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struct _Eina_Promise;
struct _Eina_Promise_Default;
* @def Eina_Promise
typedef struct _Eina_Promise Eina_Promise;
* @def Eina_Promise
typedef struct _Eina_Promise_Owner Eina_Promise_Owner;
* @brief Callback type for freeing Promise value and void* pointer data for callbacks
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Free_Cb)(void* value);
* @brief Callback type for Promise_Owner to get notified of when someone registered a progress and/or then callback
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Progress_Notify_Cb)(void* data, Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief Function callback type for when using eina_promise_then
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Cb)(void* data, void* value);
* @brief Function callback type for when using eina_promise_then
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Error_Cb)(void* data, Eina_Error const* error);
* @brief Function callback type for progress information
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb)(void* data, void* value);
* @brief Function callback type for then function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Then_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise, Eina_Promise_Cb callback,
Eina_Promise_Error_Cb error_cb, void* data);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_THEN(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Then_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's value_get function override
typedef void*(*Eina_Promise_Value_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_VALUE_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Value_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's error_get function override
typedef Eina_Error(*Eina_Promise_Error_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_ERROR_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Error_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's pending function override
typedef Eina_Bool(*Eina_Promise_Pending_Is_Cb)(Eina_Promise const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_PENDING_IS(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Pending_Is_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's progress add function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb_Add_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise, Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb callback, void* data
, Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_PROGRESS_CB_ADD(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb_Add_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's cancel function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Cancel_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_CANCEL(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Cancel_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's ref function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Ref_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_REF(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Ref_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's unref function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Unref_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_UNREF(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Unref_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's buffer_get function override
typedef void*(*Eina_Promise_Buffer_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_BUFFER_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Buffer_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise's value_size_get function override
typedef size_t(*Eina_Promise_Value_Size_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_VALUE_SIZE_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Value_Size_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's buffer_get function override
typedef void*(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Buffer_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_BUFFER_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Buffer_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's value_size_get function override
typedef size_t(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Size_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_VALUE_SIZE_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Size_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's promise_get function override
typedef void*(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Promise_Get_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_PROMISE_GET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Promise_Get_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's value_set function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Set_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, void* data, Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_fun);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_VALUE_SET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Set_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's error_set function override
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Error_Set_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, Eina_Error error);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_ERROR_SET(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Error_Set_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's pending function override
typedef Eina_Bool(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Pending_Is_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_PENDING_IS(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Pending_Is_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's cancelled function override
typedef Eina_Bool(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Cancelled_Is_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_CANCELLED_IS(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Cancelled_Is_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's progress function override
typedef Eina_Bool(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise, void* progress);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_PROGRESS(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Cb)Function)
* @brief Function callback type for promise owner's progress notify registration function override
typedef Eina_Bool(*Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Notify_Cb)(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise,
Eina_Promise_Progress_Notify_Cb progress_cb, void* data, Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
#define EINA_FUNC_PROMISE_OWNER_PROGRESS_NOTIFY(Function) ((Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Notify_Cb)Function)
struct _Eina_Promise
int version;
Eina_Promise_Then_Cb then;
Eina_Promise_Value_Get_Cb value_get;
Eina_Promise_Error_Get_Cb error_get;
Eina_Promise_Pending_Is_Cb pending_is;
Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb_Add_Cb progress_cb_add;
Eina_Promise_Cancel_Cb cancel;
Eina_Promise_Ref_Cb ref;
Eina_Promise_Unref_Cb unref;
Eina_Promise_Value_Size_Get_Cb value_size_get;
Eina_Promise_Buffer_Get_Cb buffer_get;
#define EINA_MAGIC_PROMISE 0x07932A5B
struct _Eina_Promise_Owner
int version;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Set_Cb value_set;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Error_Set_Cb error_set;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Buffer_Get_Cb buffer_get;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Value_Size_Get_Cb value_size_get;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Promise_Get_Cb promise_get;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Pending_Is_Cb pending_is;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Cancelled_Is_Cb cancelled_is;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Cb progress;
Eina_Promise_Owner_Progress_Notify_Cb progress_notify;
* @brief Appends a callback to be called when the Eina_Promise is
* finished.
