);
# define EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR 0x30b0
#ifndef EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display
struct wl_display;
struct wl_resource;
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
ret (*gl_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL; \
ret (*gles1_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL; \
ret (*gles3_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL;
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
int _gl_ext_support_##name = 0; \
int _gles1_ext_support_##name = 0; \
int _gles3_ext_support_##name = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
int _gl_ext_support_func_##name = 0; \
int _gles1_ext_support_func_##name = 0; \
int _gles3_ext_support_func_##name = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
// Evas extensions from EGL extensions
#ifdef GL_GLES
#define EGLDISPLAY_GET() _evgl_egl_display_get(__FUNCTION__)
static EGLDisplay
_evgl_egl_display_get(const char *function)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
EVGL_Resource *rsc;
if (!(rsc=_evgl_tls_resource_get()))
ERR("%s: Unable to execute GL command. Error retrieving tls", function);
evas_gl_common_error_set(NULL, EVAS_GL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (!rsc->current_eng)
ERR("%s: Unable to retrive Current Engine", function);
evas_gl_common_error_set(NULL, EVAS_GL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if ((evgl_engine) && (evgl_engine->funcs->display_get))
dpy = (EGLDisplay)evgl_engine->funcs->display_get(rsc->current_eng);
return dpy;
ERR("%s: Invalid Engine... (Can't acccess EGL Display)\n", function);
evas_gl_common_error_set(NULL, EVAS_GL_BAD_DISPLAY);
static void *
_evgl_eglCreateImageKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx,
int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
int *attribs = NULL;
/* Convert 0 terminator into a EGL_NONE terminator */
if (attrib_list)
int cnt = 0;
int *a;
for (a = (int *) attrib_list; (*a) && (*a != EGL_NONE); a += 2)
/* TODO: Verify supported attributes */
cnt += 2;
attribs = alloca(sizeof(int) * (cnt + 1));
for (a = attribs; (*attrib_list) && (*attrib_list != EGL_NONE);
a += 2, attrib_list += 2)
a[0] = attrib_list[0];
a[1] = attrib_list[1];
*a = EGL_NONE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglCreateImage)(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attribs);
static void *
evgl_evasglCreateImage(int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
EGLContext ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
if (!dpy) return NULL;
/* EGL_NO_CONTEXT will always fail for TEXTURE_2D */
if (target == EVAS_GL_TEXTURE_2D)
ctx = eglGetCurrentContext();
INF("Creating EGL image based on the current context: %p", ctx);
return _evgl_eglCreateImageKHR(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attrib_list);
static void *
evgl_evasglCreateImageForContext(Evas_GL *evasgl EINA_UNUSED, Evas_GL_Context *evasctx,
int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
EGLContext ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
if (!evasgl || !dpy) return NULL;
ctx = _evgl_native_context_get(evasctx);
return _evgl_eglCreateImageKHR(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attrib_list);
static void
evgl_evasglDestroyImage(EvasGLImage image)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return;
EXT_FUNC(eglDestroyImage)(dpy, image);
static void
evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetTexture2D(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
EXT_FUNC(glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(target, image);
static void
evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
EXT_FUNC(glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(target, image);
static EvasGLSync
evgl_evasglCreateSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
unsigned int type, const int *attrib_list)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return NULL;
return EXT_FUNC(eglCreateSyncKHR)(dpy, type, attrib_list);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglDestroySync(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED, EvasGLSync sync)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglDestroySyncKHR)(dpy, sync);
static int
evgl_evasglClientWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
EvasGLSync sync, int flags, EvasGLTime timeout)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglClientWaitSyncKHR)(dpy, sync, flags, timeout);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglSignalSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
EvasGLSync sync, unsigned mode)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglSignalSyncKHR)(dpy, sync, mode);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglGetSyncAttrib(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
EvasGLSync sync, int attribute, int *value)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglGetSyncAttribKHR)(dpy, sync, attribute, value);
static int
evgl_evasglWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
EvasGLSync sync, int flags)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglWaitSyncKHR)(dpy, sync, flags);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglBindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
void *wl_display)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglBindWaylandDisplayWL)(dpy, wl_display);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglUnbindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
void *wl_display)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglUnbindWaylandDisplayWL)(dpy, wl_display);
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglQueryWaylandBuffer(Evas_GL *evas_gl EINA_UNUSED,
void *buffer, int attribute, int *value)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
return EXT_FUNC(eglQueryWaylandBufferWL)(dpy, buffer, attribute, value);
// 0: not initialized,
// 1: GLESv2 initialized,
// 3: GLESv1 and GLESv2 initialized,
// 5: GLESv3 and GLESv2 initialized,
// 7: GLESv3 + GLESv2 + GLESv1 all initialized.
