
831 lines
21 KiB

/* EINA - EFL data type library
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jorge Luis Zapata Muga, Cedric Bail, Andre Dieb
* Martins
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library;
* if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @page tutorial_log_page log Tutorial
* @section tutorial_log_introduction Introduction
* The Eina Log module provides logging facilities for libraries and
* applications. It provides colored logging, basic logging levels (error,
* warning, debug, info, critical) and loggers - called logging domains -
* which will be covered on next sections.
* @section tutorial_log_basic_usage Basic Usage
* The first thing to do when using the log module is to initialize
* it with eina_log_init() and when the log module is not used
* anymore, shut it down with eina_log_shutdown(). Here's a basic example:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_log.h>
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_log_init())
* {
* printf ("Error initializing Eina Log module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* eina_log_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* Every program using any module of eina must be compiled with the
* following command:
* @code
* gcc -Wall -o my_exe my_source.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`
* @endcode
* After the module has been initialized, log messages can be displayed using
* the following macros:
* @li EINA_LOG_ERR(),
* @li EINA_LOG_INFO(),
* @li EINA_LOG_WARN(),
* @li EINA_LOG_DBG().
* Here is an example:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_log.h>
* void test(int i)
* {
* EINA_LOG_DBG("Entering test\n");
* if (i < 0)
* {
* EINA_LOG_ERR("Argument is negative\n");
* return;
* }
* EINA_LOG_INFO("argument non negative\n");
* EINA_LOG_DBG("Exiting test\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_log_init())
* {
* printf ("log during the initialization of Eina_Log module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* test(-1);
* test(0);
* eina_log_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* If you compiled Eina without debug mode, execution will yield only one log
* message, which is "argument is negative".
* Here we introduce the concept of logging domains (or loggers), which might
* already be familiar to readers. It is basically a way to separate a set of
* log messages into a context (e.g. a module) and provide a way of controlling
* this set as a whole.
* For example, suppose you have 3 different modules on your application and you
* want to get logging only from one of them (e.g. create some sort of filter).
* For achieving that, all you need to do is create a logging domain for each
* module so that all logging inside a module can be considered as a whole.
* Logging domains are specified by a name, color applied to the name and the
* level. The first two (name and color) are set through code, that is, inside
* your application/module/library.
* The level is used for controlling which messages should appear. It
* specifies the lowest level that should be displayed (e.g. a message
* with level 11 being logged on a domain with level set to 10 would be
* displayed, while a message with level 9 wouldn't).
* The domain level is set during runtime (in contrast with the name and
* color) through the environment variable EINA_LOG_LEVELS. This variable
* expects a list in the form domain_name1:level1,domain_name2:level2,... . For
* example:
* @code
* EINA_LOG_LEVELS=mymodule1:5,mymodule2:2,mymodule3:0 ./myapp
* @encode
* This line would set mymodule1 level to 5, mymodule2 level to 2 and mymodule3
* level to 0.
* There's also a global logger to which EINA_LOG_(ERR, DBG, INFO, CRIT, WARN)
* macros do log on. It is a logger that is created internally by Eina Log with
* an empty name and can be used for general logging (where logging domains do
* not apply).
* Since this global logger doesn't have a name, you can't set its level through
* EINA_LOG_LEVELS variable. Here we introduce a second environment variable
* that is a bit more special: EINA_LOG_LEVEL.
* This variable specifies the level of the global logging domain and the level
* of domains that haven't been set through EINA_LOG_LEVELS. Here's an example:
* @code
* EINA_LOG_LEVEL=3 EINA_LOG_LEVELS=module1:10,module3:2 ./myapp
* @endcode
* Supposing you have modules named "module1", "module2" and "module3", this
* line would result in module1 with level 10, module2 with level 3 and module3
* with level 2. Note that module2's level wasn't specified, so it's level is
* set to the global level. This way we can easily apply filters to multiple
* domains with only one parameter (EINA_LOG_LEVEL=num).
* The global level (EINA_LOG_LEVEL) can also be set through code, using
* eina_log_level_set() function.
