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class Elm_Genlist (Elm.Layout, Elm_Interface_Scrollable, Evas.Clickable_Interface,
eo_prefix: elm_obj_genlist;
properties {
homogeneous {
set {
Enable/disable homogeneous mode.
This will enable the homogeneous mode where items are of the same
height and width so that genlist may do the lazy-loading at its
maximum (which increases the performance for scrolling the list).
In the normal mode, genlist will pre-calculate all the items' sizes even
though they are not in use. So items' callbacks are called many times than
expected. But homogeneous mode will skip the item size pre-calculation
process so items' callbacks are called only when the item is needed.
@note This also works well with group index.
@see elm_genlist_mode_set()
@see elm_genlist_homogeneous_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get whether the homogeneous mode is enabled.
@return Assume the items within the genlist are of the same height
and width (EINA_TRUE = on, EINA_FALSE = off)
@see elm_genlist_homogeneous_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool homogeneous; /*@ Assume the items within the genlist are of the
same height and width (EINA_TRUE = on, EINA_FALSE = off). Default is @c
select_mode {
set {
Set the genlist select mode.
elm_genlist_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the genlist widget.
- #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will call their selection func and
callback once when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will
do nothing, unless you set always select mode.
- #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS : This means that, even if selected,
every click will make the selected callbacks be called.
- #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the ability to select items
entirely and they will neither appear selected nor call selected
callback functions.
@see elm_genlist_select_mode_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get the genlist select mode.
@return The select mode
(If getting mode fails, it returns #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_MAX)
@see elm_genlist_select_mode_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode(4); /*@ The select mode */
focus_on_selection {
set {
Set focus upon items selection mode
When enabled, every selection of an item inside the genlist will automatically set focus to
its first focusable widget from the left. This is true of course if the selection was made by
clicking an unfocusable area in an item or selecting it with a key movement. Clicking on a
focusable widget inside an item will couse this particular item to get focus as usual.
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get whether focus upon item's selection mode is enabled.
@return The tree effect status
(EINA_TRUE = enabled, EINA_FALSE = disabled)
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool enabled; /*@ The tree effect status
(EINA_TRUE = enabled, EINA_FALSE = disabled) */
longpress_timeout {
set {
Set the timeout in seconds for the longpress event.
This option will change how long it takes to send an event "longpressed"
after the mouse down signal is sent to the list. If this event occurs, no
"clicked" event will be sent.
@warning If you set the longpress timeout value with this API, your genlist
will not be affected by the longpress value of elementary config value
@see elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get the timeout in seconds for the longpress event.
@return timeout in seconds
@see elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
double timeout; /*@ timeout in seconds. Default is elm config value(1.0) */
multi_select {
set {
Enable or disable multi-selection in the genlist
This enables (@c EINA_TRUE) or disables (@c EINA_FALSE) multi-selection in
the list. This allows more than 1 item to be selected. To retrieve the list
of selected items, use elm_genlist_selected_items_get().
@see elm_genlist_selected_items_get()
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get if multi-selection in genlist is enabled or disabled.
@return Multi-select enabled/disabled
(@c EINA_TRUE = enabled/@c EINA_FALSE = disabled). Default is @c EINA_FALSE.
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool multi; /*@ Multi-select enable/disable. Default is disabled. */
reorder_mode {
set {
Set reorder mode
After turning on the reorder mode, longpress on normal item will trigger
reordering of the item. You can move the item up and down. However, reorder
does not work with group item.
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get the reorder mode
@return The reorder mode
(EINA_TRUE = on, EINA_FALSE = off)
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool reorder_mode; /*@ The reorder mode
(EINA_TRUE = on, EINA_FALSE = off) */
decorate_mode {
set {
Set Genlist decorate mode
This sets Genlist decorate mode to all items.
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get Genlist decorate mode
@return The decorate mode status
(EINA_TRUE = decorate mode, EINA_FALSE = normal mode
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool decorated; /*@ The decorate mode status
(EINA_TRUE = decorate mode, EINA_FALSE = normal mode */
multi_select_mode {
set {
Set the genlist multi select mode.
- #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : select/unselect items whenever each
item is clicked.
- #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_WITH_CONTROL : Only one item will be selected
although multi-selection is enabled, if clicked without pressing control
key. This mode is only available with multi-selection.
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_set()
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_mode_get()
@ingroup Genlist
@since 1.8 */
get {
Get the genlist multi select mode.
@return The multi select mode
(If getting mode fails, it returns #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE_MAX)
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_set()
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_mode_set()
@ingroup Genlist
@since 1.8 */
values {
Elm_Object_Multi_Select_Mode mode(2); /*@ The multi select mode */
block_count {
set {
Set the maximum number of items within an item block
This will configure the block count to tune to the target with particular
performance matrix.
A block of objects will be used to reduce the number of operations due to
many objects in the screen. It can determine the visibility, or if the
object has changed, it theme needs to be updated, etc. doing this kind of
calculation to the entire block, instead of per object.
The default value for the block count is enough for most lists, so unless
you know you will have a lot of objects visible in the screen at the same
time, don't try to change this.
