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struct @extern Ecore_Con_Server; [[Ecore connection server structure]]
type @extern Ecore_Con_Eet_Data_Cb: __undefined_type; [[Ecore connection eet data callback type]] /* FIXME: function pointers not supported. */
type @extern Ecore_Con_Eet_Raw_Data_Cb: __undefined_type; [[Ecore connection eet raw data callback type]]/* FIXME: function pointers not supported. */
struct @extern Eet.Data.Descriptor; [[Eet data descriptor data structure]]
struct Ecore.Con.Reply; [[Ecore connection reply data structure]]
class Ecore.Con.Eet.Base (Efl.Object) {
[[Ecore Connection Eet Base class.
This class provides Eet data serialization features to Ecore Connection objects.]]
methods {
@property server {
[[The server object to which we send and receive.]]
set {
get {
values {
data: ptr(Ecore_Con_Server); [[Server object]]
@property data_callback {
[[A callback function which should be called when data is
received by ecore_con_eet_object.]]
set {
values {
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
func: Ecore_Con_Eet_Data_Cb; [[The callback function.]]
data: const(void_ptr); [[The data (if any) that should be
passed to callback function.]]
@property raw_data_callback {
[[A callback function which should be calledn when raw data
is received by ecore_con_eet_object.]]
set {
values {
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
func: Ecore_Con_Eet_Raw_Data_Cb; [[The callback function.]]
data: const(void_ptr); [[The data (if any) that should be
passed to callback function.]]
data_callback_del {
[[Function to delete the @.data_callback.]]
params {
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
raw_data_callback_del {
[[Function to delete the @.raw_data_callback.]]
params {
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
register {
[[Function to register a \@ref Eet.Data.Descriptor to the
ecore_con_eet object.]]
legacy: ecore_con_eet;
params {
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
edd: ptr(Eet.Data.Descriptor); [[The Eet.Data.Descriptor that
is to be registered.]]
send {
[[Function to send data.]]
params {
reply: ptr(Ecore.Con.Reply); [[Contains the ecore_con_eet object
to which the data has to be sent.]]
name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
value: void_ptr; [[Actual data]]
raw_send {
[[Function to send raw data.]]
params {
reply: ptr(Ecore.Con.Reply); [[Contains the ecore_con_eet object
to which the data has to be sent.]]
protocol_name: string; [[The name of the eet stream.]]
section: string; [[Name of section in the eet descriptor.]]
value: void_ptr; [[The value of the section.]]
length: uint; [[The length of the data that is being sent.]]
implements {