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21 KiB

/* EINA - EFL data type library
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jorge Luis Zapata Muga, Cedric Bail
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library;
* if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @page tutorial_error_page Error Tutorial
* @section tutorial_error_introduction Introduction
* The Eina error module provides a way to manage errors in a simple
* but powerful way in libraries and modules. It is also used in Eina
* itself. It provides facilities for displaying different kind of
* messages (warning, informations, errors, or debug), which can be
* tuned by the user, or for registering new errors messages.
* @section tutorial_error_basic_usage Basic Usage
* The first thing to do when using the error module is to initialize
* it with eina_error_init() and, when the error module is not used
* anymore, to shut down it with eina_error_shutdown(). So a basic
* program would look like that:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_error.h>
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_error_init())
* {
* printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* All program using any module of eina must be compiled with the
* following command:
* @code
* gcc -Wall -o my_exe my_source.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`
* @endcode
* Now that the error module is initialized, error messages can
* be displayed. Helper macros are already defined for such purpose:
* Here is an example:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_error.h>
* void test(int i)
* {
* EINA_ERROR_PDBG("Entering test\n");
* if (i < 0)
* {
* EINA_ERROR_PERR("argument is negative\n");
* return;
* }
* EINA_ERROR_PINFO("argument non negative\n");
* EINA_ERROR_PDBG("Exiting test\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_error_init())
* {
* printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* test(-1);
* test(0);
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* If you compiled Eina without debug mode, after executing that
* program, you will see only 1 message (the argument being
* negative). Why ? These macros are just wrappers around
* eina_error_print(). This function only displays messages if the
* current error level is lesser or equal than the one used by
* eina_error_print(). By default, the current error level is
* #EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR (in non debug mode), and the macro uses
* the error values defines by #Eina_Error_Level. So as
* #EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR is the smallest value, only
* EINA_ERROR_PERR() will display the message.
* To modify this behavior, you have two solutions:
* @li Using the environment variable EINA_ERROR_LEVEL. In that case,
* just set the environment variable to a integer number between 0
* before executing the program. That environment variable will be
* read during the first call of eina_error_init().
* @li Using the function eina_error_log_level_set().
* So try using the environment variable like this:
* @code
* EINA_ERROR_LEVEL=2 ./my_app
* @endcode
* To do the same with eina_error_log_level_set(), just add
* @code
* eina_error_log_level_set(EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO);
* @endcode
* before the calls of the tests in the above example.
* @section tutorial_error_advanced_display Advanced usage of print callbacks
* The error module allows the user to change the way
* eina_error_print() displays the messages. It suffices to pass to
* eina_error_print_cb_set() the function used to display the
* message. That function must be of type #Eina_Error_Print_Cb. As a
* custom data can be passed to that callback, powerful display
* messages can be displayed.
* It is suggested to not use __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ or __LINE__ when
* writing that callback, but when defining macros (like
* EINA_ERROR_PERR() and other macros).
* Here is an example of custom callback, whose behavior can be
* changed at runtime:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_error.h>
* #define ERROR(fmt, ...) \
* eina_error_print(EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* typedef struct _Data Data;
* struct _Data
* {
* int to_stderr;
* };
* void print_cb(Eina_Error_Level level,
* const char *file,
* const char *fnc,
* int line,
* const char *fmt,
* void *data,
* va_list args)
* {
* Data *d;
* FILE *output;
* char *str;
* d = (Data *)data;
* if (d->to_stderr)
* {
* output = stderr;
* str = "stderr";
* }
* else
* {
* output = stdout;
* str = "stdout";
* }
* fprintf(output, "%s:%s (%d) %s: ", file, fnc, line, str);
* vfprintf(output, fmt, args);
* }
* void test(Data *data, int i)
* {
* if (i < 0)
* data->to_stderr = 0;
* else
* data->to_stderr = 1;
* ERROR("error message...\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* Data *data;
* if (!eina_error_init())
* {
* printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* data = (Data *)malloc(sizeof(Data));
* if (!data)
* {
* printf ("Error during memory allocation\n");
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* eina_error_print_cb_set(print_cb, data);
* test(data, -1);
* test(data, 0);
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* @section tutorial_error_registering_msg Registering messages
* The error module can provide a system that mimic the errno system
* of the C standard library. It consists in 2 parts:
* @li a way of registering new messages with
* eina_error_msg_register() and eina_error_msg_get(),
* @li a way of setting / getting last error message with
* eina_error_set() / eina_error_get().
