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type @extern Evas.Load_Error: int; /* FIXME: Need to migrate emile. */
struct @extern Evas.Video_Surface; /* FIXME: The structure is full of the unsupported func pointers. */
type Evas.Modifier_Mask: ullong; [[An Evas modifier mask type]]
type Evas.Coord: int; [[A type for coordinates]]
enum Evas.Display_Mode {
none = 0, [[Default mode]]
compress = 1, [[Use this mode when you want to give compress display mode
hint to an object]]
expand = 2, [[Use this mode when you want to give expand display mode hint
to an object]]
dont_change = 3 [[Use this mode when an object should not change its display
enum Evas.Text_Style_Type {
[[Types of styles to be applied on text objects. The
EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SHADOW_DIRECTION_* ones are to be ORed together with
others imposing shadow, to change shadow's direction
legacy: Evas_Text_Style;
plain, [[plain, standard text]]
shadow, [[text with shadow underneath]]
outline, [[text with an outline]]
soft_outline, [[text with a soft outline]]
glow, [[text with a glow effect]]
outline_shadow, [[text with both outline and shadow effects]]
far_shadow, [[text with (far) shadow underneath]]
outline_soft_shadow, [[text with outline and soft shadow effects combined]]
soft_shadow, [[text with (soft) shadow underneath]]
far_soft_shadow, [[text with (far soft) shadow underneath]]
/* OR these to modify shadow direction (3 bits needed) */
shadow_direction_bottom_right = (0x0 << 4), [[shadow growing to bottom right]]
shadow_direction_bottom = (0x1 << 4), [[shadow growing to the bottom]]
shadow_direction_bottom_left = (0x2 << 4), [[shadow growing to bottom left]]
shadow_direction_left = (0x3 << 4), [[shadow growing to the left]]
shadow_direction_top_left = (0x4 << 4), [[shadow growing to top left]]
shadow_direction_top = (0x5 << 4), [[shadow growing to the top]]
shadow_direction_top_right = (0x6 << 4), [[shadow growing to top right]]
shadow_direction_right = (0x7 << 4) [[shadow growing to the right]]
type Evas.Font.Size: int; [[A type for font size]]
enum Evas.Font.Hinting_Flags {
[[Flags for Font Hinting]]
legacy: Evas_Font_Hinting;
none, [[No font hinting]]
auto, [[Automatic font hinting]]
bytecode [[Bytecode font hinting]]
enum Evas.Touch_Point_State {
[[State of Evas_Coord_Touch_Point]]
legacy: Evas_Touch_Point;
down, [[Touch point is pressed down]]
up, [[Touch point is released]]
move, [[Touch point is moved]]
still, [[Touch point is not moved after pressed]]
cancel [[Touch point is cancelled]]
enum Evas.Callback_Type
[[Identifier of callbacks to be set for Evas canvases or Evas objects.]]
legacy: Evas_Callback;
/** FIXME-doc
* The following figure illustrates some Evas callbacks:
* @image html evas-callbacks.png
* @image rtf evas-callbacks.png
* @image latex evas-callbacks.eps
* @see evas_object_event_callback_add()
* @see evas_event_callback_add()
mouse_in, [[Mouse In Event]]
mouse_out, [[Mouse Out Event]]
mouse_down, [[Mouse Button Down Event]]
mouse_up, [[Mouse Button Up Event]]
mouse_move, [[Mouse Move Event]]
mouse_wheel, [[Mouse Wheel Event]]
multi_down, [[Multi-touch Down Event]]
multi_up, [[Multi-touch Up Event]]
multi_move, [[Multi-touch Move Event]]
free, [[Object Being Freed (Called after Del)]]
key_down, [[Key Press Event]]
key_up, [[Key Release Event]]
focus_in, [[Focus In Event]]
focus_out, [[Focus Out Event]]
show, [[Show Event]]
hide, [[Hide Event]]
move, [[Move Event]]
resize, [[Resize Event]]
restack, [[Restack Event]]
del, [[Object Being Deleted (called before Free)]]
hold, [[Events go on/off hold]]
changed_size_hints, [[Size hints changed event]]
image_preloaded, [[Image has been preloaded]]
canvas_focus_in, [[Canvas got focus as a whole]]
canvas_focus_out, [[Canvas lost focus as a whole]]
render_flush_pre, [[Called after render update regions have been calculated, but only if update regions exist]]
render_flush_post, [[Called after render update regions have been sent to the display server, but only if update regions existed for the most recent frame]]
canvas_object_focus_in, [[Canvas object got focus]]
canvas_object_focus_ouT, [[Canvas object lost focus]]
image_unloaded, [[Image data has been unloaded (by some mechanism in Evas that throw out original image data)]]
render_pre, [[Called just before rendering starts on the canvas target
@since 1.2]]
render_post, [[Called just after rendering stops on the canvas target
@since 1.2]]
image_resize, [[Image size is changed
@since 1.8]]
device_changed, [[Devices added, removed or changed on canvas
@since 1.8]]
axis_update, [[Input device changed value on some axis
@since 1.13]]
canvas_viewport_resize, [[Canvas viewport resized
@since 1.15]]
last [[kept as last element/sentinel -- not really an event]]
enum Evas.Image.Orient
[[Possible orientation options for evas_object_image_orient_set().