* // TODO rewrite this section
* @section tutorial_log_advanced_display Advanced usage of print callbacks
* The log module allows the user to change the way
* eina_log_print() displays the messages. It suffices to pass to
* eina_log_print_cb_set() the function used to display the
* message. That function must be of type #Eina_log_Print_Cb. As a
* custom data can be passed to that callback, powerful display
* messages can be displayed.
* It is suggested to not use __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ or __LINE__ when
* writing that callback, but when defining macros (like
* EINA_LOG_ERR() and other macros).
* Here is an example of custom callback, whose behavior can be
* changed at runtime:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_log.h>
* #define log(fmt, ...) \
* eina_log_print(EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* typedef struct _Data Data;
* struct _Data
* {
* int to_stderr;
* };
* void print_cb(Eina_Log_Level level,
* const char *file,
* const char *fnc,
* int line,
* const char *fmt,
* void *data,
* va_list args)
* {
* Data *d;
* FILE *output;
* char *str;
* d = (Data *)data;
* if (d->to_stderr)
* {
* output = stderr;
* str = "stderr";
* }
* else
* {
* output = stdout;
* str = "stdout";
* }
* fprintf(output, "%s:%s (%d) %s: ", file, fnc, line, str);
* vfprintf(output, fmt, args);
* }
* void test(Data *data, int i)
* {
* if (i < 0)
* data->to_stderr = 0;
* else
* data->to_stderr = 1;
* log("log message...\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* Data *data;
* if (!eina_log_init())
* {
* printf ("log during the initialization of Eina_Log module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* data = (Data *)malloc(sizeof(Data));
* if (!data)
* {
* printf ("log during memory allocation\n");
* eina_log_shutdown();
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* eina_log_print_cb_set(print_cb, data);
* test(data, -1);
* test(data, 0);
* eina_log_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* Of course, instead of printf(), eina_log_print() can be used to
* have beautiful log messages.
# include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_EVIL
# include <Evil.h>
#include "eina_config.h"
#include "eina_private.h"
#include "eina_safety_checks.h"
#include "eina_log.h"
#include "eina_inlist.h"
* + printing logs to stdout or stderr can be implemented
* using a queue, useful for multiple threads printing
* + add a wrapper for assert?
* + improve doc
* Local *
* @cond LOCAL
// Structure for storing domain level settings passed from the command line
// that will be matched with application-defined domains.
typedef struct _Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending;
struct _Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending
unsigned int level;
char name[];
* List of levels for domains set by the user before the domains are registered,
* updates the domain levels on the first log and clears itself.
static Eina_Inlist *_pending_list = NULL;
// Initialization counter
static int _eina_log_init_count = 0;
// Disable color flag (can be changed through the env var
static Eina_Bool _disable_color = EINA_FALSE;
// List of domains registered
static Eina_Log_Domain *_log_domains = NULL;
static int _log_domains_count = 0;
static int _log_domains_allocated = 0;
// Default function for printing on domains
static Eina_Log_Print_Cb _print_cb = eina_log_print_cb_stdout;
static void *_print_cb_data = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
static Eina_Log_Level _log_level = EINA_LOG_LEVEL_DBG;
static Eina_Log_Level _log_level = EINA_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL;
static Eina_Log_Level _log_level = EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR;
// Default colors and levels
static const char *_colors[EINA_LOG_LEVELS + 1] = { // + 1 for higher than debug
* Creates a colored domain name string.
static const char *
eina_log_domain_str_get(const char *name, const char *color)
const char *d;
if (color)
size_t name_len;
size_t color_len;
name_len = strlen(name);
color_len = strlen(color);
d = malloc(sizeof(char) * (color_len + name_len + strlen(EINA_COLOR_RESET) + 1));
if (!d) return NULL;
memcpy((char *)d, color, color_len);
memcpy((char *)(d + color_len), name, name_len);
memcpy((char *)(d + color_len + name_len), EINA_COLOR_RESET, strlen(EINA_COLOR_RESET));
((char *)d)[color_len + name_len + strlen(EINA_COLOR_RESET)] = '\0';
d = strdup(name);
return d;
* Setups a new logging domain to the name and color specified. Note that this
* constructor acts upon an pre-allocated object.
