
364 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# ^- This must be the first line of any Eterm config file!
# Format is: <Eterm-VERSION> where VERSION is replaced by
# the version it was written for,
# minus the "DR-" if any.
# This is a sample Eterm config file. It should be placed in
# ~/.Eterm/themes/@THEME@/MAIN and modified to suit your needs
# As always, the authors guarantee absolutely nothing and take
# no responsibility for anything that might happen to you, your
# computer, your dog, your sex life, or anyone or anything else
# directly or indirectly through the use of, or inability to use,
# this program. Use at your OWN risk.
# A begin to get things started.
begin main
# Define the color properties
begin color
# Foreground, background, cursor, scrollbar, pointer colors
foreground white
background black
cursor #ffff00
cursor_text #880000
scrollbar #3f1c00
unfocusedscrollbar #777777
menu #777777
unfocusedmenu #777777
menu_text black
pointer white
# video attribute can either be "normal" or "reverse"
video normal
# Redefine the 16 basic colors, if you really feel the need
# First word is "color", next is the number (0-15, BD, or UL),
# then the values for red, green, and blue separated by spaces
# Numbers are base 10 unless preceded by "0x" (base 16) or '0'
# (base 8). Alternatively, you can use color names or #xxxxxx
# format.
# The colors below are taken from Rasterman's .Xdefaults file. They are intended to
# display ANSI art properly when combined with a good ANSI-art font (like vga or
# Rasterman's nexus font).
# color 0 0 0 0
# color 1 0xaa 0 0
# color 2 0 0210 0
# color 3 0xaa 0x55 0x22
# color 4 0 0 0xaa
# color 5 0xaa 0 0xaa
# color 6 0 0xaa 0xaa
# color 7 0xaa 0xaa 0xaa
# color 8 0x44 0x44 0x44
# color 9 0xff 0x44 0x44
# color 10 0x44 0xff 0x44
# color 11 0xff 0xff 0x44
# color 12 0x44 0x44 0xff
# color 13 0xff 0x44 0xff
# color 14 0x44 0xff 0xff
# color 15 #ffffff
# color bd #ffffff
# color ul #ffffff
# This ends the color section. Any text after the word "end" is
# assumed to be a comment and ignored.
end color
# The X11 attributes section. Should be fairly self-explanatory,
# but if not, consult the X man page.
begin attributes
# Geometry == widthxheight+x_offset+y_offset, offsets from top left
# if +, bottom right if -
# geometry 132x50+100+100
title "%appname() -- tn3270 Theme"
name tn3270
# iconname tn3270
# Set the fonts. These must be monospace fonts. The values shown are
# the Eterm defaults. The "bold" font is the font used if color BD has
# not been set and Eterm cannot map the foreground color to one of the
# high-intensity colors (8-15).
font 0 fixed
font 1 6x10
font 2 6x13
font 3 8x13
font 4 9x15
# font bold 7x14
end attributes
# Define the imageclasses.
begin imageclasses
# You must define this before setting any images that use it. This is the $PATH-style variable
# that determines where Eterm looks for image files.
path "./pix/:~/.Eterm/:~/.Eterm/themes/Eterm/pix:~/.Eterm/pix/:@PKGDATADIR@/pix/"
# If you want a different icon than the standard Eterm one, set this.
# icon Eterm.xpm
# This is the background animator. See the man page for the syntax.
# anim 3 foo1 foo2 foo3
# Here we define an image.
begin image
# The first thing you set when defining an image MUST be the type. No type, no dice. The type
# should be one of the following: background, up_arrow, down_arrow, left_arrow, right_arrow,
# trough, anchor, menu, or submenu
type background
# Next you should set the state. This is either normal, selected, or clicked.
state normal
# Here you set the file. You can also set the geometry string here if you follow the filename with
# an @ sign. That way, you can include the geometries in your pixmaps.list file.
file %random(`cat pixmaps.list`)