static int _evgl_api_ext_status = 0;
evgl_api_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
const char *glexts;
fp_getproc gp = (fp_getproc)getproc;
int _curext_supported = 0;
Eina_Strbuf *sb = eina_strbuf_new();
Eina_Strbuf *sboff = eina_strbuf_new();
#ifndef GL_GLES
/* Add some extension strings that are always working on desktop GL */
static const char *desktop_exts =
"GL_EXT_read_format_bgra "
"GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 "
"GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV ";
eina_strbuf_append(sb, desktop_exts);
eina_strbuf_append(sboff, desktop_exts);
// GLES Extensions
glexts = (const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
if (!glexts)
ERR("glGetString returned NULL! Something is very wrong...");
return EINA_FALSE;
// Extension HEADER
#define GETPROCADDR(sym) \
(((!(*drvfunc)) && (gp)) ? (__typeof__((*drvfunc)))gp(sym) : (__typeof__((*drvfunc)))dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym))
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
{ \
int *ext_support = &_gl_ext_support_##name; \
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
(strstr(glexts, name) != NULL || strstr(glueexts, name) != NULL)
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) *ext_support = 1;
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) { *ext_support = 1; _gl_ext_support_func_##name = 1; }
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gl_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
} \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) _EVASGL_EXT_DISCARD_SUPPORT(); \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) *drvfunc = name;
// This adds all the function names to the "safe" list but only one pointer
// will be stored in the hash table.
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) \
{ \
*drvfunc = GETPROCADDR(name); \
evgl_safe_extension_add(name, (void *) (*drvfunc)); \
} \
else evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_WHITELIST(name) evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
if (_gl_ext_support_##name != 0) \
{ \
eina_strbuf_append(sb, #name" "); \
_curext_supported = 1; \
} \
else _curext_supported = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
{ \
eina_strbuf_append(sb, name" "); \
if ((strncmp(name, "GL_", 3) == 0) && (strstr(eina_strbuf_string_get(sboff), name) == NULL)) \
eina_strbuf_append(sboff, name" "); \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_curext_supported) \
if (_curext_supported && _gl_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
if (_gl_ext_string) free(_gl_ext_string);
if (_gl_ext_string_official) free(_gl_ext_string_official);
_gl_ext_string = eina_strbuf_string_steal(sb);
_gl_ext_string_official = eina_strbuf_string_steal(sboff);
_evgl_api_ext_status = 1;
return EINA_TRUE;
evgl_api_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs)
if (_evgl_api_ext_status < 1)
ERR("EVGL extension is not yet initialized.");
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gl_ext_sym_)
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
if (_gl_ext_support_##name != 0) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
#undef ORD
// Return if GLESv1 ext is already intiialised
if (_evgl_api_ext_status & 2)
return EINA_TRUE;
#ifdef GL_GLES
int _curext_supported = 0;
Evas_GL_API *gles1_funcs;
const char *gles1_exts, *eglexts;
EVGL_Resource *rsc;
EGLint context_version;
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
Eina_Strbuf *sb = eina_strbuf_new();
/* glGetString returns the information for the currently bound context
* So, update gles1_exts only if GLES1 context is currently bound.
* Check here if GLESv1 is current
if (!(rsc=_evgl_tls_resource_get()))
ERR("Unable to initialize GLES1 extensions. Error retrieving tls");
return EINA_FALSE;
if ((dpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) || !rsc->current_ctx)
DBG("Unable to initialize GLES1 extensions. Engine not initialised");
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!eglQueryContext(dpy, rsc->current_ctx->context, EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, &context_version))
ERR("Unable to initialize GLES1 extensions. eglQueryContext failed 0x%x", eglGetError());
return EINA_FALSE;
if (context_version != EVAS_GL_GLES_1_X)
DBG("GLESv1 context not bound");
return EINA_FALSE;
gles1_funcs = _evgl_api_gles1_internal_get();
if (!gles1_funcs || !gles1_funcs->glGetString)
ERR("Could not get address of glGetString in GLESv1 library!");
return EINA_FALSE;
gles1_exts = (const char *) gles1_funcs->glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
if (!gles1_exts)
ERR("GLESv1:glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) returned NULL!");
return EINA_FALSE;
eglexts = eglQueryString(dpy, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
if (!eglexts)
ERR("eglQueryString(EGL_EXTENSIONS) returned NULL!");
eglexts = "";
// Scanning supported extensions, sets the variables
// Preparing all the magic macros
#define GETPROCADDR(sym) \
((__typeof__((*drvfunc))) (eglGetProcAddress(sym)))
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
{ \
int *ext_support = &_gles1_ext_support_##name; \
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
((strstr(gles1_exts, name) != NULL) || (strstr(eglexts, name) != NULL))
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) *ext_support = 1;
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) { *ext_support = 1; _gles1_ext_support_func_##name = 1; }
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gles1_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
} \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) _EVASGL_EXT_DISCARD_SUPPORT(); \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) *drvfunc = name;
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) \
{ \
*drvfunc = GETPROCADDR(name); \
evgl_safe_extension_add(name, (void *) (*drvfunc)); \
} \
else evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_WHITELIST(name) evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
// Okay, now we are ready to scan.