@see elm_genlist_block_count_get()
@see @ref Genlist_Implementation
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get the maximum number of items within an item block
@return Maximum number of items within an item block
@see elm_genlist_block_count_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
int count; /*@ Maximum number of items within an item block. Default is 32. */
tree_effect_enabled {
set {
Set Genlist tree effect
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get Genlist tree effect
@return The tree effect status
(EINA_TRUE = enabled, EINA_FALSE = disabled
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool enabled; /*@ The tree effect status
(EINA_TRUE = enabled, EINA_FALSE = disabled */
highlight_mode {
set {
Set whether the genlist items should be highlighted on item selection.
This will turn on/off the highlight effect on item selection. The selected
and clicked callback functions will still be called.
Highlight is enabled by default.
@see elm_genlist_highlight_mode_get().
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get whether the genlist items' should be highlighted when item selected.
@return @c EINA_TRUE means items can be highlighted. @c EINA_FALSE indicates
they can't. If @p obj is @c NULL, @c EINA_FALSE is returned.
@see elm_genlist_highlight_mode_set() for details.
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
bool highlight; /*@ @c EINA_TRUE to enable highlighting or @c EINA_FALSE to
disable it. */
mode {
set {
This sets the horizontal stretching mode.
This sets the mode used for sizing items horizontally. Valid modes
#ELM_LIST_SCROLL. This mode means that if items are too wide to fit,
the scroller will scroll horizontally. Otherwise items are expanded
to fill the width of the viewport of the scroller. If it is
#ELM_LIST_LIMIT, items will be expanded to the viewport width and
limited to that size. If it is #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, the item width will be
fixed (restricted to a minimum of) to the list width when calculating its
size in order to allow the height to be calculated based on it. This allows,
for instance, text block to wrap lines if the Edje part is configured with
"text.min: 0 1".
@note #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS will make list resize slower as it will have to
recalculate every item height again whenever the list width
@note Homogeneous mode is for that all items in the genlist same
width/height. With #ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, it makes genlist items to fast
initializing. However there's no sub-objects in genlist which can be
on the flying resizable (such as TEXTBLOCK). If then, some dynamic
resizable objects in genlist would not diplayed properly.
@see elm_genlist_mode_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
get {
Get the horizontal stretching mode.
@return The mode to use
@see elm_genlist_mode_set()
@ingroup Genlist */
values {
Elm_List_Mode mode(4); /*@ The mode to use (one of #ELM_LIST_SCROLL or #ELM_LIST_LIMIT). */
decorated_item {
get {
Get active genlist mode item
@return The active item for that current mode. Or @c NULL if no item is
activated with any mode.
This function returns the item that was activated with a mode, by the
function elm_genlist_item_decorate_mode_set().
@see elm_genlist_item_decorate_mode_set()
@see elm_genlist_mode_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
selected_item {
get {
Get the selected item in the genlist.
@return The selected item, or NULL if none is selected.
This gets the selected item in the list (if multi-selection is enabled, only
the item that was first selected in the list is returned - which is not very
useful, so see elm_genlist_selected_items_get() for when multi-selection is
If no item is selected, NULL is returned.
@see elm_genlist_selected_items_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
first_item {
get {
Get the first item in the genlist
This returns the first item in the list.
@return The first item, or NULL if none
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
realized_items {
get {
Get a list of realized items in genlist
@return The list of realized items, nor NULL if none are realized.
This returns a list of the realized items in the genlist. The list
contains genlist item pointers. The list must be freed by the
caller when done with eina_list_free(). The item pointers in the
list are only valid so long as those items are not deleted or the
genlist is not deleted.
@see elm_genlist_realized_items_update()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: list *;
selected_items {
get {
Get a list of selected items in the genlist.
@return The list of selected items, or NULL if none are selected.
It returns a list of the selected items. This list pointer is only valid so
long as the selection doesn't change (no items are selected or unselected, or
unselected implicitly by deletion). The list contains genlist items
pointers. The order of the items in this list is the order which they were
selected, i.e. the first item in this list is the first item that was
selected, and so on.
@note If not in multi-select mode, consider using function
elm_genlist_selected_item_get() instead.
@see elm_genlist_multi_select_set()
@see elm_genlist_selected_item_get()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: const(list)*;
last_item {
get {
Get the last item in the genlist
This returns the last item in the list.
@return The last item, or NULL if none
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
methods {
item_insert_before {
Insert an item before another in a genlist widget
@return A handle to the item added or @c NULL if not possible
This inserts an item before another in the list. It will be in the
same tree level or group as the item it is inserted before.
@see elm_genlist_item_append()
@see elm_genlist_item_prepend()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_after()
@see elm_object_item_del()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in const(Elm_Genlist_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */
@in const(void)* data; /*@ The item data */
@in Elm_Object_Item *parent; /*@ The parent item, or NULL if none */
@in Elm_Object_Item *before_it; /*@ The item to place this new one before. */
@in Elm_Genlist_Item_Type type; /*@ Item type */
@in Evas_Smart_Cb func; /*@ Convenience function called when the item is selected */
@in const(void)* func_data; /*@ Data passed to @p func above. */
realized_items_update {
Update the contents of all realized items.
