#include "entrance.h" typedef void (*Entrance_Action_Cb)(void *data); static void _entrance_action_shutdown(void *data); static void _entrance_action_reboot(void *data); static void _entrance_action_suspend(void *data); static Eina_Bool _entrance_action_exe_event_del_cb(void *data, int type, void *event); #ifdef HAVE_GRUB2 #define GRUB2_FILE "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" static void _entrance_action_grub2_get(void); #endif static Eina_List *_entrance_actions = NULL; typedef struct Entrance_Action_Data__ { int id; const char *label; Entrance_Action_Cb func; void *data; } Entrance_Action_Data; static Ecore_Exe *_action_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_handle = NULL; static Entrance_Action_Data * _entrance_action_add(const char *label, Entrance_Action_Cb func, void *data) { Entrance_Action_Data *ead; ead = calloc(1, sizeof(Entrance_Action_Data)); ead->label = eina_stringshare_add(label); ead->func = func; ead->data = data; ead->id = _entrance_actions ? (eina_list_count(_entrance_actions)) : 0; _handle = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, _entrance_action_exe_event_del_cb, NULL); return ead; } void entrance_action_init(void) { _entrance_actions = eina_list_append(_entrance_actions, _entrance_action_add("Shutdown", _entrance_action_shutdown, NULL)); _entrance_actions = eina_list_append(_entrance_actions, _entrance_action_add("Reboot", _entrance_action_reboot, NULL)); _entrance_actions = eina_list_append(_entrance_actions, _entrance_action_add("Suspend", _entrance_action_suspend, NULL)); #ifdef HAVE_GRUB2 _entrance_action_grub2_get(); #endif } Eina_List * entrance_action_get(void) { Entrance_Action_Data *ead; Entrance_Action *ea; Eina_List *l, *ret = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_entrance_actions, l, ead) { ea = calloc(1, sizeof(Entrance_Action)); ea->label = eina_stringshare_add(ead->label); ea->id = ead->id; ret = eina_list_append(ret, ea); } return ret; } void entrance_action_shutdown(void) { Entrance_Action_Data *ead; EINA_LIST_FREE(_entrance_actions, ead) { eina_stringshare_del(ead->label); free(ead); } } void entrance_action_run(int action) { Entrance_Action_Data *ead; ead = eina_list_nth(_entrance_actions, action); if (ead) ead->func(ead->data); } static void _entrance_action_suspend(void *data __UNUSED__) { _action_exe = NULL; ecore_exe_run(entrance_config->command.suspend, NULL); } static void _entrance_action_shutdown(void *data __UNUSED__) { _action_exe = ecore_exe_run(entrance_config->command.shutdown, NULL); } static void _entrance_action_reboot(void *data __UNUSED__) { _action_exe = ecore_exe_run(entrance_config->command.reboot, NULL); } static Eina_Bool _entrance_action_exe_event_del_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *ev; Eina_Bool ret = ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; ev = event; if (ev->exe == _action_exe) { ecore_main_loop_quit(); ret = ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } return ret; } /* grub2 action */ #ifdef HAVE_GRUB2 static void _entrance_action_grub2(void *data) { intptr_t i = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX]; i = (intptr_t)data; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "grub-reboot %ld && %s", i, entrance_config->command.reboot); _action_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); } static char * _entrance_memstr(char *data, size_t length, char *look, unsigned int size) { char *tmp; while (length >= size) { tmp = memchr(data, *look, length); if (!tmp) return NULL; if (strncmp(tmp + 1, look + 1, size - 1) == 0) return tmp; length = tmp - data; data = tmp; } return NULL; } static void _entrance_action_grub2_get(void) { Eina_File *f; unsigned char grub2_ok = 0; intptr_t menuentry = 0; char *data; char *r, *r2; char *s; int i; PT("trying to open "GRUB2_FILE); f = eina_file_open(GRUB2_FILE, EINA_FALSE); if (!f) return ; fprintf(stderr, " o"); data = eina_file_map_all(f, EINA_FILE_SEQUENTIAL); if (!data) goto on_error; fprintf(stderr, "k\n"); s = data; r2 = NULL; for (i = eina_file_size_get(f); i > 0; --i, s++) { int size; /* working line by line */ r = memchr(s, '\n', i); if (!r) { r = s + i; i = 0; } size = r - s; if (*s == '#') goto end_line; /* look if the word is in this line */ if (!grub2_ok) r2 = _entrance_memstr(s, size, "default=\"${saved_entry}\"", 24); else r2 = _entrance_memstr(s, size, "menuentry", 9); /* still some lines to read */ if (!r2) goto end_line; if (!grub2_ok) { grub2_ok = 1; PT("GRUB2 save mode found \n"); } else { char *action; char *local; char *tmp; r2 += 10; size -= 10; tmp = memchr(r2, '\'', size); if (!tmp) goto end_line; size -= tmp - r2 + 1; r2 = tmp + 1; tmp = memchr(r2, '\'', size); if (!tmp) goto end_line; local = alloca(tmp - r2 + 1); memcpy(local, r2, tmp - r2); local[tmp - r2] = '\0'; action = malloc((tmp - r2 + 1 + 11) * sizeof (char)); if (!action) goto end_line; sprintf(action, "Reboot on %s", local); PT("GRUB2 '%s'\n", action); _entrance_actions = eina_list_append(_entrance_actions, _entrance_action_add(action, _entrance_action_grub2, (void*)(menuentry++))); } end_line: i -= size; s = r; } eina_file_map_free(f, data); on_error: eina_file_close(f); } #endif