static Eina_Log_Domain *
eina_log_domain_new(Eina_Log_Domain *d, const char *name, const char *color)
d->deleted = EINA_FALSE;
if (name)
if ((color) && (!_disable_color))
d->domain_str = eina_log_domain_str_get(name, color);
d->domain_str = eina_log_domain_str_get(name, NULL);
d->name = strdup(name);
d->domain_str = NULL;
d->name = NULL;
return d;
* Frees internal strings of a log domain, keeping the log domain itself as a
* slot for next domain registers.
static void
eina_log_domain_free(Eina_Log_Domain *d)
if (d->domain_str)
free((char *)d->domain_str);
if (d->name)
free((char *)d->name);
* Parses domain levels passed through the env var.
static void
const char *start;
if (!(start = getenv(EINA_LOG_ENV_LEVELS))) return;
// name1:level1,name2:level2,name3:level3,...
while (1)
Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending *p;
char *end = NULL;
char *tmp = NULL;
long int level;
end = strchr(start, ':');
if (!end) break;
// Parse level, keep going if failed
level = strtol((char *)(end + 1), &tmp, 10);
if (tmp == (end + 1)) goto parse_end;
// Parse name
p = malloc(sizeof(Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending) + end - start + 1);
if (!p) break;
memcpy((char *)p->name, start, end - start);
((char *)p->name)[end - start] = '\0';
p->level = level;
_pending_list = eina_inlist_append(_pending_list, EINA_INLIST_GET(p));
start = strchr(tmp, ',');
if (start) start++;
else break;
* @endcond
* Global *
* API *
* @addtogroup Eina_Log_Group log
* @brief These functions provide log management for projects.
* The log system must be initialized with eina_log_init() and
* shut down with eina_log_shutdown(). The most generic way to print
* logs is to use eina_log_print() but the helper macros
* EINA_LOG_DBG() should be used instead.
* Here is a straightforward example:
* @code
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <eina_log.h>
* void test_warn(void)
* {
* EINA_LOG_WARN("Here is a warning message\n");
* }
* int main(void)
* {
* if (!eina_log_init())
* {
* printf ("log during the initialization of Eina_Log module\n");
* return EXIT_FAILURE;
* }
* test_warn();
* eina_log_shutdown();
* return EXIT_SUCCESS;
* }
* @endcode
* Compile this code with the following command:
* @code
* gcc -Wall -o test_Eina_Log test_eina.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`
* @endcode
* If Eina is compiled without debug mode, then executing the
* resulting program displays nothing because the default log level
* is #EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR and we want to display a warning
* message, which level is strictly greater than the log level (see
* eina_log_print() for more informations). Now execute the program
* with:
* @code
* EINA_log_LEVEL=2 ./test_eina_log
* @endcode
* You should see a message displayed in the terminal.
* For more information, you can look at the @ref tutorial_log_page.
* @{
* @cond LOCAL
* @endcond
* @brief Initialize the log module.
* @return 1 or greater on success, 0 on log.
* This function sets up the log module of Eina. It is called by
* eina_init() and by all modules initialization functions. It returns
* @c 0 on failure, otherwise it returns the number of times it is
* called.
* The default log level value is set by default to
* #EINA_LOG_LEVEL_DBG if Eina is compiled with debug mode, or to
* #EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR otherwise. That value can be overwritten by
* setting the environment variable EINA_log_LEVEL. This function
* checks the value of that environment variable in the first
* call. Its value must be a number between 0 and 3, to match the
* also be set later with eina_log_log_level_set().
* Once the log module is not used anymore, then
* eina_log_shutdown() must be called to shut down the log
* module.
* @see eina_init()
EAPI int
char *level;
char *tmp;
if (_eina_log_init_count) return ++_eina_log_init_count;
// Check if color is disabled
if ((tmp = getenv(EINA_LOG_ENV_COLOR_DISABLE)) && (atoi(tmp) == 1))
_disable_color = EINA_TRUE;
// Global log level
if ((level = getenv(EINA_LOG_ENV_LEVEL)))
_log_level = atoi(level);
_log_level = EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR;
// Register UNKNOWN domain, the default logger
EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL = eina_log_domain_register("", NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create global logging domain.\n");
return 0;
// Parse pending domains passed through EINA_LOG_LEVELS
return ++_eina_log_init_count;
* @brief Shut down the log module.
