#!@PERL@ #======================================================================= # kEsetroot - KDE Esetroot integration for Eterm # # Copyright (C) 1999 - 2000 Dax T. Games # (dgames@isoc.net) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #======================================================================= # Written by Dax Games # Sets root pixmap for Eterm transparency. $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'}; $KDEDIR = $ENV{'KDEDIR'}; open (in,"$HOME/.kde/share/config/desktop0rc"); while () { if ($_ =~ /^Wallpaper=(.*)/i) { if (-e $1) { $PixMap = $1 #system("/usr/bin/Esetroot -display :0 $1"); } elsif (-e "$KDEDIR/share/wallpapers/$1") { $PixMap = "$KDEDIR/share/wallpapers/$1" #system("/usr/bin/Esetroot -display :0 $KDEDIR/share/wallpapers/$1"); } else { exit(1); } } elsif ($_ =~ /^WallpaperMode=(.*)/i) { $WallpaperMode = uc($1); if ($WallpaperMode eq "TILED") { $PixMapMode = "" } elsif ($WallpaperMode eq "CENTRED") { $PixMapMode = "-center "; } elsif ($WallpaperMode eq "SCALED") { $PixMapMode = "-scale "; } } } close (in); system("@BINDIR@/Esetroot $PixMapMode-display :0 $PixMap"); if (!-e "$HOME/Desktop/Autostart/kEsetroot.kdelnk") { print "Do you want to start kEsetroot when KDE starts? y/n [y] "; $AutostartYORN = (<>); chomp $AutostartYORN; if ($AutostartYORN = "" or $AutostartYORN = "Y") { open (out, ">$HOME/Desktop/Autostart/kEsetroot.kdelnk"); print out "\# KDE Config File\n"; print out "[KDE Desktop Entry]\n"; print out "Name[fi]=Sovellus\n"; print out "Comment[C]=Set root pixmap for Eterm transparency\n"; print out "SwallowTitle=\n"; print out "SwallowExec=\n"; print out "Name[ru]=ðÒÉÌÏÖÅÎÉÅ\n"; print out "BinaryPattern=\n"; print out "Name[hr]=Program\n"; print out "Name[sl]=Uporabni¹ki program\n"; print out "Name[pl]=Aplikacja\n"; print out "Name=Application\n"; print out "Name[ca]=Aplicacions\n"; print out "Name[it]=Applicazione\n"; print out "Name[da]=Anvendelse\n"; print out "Name[C]=KDE Esetroot\n"; print out "MimeType=\n"; print out "Name[de]=Anwendung\n"; print out "Name[ja]=¥¢¥×¥ê¥±¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó\n"; print out "Exec=kEsetroot\n"; print out "Name[cs]=Aplikace\n"; print out "Name[sv]=Program\n"; print out "Icon=kwm.xpm\n"; print out "TerminalOptions=\n"; print out "Name[sk]=Aplikácia\n"; print out "Path=\n"; print out "Name[pt_BR]=Aplicativo\n"; print out "Type=Application\n"; print out "Name[es]=Aplicaciones\n"; print out "Name[is]=Forrit\n"; print out "Name[pt]=Aplicação\n"; print out "Terminal=0\n"; print out "Name[no]=Applikasjon\n"; print out "Name[hu]=Applikáció\n"; print out "Name[ro]=Aplicaþie\n"; close(out); } }