@since 1.14]]
legacy: evas_image;
orient_none = 0, [[no orientation change]]
orient_0 = 0, [[no orientation change]]
orient_90 = 1, [[orient 90 degrees clockwise]]
orient_180 = 2, [[orient 180 degrees clockwise]]
orient_270 = 3, [[rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. 270 degrees clockwise)]]
flip_horizontal = 4, [[flip image horizontally]]
flip_vertical = 5, [[flip image vertically]]
flip_transpose = 6, [[flip image along the y = (width - x) line (bottom-left to top-right)]]
flip_transverse = 7 [[flip image along the y = x line (top-left to bottom-right)]]
enum Evas.Border_Fill_Mode
[[How an image's center region (the complement to the border region) should be rendered by Evas]]
legacy: evas_border_fill;
none = 0, [[Image's center region is $b not to be rendered]]
default = 1, [[Image's center region is to be $b blended with objects underneath it, if it has transparency. This is the default behavior for image objects]]
solid = 2 [[Image's center region is to be made solid, even if it has transparency on it]]
struct Evas.Modifier; [[An opaque type containing information on which modifier keys are registered in an Evas canvas]]
struct Evas.Lock; [[An opaque type containing information on which lock keys are registered in an Evas canvas]]
struct Evas.Engine_Info; [[A generic Evas Engine information structure]]
struct Evas.Axis; [[Details for a single device axis state
@since 1.13]]
type Evas.Real: double; [[A type for floating value]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Object_Type
[[Type of 3D Object
@since 1.10]]
invalid = 0,
primitive [[@since 1.15]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.State
[[State of the Evas 3D
@since 1.10]]
max = 16,
any = 0,
scene_root_node = 1,
scene_updated, [[@since 1.14]]
texture_data = 1,
material_id = 1,
mesh_vertex_count = 1,
camera_projection = 1,
light_ambient = 1,
node_transform_position = 1,
node_parent_billboard, [[@since 1.14]]
node_lod [[@since 1.18]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Space
[[Transform space
@since 1.10]]
local = 0, [[Local coordinate space]]
parent, [[Parent coordinate space]]
world [[World coordinate space]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Node_Type
[[Types of a node
@since 1.10]]
node = 0, [[Node with no items]]
camera, [[Node which can contain camera object]]
light, [[Node which can contain light object]]
mesh [[Node which can contain mesh objects]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Node_Orientation_Type
[[Types of node orientation
@since 1.13]]
none = 0, [[Node with no orientation properties]]
look_at, [[Node orientation is given as a point to look at and a vector that indicates the angle at which the subject is looking at the point]]
look_to, [[Node orientation is given as id of another part to look at and a vector that indicates the angle at which the subject is looking at the part]]
angle_axis, [[Node orientation is given as an angle and an axis to rotate around]]
quaternion [[Node orientation is given as a quaternion]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Index_Format
[[Index formats
@since 1.10]]
none = 0, [[Indexing is not used]]
unsigned_byte, [[Index is of type unsigned byte]]
unsigned_short [[Index is of type unsigned short]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Frustum_Mode
[[Frustum modes
@since 1.12]]
bsphere, [[Bounding sphere]]
aabb, [[Axis-aligned bounding box]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Vertex_Assembly
[[Vertex assembly modes. Vertex assembly represents how the vertices are organized into geometric primitives.
