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* Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// @file eo_private.hh
#include "eo_ops.hh"
namespace eo {
struct Base;
namespace efl { namespace eo { namespace detail {
/// @addtogroup Efl_Cxx_Detail
/// @{
/// @internal
/// @brief Provides a getter for an heterogeous sequence of arguments.
/// @param T An <em>EO C++ Class</em>
/// @param Seq An heterogenous sequence of arguments.
template <typename T, typename Tuple>
struct args_class
typedef T class_type;
/// @internal
/// @brief Class constructor.
/// @param tuple An heterogenous sequence of arguments.
args_class(Tuple tuple) : _tuple(tuple) {}
/// @internal
/// @brief Get the Nth element of the sequence.
/// @param N The index of the argument to be retrieved.
template <int N>
typename std::remove_reference
typename std::tuple_element<N, Tuple>::type
>::type get() const
return std::get<N>(_tuple);
/// TODO document.
constexpr std::size_t size() const
return std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value;
Tuple _tuple; ///< The sequence of arguments.
/// @internal
/// @brief A simple generic tag to help keeping track of a type.
/// @details
/// Used to mimic what would be a "template specialization" of a
/// function through the overload of an argument of type @ref
/// efl::eo::detail::tag --- because @c C++0x does not implement
/// template specialization of functions.
template <typename T> struct tag {};
/// @internal
/// @brief Invokes the different implementations of @ref
/// efl::eo::detail::eo_class_new for the parent and all extensions.
/// @see efl::eo::detail::eo_class_new
template <typename ... E>
Eo_Class const* do_eo_class_new(Eo_Class_Description& class_desc)
return eo_class_new(&class_desc, get_eo_class(tag<E>())..., (void*)NULL);
template <typename T> struct operation_description_class_size;
template <> struct operation_description_class_size< ::eo::Base> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0u> {};
/// @internal
/// @brief Provides the operator to convert @p T to @p D.
/// @param D The target (derived) class
/// @param T An <em>EO C++ Class</em>
template <typename D, typename T>
struct conversion_operator
operator T() const
detail::ref(static_cast<D const*>(this)->_eo_ptr());
return T(static_cast<D const*>(this)->_eo_ptr());
/// @}
} // namespace detail {
template <typename T, typename... A>
detail::args_class<T, std::tuple< A... > >
args(A... arg)
return detail::args_class<T, std::tuple<A...> >(std::tuple<A...>(arg...));
namespace detail {
/// @addtogroup Efl_Cxx_Detail
/// @{
/// @internal
/// @brief Provides all operations of type @p T.
/// @param T An <em>EO C++ Class</em>
/// There must be an unique specialization of this class for each
/// declared <em>EO C++ Class</em>.
template <typename T> struct operations;
template <>
struct operations< ::eo::Base> { template <typename T> struct type {}; };
/// @internal
/// @brief Provides the operations of an extension as well as its
/// conversion operator.
/// @param T The <em>EO C++ Extension</em>
/// There must be an unique specialization of @ref
/// efl::eo::detail::extension_inheritance for each known <em>EO C++
/// Extension</em> -- i.e., @em Interfaces and @em Mixins.
template <typename T>
struct extension_inheritance {};
/// @internal
/// @brief efl::eo::inherit's private data.
struct Inherit_Private_Data
void* this_;
} } } // namespace efl { namespace eo { namespace detail {
namespace efl { namespace eo { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
int initialize_operation_description(efl::eo::detail::tag< ::eo::Base>
, Eo_Op_Description* ops)
return 0;
/// @}
} } } // namespace efl { namespace eo { namespace detail {