
291 lines
8.0 KiB

#define READY_TX() \
{ \
if (eidx == 0) \
{ \
tx[0] = edge2.x; \
tx[1] = spans[y].span[0].x[0]; \
} \
else \
{ \
tx[0] = spans[y].span[0].x[1]; \
tx[1] = edge2.x; \
} \
#define READY_TX2() \
{ \
if (eidx == 0) \
{ \
tx2[0] = edge2.x; \
tx2[1] = edge1.x; \
} \
else \
{ \
tx2[0] = edge1.x; \
tx2[1] = edge2.x; \
} \
#define PUSH_EDGES(xx) \
{ \
if (!leftover) \
{ \
edge1.x = edge2.x; \
edge1.y = edge2.y; \
edge2.x = (xx); \
edge2.y = y; \
} \
else \
{ \
edge1.y = edge2.y; \
edge2.y = y; \
} \
reset_tx2 = EINA_TRUE; \
//Vertical Inside Direction
#define VERT_INSIDE(rewind, y_advance) \
{ \
int cov_range = edge2.y - edge1.y; \
int coverage = (256 / (cov_range + 1)); \
int ry; \
int val; \
for (ry = 1; ry < ((rewind) + 1); ry++) \
{ \
int ridx = (y - ry) + (y_advance); \
if (spans[ridx].aa_len[eidx] > 1) continue; \
if (eidx == 1) \
val = (256 - (coverage * (ry + (cov_range - (rewind))))); \
else \
val = (coverage * (ry + (cov_range - (rewind)))); \
if ((spans[ridx].aa_len[eidx] == 0) || \
(val < spans[ridx].aa_cov[eidx])) \
spans[ridx].aa_cov[eidx] = val; \
spans[ridx].aa_len[eidx] = 1; \
} \
prev_aa = 4; \
//Vertical Outside Direction
#define VERT_OUTSIDE(rewind, y_advance, cov_range) \
{ \
int coverage = (256 / ((cov_range) + 1)); \
int ry = 1; \
for (; ry < ((rewind) + 1); ry++) \
{ \
int ridx = (y - ry) + (y_advance); \
if (spans[ridx].aa_len[(eidx)] > 1) continue; \
spans[ridx].aa_len[(eidx)] = 1; \
if (eidx == 1) \
{ \
spans[ridx].aa_cov[(eidx)] = \
(coverage * (ry + (cov_range - (rewind)))); \
} \
else \
{ \
spans[ridx].aa_cov[(eidx)] = \
(256 - (coverage * (ry + ((cov_range) - (rewind))))); \
} \
} \
prev_aa = 2; \
//Horizontal Inside Direction
#define HORIZ_INSIDE(yy, xx, xx2) \
{ \
if (((xx) - (xx2)) > spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)]) \
{ \
spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)] = ((xx) - (xx2)); \
spans[(yy)].aa_cov[(eidx)] = (256 / (spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)] + 1)); \
} \
//Horizontal Outside Direction
#define HORIZ_OUTSIDE(yy, xx, xx2) \
{ \
if (((xx) - (xx2)) > spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)]) \
{ \
spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)] = ((xx) - (xx2)); \
spans[(yy)].aa_cov[(eidx)] = (256 / (spans[(yy)].aa_len[(eidx)] + 1)); \
} \
static inline DATA32
_aa_coverage_apply(Line *line, int ww, int w, DATA32 val)
//Left Edge Anti Anliasing
if ((w - line->aa_len[0]) < ww)
return MUL_256((line->aa_cov[0] * (w - ww + 1)), val);
//Right Edge Anti Aliasing
if (line->aa_len[1] >= ww)
return MUL_256(256 - (line->aa_cov[1] * (line->aa_len[1] - ww + 1)),
return val;
_calc_aa_edges_internal(Line *spans, int eidx, int ystart, int yend)
int y;
Evas_Coord_Point edge1 = { -1, -1 }; //prev-previous edge pixel
Evas_Coord_Point edge2 = { -1, -1 }; //previous edge pixel
/* store larger to tx[0] between prev and current edge's x positions. */
int tx[2] = {0, 0};
/* store lager to tx2[0] between edge1 and edge2's x positions. */
int tx2[2] = {0, 0};
/* previous edge anti-aliased type.