* @param promise The Eina_Promise to wait for
* @param callback Callback to be called when Eina_Promise is finished
* @param data Private data passed to the callback
EAPI void eina_promise_then(Eina_Promise* promise, Eina_Promise_Cb callback,
Eina_Promise_Error_Cb error_cb, void* data);
* @brief Creates a new @Eina_Promise from other @Eina_Promise's
* The new @Eina_Promise is fulfilled when all promises
* have also been fulfilled with success or when the
* first one fails
* @param promises An Eina_Iterator for all Eina_Promises
* @return Returns a new Eina_Promise
EAPI Eina_Promise* eina_promise_all(Eina_Iterator* promises);
* @brief Creates a new @Eina_Promise from other @Eina_Promises
* The new @Eina_Promise is fulfilled when the first promise
* has been fulfilled with success or when the
* first one fails
* @param promises An Eina_Iterator for all Eina_Promises
* @return Returns a new Eina_Promise
EAPI Eina_Promise* eina_promise_race(Eina_Iterator* promises);
* @brief Creates a new @Eina_Promise from another @Eina_Promise_Owner which
* is fulfilled when @promise has a progress callback registered
* @param promise Promise Owner which to be waited for a progress callback register
* @return Returns a new Eina_Promise
EAPI Eina_Promise* eina_promise_progress_notification(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief Sets value for Eina_Promise_Owner
* This finishes the Promise and calls all eina_promise_then callbacks
* that have been registered on Eina_Promise. This function must be
* called only once per Eina_Promise_Owner
* @param promise The promise owner for which to set the value
* @param value The pointer to the value that is going to be copied, or NULL.
* @param free_cb Callback function to be used to free the value copied
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_value_set(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, void* value, Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
* @brief Returns the pointer to the value
* If the Eina_Promise is not pending anymore and has not failed,
* returns the pointer to the value, otherwise returns NULL.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the value
* @return Value pointer or @NULL
EAPI void* eina_promise_value_get(Eina_Promise const* promise);
* @brief Returns the pointer to the buffer that holds the value.
* If the promise is finished and has not failed, this function is the
* same as @eina_promise_value_get. Otherwise, instead of returning
* NULL as @eina_promise_value_get, this function always returns the
* buffer pointer to where the value will be hold.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the buffer pointer
* @return Buffer pointer
EAPI void* eina_promise_buffer_get(Eina_Promise* promise);
* @brief Returns the pointer to the buffer that holds the value.
* This function always return the buffer pointer independently if the
* value has been set or not. This is useful to instantiate the value
* directly in the correct buffer, without needing to copy. Then the
* user can @eina_promise_owner_value_set with a NULL pointer for the
* value to avoid copying over the buffer.
* @param promise The promise owner for which to get the buffer pointer
* @return Buffer pointer
EAPI void* eina_promise_owner_buffer_get(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief Sets an error to the Eina_Promise
* Sets an error to the promise, finishing the promise and calling all
* eina_promise_then callbacks registered.
* @param promise The promise owner for which to set the error
* @param error Eina_Error to be set
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_error_set(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, Eina_Error error);
* @brief Gets the error of the @Eina_Promise
* If the promise is finished and has been set with an error, it
* retuns the @Eina_Error, otherwise returns 0.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the error
* @return @Eina_Error set in @Eina_Promise
EAPI Eina_Error eina_promise_error_get(Eina_Promise const* promise);
* @brief Gets the size of the value in eina_promise_value_get.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the value size
* @return The size of the value in eina_promise_value_get.
EAPI size_t eina_promise_value_size_get(Eina_Promise const* promise);
* @brief Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise is still pending and
* still waiting on a value to be set and @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the pending status
* @return Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise is still pending and
* still waiting on a value to be set and @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_promise_pending_is(Eina_Promise const* promise);
* @brief Adds a progress callback that is called by the asynchronous
* call to inform of any progress made.
* @param promise The promise for which to register a progress callback
* @param progress The callback to be called when progress is made
* @param data The private data that will be passed to the progress callback
EAPI void eina_promise_progress_cb_add(Eina_Promise* promise, Eina_Promise_Progress_Cb progress, void* data,
Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
* @brief Increments the reference count for the Eina_Promise
* @param promise The promise for which to increment its reference
EAPI void eina_promise_ref(Eina_Promise* promise);
* @brief Cancel asynchronous operation, if possible.
* @param promise The promise to cancel
EAPI void eina_promise_cancel(Eina_Promise* promise);
* @brief Gets Promise from Promise_Owner
* This function returns an @Eina_Promise from an
* @Eina_Promise_Owner. The user of the asynchronous operation can
* query the value from the @Eina_Promise object, while the
* asynchronous operation should use the @Eina_Promise_Owner object to
* set the value, or error, and thus finish the promise.