* So one has to fisrt register all the error messages that a program
* or a lib should manage. Then, when an error can occur, use
* eina_error_set(), and when errors are managed, use
* eina_error_get(). If eina_error_set() is used to set an error, do
* not forget to call before eina_error_set0), to remove previous set
* errors.
* Here is an example of use:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_error.h>
* Eina_Error MY_ERROR_NULL;
* voi *data_new()
* {
* eina_error_set(0);
* eina_error_set(MY_ERROR_NULL);
* return NULL;
* }
* int test(int n)
* {
* eina_error_set(0);
* if (n < 0)
* {
* eina_error_set(MY_ERROR_NEGATIVE);
* return 0;
* }
* return 1;
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* void *data;
* if (!eina_error_init())
* {
* printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* MY_ERROR_NEGATIVE = eina_error_msg_register("Negative number");
* MY_ERROR_NULL = eina_error_msg_register("NULL pointer");
* data = data_new();
* if (!data)
* {
* Eina_Error err;
* err = eina_error_get();
* if (err)
* printf("Error during memory allocation: %s\n",
* eina_error_msg_get(err));
* }
* if (!test(0))
* {
* Eina_Error err;
* err = eina_error_get();
* if (err)
* printf("Error during test function: %s\n",
* eina_error_msg_get(err));
* }
* if (!test(-1))
* {
* Eina_Error err;
* err = eina_error_get();
* if (err)
* printf("Error during test function: %s\n",
* eina_error_msg_get(err));
* }
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* Of course, instead of printf(), eina_error_print() can be used to
* have beautiful error messages.
# include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_EVIL
# include <Evil.h>
#include "eina_config.h"
#include "eina_private.h"
#include "eina_safety_checks.h"
#include "eina_error.h"
#include "eina_inlist.h"
* + printing errors to stdout or stderr can be implemented
* using a queue, useful for multiple threads printing
* + add a wrapper for assert?
* + add common error numbers, messages
* + add a calltrace of errors, not only store the last error but a list of them
* and also store the function that set it
* Local *
* @cond LOCAL
static int _eina_error_init_count = 0;
static Eina_Inlist *_error_list = NULL;
static int _error_list_count = 0;
static Eina_Error _err;
static Eina_Error_Print_Cb _print_cb = eina_error_print_cb_stdout;
static void *_print_cb_data = NULL;
#define RED "\033[31;1m"
#define GREEN "\033[32;1m"
#define YELLOW "\033[33;1m"
#define WHITE "\033[37;1m"
#define NOTHING "\033[0m"
#ifdef DEBUG
static Eina_Error_Level _error_level = EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_DBG;
static Eina_Error_Level _error_level = EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR;
static const char *_colors[EINA_ERROR_LEVELS] = {
* @endcond
* Global *
* API *
* @addtogroup Eina_Error_Group Error
* @brief These functions provide error management for projects.
* The error system must be initialized with eina_error_init() and
* shut down with eina_error_shutdown(). The most generic way to print
* errors is to use eina_error_print() but the helper macros
* EINA_ERROR_PDBG() should be used instead.
