
151 lines
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/// @file eo_inherit.hh
#include <tuple>
#include <cassert>
#include <eina_integer_sequence.hh>
#include "eo_ops.hh"
#include "eo_private.hh"
namespace efl { namespace eo {
namespace detail {
template <typename D, typename Args, typename... E, std::size_t... S>
Eo_Class const* create_class(eina::index_sequence<S...>);
template <typename Args, typename ... E>
void inherit_constructor(void* this_, Args args);
/// @addtogroup Efl_Cxx_API
/// @{
/// @brief Template-class that allows client code to inherit from
/// <em>EO C++ Classes</em> without the need to make explicit calls to
/// <em>EO</em> methods --- that would naturally be necessary to
/// register itself in the <em>EO Subsystem</em>.
/// @param D The derived class
/// @param O The parent class
/// @param E Class extensions (either mixins or interfaces)
/// The derived class @p D will inherit all EO operations and event
/// callbacks from the parent class @p P, as well as from the <c>Base
/// Class</c> (@ref efl::eo::concrete) since every EO C++ Class must
/// inherit from it.
/// efl::eo::inherit makes use of meta-template elements to build (in
/// compile-time) code capable of registering @p D as an <em>EO
/// Class</em> within <em>EO Subsystem</em>. Each class is registered
/// only once upon instantiation of an object of its type.
/// @note Function overriding is currently not supported.
template <typename D, typename... E>
struct inherit;
/// @}
/// @addtogroup Efl_Cxx_API
/// @{
template <typename D, typename... E>
struct inherit
: detail::operations<E>::template type<inherit<D, E...> > ...
, detail::conversion_operator<inherit<D, E...>, E>...
/// @typedef inherit_base
typedef inherit<D, E...> inherit_base;
/// @brief Class constructor.
/// @ref inherit has a "variadic" constructor implementation that
/// allows from zero to EFL_MAX_ARGS heterogeneous parameters.
template<typename... Args>
inherit(Args&& ... args)
typedef std::tuple<typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type...> tuple_type;
_eo_cls = detail::create_class<D, tuple_type, E...> (eina::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(E)>());
_eo_raw = eo_add_ref
(_eo_cls, NULL,
<tuple_type, E...>
(static_cast<void*>(this), tuple_type(std::move(args)...)));
/// @brief Class destructor.
/// @brief Gets the <em>EO Object</em> corresponding to this <em>EO
/// C++ Object</em>.
/// @return A pointer to the <em>EO Object</em>.
Eo* _eo_ptr() const { return _eo_raw; }
/// @brief Gets the <em>EO Class</em> corresponding to this <em>EO
/// C++ Class</em>.
/// @return A pointer to the <em>EO Class</em>.
Eo_Class const* _eo_class() const { return _eo_cls; }
template <typename T>
void parent_set(T& p_)
detail::parent_set(_eo_raw, p_._eo_ptr());
Eo* _release()
Eo* tmp = _eo_raw;
_eo_raw = nullptr;
return tmp;
/// @brief Copy constructor.
inherit(inherit const& other)
: _eo_cls(other._eo_cls)
, _eo_raw(other._eo_raw)
{ detail::ref(_eo_raw); }
/// @brief Assignment Operator
inherit& operator=(inherit const& other)
_eo_cls = other._eo_cls;
_eo_raw = other._eo_raw;
return *this;
Eo_Class const* _eo_cls; ///< The <em>EO Class</em>.
Eo* _eo_raw; ///< The <em>EO Object</em>.
/// @}
} } // namespace efl { namespace eo {
#include "eo_inherit_bindings.hh"