
219 lines
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* This is an example file that shows how to embed the Small compiler into a
* program. This program contains the "default" implementation of all
* functions that the Small compiler calls for I/O.
* This program also contains a main(), so it compiles, again, to a
* stand-alone compiler. This is for illustration purposes only
* What this file does is (in sequence):
* 1. Declare the NO_MAIN macro, so that the function main() and all
* "callback" functions that are in SC1.C are not compiled.
* 2. Declare SC_FUNC and SC_VDEFINE as "static" so that all functions and
* global variables are "encapsulated" in the object file. This solves
* the global namespace polution problem.
* 3. Declare the SC_SKIP_VDECL macro which is needed to avoid variables to
* be doubly declared when the C files are *not* independently compiled.
* 4. And, the dirtiest trick of all, include the remaining C files. That is,
* the entire Small compiler compiles to a single object file (.OBJ in
* Windows). This is the only way to get rid of the global namespace
* polution.
* Note that the interface of the Small compiler is subject to change.
* Compilation:
* wcl386 /l=nt sclib.c
* Copyright (c) ITB CompuPhase, 2000-2003
* This file may be freely used. No warranties of any kind.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define NO_MAIN
#define SC_FUNC static
#define SC_VDEFINE static
#define SC_SKIP_VDECL /* skip variable "forward declaration" */
#include "sc.h"
#include "scvars.c"
#include "sc1.c"
#include "sc2.c"
#include "sc3.c"
#include "sc4.c"
#include "sc5.c"
#include "sc6.c"
#include "sc7.c"
#include "sclist.c"
#include "scexpand.c"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return sc_compile(argc,argv);
/* sc_printf
* Called for general purpose "console" output. This function prints general
* purpose messages; errors go through sc_error(). The function is modelled
* after printf().
int sc_printf(const char *message,...)
int ret;
va_list argptr;
return ret;
/* sc_error
* Called for producing error output.
* number the error number (as documented in the manual)
* message a string describing the error with embedded %d and %s tokens
* filename the name of the file currently being parsed
* firstline the line number at which the expression started on which
* the error was found, or -1 if there is no "starting line"
* lastline the line number at which the error was detected
* argptr a pointer to the first of a series of arguments (for macro
* "va_arg")
* Return:
* If the function returns 0, the parser attempts to continue compilation.
* On a non-zero return value, the parser aborts.
int sc_error(int number,char *message,char *filename,int firstline,int lastline,va_list argptr)
static char *prefix[3]={ "Error", "Fatal", "Warning" };
if (number!=0) {
char *pre;
if (firstline>=0)
printf("%s(%d -- %d) %s [%03d]: ",filename,firstline,lastline,pre,number);
printf("%s(%d) %s [%03d]: ",filename,lastline,pre,number);
} /* if */
return 0;
/* sc_opensrc
* Opens a source file (or include file) for reading. The "file" does not have
* to be a physical file, one might compile from memory.
* filename the name of the "file" to read from
* Return:
* The function must return a pointer, which is used as a "magic cookie" to
* all I/O functions. When failing to open the file for reading, the
* function must return NULL.
void *sc_opensrc(char *filename)
return fopen(filename,"rt");
/* sc_closesrc
* Closes a source file (or include file). The "handle" parameter has the
* value that sc_opensrc() returned in an earlier call.
void sc_closesrc(void *handle)
/* sc_resetsrc
* "position" may only hold a pointer that was previously obtained from
* sc_getpossrc() */
void sc_resetsrc(void *handle,void *position)
fsetpos((FILE*)handle,(fpos_t *)position);
char *sc_readsrc(void *handle,char *target,int maxchars)
return fgets(target,maxchars,(FILE*)handle);
void *sc_getpossrc(void *handle)
static fpos_t lastpos;
return &lastpos;
int sc_eofsrc(void *handle)
return feof((FILE*)handle);
/* should return a pointer, which is used as a "magic cookie" to all I/O
* functions; return NULL for failure
void *sc_openasm(char *filename)
return fopen(filename,"w+t");
void sc_closeasm(void *handle, int deletefile)
if (deletefile)
void sc_resetasm(void *handle)
int sc_writeasm(void *handle,char *st)
return fputs(st,(FILE*)handle) >= 0;
char *sc_readasm(void *handle, char *target, int maxchars)
return fgets(target,maxchars,(FILE*)handle);
/* Should return a pointer, which is used as a "magic cookie" to all I/O
* functions; return NULL for failure.
void *sc_openbin(char *filename)
return fopen(filename,"wb");
void sc_closebin(void *handle,int deletefile)
if (deletefile)
void sc_resetbin(void *handle)
int sc_writebin(void *handle,void *buffer,int size)
return fwrite(buffer,1,size,(FILE*)handle) == size;
long sc_lengthbin(void *handle)
return ftell((FILE*)handle);