#include "entrance.h" #include #include typedef struct Entrance_Xserver_ { const char *dname; Entrance_X_Cb start; } Entrance_Xserver; Entrance_Xserver *_xserver; Ecore_Event_Handler *_handler_start; /* * man Xserver * SIGUSR1 This signal is used quite differently from either of the * above. When the server starts, it checks to see if it has inherite * SIGUSR1 as SIG_IGN instead of the usual SIG_DFL. In this case, the server * sends a SIGUSR1 to its parent process after it has set up the various * connection schemes. Xdm uses this feature to recognize when connecting to * the server is possible. * */ static void _env_set(const char *dname) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DISPLAY=%s", dname); putenv(strdup(buf)); } static int _xserver_start(void) { char *buf = NULL; char **args = NULL; pid_t pid; PT("Launching xserver\n"); pid = fork(); if (!pid) { char *token; int num_token = 0; entrance_close_log(); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); if (!(buf = strdup(entrance_config->command.xinit_args))) goto xserver_error; token = strtok(buf, " "); while(token) { ++num_token; token = strtok(NULL, " "); } if (buf) free(buf); if (num_token) { int i; if (!(buf = strdup(entrance_config->command.xinit_args))) goto xserver_error; if (!(args = calloc(num_token + 2, sizeof(char *)))) { if (buf) free(buf); goto xserver_error; } args[0] = (char *)entrance_config->command.xinit_path; token = strtok(buf, " "); ++num_token; for(i = 1; i < num_token; ++i) { if (token) args[i] = token; token = strtok(NULL, " "); } args[num_token] = NULL; } else { if (!(args = calloc(2, sizeof(char*)))) goto xserver_error; args[0] = (char *)entrance_config->command.xinit_path; args[1] = NULL; } execv(args[0], args); if (buf) free(buf); if (args) free(args); PT("Couldn't launch Xserver ...\n"); } return pid; xserver_error: _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static Eina_Bool _xserver_started(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { PT("xserver started\n"); _env_set(_xserver->dname); _xserver->start(_xserver->dname); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } int entrance_xserver_init(Entrance_X_Cb start, const char *dname) { int pid; char buf[64]; sigset_t newset; sigemptyset(&newset); _xserver = calloc(1, sizeof(Entrance_Xserver)); _xserver->dname = eina_stringshare_add(dname); _xserver->start = start; pid = _xserver_start(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ENTRANCE_XPID=%d", pid); putenv(strdup(buf)); PT("xserver adding signal user handler\n"); _handler_start = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_USER, _xserver_started, NULL); return pid; } void entrance_xserver_end(void) { PT("xserver end\n"); unsetenv("ENTRANCE_XPID"); } void entrance_xserver_shutdown(void) { eina_stringshare_del(_xserver->dname); free(_xserver); ecore_event_handler_del(_handler_start); }