
226 lines
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import eina_types;
import efl_net_control_access_point;
import efl_net_control_technology;
enum Efl.Net.Control.State {
[[Provides the global network connectivity state.
For fine grained details, use @Efl.Net.Control access points and
their state property.
@since 1.19
offline, [[No access point is connected]]
local, [[At least one access point was connected and the internet connectio wasn't verified]]
online, [[At least one access point was connected and the internet was verified]]
enum Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field {
[[Bitwise-able fields requested to the agent.
@since 1.19
name = (1 << 0), [[Used for hidden WiFi access points. If ssid is present, this is an alternative to that.]]
ssid = (1 << 1), [[Used for hidden WiFi access points. If name is present, this is an alternative to that.]]
username = (1 << 2), [[Identity or username requested]]
passphrase = (1 << 3), [[Password or passphrase requested]]
wps = (1 << 4), [[Use WPS authentication. If passphrase is present, this is an alternative to that.]]
struct Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Information {
[[Name-value information pair provided to the agent.
@since 1.19
name: string; [[The information name, such as PreviousPassphrase, Host, Name...]]
value: string; [[The contents of the information]]
struct Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input {
[[Requests input to the agent.
@since 1.19
access_point: Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point; [[The access point that triggered this request.]]
fields: Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field; [[Bitwise OR of fields present in this request.]]
passphrase_type: string; [[Extra detail on the meaning for the passphrase field, such as wep, psk, response (IEEE802.X GTC/OTP), string...]]
informational: list<ptr(Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Information)>; [[Such as the previous passphrase, VPN host]]
struct Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Error {
[[Reports error to the agent.
@since 1.19
access_point: Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point; [[The access point that triggered this error.]]
message: string; [[The error message.]]
struct Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Browser_Url {
[[Reports to agent that it should open a browser at given URL.
@since 1.19
access_point: Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point; [[The access point that triggered this request.]]
url: string; [[The URL to point the browser at.]]
class Efl.Net.Control (Efl.Loop_User) {
[[Controls network connectivity.
This class and its children objects are only useful to implement
control of the network connectivity. If your application is only
interested in requesting access to the network, use the
\@Efl.Net.Session instead.
The network connectivity is defined on top of technologies that
provide access points. A technology can be "ethernet", "wifi",
"bluetooth" or something else. Ethernet will provide a single
access point, while "wifi" will expose zero or more access
points that can come and go.
Users willing to use access points are expected to monitor
"access_point,add" event to know when access points were
added. To know when they were deleted, "access_point,del" or an
@Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point "del" event. Finally
"access_points,changed" is relative to additions, deletions and
reordering of access point due changes in their priorities.
The backend system is responsible to remember connection details
such as passphrase, last connected access point and
priority. The user is NOT supposed to do that.
For ease of use, @.state tells if at least one access point is
online (verified connectivity), local (connected but unverified)
or offline.
Due safety reasons all radio transmissions may be disabled with
@.radios_offline property. This is usually called "airplane
mode" in some platforms.
Some platforms may not implement the backend for this class, in
such cases the system will report always @.state "online"
(@Efl.Net.Control.State.online) and iterators for
@.access_points and @.technologies will be empty (they will be
returned but won't contain any item).
@since 1.19
events {
access_point,add: Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point; [[The given access point was added]]
access_point,del: Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point; [[The given access point will be deleted]]
access_points,changed; [[Access points were added, deleted or reordered.]]
technology,add: Efl.Net.Control.Technology; [[The given technology was added]]
technology,del: Efl.Net.Control.Technology; [[The given technology will be deleted]]
radios_offline,changed; [[Property @.radios_offline changed]]
state,changed; [[Property @.state changed]]
agent_released; [[Notifies we're not the agent anymore]]
agent_error: Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Error; [[Requires the error to be reported to the user]]
agent_browser_url: Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Browser_Url; [[Requires the user to visit a web page]]
agent_request_input: Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input; [[Requires the user to enter information in order to proceed, such as hidden SSID, passphrase, etc. After the user entered information, reply by calling @.agent_reply]]
methods {
@property radios_offline {
[[If $true disable all network technologies that use radio transmission, such as bluetooth and wifi. If $false, allows radios to be used.]]
get { }
set { }
values {
radios_offline: bool; [[$true if all radios are offline, $false otherwise]]
@property state {
[[Summary of network connectivity.
- offline means no connectivity;
- local means local connectivity, that is, the access
point is connected but couldn't reach the internet;
- online means verified connectivity.
\@note if there is no backend for this class, then state
will be always online, however @.access_points and
@.technologies will be empty iterators (valid pointers
but no items in them).
get { }
values {
state: Efl.Net.Control.State; [[Network state]]
@property access_points {
[[The iterator of current access points.
The iterator is valid only before the function returns
to the main loop, by then, if the events
"access_point,add" or "access_point,del" are emitted,
the iterator will become invalid.
get { }
values {
access_points: iterator<Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point> @owned; [[Iterator of current access points]]
@property technologies {
[[The iterator of current technologies.
The iterator is valid only before the function returns
to the main loop, by then, if the events
"technology,add" or "technology,del" are emitted,
the iterator will become invalid.
get { }
values {
technologies: iterator<Efl.Net.Control.Technology> @owned; [[Iterator of current technologies]]
@property agent_enabled {
[[The agent is responsible for user interaction.
When enabled, the local process will become the agent
for user interaction, such as requesting passphrases,
asking the user to open a browser to do
web-authentication and report connection errors.
There can be a single agent in the system at a given
time, registering one will unregister the other and
special permissions may be required to become an agent.
An useful agent should monitor "agent_error",
"agent_browser_url" and "agent_request_input"
events. When input is requested, reply using
get { }
set { }
values {
agent_enabled: bool; [[$true if to become the agent, $false otherwise]]
agent_reply {
[[If event "agent_request_input" was emitted, this will reply with the requested data]]
params {
name: string @nullable; [[If @Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field.name was present, this should contain the network name or the 'ssid' parameter should be used.]]
ssid: ptr(const(Eina.Slice)) @nullable; [[If @Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field.ssid was present, this should contain the network SSID or the 'name' parameter should be used.]]
username: string @nullable; [[If @Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field.username was present, this should contain the identity or username]]
passphrase: string @nullable; [[If @Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field.passphrase was present, this should contain the password or passphrase, more details on how it should be interpreted was given in Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.passphrase_type.]]
wps: string @nullable; [[If @Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input.Field.wps was present, this should contain the WPS PIN or an empty string "" to use the WPS push button instead.]]
implements {