This updates all realized items by calling all the item class functions again
to get the contents, texts and states. Use this when the original
item data has changed and the changes are desired to be reflected.
To update just one item, use elm_genlist_item_update().
@see elm_genlist_realized_items_get()
@see elm_genlist_item_update()
@ingroup Genlist */
item_insert_after {
Insert an item after another in a genlist widget
@return A handle to the item added or @c NULL if not possible
This inserts an item after another in the list. It will be in the
same tree level or group as the item it is inserted after.
@see elm_genlist_item_append()
@see elm_genlist_item_prepend()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_before()
@see elm_object_item_del()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in const(Elm_Genlist_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */
@in const(void)* data; /*@ The item data */
@in Elm_Object_Item *parent; /*@ The parent item, or NULL if none */
@in Elm_Object_Item *after_it; /*@ The item to place this new one after. */
@in Elm_Genlist_Item_Type type; /*@ Item type */
@in Evas_Smart_Cb func; /*@ Convenience function called when the item is selected */
@in const(void)* func_data; /*@ Data passed to @p func above. */
at_xy_item_get @const {
Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
@return The item at the coordinates or NULL if none
This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas
relative, not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate,
that item handle is returned, and if @p posret is not NULL, the
integer pointed to is set to a value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if
the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), on the
middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If NULL is returned as
an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or 1
based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in
the genlist.
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in Evas_Coord x; /*@ The input x coordinate */
@in Evas_Coord y; /*@ The input y coordinate */
@out int posret; /*@ The position relative to the item returned here */
items_count @const {
Return how many items are currently in a list
@return The total number of list items in the list
This behavior is O(1) and includes items which may or may not be realized.
@ingroup Genlist */
return: uint;
item_prepend {
Prepend a new item in a given genlist widget.
@return A handle to the item added or NULL if not possible
This adds an item to the beginning of the list or beginning of the
children of the parent if given.
@see elm_genlist_item_append()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_before()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_after()
@see elm_object_item_del()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in const(Elm_Genlist_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */
@in const(void)* data; /*@ The item data */
@in Elm_Object_Item *parent; /*@ The parent item, or NULL if none */
@in Elm_Genlist_Item_Type type; /*@ Item type */
@in Evas_Smart_Cb func; /*@ Convenience function called when the item is selected */
@in const(void)* func_data; /*@ Data passed to @p func above. */
clear {
Remove all items from a given genlist widget.
This removes (and deletes) all items in @p obj, leaving it empty.
@see elm_object_item_del(), to remove just one item.
@ingroup Genlist */
item_append {
Append a new item in a given genlist widget.
@return A handle to the item added or @c NULL if not possible
This adds the given item to the end of the list or the end of
the children list if the @p parent is given.
@see elm_genlist_item_prepend()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_before()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_after()
@see elm_object_item_del()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in const(Elm_Genlist_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */
@in const(void)* data; /*@ The item data */
@in Elm_Object_Item *parent; /*@ The parent item, or NULL if none */
@in Elm_Genlist_Item_Type type; /*@ Item type */
@in Evas_Smart_Cb func; /*@ Convenience function called when the item is selected */
@in const(void)* func_data; /*@ Data passed to @p func above. */
item_sorted_insert {
Insert a new item into the sorted genlist object
@return A handle to the item added or NULL if not possible
This inserts an item in the genlist based on user defined comparison
function. The two arguments passed to the function @p func are genlist item
handles to compare.
@see elm_genlist_item_append()
@see elm_genlist_item_prepend()
@see elm_genlist_item_insert_after()
@see elm_object_item_del()
@ingroup Genlist */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in const(Elm_Genlist_Item_Class)* itc; /*@ The item class for the item */
@in const(void)* data; /*@ The item data */
@in Elm_Object_Item *parent; /*@ The parent item, or NULL if none */
@in Elm_Genlist_Item_Type type; /*@ Item type */
@in Eina_Compare_Cb comp; /*@ The function called for the sort */
@in Evas_Smart_Cb func; /*@ Convenience function called when item selected */
@in const(void)* func_data; /*@ Data passed to @p func above. */
search_by_text_item_get {
Get genlist item by given string.
@return Pointer to the genlist item which matches search_string in case of success, otherwise returns NULL.
It takes pointer to the genlist item that will be used to start
search from it.
This function uses globs (like "*.jpg") for searching and takes
search flags as last parameter That is a bitfield with values
to be ored together or 0 for no flags.
@ingroup Genlist
@since 1.11 */
return: Elm_Object_Item *;
params {
@in Elm_Object_Item * item_to_search_from; /*@ Pointer to item to start search from. If NULL search will be started from the first item of the genlist. */
@in const(char)* part_name; /*@ Name of the TEXT part of genlist item to search string in. */
@in const(char)* pattern; /*@ The search pattern. */
@in Elm_Glob_Match_Flags flags; /*@ Search flags */
implements {
events {