@since 1.10]]
points = 0, [[A vertex is rendered as a point]]
lines, [[Two vertices are organized as a line]]
line_strip, [[Vertices are organized as a connected line path]]
line_loop, [[Vertices are organized as a closed line path]]
triangles, [[Three vertices are organized as a triangle]]
triangle_strip, [[Vertices are organized as connected triangles]]
triangle_fan [[Vertices are organized as a triangle fan]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Comparison
[[Comparsion functions for testing(alpha, depth, stencil) in fragment shader
@since 1.14]]
never, [[Never passes]]
less, [[Passes if the incoming value is less than the reference value]]
equal, [[Passes if the incoming value is equal to the reference value]]
lequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is less than or equal to the reference value]]
greater, [[Passes if the incoming value is greater than the reference value]]
notequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is not equal to the reference value]]
gequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is greater than or equal to the reference value]]
always [[Always passes (initial value)]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Wrap_Mode
[[Wrap modes for texture units
@since 1.14]]
clamp = 0, [[Values will be clamped to be in range (min, max)]]
repeat, [[Values will be repeated]]
reflect [[Values will be repeated in a reflected manner]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Texture_Filter
[[Filters for texture units
@since 1.14]]
nearest = 0, [[Samples nearest texel]]
linear, [[Lineary interpolate nearby texels]]
nearest_mipmap_nearest, [[Nearest sampling mipmap]]
linear_mipmap_nearest, [[Nearest sampling mipmap and interpolate]]
nearest_mipmap_linear, [[Linear sampling in nearest mipmap]]
linear_mipmap_linear [[Linear sampling in mipmap and interpolate]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Mesh_Primitive
[[Mesh primitive
@since 1.12]]
none = 0, [[An empty space]]
square, [[One sided square]]
cylinder, [[Cylinder (can use precision and texture scale)]]
cone, [[Cone (can use precision and texture scale)]]
sphere, [[Sphere (can use precision and texture scale)]]
torus, [[Torus (can use ratio, precision and texture scale)]]
surface, [[Custom surface (can use pointer to users function, precision and texture scale)]]
terrain, [[Terrain as surface with pointer to perlin's noise function]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Primitive_Mode
[[Mode of mesh primitive
@since 1.15]]
default = 0, [[Default mode of primitive]]
without_base, [[Primitive without base (supported for cylinder and cone)]]
alternative_uv [[Ptimitive with alternative uv (supported for sphere)]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Shader_Mode
[[Shader shade modes
@since 1.10]]
vertex_color = 0, [[Shaded using vertex color attribute]]
diffuse, [[Shaded using material diffuse term]]
flat, [[Per-vertex flat lighting]]
phong, [[Per-pixel phong shading]]
normal_map, [[Per-pixel normal map shading]]
shadow_map_render, [[Fragment color is defined by its z-coord]]
color_pick, [[Rendering to additional frame bufer]]
parallax_occlusion, [[Per-pixel parallax occlusion map shading]]
post_processing_FXAA [[Render full screen quard]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Vertex_Attrib
[[Vertex attribute IDs
@since 1.10]]
position = 0, [[vertex position]]
normal, [[vertex normal]]
tangent, [[vertex tangent (for normal mapping)]]
color, [[vertex color]]
texcoord [[vertex texture coordinate]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Blend_Func
[[Blending function
@since 1.14]]
zero = 0, [[The scale factors for color components is (0, 0, 0, 0)]]
one, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1)]]
src_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rs/kr, gs/kg, bs/kb, as/ka)]]
one_minus_src_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rs/kr, gs/kg, bs/kb, as/ka)]]
dst_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rd/kr, gd/kg, bd/kb, ad/ka)]]
one_minus_dst_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rd/kr, gd/kg, bd/kb, ad/ka)]]
src_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (as/ka, as/ka, as/ka, as/ka)]]
one_minus_src_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (as/ka, as/ka, as/ka, as/ka)]]
dst_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka)]]
one_minus_dst_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka)]]
constant_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rc, gc, bc, ac)]]
one_minus_constant_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rc, gc, bc, ac)]]
constant_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (ac, ac, ac, ac)]]
one_minus_constant_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (ac, ac, ac, ac)]]
src_alpha_saturate [[The scale factors for color components is (i, i, i, 1) where i = min(as, ka, ad)/ka]]
enum Evas.Canvas3D.Material_Attrib
[[Material attributes
@since 1.10]]
ambient = 0, [[ambient term]]
diffuse, [[diffuse term]]
specular, [[specular term]]
emission, [[emission term]]
normal [[Normal map term]]
type Evas.Canvas3D.Surface_Func: __undefined_type;
struct Efl.Canvas.Text.Annotation;