#include "entrance.h" #define ENTRANCE_SESSION_KEY "session" #define ENTRANCE_HISTORY_FILE "entrance.hst" static void _entrance_history_read(); static void _entrance_history_write(); static void _entrance_user_init(); static void _entrance_user_shutdown(); const char *_entrance_history_match(const char *login); static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_eddh; static Entrance_History *_entrance_history; static Eina_List *_lusers = NULL; static Eina_Bool _history_update = EINA_FALSE; void entrance_history_init() { fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE": history init\n"); Eet_Data_Descriptor *edd; Eet_Data_Descriptor_Class eddc, eddcl; // TODO add idler to load history and thread stuff EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddc, Entrance_Login); edd = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddc); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(edd, Entrance_Login, "login", login, EET_T_STRING); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(edd, Entrance_Login, "session", session, EET_T_STRING); EET_EINA_STREAM_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_SET(&eddcl, Entrance_History); _eddh = eet_data_descriptor_stream_new(&eddcl); EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_LIST(_eddh, Entrance_History, "history", history, edd); _entrance_history_read(); _entrance_user_init(); } Eina_List *entrance_history_get() { return _lusers; } void entrance_history_shutdown() { fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE": history shutdown\n"); _entrance_history_write(); _entrance_user_shutdown(); } static void _entrance_history_read() { Eet_File *ef; ef = eet_open("/var/cache/"PACKAGE"/"ENTRANCE_HISTORY_FILE, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE); if (!(ef) || !(_entrance_history = eet_data_read(ef, _eddh, ENTRANCE_SESSION_KEY))) { fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE": Error on reading last session login\n"); _entrance_history = calloc(1, sizeof(Entrance_History)); } eet_close(ef); } static void _entrance_history_write() { Eet_File *ef; Entrance_Login *el; if (_history_update) { fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE": writing history file\n"); ef = eet_open("/var/cache/"PACKAGE"/"ENTRANCE_HISTORY_FILE, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE); if (!ef) ef = eet_open("/var/cache/"PACKAGE"/"ENTRANCE_HISTORY_FILE, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (!eet_data_write(ef, _eddh, ENTRANCE_SESSION_KEY, _entrance_history, 1)) fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE": Error on updating last session login\n"); eet_close(ef); } EINA_LIST_FREE(_entrance_history->history, el) { eina_stringshare_del(el->login); eina_stringshare_del(el->session); } } void entrance_history_push(const char *login, const char *session) { Eina_List *l; Entrance_Login *el; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_entrance_history->history, l, el) { if (!strcmp(login, el->login)) { if (el->session && strcmp(session, el->session)) { eina_stringshare_replace(&el->session, session); _history_update = EINA_TRUE; } break; } } if (!el) { if ((el = (Entrance_Login *) malloc(sizeof(Entrance_Login)))) { el->login = eina_stringshare_add(login); el->session = eina_stringshare_add(session); _entrance_history->history = eina_list_append(_entrance_history->history, el); _history_update = EINA_TRUE; } } } const char * _entrance_history_match(const char *login) { Eina_List *l; Entrance_Login *el; const char *ret = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_entrance_history->history, l, el) { if (!strcmp(el->login, login)) ret = el->session; } return ret; } static void _entrance_user_init() { char buf[PATH_MAX]; FILE *f; Entrance_User *eu; Eina_List *lu = NULL; char *token; char *user; int uid; f = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r"); if (f) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { user = strtok(buf, ":"); strtok(NULL, ":"); token = strtok(NULL, ":"); uid = atoi(token); if (uid > 500 && uid < 3000) lu = eina_list_append(lu, eina_stringshare_add(user)); } } EINA_LIST_FREE(lu, user) { if ((eu = (Entrance_User *) malloc(sizeof(Entrance_User)))) { eu->login = eina_stringshare_add(user); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/var/cache/"PACKAGE"/users/%s.edj", user); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) eu->image = eina_stringshare_add(buf); else eu->image = NULL; eu->lsess = _entrance_history_match(user); eina_stringshare_del(user); _lusers = eina_list_append(_lusers, eu); } } } static void _entrance_user_shutdown() { Entrance_User *eu; EINA_LIST_FREE(_lusers, eu) { eina_stringshare_del(eu->login); free(eu); } free(_entrance_history); }