2: vertical outside
4: vertical inside */
int prev_aa = 0;
Eina_Bool reset_tx2 = EINA_TRUE;
yend -= ystart;
//Find Start Edge
for (y = 0; y < yend; y++)
if (spans[y].span[0].x[0] == -1) continue;
edge1.x = edge2.x = spans[y].span[0].x[eidx];
edge1.y = edge2.y = y;
//Calculates AA Edges
for (y++; y <= yend; y++)
Eina_Bool leftover = EINA_FALSE;
if (spans[y].span[0].x[eidx] == -1) leftover = EINA_TRUE;
if (!leftover) READY_TX()
//Case1. Outside Incremental
if (tx[0] > tx[1])
//Horizontal Edge
if ((y - edge2.y) == 1)
HORIZ_OUTSIDE(y, tx[0], tx[1])
//Vertical Edge
else if (tx[0] > tx[1])
VERT_OUTSIDE((y - edge2.y), 0, (y - edge2.y))
//Just in case: 1 pixel alias next to vertical edge?
if (abs(spans[(y + 1)].span[0].x[eidx] -
spans[y].span[0].x[eidx]) >= 1)
HORIZ_OUTSIDE(y, tx[0], tx[1])
//Case2. Inside Incremental
else if (tx[1] > tx[0])
//Just in case: direction is reversed at the outside vertical edge?
if (prev_aa == 2)
VERT_OUTSIDE((y - edge2.y), 0, (y - edge2.y))
edge1.x = spans[y - 1].span[0].x[eidx];
edge1.y = y - 1;
edge2.x = spans[y].span[0].x[eidx];
edge2.y = y;
/* Find next edge. We go forward 2 more index since this logic
computes aa edges by looking back in advance 2 spans. */
for (y++; y <= (yend + 2); y++)
leftover = EINA_FALSE;
if ((spans[y].span[0].x[eidx] == -1) || (y > yend))
leftover = EINA_TRUE;
if (!leftover) READY_TX()
if (reset_tx2) READY_TX2()
//Case 1. Inside Direction
if (tx[1] > tx[0])
//Horizontal Edge
if ((edge2.y - edge1.y) == 1)
HORIZ_INSIDE(edge1.y, tx2[0], tx2[1]);
//Vertical Edge
else if ((tx2[0] - tx2[1]) == 1)
VERT_INSIDE((edge2.y - edge1.y), -(y - edge2.y))
//Just in case: Right Side Square Edge...?
else if (prev_aa == 4)
VERT_INSIDE((edge2.y - edge1.y), -(y - edge2.y))
if ((y - edge2.y) == 1)
HORIZ_INSIDE((edge2.y - 1), edge2.x,
//Case 2. Reversed. Outside Direction
else if (tx[1] < tx[0])
//Horizontal Edge
if ((edge2.y - edge1.y) == 1)
HORIZ_INSIDE(edge1.y, tx2[0], tx2[1])
//Vertical Edge
VERT_INSIDE((edge2.y - edge1.y), -(y - edge2.y))
y = yend;
//Leftovers for verticals.
if (prev_aa == 2)
if (((eidx == 0) && (edge1.x > edge2.x)) ||
((eidx == 1) && (edge1.x < edge2.x)))
VERT_OUTSIDE((y - edge2.y + 1), 1, (edge2.y - edge1.y));
else if (prev_aa == 4)
if (((eidx == 0) && (edge1.x < edge2.x)) ||
((eidx == 1) && (edge1.x > edge2.x)))
VERT_INSIDE((edge2.y - edge1.y), -(y - edge2.y))
VERT_INSIDE((y - edge2.y) + 1, 1);
static void
_calc_aa_edges(Line *spans, int ystart, int yend)
//FIXME: support 2 span case.
//left side
_calc_aa_edges_internal(spans, 0, ystart, yend);
//right side
_calc_aa_edges_internal(spans, 1, ystart, yend);