# The mode line. This defines the startup mode for the image, as well as what modes are allowed.
# Valid modes are "image" (to display the image file), "trans" (to be transparent), or "viewport"
# (for viewport mode). Syntax is "mode <startup_mode> allow <allowed_modes>".
mode image allow trans viewport
# Set the image border. This is a portion of the image which will be kept at its actual size when
# scaling. Use this for beveled images (buttons, etc.).
border 0 0 0 0
# Th-th-th-th-that's all folks.
end image
# The rest of the images.
begin image
type trough
mode image allow trans viewport
state normal
file bar_vertical_3.png
# Here is how you specify the geometry string separately. See the man page for its syntax.
geom :scale
border 3 3 2 2
end image
begin image
type anchor
state normal
file bar_vertical_1.png
geom :scale
border 3 3 2 2
state selected
file bar_vertical_2.png
geom :scale
border 3 3 2 2
end image
begin image
type up_arrow
state normal
file button_arrow_up_1.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
state selected
file button_arrow_up_2.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
state clicked
file button_arrow_up_3.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
end image
begin image
type down_arrow
state normal
file button_arrow_down_1.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
state selected
file button_arrow_down_2.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
state clicked
file button_arrow_down_3.png
geom :scale
border 2 2 2 2
end image
begin image
type menu
state normal
file bar_horizontal_1.png
geom 100x100+0+0:scale
border 3 3 2 2
state selected
file bar_horizontal_2.png
geom 100x100+0+0:scale
border 3 3 2 2
end image
begin image
type submenu
state normal
file menu1.png
geom 100x100+0+0:scale
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
state selected
file menu2.png
geom 100x100+0+0:scale
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
state clicked
file menu3.png
geom 100x100+0+0:scale
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
end image
# This section *must* come after the menu definitions if you want
# menu actions to work. C'est la vie. :-)
# Syntax: bind [ { <modifiers> | anymod } ] { <key> | <keysym> | <button> } to { string | echo | menu } <parameter>
begin actions
bind ctrl button1 to string "\e]5;\a"
bind ctrl button2 to string "\e[?30t"
bind ctrl button3 to menu Eterm
bind anymod f1 to menu Eterm
end actions
# The Multichar support options. Same goes for these fonts as for the normal
# ones. The "encoding" attribute can be either "eucj" or "sjis" or "euckr"
# or big5 or gb
# begin multichar
# font 0 k14
# font 1 jiskan16
# font 2 jiskan18
# font 3 jiskan24
# font 4 jiskan26
# encoding eucj
# end multichar
# The XIM support options.
# input_method: set the name of your favorate input method program
# preedit_type: OverTheSpot or OffTheSpot or Root
# begin xim
# input_method Ami
# preedit_type OverTheSpot
# end xim
# Boolean variables. The values can be "1", "on", or "true" for TRUE, or "0",
# "off", or "false" for FALSE.
begin toggles
# If true, Eterm will un-iconify itself when it receives a beep (ASCII 0x07)
map_alert on
# If true, Eterm will flash rather than sending a beep.
visual_bell off
# If true, Eterm will prepend '-' to the shell name when calling it.
login_shell true
# If true, Eterm will display the scroll bar
scrollbar on
# If true, Eterm will attempt to make an entry in the utmp file to record the
# login information. Eterm *must* run privileged to do this.
utmp_logging on
# If true, Eterm will handle the Meta (Alt) + keypress to set the 8th bit.
# If false, Eterm will handle the Meta + keypress as an escape prefix. (default)
meta8 false
# If true, Eterm will start iconified.
iconic false
# If true, Eterm will jump to the bottom of the window when something is echoed
# to the terminal, either by program output or user input.
home_on_echo 1
# If true, Eterm will jump to the bottom of the window when you refresh the
# screen (^L).
home_on_refresh 1
# If true, Eterm will put the scrollbar on the right of the window (default is left).
scrollbar_right true
# If true, the scrollbar will have no trough.
scrollbar_floating false
# If true, Eterm will run with no window borders.
borderless false
end toggles
begin keyboard
# Use the supplied keysym to reduce/enlarge the font
smallfont_key LessThan
bigfont_key GreaterThan
# You can also associate a given keysym (0xff00 - 0xffff) with a string
# Delete - ^D
keysym 0xFFFF "\004"
# Left - ^B
keysym 0xFF51 "\002"
# Right - ^F
keysym 0xFF53 "\006"
# Up - ^P
keysym 0xFF52 "\020"
# Down - ^N
keysym 0xFF54 "\016"
# Home - ^A
keysym 0xFF50 "\001"
# End - ^E
keysym 0xFF57 "\005"
# F1 - F12
keysym 0xFFBE "\e1"
keysym 0xFFBF "\e2"
keysym 0xFFC0 "\e3"
keysym 0xFFC1 "\e4"
keysym 0xFFC2 "\e5"
keysym 0xFFC3 "\e6"
keysym 0xFFC4 "\e7"
keysym 0xFFC5 "\e8"
keysym 0xFFC6 "\e9"
keysym 0xFFC7 "\e0"
keysym 0xFFC8 "\e-"
keysym 0xFFC9 "\e="
# map Prior/Next to F7/F8
keysym 0xFF55 "\e7"
keysym 0xFF56 "\e8"
# Greek keyboard mode. First the word "greek", then its boolean
# state, then its mode (either "iso" or "ibm").
# greek off iso
end keyboard
begin misc
# The command to which to pipe print requests (printscreen)
print_pipe "lpr"
# The number of lines in the scrollback buffer. More lines, more memory needed.
save_lines 1024
# The characters to use as word delimiters for double-click selection
cut_chars "\t\\\`\\\"\'&() *,;<=>?@[]{|}"
# Defines the width of the border between the terminal window and the client window.
# (Default is 5).
border_width 5
# Value to use for $TERM
term_name xterm
# Program to exec (intended for use with themes)
exec tn3270
end misc
end main