* Here is a straightforward example:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_error.h>
* void test_warn(void)
* {
* EINA_ERROR_PWARN("Here is a warning message\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_error_init())
* {
* printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* test_warn();
* eina_error_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* Compile this code with the following command:
* @code
* gcc -Wall -o test_eina_error test_eina.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`
* @endcode
* If Eina is compiled without debug mode, then executing the
* resulting program displays nothing because the default error level
* is #EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR and we want to display a warning
* message, which level is strictly greater than the error level (see
* eina_error_print() for more informations). Now execute the program
* with:
* @code
* EINA_ERROR_LEVEL=2 ./test_eina_error
* @endcode
* You should see a message displayed in the terminal.
* For more information, you can look at the @ref tutorial_error_page.
* @{
* @cond LOCAL
* @endcond
* @brief Initialize the error module.
* @return 1 or greater on success, 0 on error.
* This function sets up the error module of Eina. It is called by
* eina_init() and by all modules initialization functions. It returns
* @c 0 on failure, otherwise it returns the number of times it is
* called.
* The default error level value is set by default to
* #EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_DBG if Eina is compiled with debug mode, or to
* #EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_ERR otherwise. That value can be overwritten by
* setting the environment variable EINA_ERROR_LEVEL. This function
* checks the value of that environment variable in the first
* call. Its value must be a number between 0 and 3, to match the
* also be set later with eina_error_log_level_set().
* This function registers the error #EINA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY.
* Once the error module is not used anymore, then
* eina_error_shutdown() must be called to shut down the error
* module.
* @see eina_init()
EAPI int eina_error_init(void)
if (!_eina_error_init_count)
char *level;
/* TODO register the eina's basic errors */
if ((level = getenv("EINA_ERROR_LEVEL")))
_error_level = atoi(level);
EINA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = eina_error_msg_register("Out of memory");
/* get all the modules */
return ++_eina_error_init_count;
* @brief Shut down the error module.
* @return 0 when the error module is completely shut down, 1 or
* greater otherwise.
* This function shuts down the error module set up by
* eina_error_init(). It is called by eina_shutdown() and by all
* modules shutdown functions. It returns 0 when it is called the
* same number of times than eina_error_init(). In that case it clears
* the error list.
* @see eina_shutdown()
EAPI int eina_error_shutdown(void)
Eina_Inlist *tmp;
if (!_eina_error_init_count)
/* remove the error strings */
while (_error_list)
tmp = _error_list;
_error_list = _error_list->next;
_error_list_count = 0;
return _eina_error_init_count;
* @brief Register a new error type.
* @param msg The description of the error.
* @return The unique number identifier for this error.
* This function stores in a list the error message described by
* @p msg. The returned value is a unique identifier greater or equal
* than 1. The description can be retrieve later by passing to
* eina_error_msg_get() the returned value.
EAPI Eina_Error eina_error_msg_register(const char *msg)
Eina_Inlist *tmp;
size_t length;
length = strlen(msg) + 1;
tmp = malloc(sizeof (Eina_Inlist) + length);
if (!tmp) return 0;
memcpy((char*)(tmp + 1), msg, length);
_error_list = eina_inlist_append(_error_list, tmp);
return ++_error_list_count;
* @brief Return the description of the given an error number.
* @param error The error number.
* @return The description of the error.
* This function returns the description of an error that has been
* registered with eina_error_msg_register(). If an incorrect error is
* given, then @c NULL is returned.
EAPI const char * eina_error_msg_get(Eina_Error error)
Eina_Inlist *tmp;
int i;
for (i = 0, tmp = _error_list; i < error - 1; ++i, tmp = tmp->next)
return (char*) (tmp + 1);
* @brief Return the last set error.
* @return The last error.
* This function returns the last error set by eina_error_set(). The
* description of the message is returned by eina_error_msg_get().
EAPI Eina_Error eina_error_get(void)
return _err;
* @brief Set the last error.
* @param err The error identifier.
* This function sets the last error identifier. The last error can be
* retrieved with eina_error_get().
EAPI void eina_error_set(Eina_Error err)
_err = err;
* @brief Print the error to a file.