* @return 0 when the log module is completely shut down, 1 or
* greater otherwise.
* This function shuts down the log module set up by
* eina_log_init(). It is called by eina_shutdown() and by all
* modules shutdown functions. It returns 0 when it is called the
* same number of times than eina_log_init(). In that case it clears
* the log list.
* @see eina_shutdown()
EAPI int
Eina_Inlist *tmp;
if (_eina_log_init_count != 1) return --_eina_log_init_count;
while (_log_domains_count--)
if (_log_domains[_log_domains_count].deleted)
_log_domains = NULL;
while (_pending_list)
tmp = _pending_list;
_pending_list = _pending_list->next;
return --_eina_log_init_count;
EAPI void
eina_log_print_cb_set(Eina_Log_Print_Cb cb, void *data)
_print_cb = cb;
_print_cb_data = data;
* @brief Set the default log log level.
* @param level The log level.
* This function sets the log log level @p level. It is used in
* eina_log_print().
EAPI void eina_log_level_set(Eina_Log_Level level)
_log_level = level;
* @param name Domain name
* @param color Color of the domain name
* @return Domain index that will be used as the DOMAIN parameter on log
* macros. A negative return value means an log ocurred.
EAPI int
eina_log_domain_register(const char *name, const char *color)
Eina_Log_Domain_Level_Pending *pending = NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _log_domains_count; i++)
if (_log_domains[i].deleted)
// Found a flagged slot, free domain_str and replace slot
eina_log_domain_new(&_log_domains[i], name, color);
goto finish_register;
if (_log_domains_count >= _log_domains_allocated)
// Did not found a slot, realloc 8 more slots. Also works on the first time
// when the array doesn't exist yet.
Eina_Log_Domain *tmp = NULL;
tmp = realloc(_log_domains, sizeof(Eina_Log_Domain)*(_log_domains_allocated + 8));
if (tmp)
// Success!
_log_domains = tmp;
_log_domains_allocated += 8;
return -1;
// Use an allocated slot
eina_log_domain_new(&_log_domains[i], name, color);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(_pending_list, pending)
if (!strcmp(pending->name, name))
_log_domains[i].level = pending->level;
_pending_list = eina_inlist_remove(_pending_list, EINA_INLIST_GET(pending));
// Check if level is still UNKNOWN, set it to global
if (_log_domains[i].level == EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN)
_log_domains[i].level = _log_level;
return i;
EAPI void
eina_log_domain_unregister(int domain)
Eina_Log_Domain *d;
if (domain >= _log_domains_count) return;
d = &_log_domains[domain];
d->deleted = 1;
EAPI void
eina_log_print_cb_stdout(const Eina_Log_Domain *d, Eina_Log_Level level,
const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt,
__UNUSED__ void *data, va_list args)
// Normalize levels for printing. Negative leveled messages go will have
// same color as CRITICAL and higher than debug will be regular blue.
if (level < 0) level = 0;
else if (level > 4) level = 5;
printf("%s %s%s:%d %s()%s ", d->domain_str,
(!_disable_color) ? _colors[level] : "",
file, line, fnc,
(!_disable_color) ? EINA_COLOR_RESET: "");
vprintf(fmt, args);
EAPI void
eina_log_print_cb_file(const Eina_Log_Domain *d, __UNUSED__ Eina_Log_Level level,
const char *file, const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt,
void *data, va_list args)
FILE *f;
f = data;
fprintf(f, "%s %s:%d %s() ", d->name, file, line, fnc);
vfprintf(f, fmt, args);
EAPI void
eina_log_print(int domain, Eina_Log_Level level, const char *file,
const char *fnc, int line, const char *fmt, ...)
Eina_Log_Domain *d;
va_list args;
if (domain >= _log_domains_count) return;
if (domain < 0) return;
d = &_log_domains[domain];
if (level > d->level) return;
va_start(args, fmt);
_print_cb(d, level, file, fnc, line, fmt, _print_cb_data, args);