* @param promise The promise owner to get promise from.
* @return Return the @Eina_Promise
EAPI Eina_Promise* eina_promise_owner_promise_get(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise is still pending and
* still waiting on a value to be set and @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* @param promise The promise owner for which to get the pending status
* @return Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise is still pending and
* still waiting on a value to be set and @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_promise_owner_pending_is(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
* @brief Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise was cancelled
* or @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* @param promise The promise owner for which to get the cancelled status
* @return Returns @EINA_TRUE if the promise was cancelled
* or @EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool eina_promise_owner_cancelled_is(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise);
* @brief Calls progress callbacks in promise, if any exists, with
* the data.
* The progress callbacks registered in @Eina_Promise must not free
* the progress data pointer. The data pointer ownership must be dealt
* by the @Eina_Promise_Owner's user.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the cancelled status
* @param data The data to be passed to progress
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_progress(Eina_Promise_Owner const* promise, void* progress);
* @brief Registers a progress notify callbacks in promise owner.
* Registers a callback to be called for when a progress callback is
* registered by the linked @Eina_Promise.
* @param promise The promise for which to get the cancelled status
* @param notify_cb The callback to be called
* @param data The data to be passed to progress notify callback
* @param free_cb The free function that is called for the data param
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_progress_notify(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise,
Eina_Promise_Progress_Notify_Cb notify_cb, void* data, Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
* @brief Decrement the reference count for the Eina_Promise.
* The Eina_Promise, if its reference count drops to zero and is not
* pending, will be free'd immediately.
* @param promise The promise for which to decrement its reference
EAPI void eina_promise_unref(Eina_Promise* promise);
* @brief Function callback type when promise is canceled
typedef void(*Eina_Promise_Default_Cancel_Cb)(void* data, Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief Creates a @Eina_Promise_Owner
* Create a @Eina_Promise_Owner with a value of size value_size. Which
* is a promise with ownership of the value to be set. It is used by
* the asynchronous operation to set the actual value when it becomes
* available. The Promise itself, returned by
* eina_promise_owner_promise_get, represents the asynchronicity of
* the value itself and is used solely to get the value and to handle
* users of the asynchronous value. That's why Promises have a
* reference count while Promise Owners do not, the
* eina_promise_owner_value_set must be done only once, and
* consequently, has a unique ownership of the owner lifetime, while
* the promise can be queried and used by multiple users.
* @param value_size Size of value-type that Eina_Promise will hold
* @return @Eina_Promise_Owner just instantiated
EAPI Eina_Promise_Owner* eina_promise_default_add(int value_size);
* @brief Adds a cancel callback to be called when the promise is
* canceled by the usuer
* @param promise The promise for which to register a cancel callback
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_default_cancel_cb_add(
Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, Eina_Promise_Default_Cancel_Cb cancel, void* data,
Eina_Promise_Free_Cb free_cb);
* @brief Commands the @Eina_Promise_Owner not to call the then
* callbacks automatically
* @param promise The promise for which to register a cancel callback
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_default_manual_then_set(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise, Eina_Bool is_manual);
* @brief Calls the @Eina_Promise_Owner's then callbacks already registered
* @param promise The promise for which to register a cancel callback
EAPI void eina_promise_owner_default_call_then(Eina_Promise_Owner* promise);
* @brief The error identifier corresponding to when a promise was
* free'd before any progress callback was registered
* @brief The error identifier corresponding to when a promise was
* cancelled before the callback can be called
* @internal
#define _EINA_PROMISE_BEFORE_HOOK(PromiseValue, Ret, ...) \
Eina_Promise_Owner* const __eo_promise = eina_promise_default_add(sizeof(PromiseValue)); \
typedef Ret (*_Eo_Promise_func_t_)(Eo*, void *obj_data, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
_Eo_Promise_func_t_ const _eo_promise_func_ = (_Eo_Promise_func_t_)_func_;
* @internal
#define _EINA_PROMISE_CALL_HOOK(Arguments) \
_eo_promise_func_(___call.eo_id, ___call.data, Arguments);
* @internal
#define _EINA_PROMISE_AFTER_HOOK(Promise) \
if(Promise) \
*Promise = eina_promise_owner_promise_get(__eo_promise);
#endif /* ! EINA_PROMISE_H_ */