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
_curext_supported = (_gles1_ext_support_##name != 0);
// Scanning again to add to the gles1 ext string list
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
{ \
if ((strncmp(name, "GL_", 3) == 0) && (strstr(eina_strbuf_string_get(sb), name) == NULL)) \
eina_strbuf_append(sb, name" "); \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_curext_supported) \
if (_curext_supported && _gles1_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
if (_gles1_ext_string) free(_gles1_ext_string);
_gles1_ext_string = eina_strbuf_string_steal(sb);
if (evgl_engine->api_debug_mode)
DBG("GLES1: List of supported extensions:\n%s", _gles1_ext_string);
// GLESv1 version has been initialized!
_evgl_api_ext_status |= 2;
return EINA_TRUE;
ERR("GLESv1 support is not implemented for GLX");
return EINA_FALSE;
evgl_api_gles1_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs)
if (_evgl_api_ext_status < 1)
ERR("EVGL extension is not yet initialized.");
if (!(_evgl_api_ext_status&2))
DBG("Initializing GLESv1 extensions...");
if (!_evgl_api_gles1_ext_init())
ERR("GLESv1 extensions initialization failed");
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gles1_ext_sym_)
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
if (_gles1_ext_support_##name != 0) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
#undef ORD
if (_evgl_api_ext_status & 4)
return EINA_TRUE;
int _curext_supported = 0;
Evas_GL_API *gles3_funcs;
const char *gles3_exts;
#ifdef GL_GLES
EVGL_Resource *rsc;
EGLint context_version;
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET();
/* glGetString returns the information for the currently bound context
* So, update gles3_exts only if GLES3 context is currently bound.
* Check here if GLESv3 is current
if (!(rsc=_evgl_tls_resource_get()))
ERR("Unable to initialize GLES3 extensions. Error retrieving tls");
return EINA_FALSE;
if ((dpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) || !rsc->current_ctx)
DBG("Unable to initialize GLES3 extensions. Engine not initialised");
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!eglQueryContext(dpy, rsc->current_ctx->context, EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, &context_version))
ERR("Unable to initialize GLES3 extensions. eglQueryContext failed 0x%x", eglGetError());
return EINA_FALSE;
if (context_version != EVAS_GL_GLES_3_X)
DBG("GLESv3 context not bound");
return EINA_FALSE;
gles3_funcs = _evgl_api_gles3_internal_get();
if (!gles3_funcs || !gles3_funcs->glGetString)
ERR("Could not get address of glGetString in GLESv3 library!");
return EINA_FALSE;
gles3_exts = (const char *) gles3_funcs->glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
if (!gles3_exts)
ERR("GLESv3:glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) returned NULL!");
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!_gles3_ext_string)
_gles3_ext_string = calloc(MAX_EXTENSION_STRING_BUFFER, 1);
if (!_gles3_ext_string) return EINA_FALSE;
_gles3_ext_string[0] = '\0';
// Scanning supported extensions, sets the variables
// Preparing all the magic macros
#define GETPROCADDR(sym) \
((__typeof__((*drvfunc))) (eglGetProcAddress(sym)))
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
{ \
int *ext_support = &_gles3_ext_support_##name; \
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
(strstr(gles3_exts, name) != NULL)
*ext_support = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) *ext_support = 1;
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(#name)) { *ext_support = 1; _gles3_ext_support_func_##name = 1; }
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gles3_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
} \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) _EVASGL_EXT_DISCARD_SUPPORT(); \
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) *drvfunc = name;
if ((*drvfunc) == NULL) \
{ \
*drvfunc = GETPROCADDR(name); \
evgl_safe_extension_add(name, (void *) (*drvfunc)); \
} \
else evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_WHITELIST(name) evgl_safe_extension_add(name, NULL);
// Okay, now we are ready to scan.
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
_curext_supported = (_gles3_ext_support_##name != 0);
// Scanning again to add to the gles3 ext string list
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
{ \
if ((strncmp(name, "GL", 2) == 0) && (strstr(_gles3_ext_string, name) == NULL)) \
strcat(_gles3_ext_string, name" "); \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name) \
if (_curext_supported) \
if (_curext_supported && _gles3_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
if (evgl_engine->api_debug_mode)
DBG("GLES3: List of supported extensions:\n%s", _gles3_ext_string);
// GLESv3 version has been initialized!
_evgl_api_ext_status |=4;
return EINA_TRUE;
evgl_api_gles3_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs)
if (_evgl_api_ext_status < 1)
ERR("EVGL extension is not yet initialized.");
if (!(_evgl_api_ext_status&4))
DBG("Initializing GLESv3 extensions...");
if (!_evgl_api_gles3_ext_init())
ERR("GLESv3 extensions initialization failed");
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gles3_ext_sym_)
// Extension HEADER
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name) \
if (_gles3_ext_support_##name != 0) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END() \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
#undef ORD
const char *
evgl_api_ext_string_get(Eina_Bool official, int version)
if (_evgl_api_ext_status < 1)
ERR("EVGL extension is not yet initialized.");
return NULL;
if (version == EVAS_GL_GLES_1_X)
return _gles1_ext_string;
if (version == EVAS_GL_GLES_3_X)
return _gles3_ext_string;
if (official)
return _gl_ext_string_official;
return _gl_ext_string;