* @param level The error level.
* @param file The name of the file where the error occurred.
* @param fnc The name of the function where the error occurred.
* @param line The number of the line where the error occurred.
* @param fmt The format to use.
* This function sends to a stream (like stdout or stderr) a formatted
* string that describes the error. The error level is set by
* @p level, the name of the file, of the function and the number of the
* line where the error occurred are respectively set by @p file,
* @p fnc and @p line. A description of the error message is given by
* @p fmt, which is a formatted string, followed by optional arguments
* that can be converted (like with printf). If @p level is strictly
* larger than the current error level, that function returns
* immediately, otherwise it prints all the errors up to the current
* error level. The current error level can be changed with
* eina_error_log_level_set(). See also eina_error_init() for more
* informations.
* By default, that formatted message is send to stdout and is
* formatted by eina_error_print_cb_stdout(). The destination of the
* formatted message is send and the way it is formatted can be
* changed by setting a print callback with
* eina_error_print_cb_set(). Some print callbacks are already
* defined: eina_error_print_cb_stdout() that send the message to
* stdout and eina_error_print_cb_file() that sends it to a file, but
* custom print callbacks can be used. They must be of type
* #Eina_Error_Print_Cb.
EAPI void eina_error_print(Eina_Error_Level level, const char *file,
const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
if (level > _error_level)
va_start(args, fmt);
_print_cb(level, file, fnc, line, fmt, _print_cb_data, args);
if (getenv("EINA_ERROR_ABORT")) abort();
EAPI void eina_error_vprint(Eina_Error_Level level, const char *file,
const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, va_list args)
if (level > _error_level)
_print_cb(level, file, fnc, line, fmt, _print_cb_data, args);
if (getenv("EINA_ERROR_ABORT")) abort();
* @brief Print callback that sends the error message to stdout.
* @param level The error level.
* @param file The name of the file where the error occurred.
* @param fnc The name of the function where the error occurred.
* @param line The number of the line where the error occurred.
* @param fmt The format to use.
* @param data Unused.
* @param args The arguments that will be converted.
* This function is used to send a formatted error message to standard
* output and is used as a print callback, with
* eina_error_print(). This is the default print callback.
EAPI void eina_error_print_cb_stdout(Eina_Error_Level level, const char *file,
const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, __UNUSED__ void *data,
va_list args)
printf("%s", _colors[level]);
printf("[%s:%d] %s() ", file, line, fnc);
printf("%s", _colors[EINA_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO]);
vprintf(fmt, args);
* @brief Print callback that sends the error message to a specified stream.
* @param level Unused.
* @param file The name of the file where the error occurred.
* @param fnc The name of the function where the error occurred.
* @param line The number of the line where the error occurred.
* @param fmt The format to use.
* @param data The file stream.
* @param args The arguments that will be converted.
* This function is used to send a formatted error message to the
* stream specified by @p data. That stream must be of type FILE *. Look
* at eina_error_print_cb_stdout() for the description of the other
* parameters. Use eina_error_print_cb_set() to set it as default
* print callback in eina_error_print().
EAPI void eina_error_print_cb_file(__UNUSED__ Eina_Error_Level level, const char *file,
const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, void *data,
va_list args)
FILE *f = data;
fprintf(f, "[%s:%d] %s() ", file, line, fnc);
vfprintf(f, fmt, args);
* @brief Set the default print callback.
* @param cb The print callback.
* @param data The data to pass to the callback
* This function sets the default print callback @p cb used by
* eina_error_print(). A data can be passed to that callback with
* @p data.
EAPI void eina_error_print_cb_set(Eina_Error_Print_Cb cb, void *data)
_print_cb = cb;
_print_cb_data = data;
* @brief Set the default error log level.
* @param level The error level.
* This function sets the error log level @p level. It is used in
* eina_error_print().
EAPI void eina_error_log_level_set(Eina_Error_Level level)
_error_level = level;
* @}